





AULIA RAHMAWATI 201210100312196








This Thesis is Submitted to Fulfill of Requirement For Sarjana Degree in English Education


AULIA RAHMAWATI (201210100312196)








Clever and civilized men will not stay home. Leave your homeland and explore foreign fields. Go out! You shall find replacements for those you have left. Give your all, the sweetness of life will be tasted after the struggle. (Imam Syafi’i)

You have to be empty glasses, if you want to be filled with knowledge and wisdom. (The Land of Five Towers)

I Dedicated this Thesis to: My beloved parents

Ayah Ariful dan ibu Lilik My sister, Icha




Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah SWT, the Almighty, Beneficent, and Merciful. Because of His love, affection, blessing, guidance, and everything that has been given to me so I could finally complete this thesis.

On this occasion I would like to express highest gratitude, thanks, and appreciation to all the people whom I indebted to and who have been involved either directly or indirectly in the thesis writing of this thesis.

A bountiful gratitude dedicated for my two advisors, Dr. Sri Hartiningsih, M.M and Dr. Masduki, M.Pd, who have devoted to their time and given me such as a lovely and valuable help, patient, guidance, advice, detail revision, and feedback in this thesis. Also, I would like to express my deepest gratitude firstly to my parents especially my beloved Mother and Father, thanks for the chance you have given to finish this study. I’ll try my best from now. For my only one sister, Icha, thanks to share everything; happiness, sorrow, care, and support. I am really thankful for having all of you in my life. Azis, thanks for believing me and making me believe about our new life, next. The last, Noname, a kitten that suddenly come to my boarding house and I decide to take care it. Get well soon and stay healthy. Even, other people think this was ridiculous and wasting time, I believe that god knows it and I am only trying to help as the same gods’ creature.

Next, I would say my gratitude to my best friend ever, Bundos, Desi, Ani, Prafitri, Tya, Mak Cik, Cici, Lutfia, Aura, mbak Erma, Miss Lufi, El, thanks for



giving me a great experience in friendship bound; for Pinandu you are my best friend until now, we have had passed 9 years and that was ‘crazy’. For my best friend in boarding house, Tirto Utomo Street, Gang IV No. 53, Fara, Adis, Aini, Yona, thanks for joke and share during almost three years, especially Yona, Adis and Cici, for preparing graduation together. We did it.

For the people who cannot be mentioned above, I also say thank you, may God give His blessing and protect all of us. Amiin. I expect that this writing can be beneficial contribution for all of us.

Malang, April 24, 2014 The Researcher,










CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of Problems ... 4

1.3 Purpose of Study ... 6

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 6

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 6

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ... 7


2.2 Novel ... 9

2.3 Kinds of Novel ... 9

2.4 Elements of Novel ... 11

2.4.1 Character ... 11

2.4.2 Point of View ... 12

2.4.3 Plot ... 13

2.4.4 Conflict ... 14

2.4.5 Setting ... 15

2.4.6 Theme ... 15

2.5 Speaking ... 15



2.7 Teaching Speaking Technique ... 17

2.8 Technique of Teaching Speaking ... 18

2.9 Boarding School ... 22


3.2 Approach ... 23

3.3 Object of the Study ... 24

3.4 Data ... 25

3.5 Instrument ... 25

3.6 Data Collection ... 25

3.7 Data Analysis ... 26

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Research Findings ... 27

4.1.1 The technique used by Ustad Salman found in “Madani” Boarding School on Ahmad Fuadi’s novel, “The Land of Five Towers”. ... 27 Imitative Speaking ... 28 Explaning ... 28 Discussion ... 29

4.1.2 The implementation of teaching speaking technique to the students in “Madani” boarding school on “The Land of Five Towers” novel. ... 30 Imitative Speaking ... 30 Explaining ... 33 Discussion ... 35

4.2 Discussion ... 36







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and New York: Routledge.

Fachrurrazy. 2008. Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Malang: Unpublished. Fuadi, A. 2011. The Land of Five Towers, First Edition. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka




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Kennedy, X. J. 1983. An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. United State of America: Little, Brown and Company.

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Singleton, Ralph. H and Millet, Stanton. 1984. An Introduction to Literature. Cleveland and New York: The World Publishing Company.

Thornbury, Scott. 2005. How to Teach Speaking. England: Longman.

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This chapter focuses on the background of study, statement of problem, purpose of study, significance of study, scope and limitation, and the definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of Study

Language is a kind of tool used to communicate by human beings. Nowadays, people are expected to be able to speak English for academic, business, and other purposes. Besides, it has already become the second language to be mastered in some countries. In Indonesia, English is taught in every level of education; started from kindergarten, elementary school, junior and senior high school, until university level. According to Crystal (1977) as quoted in Kurniasari (2009: 1), English is proved by the fact that more than seventy countries use English as a second language, and more than a hundred countries use English as a foreign language. Furthermore, in this globalization era, English is the main language used to communicate with other people from different countries.

According to Fachrurrazy (2008:6), second language can simply mean the language learned after the first. He also wrote that second language is usually learned after puberty. It is taught in a country where the language is used as a national language or usually used for formal communication or instruction medium. Thus, it can be concluded that English is a second language in Singapore, Philippines,



Malaysia, and India. Furthermore, he also explained that foreign language may mean the same language as second language with the difference on its position in a country. Second language is used as national language, whereas a foreign language is not. The different position between second language and foreign language can also be identified on the learners’ exposure to English. Learners of English as second language are exposed more to Englisha those of foreign language. This leads to different approach, method, and technique in teaching English.

Indonesia is a country with various races and tribes that speak various languages. Based on the Youth Pledge of 1928, Indonesian uses Indonesian language as the national language. The government of Indonesia has realized the importance of English and has decided that English is a compulsory subject at the secondary level, and extended to the elementary school level as a local content subject. Based on the fact,Indonesian is the national language and government’s decision on English subject in Indonesia, it can be concluded that English is one of foreign language that majority learned and used in Indonesia.

Other of English, foreign languages are taught at school based on the sudents’ need and the demand of globalization era. Some school also included many foreign languages; Mandarin, Japanese, Arabic, German, French and others as one of their main or extended subjects. Besides, in Indonesia, many language coursesprepare some classes of learning foreign languages in different level.

In English, various teaching techniques can be applied according to teaching need and objective. In Indonesia, English in formal education is taught based on the curriculum developed by the government. Otherwise, in informal education, English



is taught based on the curriculum developed by the educational institutions themselves. The success of English learning in formal education can be determined objectively through assessments carried out by the government. This is possible to be done because the basic competence to be achieved has a specific parameter, stated in Regulation of Ministry of National education of Indonesia number 11, year 2005 on Competence Standard and Basic Competence. However, the success of English learning for informal or non-goverment education cannot be assessed objectively because each education institution has their objective.

Islamic Boarding School as one of informal education institutions widely found in Indonesia is one example of education institutions that develop and apply their independent curriculum, including in English and Arabic as their second language. One of the descriptions of how those languagesare taught in Islamic Boarding School was depicted in a novel entitled “The Land of Five Towers” byA.Fuadi.

Here, in “Madani” boarding school, English and Arabic were taught like the second language; the students have to communicate by using both of them in daily. Many rules and activities are created to support the atmosphere in practicing the students’ language ability. The researcher tries to analyze teaching learning activities in the classroom through the novel as a media.

Previous researcher didan analysis on teaching strategy used by the headmaster from the novel “Totto-Chan the Little Girl at the Window”by Tetsuko (Aulia, 2009). In this thesis, the researcher found that he used field trip and the project activities there were a part of inquiry strategy.



Another specific previous research talked about the teaching techniques that were used by the teacher found in the novel (Susifirda, 2013). This previous research entitled an analysis of Gruwell’s teaching technique in Erin Gruwell’s novel, “The Freedom Writer Diary”, she said that Gruwell’s applied game, field trip and role play techniques during the teaching activity in the classroom. She used these techniqes based on the situation and condition. She taught the class namely “unteachable, at risk” that known as very hard, messy, low motivation students’. Gruwell’s applied these teaching techniques to solve many problems during teaching learning process.

In classroom practice, technique has an important role in teaching learning process, because this classroom practice performs the interaction between teachers and students. In this novel, one of the characterUstad Salman has a dominant role in teaching his students. Because of that reason, the researcher wants to dig more about specific topic, teaching speaking technique used by Ustad Salman in “Madani” boarding school through this novel.

The researcher choses a novel entitled “The Land of Five Towers” by A. Fuadi as the object of the study due to several reasons. First, this novel usesspecific education that is boarding school as its theme, whereas most of the novels are dominated with romance, life struggle, science fiction and other as their theme. Second, it tells some teaching speaking techniques assumed successful by the author. Third, it was written based on the author's experience during his study in “Madani” boarding school many years ago. Besides, the description of teaching learning process told in this novel can be assumed factual and worth analyzing.



As the author studied in the boarding school, Fuadi describes the background of his boarding school. Boarding school is a type of education that exists in many countries, also in Indonesia. Here, beside given some subjects and skills, the students are also taught about foreign languages. For example, in Islamic Boarding School the students were taught Arabic and English for their daily conversation. The important thing is that boarding school is conducive for the students to improve and practice speaking skill.

Speaking is one of important skills needed to be practiced a lot. According to Cahyono and Mukminatien (2011:42), learning a language does not mean that the students only memorize a number of words, sentence-patterns, and know the meaning of the words. According to the explanation above, the teacher has to provide many techniques to support the practice of students’ speaking skill.

Thus, from the previous explanation, the researcherwant to analize and identify the teaching speaking techniques used by Ustad Salman in “Madani”boarding school in A.Fuadi’s novel, “The Land of Five Towers”.

1.2 Statement of Problems

Based on the background above,the problems of this research are stated as follows:

1. What was the teaching speaking technique used by Ustad Salman in “Madani” Boarding School in A.Fuadi, “The Land of Five Towers” novel?

2. How was the implementation of teaching speaking technique to the students in A. Fuadi “The Land of Five Towers” novel?


6 1.3 Purpose of Study

The purpose of this research is formulated as follows:

1. To idetify the technique used by Ustad Salman in “Madani” Boarding School in A.Fuadi novel, “The Land of Five Towers”.

2. To explain the implementation of teaching speaking technique to the students in A. Fuadi “The Land of Five Towers” novel?

1.4 Significance of the Study

It is expected that this research can give some will make contributions for the reader. First, the result of this study can be useful for students of English Department to understand other implementation of English teaching techniques in certain education institution, such as Islamic Boarding School. Second, the result of the study is expected to make teachers English Department can apply it to their students in the teaching learning process of speaking skill in class if they find it effective and applicable. For students of English Department they can also apply it further during their teaching practice at school. Third, the further researcher can do classroom action research on the techniques carried out by Ustad Salman, and perform it to check the effectiveness on different class background.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is to analyze the novel, “The land of Five Towers”. This study is limitedonly in teaching speaking technique used by Ustad Salman and the implementation to his students in “Madani” boarding school found in the novel “The Land of Five Towers”.


7 1.6 Definition of Key Terms

1. Analysis is evaluation, examination, study, test, review, explication, interpretation, inquiry, breakdown, dissection and investigation (Lutz, 1994: 17) 2. Teaching Technique is any of wide variety of exercises, activity of exercises,

activities, or task used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives (Brown, 2000: 16).

3. Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety context (Caney, 1998, in Kayi, 2006). 4. Ustad Salman is a homeroom teacher figure of ‘class 1A’ in “The Land of Five

Towers” novel. Ustad is an expert religion man in Islam. In Islamic Boarding School, the students call their teacher as ustad(The Land of Five Towers: 249). 5. Boarding Schoolis a school where some or all pupils study and live during the

school year with their fellow students and possibly teachers and/or administrators (

6. The Land of Five Towersis the title of the novel, written by A. Fuadi.

7. Novelis book length-story in prose, whose author tries to create a sense that, while we read, we experience actual life (Kennedy, 1983: 14).



Malaysia, and India. Furthermore, he also explained that foreign language may mean the same language as second language with the difference on its position in a country. Second language is used as national language, whereas a foreign language is not. The different position between second language and foreign language can also be identified on the learners’ exposure to English. Learners of English as second language are exposed more to Englisha those of foreign language. This leads to different approach, method, and technique in teaching English.

Indonesia is a country with various races and tribes that speak various languages. Based on the Youth Pledge of 1928, Indonesian uses Indonesian language as the national language. The government of Indonesia has realized the importance of English and has decided that English is a compulsory subject at the secondary level, and extended to the elementary school level as a local content subject. Based on the fact,Indonesian is the national language and government’s decision on English subject in Indonesia, it can be concluded that English is one of foreign language that majority learned and used in Indonesia.

Other of English, foreign languages are taught at school based on the sudents’ need and the demand of globalization era. Some school also included many foreign languages; Mandarin, Japanese, Arabic, German, French and others as one of their main or extended subjects. Besides, in Indonesia, many language coursesprepare some classes of learning foreign languages in different level.

In English, various teaching techniques can be applied according to teaching need and objective. In Indonesia, English in formal education is taught based on the curriculum developed by the government. Otherwise, in informal education, English



is taught based on the curriculum developed by the educational institutions themselves. The success of English learning in formal education can be determined objectively through assessments carried out by the government. This is possible to be done because the basic competence to be achieved has a specific parameter, stated in Regulation of Ministry of National education of Indonesia number 11, year 2005 on Competence Standard and Basic Competence. However, the success of English learning for informal or non-goverment education cannot be assessed objectively because each education institution has their objective.

Islamic Boarding School as one of informal education institutions widely found in Indonesia is one example of education institutions that develop and apply their independent curriculum, including in English and Arabic as their second language. One of the descriptions of how those languagesare taught in Islamic Boarding School was depicted in a novel entitled “The Land of Five Towers” byA.Fuadi.

Here, in “Madani” boarding school, English and Arabic were taught like the second language; the students have to communicate by using both of them in daily. Many rules and activities are created to support the atmosphere in practicing the students’ language ability. The researcher tries to analyze teaching learning activities in the classroom through the novel as a media.

Previous researcher didan analysis on teaching strategy used by the headmaster from the novel “Totto-Chan the Little Girl at the Window”by Tetsuko (Aulia, 2009). In this thesis, the researcher found that he used field trip and the project activities there were a part of inquiry strategy.



Another specific previous research talked about the teaching techniques that were used by the teacher found in the novel (Susifirda, 2013). This previous research entitled an analysis of Gruwell’s teaching technique in Erin Gruwell’s novel, “The Freedom Writer Diary”, she said that Gruwell’s applied game, field trip and role play techniques during the teaching activity in the classroom. She used these techniqes based on the situation and condition. She taught the class namely “unteachable, at risk” that known as very hard, messy, low motivation students’. Gruwell’s applied these teaching techniques to solve many problems during teaching learning process.

In classroom practice, technique has an important role in teaching learning process, because this classroom practice performs the interaction between teachers and students. In this novel, one of the characterUstad Salman has a dominant role in teaching his students. Because of that reason, the researcher wants to dig more about specific topic, teaching speaking technique used by Ustad Salman in “Madani” boarding school through this novel.

The researcher choses a novel entitled “The Land of Five Towers” by A. Fuadi as the object of the study due to several reasons. First, this novel usesspecific education that is boarding school as its theme, whereas most of the novels are dominated with romance, life struggle, science fiction and other as their theme. Second, it tells some teaching speaking techniques assumed successful by the author. Third, it was written based on the author's experience during his study in “Madani” boarding school many years ago. Besides, the description of teaching learning process told in this novel can be assumed factual and worth analyzing.



As the author studied in the boarding school, Fuadi describes the background of his boarding school. Boarding school is a type of education that exists in many countries, also in Indonesia. Here, beside given some subjects and skills, the students are also taught about foreign languages. For example, in Islamic Boarding School the students were taught Arabic and English for their daily conversation. The important thing is that boarding school is conducive for the students to improve and practice speaking skill.

Speaking is one of important skills needed to be practiced a lot. According to Cahyono and Mukminatien (2011:42), learning a language does not mean that the students only memorize a number of words, sentence-patterns, and know the meaning of the words. According to the explanation above, the teacher has to provide many techniques to support the practice of students’ speaking skill.

Thus, from the previous explanation, the researcherwant to analize and identify the teaching speaking techniques used by Ustad Salman in “Madani”boarding school in A.Fuadi’s novel, “The Land of Five Towers”.

1.2 Statement of Problems

Based on the background above,the problems of this research are stated as follows:

1. What was the teaching speaking technique used by Ustad Salman in “Madani” Boarding School in A.Fuadi, “The Land of Five Towers” novel?

2. How was the implementation of teaching speaking technique to the students in A. Fuadi “The Land of Five Towers” novel?


6 1.3 Purpose of Study

The purpose of this research is formulated as follows:

1. To idetify the technique used by Ustad Salman in “Madani” Boarding School in A.Fuadi novel, “The Land of Five Towers”.

2. To explain the implementation of teaching speaking technique to the students in A. Fuadi “The Land of Five Towers” novel?

1.4 Significance of the Study

It is expected that this research can give some will make contributions for the reader. First, the result of this study can be useful for students of English Department to understand other implementation of English teaching techniques in certain education institution, such as Islamic Boarding School. Second, the result of the study is expected to make teachers English Department can apply it to their students in the teaching learning process of speaking skill in class if they find it effective and applicable. For students of English Department they can also apply it further during their teaching practice at school. Third, the further researcher can do classroom action research on the techniques carried out by Ustad Salman, and perform it to check the effectiveness on different class background.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is to analyze the novel, “The land of Five Towers”. This study is limitedonly in teaching speaking technique used by Ustad Salman and the implementation to his students in “Madani” boarding school found in the novel “The Land of Five Towers”.


7 1.6 Definition of Key Terms

1. Analysis is evaluation, examination, study, test, review, explication, interpretation, inquiry, breakdown, dissection and investigation (Lutz, 1994: 17) 2. Teaching Technique is any of wide variety of exercises, activity of exercises,

activities, or task used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives (Brown, 2000: 16).

3. Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety context (Caney, 1998, in Kayi, 2006). 4. Ustad Salman is a homeroom teacher figure of ‘class 1A’ in “The Land of Five

Towers” novel. Ustad is an expert religion man in Islam. In Islamic Boarding School, the students call their teacher as ustad(The Land of Five Towers: 249). 5. Boarding Schoolis a school where some or all pupils study and live during the

school year with their fellow students and possibly teachers and/or administrators (

6. The Land of Five Towersis the title of the novel, written by A. Fuadi.

7. Novelis book length-story in prose, whose author tries to create a sense that, while we read, we experience actual life (Kennedy, 1983: 14).