Journal Article Anthology Paper

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B. Journal Article

Botkin, Daniel B., “Global Warming: What It is, What is Controversial about It, and What We Might Do in Response to It”, 9 UCLA Journal of Environmental Law Policy 119, 1991. Grubb, Michael, “International Emissions Trading Under the Kyoto Protocol”, 7 RECIEL 140, 1998. Harris, Paul G., “Common but Differentiated Responsibility: the Kyoto Protocol and United States Policy”, 7 N.Y.U. Environmental Law Journal 27, 1999. Missfeld, Fanny, “The Flexibility Mechanism: Which Path to Take After Kyoto?”, 7 RECIEL, 1998. Somerset, Margaret E., “An Attempt to Stop the Sky from Falling: The Montreal Protocol to Protect Against Atmosphere Ozone Reduction”, 15 Syracuse Journal of International Law Commerce 391, 1989. Telesetsky, Anastasia, “The Kyoto Protocol”, 26 Ecology Law Quarterly 797, 1999. Yamin, Farhana, “The Kyoto Protocol: Origins, Assessment and Future Challenges”, 7 RECIEL, 1998.

C. Anthology

Bernabo, J. Christoper, “Relationships between Global Climate Change and Other Quality Issues”, in James C. White Ed., 1989, Global Climate Change Linkages: Acid Rain, Air Quality, and Stratospheric Ozone, Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc., New York. Cain, Melinda L., “Carbon Dioxide and the Climate: Monitoring and A Search for Understanding”, in David A. Kay and Harold K. Jacobson, Eds., 1983, Environmental Protection: The International Dimensions, Allanheld, Osmund Co. Publishers, Inc., Totowa, New Jersey.

D. Paper

Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change, “Kyoto Protocol”, Legal Material, republished in 37 International Legal Materials 22, Kyoto, 1997. Dewan Kehutanan Nasional DKN, “Sendirian Menghadapi Iklim yang Berubah”, Paper, Position Paper of the Chamber of Masyarakat Dewan Kehutanan Nasional DKN towards Mitigation Policy and Climate Change Adaptation, Huma, Jakarta, 2010. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development UNCED, “Framework Convention on Climate Change”, Legal Material, republished in 31 International Legal Materials 849, Rio de Janeiro, 3-14 June 1992.

E. Newspaper