Under Create Administrator: Target Privileges , select BATCH ASSIGN and

5-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Integration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository ■ Section 5.2.3, Metric Publishing

5.2.1 Running from Command Line

The EM Integration utility can be run in the command line using the em-integration.bat utility for Windows or em-integration.sh for Linux and Unix. Before running em-integration.bat or em-integration.sh, ensure that the environment variables mentioned in Table 5–1 are set. In Windows, from a command window, you can type set X to see the value of the variable X, and set X=abc to set the value of FOO to abc. Table 5–2 shows the options that can be specified using the EM Integration command line utility: Table 5–1 Command Line Script Environment Variable Description JAVA_HOME Ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to an installed java runtime JRE or SDK. This must be Java version 5 or higher. JAVA_OPTS Ensure that you set your JAVA_OPTS parameter as follows: set JAVA_OPTS=-Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttp.proxyHost=www-proxy.us.oracle.com -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts= .oracle.com|localhost JAVA_OPTS refers to the extra options to the java executable. In normal cases, there is no must set this variable. However, a common exception when you must set this variable is when your computer is inside a firewall, and you must use an HTTP proxy to access external servers. See Also: http:java.sun.comjavase6docstechnotesguidesnetproxies.html Table 5–2 Command Line Options for the EM Integration EM Integration Options Description -settings file Refers to the configuration settings specified in the XML file. -er_url URL Specifies the URL for the Oracle Enterprise Repository instance. -er_user User Name Specifies the name of the Oracle Enterprise Repository user. -er_password Password Specifies the password of the Oracle Enterprise Repository user. To ensure security, the password must be encrypted. The Oracle Enterprise Repository Web console has a tool to encrypt passwords: http:host:portdomaindiagencryptstrings.jsp -em_url URL Specifies the JDBC URL for the EM database. -em_user User Name Specifies the EM database user name.