Research Design Technique of Collecting the Data

Lasmeida Metriana Nababan : Emily Dickinson’s Concept Of God In Some Of Her Poems, 2010.


3.1 Research Design

Descriptive qualitative method will be used in this study. Natzir :1988 describes that descriptive method is a method of a research that makes the description of the situation of the events or occurence, so that the method has an intention to accumulate the basic data. Descriptive design is meant as the procedure of solving the problems by describing the conditions of the object in the present based on the facts and reality. Hadary and Mimi 1994 : 73 . Best 1982 says that qualitative studies are those in which the description of observations is not ordinarily expressed in quantitative terms. It is not suggested that numerical measures are never used, but other means of description are emphasized. Qualitative research does not use sample and population as in quantitative research. Hadary and Mimi 1994 : 73 . For that reason, this research will be done by using descriptive qualitative method, that find out Emily Dickinson’s concept about the doubt of God existence in her Poems, The way she describes God and to find out the concept to the background of her life. I take thirteen poems to analized, after reading some books, there were thirteen popular poems from Emily Dickinson’s poems, they are 1. God is Indeed a jealous God 2. God made a little Gentian 3. I Never Saw a Moor Lasmeida Metriana Nababan : Emily Dickinson’s Concept Of God In Some Of Her Poems, 2010. 4. Its easy to invent a Life 5. Of God we ask one favor 6. Over The Fence 7. Some keep the Sabbath going to Church 8. So well I Can’t Live Without I Never Saw a Moor 9. Those — dying then 10. There comes an hour when begging stops 11. Tis One by One 12. What is Paradise 13. Who were The Father and The Son 14. He fumbles at your spirit 15. The heart asks pleasure first,

3.2 Technique of Collecting the Data

Documentary technique will be used to collect the data. It means that the data are got from reading, studying and analyzing the reference. The way to get all the information is having from library research.

3.3 Technique of Analyzing the Data