Learning Activity The solutions

2. Learning Activity

In learning English, the learners sometimes were very attractive. It occurred when they do the fun activity, such as play games, sing a song, etc. In doing the exercise or test, most of the students were very attractive. However, they sometimes were very lazy when the lesson only reading texts or writing the material. Therefore, the writer usually does variation in delivering the material. The young learners have difficulty in learning the new rules of forming and using grammar. For that reason, the students are taught the basic grammar because it is related to vocabulary closely. The simple grammar is often see n in the student’s handbook. Table 3. 2. Pattern of Simple Grammar Affirmative Negative Interrogative I work I do not work Do I work? He works He does not work Does he work? She works She does not work Does she work? They work They do not work Do they work? We work We do not work Do we work? You work You do not work Do you work?

3. Problems in Learning and Teaching

In teaching and learning activity, absolutely the writer found some difficulties, they are:

a. The problems of the students:

1 The mother tongue interference The first problem that comes up in the English grammar class is the mother tongue interference. It is due to the fact that English is second language that the students just learnt. The majority of the students of 5 th grade in SDN Sukomoro 2 use Javanese language as the mother tongue. It makes they find difficulties in spelling and reading some words in English. 2 Memorizing regular and irregular verbs It is difficult for the students to memorize them, so they can not differentiate neither irregular nor regular verbs correctly. So they can not make the correct sentences easily.

b. The problems of the writer

1 The teaching material SD N Sukomoro 2 only uses one source LKS in the English lesson, so it is difficult to develop the lesson. 2 The student’s characteristic There are 13 students in the 5 th grade of SD N Sukomoro 2 M agetan. Every students has different own personality and behavior. The student’s problems that sometimes occurred are: boredom, passivity, aggressive behavior, stealing, lying, bullying, etc. 3 Limited time The writer has limited time to give explanation about the material. She has her own lesson plann for teaching the students. So she has to do the planning as well as possible and reach the target on time to the whole material.

4. The solutions

a. The writer took the English lesson material from other sources, such as internet, books, and other references that are relevant with the material. b. The writer gave homework individually to the students, so they are accustomed to finish their work with their own knowledge and experience. c. The writer has to be patient in teaching the students who have bad behavior. There are some efforts that can be done, such as: 1 The writer offered more of a challenge and more variety so that the student is not bored in the class. 2 The writer tried to give the responsibilities to the students, like helping other students. 3 The writer tried to involve the students in activities which help them to integrate into a group. The student may be reproducing behavioral patterns learned at home. 4 The writer should make sure that her relationship with the students is not based on fear. 5 The writer observed the interaction among all members of the class during group work, and tried to encourage co operation among the students through pairgroup work. d. The writer managed the time as well as possible by predicting the time limitation and applying the lesson plan. 31


A. Conclusion

Based on the discussion in the previous chapter, there are several conclusions that can be obtained from this final project report, they are: 1. In this final project report, we have defined grammar as: the study of the rules that control the structure of words to make correct sentences. 2. The process of teaching grammar in the SD N Sukomoro 2 Magetan consists of four steps. The steps are presentation, isolation and explanation, practice, and test. 3. The kinds of meaning realized by grammar are principally: representational and interpersonal. The first is to represent the world as we experience it, and the second is to influence how things happen in the world, specifically in our relations with other people. 4. The problems in teaching and learning English in the SD N Sukomoro 2 M agetan are: a. The problems of the students: 1 The mother tongue interference It is the first problem that comes up in the teaching learning process. Obviously, it is because the majority of the students use Javanese language as the mother tongue. 2 Memorizing regular and irregular verbs

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