Case Studies in Development Processes 251 Command Reference 273

“svnbook” — 2005414 — 14:55 — page xiii — 12 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ Contents xiii 13.2.3 Performing Peer Reviews 244 13.3 Tying Revisions to Issue Tracking 246 13.3.1 Issue-tracking Properties 246 13.3.2 Automating Interaction with Issue Tracking 247 13.4 Summary 249

Chapter 14 Case Studies in Development Processes 251

14.1 Archetypal Studies 251 14.1.1 Managed Chaos 251 14.1.2 Rapid Development 254 14.1.3 Central Planning 256 14.1.4 Small Teams 258 14.2 Real-world Studies 260 14.2.1 KeyGhost Ltd. 260 14.2.2 Error Free Software 261 14.2.3 Teledata Communications 263 14.2.4 GladeSoft 265 14.2.5 ExCo 266 14.2.6 Wye Corp 268 14.2.7 ZedCom 270 Part V Reference 271

Chapter 15 Command Reference 273

15.1 svn 273 15.1.1 svn add 275 15.1.2 svn blame praise, annotate, ann 276 15.1.3 svn cat 277 15.1.4 svn checkout co 278 15.1.5 svn cleanup 279 15.1.6 svn commit ci 279 15.1.7 svn copy cp 281 15.1.8 svn delete del, remove, rm 282 15.1.9 svn diff di 284 15.1.10 svn export 286 15.1.11 svn help ?, h 287 15.1.12 svn import 287 “svnbook” — 2005414 — 14:55 — page xiv — 13 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ xiv Contents 15.1.13 svn info 289 15.1.14 svn list ls 289 15.1.15 svn log 291 15.1.16 svn merge 292 15.1.17 svn mkdir 294 15.1.18 svn move mv, rename, ren 295 15.1.19 svn propdel pdel, pd 297 15.1.20 svn propedit pedit, pe 298 15.1.21 svn propget pget, pg 299 15.1.22 svn proplist plist, pl 301 15.1.23 svn propset pset, ps 302 15.1.24 svn resolved 303 15.1.25 svn revert 304 15.1.26 svn status stat, st 305 15.1.27 svn switch sw 306 15.1.28 svn update up 307 15.2 svnadmin 308 15.2.1 svnadmin create 309 15.2.2 svnadmin dump 310 15.2.3 svnadmin help ?, h 310 15.2.4 svnadmin hotcopy 310 15.2.5 svnadmin list-dblogs 311 15.2.6 svnadmin list-unused-dblogs 311 15.2.7 svnadmin load 311 15.2.8 svnadmin lstxns 312 15.2.9 svnadmin recover 312 15.2.10 svnadmin rmtxns 313 15.2.11 svnadmin setlog 313 15.2.12 svnadmin verify 313 15.3 svnlook 314 15.3.1 svnlook author 314 15.3.2 svnlook cat 315 15.3.3 svnlook changed 315 15.3.4 svnlook date 316 15.3.5 svnlook diff 316 15.3.6 svnlook dirs-changed 317 15.3.7 svnlook help ?, h 317 “svnbook” — 2005414 — 14:55 — page xv — 14 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ Contents xv 15.3.8 svnlook history 317 15.3.9 svnlook info 318 15.3.10 svnlook log 318 15.3.11 svnlook propget pget, pg 318 15.3.12 svnlook proplist plist, pl 319 15.3.13 svnlook tree 319 15.3.14 svnlook uuid 320 15.3.15 svnlook youngest 320 15.4 svnversion 320 15.5 svndumpfilter 321 15.5.1 svndumpfilter exclude 322 15.5.2 svndumpfilter include 322 15.5.3 svndumpfilter help ?, h 323 Index 325 “svnbook” — 2005414 — 14:55 — page xvi — 15 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “svnbook” — 2005414 — 14:55 — page xvii — 16 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ Preface I was first introduced to version control and CVS in college, about the same time I was introduced to Linux. At that time though, most of the projects I worked on were small and generally involved only a couple of developers. So, although version control would have been useful, I never took the time to really use it; my knowledge of CVS remained limited to what little I needed to know to check out the occasional bleeding-edge project on Linux which seemed necessary a little more often in those days. As my college career progressed, the projects I worked on became more involved, and I began to learn about “software engineering.” The instruction I received on software engineering never really covered version control in any depth though, and despite the increased size of the software projects I was working on, I never delved into using a version control system to keep track of things. I wanted to; I thought CVS was a neat idea. I just never invested the time necessary to learn how to set it up and use it. Then came my first major team project. It was a real-world project, with real-world clients, and its completion was required for graduation. Finally, I had an excuse to really give version control a try. I presented the case for CVS to my teammates and although there was some small resistance convinced them that we needed to use it. It was a success. By the end of the project, I was fully sold on the necessity of version control in any future projects, however big or small. I loved CVS. After school came the real world, and the love affair with CVS didn’t last long. As I learned mostly through trial and error how version control systems should be used, CVS steadily became more and more inadequate. I could see its potential, but it didn’t measure up. Code was lost, fits were thrown, and hair was pulled. Still, CVS was the best free, open source version control system out there, and as an entrepreneur trying to keep a start-up company going, free was a required feature. Then someone told me about a new version control project called Subversion, so I went to its site and took a look. It seemed intriguing, but it wasn’t quite up to the point where I could trust it for my code—and I barely had time to eat back then, so getting involved in the project’s development was out of the question. Instead, Subversion went on my back burner and I moved on to other things. Several months down the road, I saw that Subversion had become self-hosting. “Well,” I thought, “If they trust it with their own code, maybe it’s time to take another look.” Rolling up my sleeves, I sat down to play around with it. Once again, I had fallen in love. Subversion was everything CVS could have been. It was stable, it was flexible, and xvii “svnbook” — 2005414 — 14:55 — page xviii — 17 ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ xviii Preface it didn’t eat my code. Thus, after a suitable period of testing, CVS was unceremoniously chucked and replaced by Subversion. I’ve never regretted the change. In fact, the only thing regrettable is the hours of my life wasted fighting with CVS. Writing the Book When I was first approached about writing a book on Subversion, my first thought was, “Why?” There’s already an excellent Subversion manual, written by several of the principle Subversion authors who presumably know more about Subversion’s inner workings than I do, and it’s freely available at that. So, I almost turned down the opportunity to write this book because I couldn’t imagine why anyone would want to read it. What could I possibly add that wasn’t already written? Then I got to thinking back to my college days, when I learned version control through trial and error mostly error. I had the manual to CVS, but it covered how to use CVS, not how to use version control. It was a good manual, it just wasn’t complete. The Subversion manual is similar; although it is far, far better than the documentation available for CVS, it’s still primarily a technical manual. As a technical manual, it is excellent. As a guide to realizing Subversion’s full potential in relation to your software development project, it isn’t complete. Therefore, I’ve written this book to be the guide I never had when I was learning how to use version control. Of course, this book aims to cover the nuts and bolts of Subversion as completely as possible—you can’t very well use Subversion to develop software if you can’t use Subversion—but it does so in the context of how to do the things you want to do in day- to-day software development. The book also goes a step further: It explains how to expand on the built-in capabilities of Subversion to make the system work for you. In some places, that takes the form of example scripts or configurations. In others, it is merely ideas that you can expand to fit your software development process. This is not a book to sell a pro- cess. I do make suggestions here and there of what I think will work in certain situations, but you don’t need to buy into my “exhalted process” to get the most from this book. In- stead of showing you how you should develop your software, I show you how Subversion can make your process easier. The Layout of the Book The book is split into five sections, each covering Subversion from a different perspective. Part I: An Introduction to Version Control and Subversion This first part looks at Subversion from the beginner’s perspective. It explains what version control is, why it is useful, and how Subversion fits into the version control world. It shows you how to install and set up Subversion, and it walks you through Subversion’s essential features.

Chapter 1 An introduction to the essential concepts that make up a version control system.