RELIGIOSITY REFLECTED IN A. FUADI’S THE LAND OF FIVE TOWERS NOVEL (2011): A HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH Religiosity Reflected In A. Fuadi’s The Land Of Five Towers Novel (2011): A Humanistic Psychological Approach.




Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For Getting Bachelor Degree of Education

In English Department










Uun Mita Kurohmah A320120016

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Dr. Phil. Dewi Chandraningrum. M. Ed NIK. 772





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Accepted and Approved by of Broad of Examiners School of Teacher Training and Education

Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta on July , 2016

1. Dr. Phil. Dewi Chandraningrum. M. Ed (...)

2. Dr. M. Thoyibi, MS (...)

3. Siti Fatimah, M. Hum (...)


Prof. Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno, M. Hum. NIP. 1965042813199303 1001



I am as the researcher, signed on the statement below: Name : Uun Mita Kurohmah

NIM : A320120016

Study Program : Departement of English Education

Tittle : Religiosity reflected in A. Fuadi’s The Land of Five Towers Novel (2011): A Humanistic Psychological Approach

Herewith, I testify that in this publication article there is no plagiarism of the previous literary work which has been raised to obtain bachelor degrees of university. Nor there are option or masterpiece which have been written or published by others, except those in which the writing are referred manuscript and mentioned in the literary review and bibliography.

Hence, later, if it is proven that there are some untrue statements in this testimony, I will hold fully responsible.

Surakarta, 25 July 2016 The researcher,

Uun Mita Kurohmah A320120016



Uun Mita Kurohmah, Dewi Candraningrum Department of English Education University of Muhammdiiyah Surakarta

Jl. A. Yani Tromol Pos 1 Pabelan, Kartasura, Surakarta (57127) e-mail:


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan tentang keagamaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis novel berdasarkan teori pendekatan psikolog manusia. Penulis menggunakan dua sumber data: primer dan sekunder. Sumber data primer dari penelitian ini adalah novel The Land of five Towers karya A. Fuadi. Data sekunder adalah data pendukung yang diambil dari buku-buku kesastraan, dan beberapa artikel yang berhubungan dengan novel. Data sekunder dari penilitian ini juga diambil dari beberapa informasi yang berkaitan dengan novel. Metodde dalam pengumpulan data penulis menggunakan penilitian diskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan analisis, penulis memperoleh hasil akhir. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa permasalahan tokoh utama adalah tentang keagamaannya. Ini bercerita tentang mimpi menjadi hidup yang lebih baik. Alif ingin menjadi orang yang sukses dalam hidupnya. Kata kunci: The Land of Five Towers, keagamaan, perjuangan, disiplin, teori pendekatan psikolog manusia.


The major problem of this study is religiosity. The objective of this study isto analyze this novel based on the humanistic Psychological Approach. The Writer employsqualitative method. The writer uses two data sources: primary and secondary. Theprimary data source of the study is The Land of Five towers novel by A. Fuadi. Secondary data are the supporting data taken from literary books, criticism, and some articles relatedto the novel. The secondary data of


the study are taken from any information relatedto the novel. The method of data collection is the reseacher will employ the descriptive qualitative research. Based on the analysis, the reseacher gets some conclusions. The study shows that the problem faced by the major character is his religiosity. It is proven by this dream that becomes the better life. Alif wants to be a successful person for his life.

Keywords: The Land Of Five Towers, religiosity, struggle, discipline, humanistic psychological approach.


The land of Five Towers novel was written by A. Fuadi published in 2011. It consists of 387 pages. The Land of Five Towers tells us about the life of six boys in an Islamic boarding house (pesantren) named Madani Pesantren in East Java. Alif, the main character who comes from Sumatra, becomes friends with five boys from across the archipelago. They were united by punishment. On his first day in this boarding house, Alif was captivated by the phrase manjadda wa jadda, he who gives all will surely succeed. The manuscript told about a true story of the activities about religion and experience in the boarding house.

There are five reasons why the researcher is interested to analyze this novel. The Land of Five Towers is the interesting novel. First, there are many Islamic terms used in the source language as the setting of the story in this novel is in an Islamic boarding house. Second, the novel is interesting to discuss as there is only a few of Islamic novels in Indonesia which has been translated into English. Third, Islamic terms have not been commonly used in English language so that this discussion will be fresh and new. Fourth, analyzing Islamic terms will add religious knowledge for Muslims, increase the understanding about Islam, and hopefully increase Muslim’s faith. And the last, analyzing this novel is also makes the researcher feels turn back to the old stories because she was also as a student at Gontor Islamic Boarding House. The problem statement of the study will focus on the religiosity in The land of Five Towers novel when she lives in Islamic Boarding House. Based on the background of choosing the subject above, the researcher was going to focus her research on the


religiosity of Alifin MP (MadaniPesantren) in the Land of Five Towers novel with the problem of this study as follow: “How is the religiosity reflected in A. Fuadi’sThe Land of Five Towers novel?”

The objective of the study is to analyze the religiosity reflected in A. Fuadi’’s The Land Of Five Towers novel based on a Humanistic Psychological Approach.The researcher found some researches about The Land of Five Towersnovel.The first is thesis at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta by Ariyanto, Nika (2011) The Meaning of Nasheem’s Love Reflected In Vic Sarin’s Partition Movie (2007): A Humanistic Psychological Approach, study focuses on the meaning of Nasheem’s love as a major character in Partition Movie uses humanistic psychological approach.


Second is a thesis at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta by Fatmawati,Elly (2013) Effort Being A Journalist In Ahmad Fuadi The Land of Five Towers Novel (2011): An Individual psychological Approach. This study focus on effort being a journalist, the writer uses an individual psychological approach.


Third is by M, Usman, Fariz (2014) The Translation Of Islamic Term In Ahmad Fuadi Negeri 5 Menara, a thesis of State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. This study focus on the translation of islamic term in Ahmad Fuadi’s novel. (

According to Donald Wiebe (in Vroom, Hendrik M. 1989: 89) religion is a metaphysical theory rooted in experience and commanding deep, personal, commitment to certain beliefs, attitudes, and actions on the part of its followers, such commitment being (or being seen as) entailed by the theory in question.

According to Donald Wiebe, 1989: 89, religion is a “belief-system” albeit not primarily. He emphasized the personal character of religion, as long as not applied to detriment of the epistemic side of faith.

According to Larry A. Hjelie - Daniel J. Zielgler (1992: 443) humanistic psychology is not a single organized theory or system; it might better be viewed as a movement (i.e., a diverse group of theoretical approaches to personality and clinical psychology).


One major statement of humanistic psychology, the theory of Abraham Maslow, depicts human motivation in terms of hierarchy of ascending priorities. Lower (more basic) needs in the hierarchy must be reasonably satisfied before higher-level needs emerge as dominant energizing force in the person’s behavior. In order of prepotency or urgency, Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs is: (1) psychological: (2) safety and security; (3) belongingness and love; (4) self-esteem; (5) self actualization. The humanistic nature of Maslow’s theory is epitomized in the self-actualization level, the highest fulfillment of self.


In analyzing The Land Of Five Towers novel by A. Fuadi’s (2011), the researcher uses qualitative research. The research does not use enumearion and calculation. The researcher clasifies her research into qualitative research because the research does not need a statistic data to analyze and explore the facts. Type of data in this research is textual data. It consists of word, phrase and sentences. The data sources consist of two categories, they are primary data source and secondary data source. The primary data source is the novel itself. The secondary data source is about behaviorist and all relevant materials in the novel. The techniques of data collection the writer used are reading and understanding The Land of Five Towers novel as well as the secondary data source from the other books, identifying data that can be analyzed, clasifying data into some categories, determining the theory of literature which is relevant for analyzing the data, and searching the other reference that can be used to analyze data. The object of the study is to analyze the religiosity reflected in The Land Of Five Towers novel (2011) on a humanistic psychological approach. The analysis is begun from the structural analysis of the work and finally the humanistic psychological analysis of the literary of literary works.The steps analyzing the data are as follows: first, analyzing the data based on its structural elements, Second, analyzing the data based on humanistic psychological analysis.



The analysis The Land of Five Towers novel is based on five basic concept of humanistic psychological approach.The basic assumption of Humanistic Psychology including five general heading, they are psychological, safety, love and belongingness, self-esteem, and self-actualization.

a. Psychological Needs

These needs are most basic of all human needs because these needs are the essential to human survival. Feist (1985: 379) notices “the members of these needs are the needs for food, drink, oxygen, exercise, sleep, protection from extreme temperatures and sensory stimulation”. People must satisfy these needs before they move up to the next level.

Feist (1985: 379) states that “when people do not have their psychological needs satisfied they live primarily for those needs and their constant motivation is satisfy them”. For example for hungry people they not have other motivations, expect motivation to eat. They do not want to make a fried or gain self-esteem. They think about food all the time. Food is their goal. They assume only food can guarantee their happiness and their life.

b. Safety and Security Needs

Maslow (in Hjelle and Zielger, 1992: 450) suggested that “safety and security needs are most readily observed in infants and young children because of their relative helplessness and dependences on adults”. Infants and young children are object which readily observed of this needs, because they helplessness and depend on adults. It is known that both children and infants usually film and so on. So, in this case their parents have big role to assure of their safety feeling.

c. Love and Belongingness Needs

According to Feist, (1985: 380) “love and belongingness needs include the desire for friendship, the wish for mate and the children, need to belong to a family, a club, a neighborhood, or a notice. It also includes some aspect of human contact both give and receive love”.


According to Maslow (in Feist, 1985: 380) “there are two levels of esteem needs: the first is reputation which the person’s perception of the prestige, recognition or fame he has achieved in the eyes of other people and the second is self esteem defined as people own feeling at worth and confidence”.

e. Self-Actualization Needs

Every people have different way to actualize theme selves. Maslow (in Hjelle and Zielger, 1992: 454) mentions: musicians must take music, artist must paint, and poet must write if they are to be ultimately at peace themselves”.

Although people have different potentials and ways in actualizations, their goal is same, they want to show up who are they and what they can do in their life. Feist (1985: 404) states that “when self-actualizations is reached there is wonderful synergy among the biological, social, and spiritual lives of the person”. It means people will teach their balance in life if they can complete five levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

3.2 Discussion

After analyzing the story of A. Fuadi’sThe Land of Five Towers novel, the researcher will conclude the humanistic psychological aspects that influence the major character. The aspects consists of psychological needs, safety and security needs, love belonging needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.

The Land of Five Towers is novel by A. Fuadi in 2011. Fuadi was born in Bayur, a small village on the edge of Lake Maninjau, West Sumatra, 1972. Fuadi leaves his home to Java, to obey the request of his parents to school in Islamic boarding house Madani Pesantren, and he was met with Kiai and Ustad who due to sincerity and teach him the science of life and the science of beyond. “Gontor” which gives him “a magic formula”, “MAN JADDA WA JADDA” it means “Who’s been seriously will be managed.”

In this novel, Fuadi wants to tell us that the story of the novel began from the compulsion of heart of Alif, a son from Minang, Sumatra who didn’t want to prevent his parents demand to school in Madani Islamic boarding house, East Java. With a piece of prayer and a handful of spirit, Alif Fikri, finally stride to Madani Pesantren (MP) which became to be his home for the years later. With not suspected, he met


with a true friends who have an extraordinary feelings. They can make Alif forget about his compulsion. Said Jufri from Surabaya (Tower 1), Raja Lubis from Medan (Tower 2), Atang from Bandung (Tower 4), Dulmajid from Madura (Tower 5), Baso Salahudin from Sulawesi (Tower 6), they were is a true friends of Alif Fikri (Tower 3). They were named Sahibul Menara (Fellowship of Manara). The Fellowship of Manara means a man who has a tower. Many accidents they passed together.

The Land of Five Towers novel located in Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia and other places such Maninjau, Bukittinggi, west Sumatra Indonesia, and Washington DC, US. Nevertheless, from the few key word that can indicate the setting time of the novel. The Land of five Towers novel occurs about 1983 until 2003. The Land of Five Towers novel occurs when Alif decided to follow his mother’s wishes. It is a difficult decision because he has a promise with his best friend, Randai. They have a plan to continue the study to public school. Finally, by a half hearted, he goes to a modern Islamic pesantren in East Java. Actually, Alif wants to feel a pleasant moment in senior High School. Nevertheless, he should study in Madani Pesantren.

For the first time before entering MP, he’s frustration because his Amak told him to be religious leader and let him to enroll in Madani Pesantren to study religious knowledge. He dreams study in public school and wants to be an engineer like Mr. BJ. Habibie. Then he feels worried about his decision to travel to Java. He also feels anxious studying religion and leaves Bayur, small lovely village.

Alif accepted the request of his Amak to study in Madani Pesantren. Before moves to Java, Alif kissed Amak’s hand and asking her for the prayers and forgiveness for the mistakes. He loves his Amak much. He watches that Amak’s tears welling up in the corner of her eye. He hugs his sisters their named Laili and Safya. Laili and Safya are still in elementary school. He leaves West Sumatra with his father by a small Harmonis bus with full of A/C and video bus. His heart beat strangely after they passed a gate away of Jambi and beats like the bus ran toward. He didn’t sure to leaves his hometown.

After entering at MP, Alif and his friend got a trouble because a black shadow flashed by and stopped abruptly in front of Alif and his friend. The bicycle tires left a trail of a half-circle around them. Stiffly seated on the bicycle, they saw a young man


wear a black jacket and kopiah with a red prayer rug slung over his left shoulder. It named Kismul Amni, his sound like a thunder, make every people being scared. Alif and his friend became a jasus after they broke the rules of MP, they given a jasus card from Tyson, the head of Security Office of MP. They must pay off their conducted by wrote some the name who broke the rules of MP too. Alif card is still empty, its make him feeling worried and more panicked but he remembers with Kiai Rais who give him the Arabic poetry about the maximum of effort “Man jaddawajada” formula.

In MP the discipline is the number one, for example he needs food rendang for a long time, just because his coupon has gone, he can’t get a rendang. He needs rendang for a long time. He lined up in front of the food counter that resembled the ticket counter at a train station. But he lost his coupon. With a pitiful face, he pushed forward his plate to Kak Saif, perhaps he felt sympathy upon seeing Alif face, but he gave no reaction. In MP, being a night patrol is the duty for the member of MP. It’s time for Alif and Dulmajid being a night patrol. Alif and Dulmajid being a night patrol at a dark place on the west end of MP. The Bambu River was guarded by clusters of bamboo. Far from hustle and bustle of MP, the bamboo trees were large and dense. According to tales, this river was infamously eerie. It was said to have once been the dumping place of communist victims. The river was calm and dark. The sound of the current was smooth like a cat purring. They saw that the robber entered MP,the sound of footsteps grew closer from the bamboo roots. Alif and Dul getting nervous and their just said a zikir prayer a long that time.

The next day at MP, his named summoned to the Counseling Department to meet with Ustad Torik. Ustad Torik asked that Ustad Khalid requested him to come to Ustad Khalid’s home at eight o’clock at the morning. He needs help of Alif to photograph his family. Alif and Raja had a challenge about getting a picture of Sarah, Ustad Khalid daughter. The winner will treat by the loser with a makrunah for one month. Alif accepted this challenge and feels confident that he will be the winner, because he believes with “Man jaddawajada” formula. At the house of Ustad Khalid, Alif face is like as red as a boiling crab because after a dozen shot, he


realized that the number on the camera hadn’t changed, it still zero. He grape at his front pocket and there is a cylindrical shaped object there. He forgot to put the film.

Alif has much of achievement at MP, that’s way he chosen by Kiai Rais to be a journalist outside of MP. His chests grow bigger after the card printed Flash 70 Daily named hung around his neck. He became outside journalist after the press card given by MP. Even though it only part times, and the duty is to look for news and report it to MP. But the next day Alif summoned again to the Counseling Department, It’s about discipline and punishment. He felt nervous and try to remember any fatal mistakes that he made in the past days, or speak Indonesian in a long time. As far as he could remember, he had been good. Ustad Torik, as the leader of CD entrust him to become the Student Speaker in English. He must deliver a paper in front of thousands of people in English. He memorized the speech manuscript over and over again. He gives the best performance and leaves it back to God for the all sincerity. He just fears only to God, his heart hailed to Allah.

The time for facing the examination of MP, the member of MP must join with this great festival. Alif and the Fellowship of manara prepared their self for facing their examination at MP. They were ready for Sahirullail roughly means staying up until the wee hours of the night to study and read. They were going to the cafeteria to buy supplies for Sahirullail. Alif doesn’t forget for the night prayer, he takes ablutions and prays to God for Muthala’ah exam. After prayer they opened book with mouth muttering, open book in hand, sarong hung around the neck, a glass of coffee, and sitting on the dorm terrace. Alif feels confident with his self. He more enthusiasm prepared his examination, especially the qalam of calligraphy pens and English exam questions. The calligraphy test is not about memorizing but practice write an Arabic letter pages by pages use various calligraphy style, he also borrows the books of calligraphy published by Egypt and local. In MP, Alif joined with many of groups of extracurricular, he chose join at Tapak Madani Martial art school and join at campus magazine to being a journalist. He feels that he specialized at mahfudzat lesson, and Arabic – English languages. Then he likes study Arabic Calligraphy, study mahfudzat and reads many books of Islamic treasures as well as Arabic civilization.


After the examination is over, the members of MP concentrate with practice a soccer game, the biggest competition at MP, this competition it about Al Barq dorm opposites with Al Manar dorm. Alif feels that he unbelievably proud to be a part of his dorm, Al Barq dormitory. Alif wants try to be the best for his dormitory at the competition. Alif got a sensory stimulation, he got a pain. After bumping the ball he down to the ground, his calf had struck by Tyson. For two days he rests, the doctor at MP clinic said nothing broken, but his calf must wrap up due to an injured muscle. The second day, Tyson entered his room and tell him to said apologize for tackling him. Alif felt shook twice, Tyson give a small smile for him, it makes he think that Tyson had good sportsmanship. Alif feels that Dul is the faithful friend. Dul accompanied him to the MP Clinic when his calf injured by Tyson. Baso is the faithful friend of Alif. Baso is getting a difficult situation with his life. His voice is low and dejected. Only a close friend knows, and Baso believes that Said and Alif is a close friend. He tells to Alif and Said that his mother is passed away when giving birth to him. And his father is also passed away when he was four years old. But he still has a grandmother to take care of him. He tells that his grandmother is getting sick. They share sympathy and they get closer.

After examination is over, the member of MP pleased having a vacation or back to their houses. Alif feels so thankful because he has a friend like Atang and Said. For Alif, a village boy having just set foot on Java, and going around Bandung and Surabaya were amazing experience. Alif also has experience memorable vacation at Bandung and Surabaya. He feels has a full of experiences by staying in an Arabic village, watch a cinema with Atang and Said, and many others experience. He feels sure that his friend, Randai hadn’t ever a vacation as cool as his own.

Many stories happen in MP, years by years Alif and the fellowhip of manara surely passed it well, until they were became a six year, the highest class in MP. They were must be responsible with the duty. It means that a six year in MP sincerely to help MP to be a good figure for the underclassmen. Two weeks after they passed the celebrating, it time to study for prepared the final exam of MP. The final examination is permit to following for a six year before they were to be a graduate in MP.


The graduation announcement is up, a six year can see it in the hall. Thousands of handshakes from the underclassmen shook their hands. Its symbol that Alif and the fellowship of manara officially graduated from MP. In the end of the story, the fellowship of manara still sends a letter to each others.


The researcher has two conclusions in this chapter. First, based on the structural analysis, it can be concluded that in this novel the writer delivers a moral message that “religiosity isa “belief-system” albeit not primarily. He emphasized the personal character of religion, as long as not applied to detriment of the epistemic side of faith, the writer creates the characters and put the characters in a particular setting, and build the plot in such a way that these elements retale to one another forming and unity.

Second, based on the humanistic psychological analysis, it can be concluded that in this novel, the writer illustrates a psychological phenomenon which a humanistic should make every effort to cope with the problem of life.


Feist, Jess. 1985. Theories of Personality. Canada: CBS College Publishing Fuadi, A, 2011. The Land of Five Towers. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Hall, Calvin S, Lindzey Gardner. 1970. Theories of Personality. Second Edition. New York: John Willey & Sons, Inc.

Hjelle, Lary A, and Ziegler, Daniel J. 1992. Personality Theories (Third Edition) Basic Assumption, Reseerch and Application. WA : Mc Graw Hill International Edition.

Vroom, Hendrik M. 1989. Religion and The Truth (philosophical reflection and perspective). Berdmans: Currents of Encounter Press.


According to Maslow (in Feist, 1985: 380) “there are two levels of esteem needs: the first is reputation which the person’s perception of the prestige, recognition or fame he has achieved in the eyes of other people and the second is self esteem defined as people own feeling at worth and confidence”.

e. Self-Actualization Needs

Every people have different way to actualize theme selves. Maslow (in Hjelle and Zielger, 1992: 454) mentions: musicians must take music, artist must paint, and poet must write if they are to be ultimately at peace themselves”.

Although people have different potentials and ways in actualizations, their goal is same, they want to show up who are they and what they can do in their life. Feist (1985: 404) states that “when self-actualizations is reached there is wonderful synergy among the biological, social, and spiritual lives of the person”. It means people will teach their balance in life if they can complete five levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

3.2 Discussion

After analyzing the story of A. Fuadi’sThe Land of Five Towers novel, the researcher will conclude the humanistic psychological aspects that influence the major character. The aspects consists of psychological needs, safety and security needs, love belonging needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.

The Land of Five Towers is novel by A. Fuadi in 2011. Fuadi was born in Bayur, a small village on the edge of Lake Maninjau, West Sumatra, 1972. Fuadi leaves his home to Java, to obey the request of his parents to school in Islamic boarding house Madani Pesantren, and he was met with Kiai and Ustad who due to sincerity and teach him the science of life and the science of beyond. “Gontor” which gives him “a magic formula”, “MAN JADDA WA JADDA” it means “Who’s been seriously will be managed.”

In this novel, Fuadi wants to tell us that the story of the novel began from the compulsion of heart of Alif, a son from Minang, Sumatra who didn’t want to prevent his parents demand to school in Madani Islamic boarding house, East Java. With a piece of prayer and a handful of spirit, Alif Fikri, finally stride to Madani Pesantren (MP) which became to be his home for the years later. With not suspected, he met


with a true friends who have an extraordinary feelings. They can make Alif forget about his compulsion. Said Jufri from Surabaya (Tower 1), Raja Lubis from Medan (Tower 2), Atang from Bandung (Tower 4), Dulmajid from Madura (Tower 5), Baso Salahudin from Sulawesi (Tower 6), they were is a true friends of Alif Fikri (Tower 3). They were named Sahibul Menara (Fellowship of Manara). The Fellowship of Manara means a man who has a tower. Many accidents they passed together.

The Land of Five Towers novel located in Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia and other places such Maninjau, Bukittinggi, west Sumatra Indonesia, and Washington DC, US. Nevertheless, from the few key word that can indicate the setting time of the novel. The Land of five Towers novel occurs about 1983 until 2003. The Land of Five Towers novel occurs when Alif decided to follow his mother’s wishes. It is a difficult decision because he has a promise with his best friend, Randai. They have a plan to continue the study to public school. Finally, by a half hearted, he goes to a modern Islamic pesantren in East Java. Actually, Alif wants to feel a pleasant moment in senior High School. Nevertheless, he should study in Madani Pesantren.

For the first time before entering MP, he’s frustration because his Amak told him to be religious leader and let him to enroll in Madani Pesantren to study religious knowledge. He dreams study in public school and wants to be an engineer like Mr. BJ. Habibie. Then he feels worried about his decision to travel to Java. He also feels anxious studying religion and leaves Bayur, small lovely village.

Alif accepted the request of his Amak to study in Madani Pesantren. Before moves to Java, Alif kissed Amak’s hand and asking her for the prayers and forgiveness for the mistakes. He loves his Amak much. He watches that Amak’s tears welling up in the corner of her eye. He hugs his sisters their named Laili and Safya. Laili and Safya are still in elementary school. He leaves West Sumatra with his father by a small Harmonis bus with full of A/C and video bus. His heart beat strangely after they passed a gate away of Jambi and beats like the bus ran toward. He didn’t sure to leaves his hometown.

After entering at MP, Alif and his friend got a trouble because a black shadow flashed by and stopped abruptly in front of Alif and his friend. The bicycle tires left a


wear a black jacket and kopiah with a red prayer rug slung over his left shoulder. It named Kismul Amni, his sound like a thunder, make every people being scared. Alif and his friend became a jasus after they broke the rules of MP, they given a jasus card from Tyson, the head of Security Office of MP. They must pay off their conducted by wrote some the name who broke the rules of MP too. Alif card is still empty, its make him feeling worried and more panicked but he remembers with Kiai Rais who give him the Arabic poetry about the maximum of effort “Man jaddawajada” formula.

In MP the discipline is the number one, for example he needs food rendang for a long time, just because his coupon has gone, he can’t get a rendang. He needs rendang for a long time. He lined up in front of the food counter that resembled the ticket counter at a train station. But he lost his coupon. With a pitiful face, he pushed forward his plate to Kak Saif, perhaps he felt sympathy upon seeing Alif face, but he gave no reaction. In MP, being a night patrol is the duty for the member of MP. It’s time for Alif and Dulmajid being a night patrol. Alif and Dulmajid being a night patrol at a dark place on the west end of MP. The Bambu River was guarded by clusters of bamboo. Far from hustle and bustle of MP, the bamboo trees were large and dense. According to tales, this river was infamously eerie. It was said to have once been the dumping place of communist victims. The river was calm and dark. The sound of the current was smooth like a cat purring. They saw that the robber entered MP,the sound of footsteps grew closer from the bamboo roots. Alif and Dul getting nervous and their just said a zikir prayer a long that time.

The next day at MP, his named summoned to the Counseling Department to meet with Ustad Torik. Ustad Torik asked that Ustad Khalid requested him to come to Ustad Khalid’s home at eight o’clock at the morning. He needs help of Alif to photograph his family. Alif and Raja had a challenge about getting a picture of Sarah, Ustad Khalid daughter. The winner will treat by the loser with a makrunah for one month. Alif accepted this challenge and feels confident that he will be the winner, because he believes with “Man jaddawajada” formula. At the house of Ustad Khalid, Alif face is like as red as a boiling crab because after a dozen shot, he


realized that the number on the camera hadn’t changed, it still zero. He grape at his front pocket and there is a cylindrical shaped object there. He forgot to put the film.

Alif has much of achievement at MP, that’s way he chosen by Kiai Rais to be a journalist outside of MP. His chests grow bigger after the card printed Flash 70 Daily named hung around his neck. He became outside journalist after the press card given by MP. Even though it only part times, and the duty is to look for news and report it to MP. But the next day Alif summoned again to the Counseling Department, It’s about discipline and punishment. He felt nervous and try to remember any fatal mistakes that he made in the past days, or speak Indonesian in a long time. As far as he could remember, he had been good. Ustad Torik, as the leader of CD entrust him to become the Student Speaker in English. He must deliver a paper in front of thousands of people in English. He memorized the speech manuscript over and over again. He gives the best performance and leaves it back to God for the all sincerity. He just fears only to God, his heart hailed to Allah.

The time for facing the examination of MP, the member of MP must join with this great festival. Alif and the Fellowship of manara prepared their self for facing their examination at MP. They were ready for Sahirullail roughly means staying up until the wee hours of the night to study and read. They were going to the cafeteria to buy supplies for Sahirullail. Alif doesn’t forget for the night prayer, he takes ablutions and prays to God for Muthala’ah exam. After prayer they opened book with mouth muttering, open book in hand, sarong hung around the neck, a glass of coffee, and sitting on the dorm terrace. Alif feels confident with his self. He more enthusiasm prepared his examination, especially the qalam of calligraphy pens and English exam questions. The calligraphy test is not about memorizing but practice write an Arabic letter pages by pages use various calligraphy style, he also borrows the books of calligraphy published by Egypt and local. In MP, Alif joined with many of groups of extracurricular, he chose join at Tapak Madani Martial art school and join at campus magazine to being a journalist. He feels that he specialized at mahfudzat lesson, and Arabic – English languages. Then he likes study Arabic Calligraphy, study mahfudzat and reads many books of Islamic treasures as well as


After the examination is over, the members of MP concentrate with practice a soccer game, the biggest competition at MP, this competition it about Al Barq dorm opposites with Al Manar dorm. Alif feels that he unbelievably proud to be a part of his dorm, Al Barq dormitory. Alif wants try to be the best for his dormitory at the competition. Alif got a sensory stimulation, he got a pain. After bumping the ball he down to the ground, his calf had struck by Tyson. For two days he rests, the doctor at MP clinic said nothing broken, but his calf must wrap up due to an injured muscle. The second day, Tyson entered his room and tell him to said apologize for tackling him. Alif felt shook twice, Tyson give a small smile for him, it makes he think that Tyson had good sportsmanship. Alif feels that Dul is the faithful friend. Dul accompanied him to the MP Clinic when his calf injured by Tyson. Baso is the faithful friend of Alif. Baso is getting a difficult situation with his life. His voice is low and dejected. Only a close friend knows, and Baso believes that Said and Alif is a close friend. He tells to Alif and Said that his mother is passed away when giving birth to him. And his father is also passed away when he was four years old. But he still has a grandmother to take care of him. He tells that his grandmother is getting sick. They share sympathy and they get closer.

After examination is over, the member of MP pleased having a vacation or back to their houses. Alif feels so thankful because he has a friend like Atang and Said. For Alif, a village boy having just set foot on Java, and going around Bandung and Surabaya were amazing experience. Alif also has experience memorable vacation at Bandung and Surabaya. He feels has a full of experiences by staying in an Arabic village, watch a cinema with Atang and Said, and many others experience. He feels sure that his friend, Randai hadn’t ever a vacation as cool as his own.

Many stories happen in MP, years by years Alif and the fellowhip of manara surely passed it well, until they were became a six year, the highest class in MP. They were must be responsible with the duty. It means that a six year in MP sincerely to help MP to be a good figure for the underclassmen. Two weeks after they passed the celebrating, it time to study for prepared the final exam of MP. The final examination is permit to following for a six year before they were to be a graduate in MP.


The graduation announcement is up, a six year can see it in the hall. Thousands of handshakes from the underclassmen shook their hands. Its symbol that Alif and the fellowship of manara officially graduated from MP. In the end of the story, the fellowship of manara still sends a letter to each others.


The researcher has two conclusions in this chapter. First, based on the structural analysis, it can be concluded that in this novel the writer delivers a moral message that “religiosity isa “belief-system” albeit not primarily. He emphasized the personal character of religion, as long as not applied to detriment of the epistemic side of faith, the writer creates the characters and put the characters in a particular setting, and build the plot in such a way that these elements retale to one another forming and unity.

Second, based on the humanistic psychological analysis, it can be concluded that in this novel, the writer illustrates a psychological phenomenon which a humanistic should make every effort to cope with the problem of life.


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