Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


REG. NUMBER 2123321055



Mutiarni, Nista Tita. Registration Number: 2123321055. ฀nalysis of
Reading Materials in Textbook for Grade XI Senior Higt Sctool. ฀ Ttesis.

Englist Educational Program, State University of Medan, 2016
฀his study aims to find out the GI and LD level, the text which has the
highest GI and LD and what makes the text has the highest GI and LD of
Advanced Learning English 2 textbook. ฀his study was conducted by using
qualitative research. ฀he data of study were the 18 texts inside of the Advanced
Learning English 2 textbook for grade XI Senior High School. ฀he data were
analyzed by using Eggins (2004) theory. ฀he result of this study: 1) GI level of
text was high based on Eggins theory that the texts had more complex clauses
than simple clause. ฀ext 1 was 0.52. ฀ext 2 was 1.24. ฀ext 3 was 0.84. ฀ext 4 was
0.92. ฀ext 5 was 1.95. ฀ext 6 is 1.46. ฀ext 7 was 1.03. ฀ext 8 was 0.90. ฀ext 9
was 1.62. ฀ext 10 was 1.85. ฀ext 11 was 1.64. ฀ext 12 was 2.25. ฀ext 13 was
2.60 ฀ext 14 was 1.40. ฀ext 15 was 1.80. ฀ext 16 was 4.00. ฀ext 17 was 1.42.
฀ext 18 was 1.73. ฀he LD level of text was low based on Eggins theory that the
texts had more content carrying lexical item than non-content carrying lexical
items . ฀ext 1 was 0.56. ฀ext 2 was 0.52. ฀ext 3 was 0.52. ฀ext 4 was 0.54. ฀ext 5
was 0.55. ฀ext 6 was 0.40. ฀ext 7 was 0.42. ฀ext 8 was 0.36. ฀ext 9 was 0.44.
฀ext 10 was 0.46. ฀ext 11 was 0.44. ฀ext 12 was 0.39. ฀ext 13 was 0.38. ฀ext 14
was 0.38. ฀ext 15 was 0.42. ฀ext 16 was 0.38. ฀ext 17 was 0.46. ฀ext 18 was
0.42. 2) ฀he text had the highest GI was 4.00 within title Removing Lead from
Petrol in hortatory exposition text and the text had the highest of LD was 0.56

within title Panda in report text. 3)฀he length of the sentence didn’t influence the
grammatical intricacy of the text but the more clause complexes and content
carrying lexical items could make the reader difficult to process the text.

Key words:฀qualitative฀research,฀lexical฀density,฀grammatical฀intricacy฀


฀irst of all, the writer would like to thanks to Allah SWT and the Prophet
Muhammad SAW for the blessings during her academic year at English and
Literature Department ฀aculty of Languages and Arts (฀BS) State University of
Medan in completing the thesis. This thesis is purposed to fulfil one of the
requirements to obtain the S-1 degree of Sarjana Pendidikan. In fulfilling this thesis,
the writer has received a lot of help from many people. Thus the writer would like to
express her gratitude to:
฀ Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan.
฀ Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of ฀aculty of Languages and Arts,
State University of Medan.

฀ Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature
Department and her Thesis Examiners, Dra. Meisuri, M.฀., the Secretary of
English and Literature Department and Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S.,
M.Hum. the Head of English Education Program.
฀ Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., the Thesis Advisor who had already motivated
her to finish the thesis by giving advices, supervising, giving comments and
corrections during completing this thesis and also for Tiarnita Maria S
Siregar, S.Pd., M.Hum.,, as her Thesis Advisor and Academic Advisor for
giving advices and supervising during her academic year.
฀ Morada Tetty, S.S., M.Hum., the Thesis Examiners who have given
knowledgeable input in furnishing her thesis.
฀ All of the Lecturers of English Department, for their valuable lessons,
knowledges, advices, and guidance during her academic years in English
฀ Eis Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd, the Administration Staff of English Department,
who helped her to fulfill this thesis.
฀ Drs. Toni Marbun, M.Pd. as Headmaster in SMAN 1 Pematang Bandar who
has given permission in collecting the data.
฀ Her beloved parents, Ir.Sutarno and Euis Evi Dwita, brothers Gema
฀rfantri Putra, Dandi Fionas Gatrian, M.Kevin Santrio who have given a

lot of loves, cares, prayers, supports, and advices.

฀ Her beloved guardian, Winardy,S.E. and ฀rtisah,S.E., nephew ฀nanda
Windy ฀riska and Raihan Bagastira who has accompanied her life with a
lot of loves, prayers, and motivations.
฀ Her best friends, ฀nni, Dedi, Syiful, Sidik, who have colored her life with
loves, laughter, and supports.
฀ Her wonderful brothers and sisters HMJ BSI UNIMED especially for 2012
fighters and PER฀PUNG who have inspired her by positive activities, good
team works, tons of achievements, and creative ideas.
฀ Her lovely sisters and brothers Swidanty Annisa, S.S., Isma Eriyanti S.Pd.,
Ali Muis Dongoran,S.S., R.A. Wulantyas, S.S., Hasbi Ramadhan, S.S. who
have motivated and inspired at the college.
฀ Her lovely friends in Exemplary Class, Diba, Intan, Khairani who have
accompanied her with loves, cares, and supports.
฀ Her friends in Extension 2012 B who have made cheerful and spirit days at

 September 2016
The writer,

Nisha Tita Mutiarni
Reg.No. 2123321055


ABS฀RAC฀ .....................................................................................................................i
ACKNOWLEDGEMEN฀ .............................................................................................ii
฀ABLE OF CON฀EN฀ ..................................................................................................iN
LIS฀ OF ฀ABLES .........................................................................................................Ni
LIS฀ OF ABRREVIA฀IONS ........................................................................................Nii
CHAP฀ER I IN฀RODUC฀ION....................................................................................1
฀. The Background of the Study.................................................................................1
B. The Problem of the Study .......................................................................................5
C. The Objective of the Study .....................................................................................6
D. The Scope of Study ................................................................................................6

E. The Significance of the Study ................................................................................6
CHAP฀ER II REVIEW OF LI฀ERA฀URE................................................................8
฀. Theoretical Framework ..........................................................................................8
1. Curriculum ........................................................................................................8
a. School Based Curriculum .............................................................................9
2. Reading..............................................................................................................11
a. Reading Material ..........................................................................................11
b. Reading Text.................................................................................................12
3. Text....................................................................................................................12
4. Genre ................................................................................................................14
a. Report Text ...................................................................................................15
b. Narrative Text ...............................................................................................16
c. ฀nalytical Exposition Text ...........................................................................17
d. Spoof Text.....................................................................................................18
e. Hortatory Exposition Text ............................................................................19
5. Textbook............................................................................................................21
6. Lexical Density .................................................................................................21
a. Content Carrying Words..............................................................................24
1) Noun ..................................................................................................25
2) Verb ...................................................................................................25

3) ฀djective ............................................................................................26
4) ฀dverb ...............................................................................................26
7. Grammatical Intricacy.......................................................................................26
8. Complex Clause ................................................................................................30
9. Embedded Vs Non-Embedded`.........................................................................32
B. Relevance of Study .................................................................................................33
C. Conceptual Framework...........................................................................................35
CHAP฀ER III RESEARCH ME฀HODOLOGY ........................................................38

฀. Type of the Study ...................................................................................................38
B. Research Data and Source ......................................................................................39
C. Technique Data Collecting .....................................................................................39
D. Technique Data ฀nalysis........................................................................................40
฀. The Data .................................................................................................................43
B. The Data ฀nalysis ..................................................................................................43
C. Finding ...................................................................................................................63
D. Discussion ..............................................................................................................64

CHAP฀ER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGES฀IONS ................................................67
฀. Conclusion..............................................................................................................67
B. Suggestions .............................................................................................................68
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................69
APPEDIX .........................................................................................................................72


฀able 2.1 Reading in School Based On Competences Standard and Basic
Competences in Grade XI .................................................................................10
฀able 3.1 Distribution of ฀ext in Genre ............................................................................40
฀able 4.1.Distribution of ฀ext in Genre`...........................................................................43
฀able 4.2.Grammatical Intricacy and Lexical Density Level ..........................................46
฀able 4.2.Level of Intricacy in ฀ext..................................................................................54
฀able 4.3.฀he Row Highest GI until Lowest GI ...............................................................57
฀able 4.4.฀he Level of Dense Vocabulary in a ฀ext ........................................................59
฀able 4.5.฀he Row of the Highest to Lowest LD in ฀extbook.........................................62



฀lause ฀omplex


฀urriculum Material Development


English as Foreign Language


English Second Language


Grammatical Intricacy


Grammatical Intricacy Level


Lexical Density


Lexical Density Level


Second Foreign Language



The Background of the Study
Nowadays, Indonesia implements two curriculums namely 2013 Curriculum

and School Based Curriculum. Government used to change the School Based
Curriculum into 2013 Curriculum, but then government returns the School Based
Curriculum again. Yet, government implements both of them now. It is said in the
National Education System Act no 160/2014 about the implementation of 2016
and 2013 curriculum, that primary school until senior high school for the
academic year 2014/2015 re-implements School Based Curriculum, starting from
second semester 2014/2015 until the time a decision from the ministry to
implement curriculum 2013 will be made. ( Although Anies said
that the implementation of 2013 curriculum is still limited now, which is only
6.221 schools, the number is equal to 3% of the total school in Indonesia, while
there are 208.000 of schools that re-implement School Based Curriculum.
It proves that most schools still implement the School Based Curriculum. The
School Based Curriculum, with reference to Act No. 20 of 2003 Article 19 verse
1, means a set of plans and settings about the objectives, contents and teaching
materials, and methods used as guidelines for organizing learning activities to
achieve certain educational goals. Meanwhile, the school is free to select



arrange their lesson plan based on situation and condition school. Each school can
choose subject materials and facilities that can support the teaching learning
activities based on the school need.
In School Based Curriculum, the materials are arranged more appropriately to
develop Indonesian student’s ability to understand and create spoken and written
discourse in four basic skills; Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Reading
is the most important skills that shall be mastered in English language learning.
Actually, all of those skills are important to learn but the implementation, reading
seems to be given priority. This might be due to the idea that through reading any
kinds of text, the student can get information and knowledge such as in report
text, narrative text a, analytical exposition text, spoof text, and hortatory
exposition text. Besides that, reading also helps students to gain other skill. After
reading, the students can answer the question from reading comprehension
activities, it can help student to gain their writing skill then reading also can help
their pronunciation (speaking skill) by reading aloud.
Reading is also crucial and indispensable for students because the success of
their study depends on the greater part of their ability in reading. If their reading
skill is poor they are very likely to fail in their study or at last they will have
difficulty in making progress. On the other hand, if they have a good ability in
comprehending reading, they will have a change to succeed in their study.
There are some problems in teaching reading comprehension. One of them is
the difficulty in finding the best material to teach reading. Sometimes, the material


used by the teacher does not suit the situation of the classroom, the condition of
the students and curriculum. Since those problems occurred, the students can’t
comprehend the text well. So, the teacher has role to overcome those problems
such as the teacher should consider the learning materials which are used in the
class. Spelleri (2011) states that teacher has an important role to select the suitable
material for students. As Blagojevic (2013) says that teaching materials must be
prepared in accordance with the needs of learners so that learners are able to
achieve the learning objectives because they are truly motivated to study only
if teaching material constantly addresses their needs. One of teaching materials
that commonly used as a source of teaching learning process is textbook. As the
source of knowledge, textbook has an important role in learning process. CelceMurcia (2007) explains that textbooks or course books are either required or
supplementary to provide content and teaching-learning activities, which shape
much of what happens in the classroom.
In fact, schools use the different textbook published by different publishers. It
means that different publishers cater different content of material too. There are so
many textbooks provided by the publishers for every level of the school. The
examples of English textbook that based on School Based Curriculum are Inter
language: English For Senior High School Students XI, Linked To The World,
The Bridge English Competence, English Texts In Use XI and Advanced
Learning English 2. Hence, the teacher has to consider and select the textbook
because it has an important role for teacher to explain in more detail and for the
students to learn easily in reading.


The students will be difficult to get the knowledge of the textbook, when they
face the difficulty to understand the content of the textbook especially the reading
material. Reading material is one of the contents of the textbook besides listening
instruction, some exercises, writing task and some conversation scripts. Reading
material is usually in the form of the text that is used to teach reading like
pronunciation words, comprehending the content of the text, getting vocabulary,
and also understanding of grammar. Through the text, the student can get
information, knowledge, vocabulary and grammar.
In the reading section, every student usually gets difficulties in comprehending
a long texts or a dense text. They get difficulties in comprehending the text when
getting bored. But in fact, the main point of difficult text is the lexical density and
grammatical intricacy of the text. However, the words of high frequency may
hinder understanding, as understanding text related to another aspect that is
complexity of text. The complexity of text is seen in Grammatical Intricacy and
Lexical Density. GI refers to the complexity of sentence patterns that are
employed in a text. A complex compound sentence is more difficult to understand
than one in its GI. In order words grammatical intricacy is concerned with the
number of clause in a complex clause and the depth of the clause. LD refers to the
information load which is the ration between separate words/content words and
the total number of words in a text.
So the writer analyzes the Advanced Learning English 2 textbook published
by Facil, a brand of Grafindo Media Pratama that is used for the grade XI of
Senior High School in SMAN 1 Purbaganda, Pematang Bandar. The writer


analyzes reading material in textbook based on School-Based Curriculum for
knowing the lexical density and grammatical intricacy. The textbook is used in the
two semesters of teaching-learning process.
Based on the explanations above, there are several reasons why the writer
chose the textbook. First, it is one of the textbooks that is suitable with the current
curriculum. Second, it is often used by some schools so it is important to know
whether the reading texts are appropriate for the students. Third, the writer wants
to know the complexity text in reading material in the Advanced Learning English
2 textbook. Fourth, the purposed school is SMAN 1 Purbaganda which is the one
of public school in Pematang Bandar sub district. The purposed school is still the
new school which is built at 2012.


The Problems of Study
From the background of the study above, the problems are formulated as

1. What are the Grammatical Intricacy and Lexical Density level in the
reading text found in Advanced Learning English 2 textbook?
2. Which text has the highest Grammatical Intricacy and Lexical Density in
the reading text found in Advanced Learning English 2 textbook?
3. What make the text has the highest Grammatical Intricacy and Lexical
Density the way it is?



The Objective of Study

Based on the formulation of the research above, the objectives of this study are:
1. To find out the Grammatical Intricacy and Lexical Density level in the
reading texts found in Advanced Learning English 2 textbook .
2. To find out the text that has the highest Grammatical Intricacy and lexical
density among the reading texts found in Advanced

Learning English 2

3. To find out what make the text has highest Grammatical Intricacy and
Lexical Density Level.


The Scope of Study
The study is limited to analyze reading materials for knowing the lexical

density and grammatical intricacy of reading text on Advanced Learning English
2 textbook that used in the school; it will be applied in the grade XI senior high
school – SMAN 1 Purbaganda, Pematang Bandar. The number of clauses in a text
as a proportion of the number of sentences was considered as grammatical
intricacy, while the number of content carrying words in a text/sentence as
proportion of all words in the text/sentence was considered as lexical density.
Both of them were the focus of the research.

E. The Significance of Study
The findings of this study are expected to be useful theoretically and


Theoretically, the findings are expected to be useful for
1. The teachers as feedback on their teaching reading activities to know the
difficulty of the text
2. Those who want to conduct a research about the study as a reference.
Practically, the findings are expected to be useful for:
1. The teacher in teaching reading to choose the appropriate strategy or
media for the text based on the complexity of the text.
2. The teaching material designers who want to design the appropriate texts
in English teaching of English curriculum design.

A. ฀onclusion
฀fter analyzing the data and elaborating the findings, conclusions were
drawn as the following:

Grammatical intricacy level of the text as follows: Text 1 was 0.52. Text 2

was 1.24. Text 3 was 0.84. Text 4 was 0.92. Text 5 was 1.95. Text 6 was 1.46.
Text 7 was 1.03. Text 8 was 0.90. Text 9 was 1.62. Text 10 was 1.85. Text 11
was 1.64. Text 12 was 2.25. Text 13 was 2.60 Text 14 was 1.40. Text 15 was
1.80. Text 16 was 4.00. Text 17 was 1.42. Text 18 was 1.73. Lexical Density
level as follows: Text 1 was 0.56. Text 2 was 0.52. Text 3 was 0.52. Text 4 was
0.54. Text 5 was 0.55. Text 6 was 0.40. Text 7 was 0.42. Text 8 was 0.36. Text 9
was 0.44. Text 10 was 0.46. Text 11 was 0.44. Text 12 was 0.39. Text 13 was
0.38. Text 14 was 0.38. Text 15 was 0.42. Text 16 was 0.38. Text 17 was 0.46.
Text 18 was 0.42.
2. The text in ฀dvanced Learning English 2 textbook had the highest GI was
4.00 within title Removing Lead from Petrol in hortatory exposition text and the
text had the highest of LD was 0.60 within title Panda in report text.
3. The length of the sentence did not influence the grammatical intricacy of
the texts but the more complex clauses and content carrying lexical items could
make the reader difficult to process the texts.



B. Suggestions
Based on the conclusion to the findings pointed above, the following
suggestions are needed to be considered in conducting the related research.
1. For English teachers, they can apply the result of this study as feedback
on their teaching activities to choose the appropriate learning sources and
to teach. It used to fulfill the aim, the ability level of the students and
their needs because each text had different level of and grammatical
intricacy and lexical density so it certainly has different teaching
materials so that the students fell attracted to study.
2. For the textbook authors, they can use this study to present the next
textbook in balancing composition between content carrying lexical
items and non-content carrying lexical items of lexical density, complex
clause and simple clause of grammatical intricacy, in order the students
can understand about the reading texts.
3. For the students, the result of this study can be helpful for them to
comprehend the content of the textbook in the reading texts and get the
knowledge of the textbook by understanding the complex clauses and
content carrying lexical items of texts.

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