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303 D. Neukirchen et al. European Journal of Agronomy 11 1999 301–309 three times in the 19941995 vegetation period roots, a subsample was taken and stored at −5°C until determination of root length RL was pos- May 1994, November 1994, March 1995. The field was subdivided into four blocks and from sible. RL was measured by a modified line intersec- tion method Newman, 1966 modified according each block five plants were chosen at random for root sampling. Soil was sampled from the 0–90 cm to Tennant, 1975 using a 1.5×1.5 cm grid. The root length density RLD; cm cm−3 was then and 90–180 cm soil layers using 10 cm and 8 cm diameter augers, respectively. The cores were posi- calculated taking the respective soil volume into account Garay and Wilhelm, 1983. In the tioned i at the centre of the plant p1=area effected directly by the rhizome, ii at the mid- 19941995 examination, the rest of the subsample from each depth, position and replicate was dried, way point between the rhizomes of four plants p3=area with smallest influ-ence from the plants weighed again, dried and ground. Total root dry weight RDW; kg ha−1 was and iii mid-way between p1 and p3 p2=area with average conditions Fig. 1. Cores were cut calculated, assuming that each of the three sam- pling positions p1–p3 was representative for a into 15 cm segments. It was not possible to measure roots in the 0–15 cm layer at position p1 due to specific area a1=1104 cm 2, a2=8592 cm2, and a3=1104 cm 2; Fig. 1. the presence of rhizome material in the cores. The soil samples from the same position and depth of For analysis of the nutrients in the roots, a weighed sample from the four replicates was mixed each replicate were bulked and stored at 4°C for a maximum of 2 weeks, until roots were washed and homogenized. N, P and K contents were determined following Kjeldahl digestion using an from the soil and collected in a sieve 0.25×0.25 mm mesh. After weighing the cleaned automated continuous flow system Holz, 1974. N and P were determined colorimetrically, and K was analysed with a flame photometer. The total nutrient content was defined as the product of RDW and nutrient concentration in the roots. 2.3. Data analysis A statistical evaluation was only possible for RLD and RDW, because nutrient concentrations in the roots were measured in pooled samples. Differences in RLD and RDW between soil depth and sampling dates were analysed using the Tukey HSD test at the 5 level.

3. Results

3.1. Root distribution The root distribution determined using the trench profile method in 1992 is shown in Fig. 2. Roots were visible down to a depth of 250 cm. The top soil 0–30 cm contained 28 of the counted roots. About a quarter of the roots were Fig. 1. Sampling scheme for the core method p1=centre of the found in the 30–90 cm soil layer. Nearly half of plant, p3=mid-way between two plants and p2=midway the total counted roots were present in the deeper between p1 and p3 and corresponding representative areas a1– a3 for the calculation of root dry weight. soil layers. In general, the number of roots 304 D. Neukirchen et al. European Journal of Agronomy 11 1999 301–309 Fig. 3. Root length density RLD obtained with the auger method for the 0–180 cm soil profile in June 1992 P1, P2 and P3 indicate the different sampling positions; see Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Spatial distribution of the roots obtained with the trench profile method in May 1992. positions p2 and p3. There were no differences in RLD between the three sampling positions at a depth greater than 30 cm. In the deepest soil layer decreased continuously with increasing depth, although a larger number of roots were observed measured 165–180 cm, RLD was higher than 0.1 cm cm−3. in the 100–130 cm soil layer. There were no significant differences in RLD between the three sampling dates in 19941995. 3.2. Root length density Nevertheless, the total RL for the soil profile — calculated using RLD data and the representative Using the auger method in June 1992, RLD was found to be highest for the two top soil layers areas a1–a3 for each sampling position Fig. 1 — increased from 3.6 km m−2 in May 0–15 cm and 15–30 cm; Fig. 3. With increasing distance from the centre of the plant, RLD 1994 to 4.9 km m−2 in March 1995 Fig. 4. decreased for these soil layers. Below 30 cm, the density of roots decreased clearly for all three 3.3. Root dry weight sampling positions, and horizontal differentiation was less pronounced tendency for higher RLD As with RLD values, RDW tended to decrease with sampling depth for all three sampling dates values at p3 in comparison to p2 and p1. At a soil depth of 135–165 cm, markedly higher values in 19941995, with the exception of the 75–105 cm soil layer, in which RDW was higher than in the for RLD were found for each of the three positions in comparison to soil layers at a depth of 45– layers above or below Table 2. The total RDW in the soil profile down to 180 cm increased from 135 cm. Consistent with the 1992 data, largest root 10.6 in May to 13.9 t ha−1 in November and then decreased to 11.5 t ha−1 in March 1995, reaching densities were found in the upper 30 cm of the soil profile for each sampling date in the 19941995 nearly the same level as in spring the previous year. The increase in RDW from May 1994 to growing season Fig. 4. RLD values declined markedly with increasing soil depth. In the top November 1994 was mainly due to increases in the 0–15, 15–30 and 30–45 cm soil layers because soil 0–30 cm RLD values tended to be higher at the centre of the plant p1 in comparison to changes in deeper soil layers were much smaller. 305 D. Neukirchen et al. European Journal of Agronomy 11 1999 301–309 Fig. 4. Root length density RLD obtained with the auger method for the 0–180 cm soil profile for three sampling dates in the 19941995 growing period P1, P2 and P3 indicate the different sampling positions; see Fig. 1. However, the decrease in RDW over winter was also due to a loss of dry weight in deeper soil layers up to 120 cm. Table 2 Root dry weight RDW in different soil layers during the 19941995 growing period a 3.4. Content of mineral nutrients in the roots Depth Samplings RDW LSD b The nutrient concentrations in the roots were cm similar for the three sampling dates in 19941995, May 1994 November 1994 March 1995 and the concentrations of N 0.7–1.4 and K RDW kg ha−1 0.6–1.2 were clearly higher than those of P 0.06–0.17 . The N, P and K concentrations in 0–15 2475 4550 4008 ns c the roots tended to decrease with increasing soil 15–30 1947 2967 1787 ns 30–45 995 1244 1024 ns depth data not shown. 45–60 636 ab 737b 482 a 239 60–75 558 667 454 ns 75–90 620 b 724 b 370 a 182 Table 3 Nutrient contents N, P and K in total root dry matter of 90–105 1173 1010 741 ns 105–120 573 631 590 ns Miscanthus 120–135 520 386 681 243 Samplings Mean 135–150 421 360 585 ns 150–165 343 342 445 ns May November March 165–180 317 281 304 ns Total 10 579 13 898 11 471 Nutrient content kg ha−1 a Figures within a line followed by different letters are signifi- N 94.0 124.6 108.9 109.2 cantly different, based on a Tukey HSD test. P 7.6 13.2 11.0 10.6 b Least significant difference p0.05. K 75.0 116.5 85.9 92.5 c Not significant. 306 D. Neukirchen et al. European Journal of Agronomy 11 1999 301–309 The contents of N, P and K, defined as the systems e.g. Bo¨hm, 1979. Both methods used in our experiments have their advantages and disad- product of dry matter and mean nutrient concen- tration, were also fairly similar throughout the vantages: qualitative analysis of root distribution is easier with the trench profile, but the auger vegetation period of the Miscanthus crop Table 3. The mean values for the N, P, and K method can give a more accurate quantitative analysis and is more suited to periodic sampling contents of the roots of all three sampling dates were 109.2 kg N ha−1, 10.6 kg P ha−1 and 92.5 kg Perry et al., 1983. RLD values obtained in the soil depth up to K ha−1. 135 cm with the trench profile method in 1992 were 1.3–2.6 times lower than the values deter- mined by the auger method Table 4. RLD below

4. Discussion