security-permission-spec security-role-assignment weblogic.xml Deployment Descriptors

Securing Web Applications 3-27 Example 3–14 run-as-role-assignment Element Example web.xml: servlet servlet-nameSnoopServletservlet-name servlet-classextra.SnoopServletservlet-class run-as role-namerunasrolerole-name run-as servlet security-role role-namerunasrolerole-name security-role weblogic.xml: weblogic-web-app run-as-role-assignment role-namerunasrolerole-name run-as-principal-namejoerun-as-principal-name run-as-role-assignment weblogic-web-app security-permission

The security-permission element specifies a security permission that is associated with a Java EE Sandbox. Example For an example of how to used the security-permission

element, see Example 3–15 . security-permission-spec

The security-permission-spec element specifies a single security permission based on the Security policy file syntax. Refer to the following URL for Suns implementation of the security permission specification: http:java.sun.comjavase6docstechnotesguidessecurityPoli cyFiles.htmlFileSyntax Used Within The security-permission-spec element is used within the

security-permission element. Example

Example 3–15 shows how to use the security-permission-spec element to grant permission to the class. Example 3–15 security-permission-spec Element Example weblogic-web-app security-permission descriptionOptional explanation goes heredescription security-permission-spec -- A single grant statement following the syntax of http:java.sun.comj2se1.5.0docsguidesecurityPolicyFiles.htmlFileSyntax, without the codebase and signedBy clauses, goes here. For example: -- grant { Note: Disregard the optional codebase and signedBy clauses. 3-28 Programming Security for Oracle WebLogic Server permission , resolve; }; security-permission-spec security-permission weblogic-web-app In Example 3–15 , permission is the permission class name, represents the target name, and resolve indicates the action resolve hostIP name service lookups. security-role-assignment

The security-role-assignment element declares a mapping between a security role and one or more principals in the WebLogic Server security realm. Example

Example 3–16 shows how to use the security-role-assignment element to assign principals to the PayrollAdmin role. Example 3–16 security-role-assignment Element Example weblogic-web-app security-role-assignment role-namePayrollAdminrole-name principal-nameTanyaprincipal-name principal-nameFredprincipal-name principal-namesystemprincipal-name security-role-assignment weblogic-web-app

3.6 Using Programmatic Security With Web Applications

You can write your servlets to access users and security roles programmatically in your servlet code. To do this, use the following methods in your servlet code: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.getUserPrincipal and javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.isUserInRoleString role methods.

3.6.1 getUserPrincipal

You use the getUserPrincipal method to determine the current user of the Web application. This method returns a WLSUser Principal if one exists in the current user. In the case of multiple WLSUser Principals, the method returns the first in the ordering defined by the Subject.getPrincipals.iterator method. If there are no WLSUser Principals, then the getUserPrincipal method returns Note: For information on using the security-role-assignment element in a weblogic-application.xml deployment descriptor for an enterprise application, see Enterprise Application Deployment Descriptor Elements in Developing Applications for Oracle WebLogic Server. Note: If you need to list a significant number of principals, consider specifying groups instead of users. There are performance issues if you specify too many users.