Click the Approval tab to bring it forward.

16-36 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developers Guide for Oracle Portal -- Set the value for the portal URL. wf_engine.setitemattrtextl_itemtype, l_itemkey, PORTAL_URL, l__url; -- Set the value for the portal item ID. wf_engine.setitemattrnumberl_itemtype, l_itemkey, PORTAL_ITEM_ID, message.object_id; -- Set the value for the portal page group ID. wf_engine.setitemattrnumberl_itemtype, l_itemkey, PORTAL_SITE_ID, message.object_site_id; -- Start the workflow process. wf_engine.startprocessl_itemtype, l_itemkey; end if; end if; end_time := dbms_utility.get_time; if end_time - begin_time 3000 then exit; end if; end loop; exception when OTHERS then dbms_output.put_linesqlerrm; end workflow_approval; You also need to create a procedure to check whether the user specified a file name for the item to determine whether or not it can be approved. The workflow process delegates the actual validation and approval of the item to this CHECK_URL procedure. Example 16–18 shows how to create the CHECK_URL procedure. Example 16–18 The CHECK_URL Procedure create or replace procedure check_url itemtype in varchar2, itemkey in varchar2, actid in number, funcmode in varchar2, resultout out varchar2 is MIME_TYPE_TEXT constant varchar230 := textplain; agent_list dbms_aq.aq_agent_list_t; wait_time integer := 30; begin_time pls_integer; end_time pls_integer; agent_w_message aq_agent; dequeue_options dbms_aq.dequeue_options_t; message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t; message_handle RAW16; message portal.wwsbr_event; l_subscriber varchar230 := CMEF_WORKFLOW; l_queue varchar230 := PORTAL.WWSBR_EVENT_Q; l_mode BINARY_INTEGER := dbms_aq.REMOVE; l_attribute_site_id number := 0; l_event varchar230; l_doc wwdoc_api.document_record; l_desc varchar24000; l_itemtype varchar2100 := WF; l_itemkey varchar2100; l_url varchar2100; l_siteid number; l_itemid number; l_ignore boolean := FALSE; l_is_indirect boolean := TRUE;