Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan

By :

REG. NUMBER : 2123321052


Surbakti, Nayara Hafiza. Registration Number: 2123321052. Developing
English Reading Materials for Grade XI of Agricultural Vocational High
School. A Thesis. English Educational Program, State University of Medan,

This study is concerned with developed reading text materials for vocational
school. This study was conducted by using Research and Development (R & D)
design through seven phases; analyzing the existing syllabus, existing reading
materials, and students’ needs to identify problems, reviewing the theory of
principle of effective reading materials, developing the reading materials, making
the first draft, revising the new reading materials as suggested by experts,
providing the final draft, and validating new reading materials to the experts.
The subject of this research was students in grade XI of agricultural department in
SMK N PP 1 Kualuh Selatan. Instruments for collecting data were questionnaire
and interview. After analyzing the data, the researcher got the students’ need in
learning English in term of vocation that they have. The data were gathered by
administering interview and distributing questionnaire to 37 respondents to get the
students’ needs. The interview and questionnaire results prove that the students
need English reading materials which contained English for agricultural major.
The developed teaching materials were related to the vocation that the students
had. The products have been validated by experts. The average scores are 4.25
from English teacher and 4 English lecturer. It means the developing materials are
categorized as relevant or appropriate for students of agricultural department in
grade XI.

Key words: reading materials, agricultural, vocational school.


Surbakti, Nayara Hafiza. Registration Number: 2123321052. Developing
English Reading Materials for Grade XI of Agricultural Vocational High
School. A Thesis. English Educational Program, State University of Medan,
This study is concerned with developed reading text materials for vocational
school. This study was conducted by using Research and Development (R & D)
design through seven phases; analyzing the existing syllabus, existing reading
materials, and students’ needs to identify problems, reviewing the theory of
principle of effective reading materials, developing the reading materials, making
the first draft, revising the new reading materials as suggested by experts,
providing the final draft, and validating new reading materials to the experts.
The subject of this research was students in grade XI of agricultural department in
SMK N PP 1 Kualuh Selatan. Instruments for collecting data were questionnaire
and interview. After analyzing the data, the researcher got the students’ need in

learning English in term of vocation that they have. The data were gathered by
administering interview and distributing questionnaire to 37 respondents to get the
students’ needs. The interview and questionnaire results prove that the students
need English reading materials which contained English for agricultural major.
The developed teaching materials were related to the vocation that the students
had. The products have been validated by experts. The average scores are 4.25
from English teacher and 4 English lecturer. It means the developing materials are
categorized as relevant or appropriate for students of agricultural department in
grade XI.

Key words: reading materials, agricultural, vocational school.



First of all, the writer would like to thanks to Allah SWT and the Prophet
Muhammad SAW for the blessings during her academic year at English and
Literature Department Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) State University of
Medan in completing the thesis. The writer is also very thanksful to the following


Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and
Arts (FBS) State University of Medan for her advice and encouragement
to complete the study.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature
Department as well as Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English and
Literature Department for their encouragement and motivation during the
writing of the thesis. Syamsul Bahri, S.S, M.Hum., the Head of English
Literature Study Program and Nora Ronita, S.Pd, S.S., M.Hum., the
Head of English Education Program for their encouragement to complete

the thesis.

Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., P.hD., her Thesis Advisor, Indra Hartoyo,
S.Pd., M.Hum., as her Second Thesis Advisor and Academic Advisor,
Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., and Neni Afrida Sari Harahap, S.Pd.,
M.Hum., as her Thesis Examiners who had already motivated her to finish
the thesis by giving advices, supervising, comments and corrections during
completing this thesis.

Dra. Masitowarni, M.Ed., as the Validator for her research product, who
had already given comments and corrections as well as Irma Verawati
Herlina, S.Pd., as the English Teacher and the Second Validator for her
research product, and also all the Lecturers of English and Literature
Department during her academic years at State University of Medan, who


have taught and given knowledges and also invaluable advices to complete
her thesis.

Eis Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd., and Pak Pantes, the administration staffs of
English Department, who much helped her to fulfill this thesis.

Her beloved parents, Ilham Hafiz Surbakti and Yusripah, S.Pd., who
patiently give her encouragement, special care, support, affection, endless
love and prayers, as well as her beloved brothers, Neza Hazaq Albar
Surbakti, and Natama Habibi Hazed Surbakti, who always give the
best support all the time.

Her best friend since Junior High School, Sony Andrean, who always be
the best mood booster, and support her all the time during these ten years.

Her best partner in all conditions, Swarman Siahaan, who always
motivate, and sincerely supports her in the very sad and happy situations.

All her classmates in Extension B 2012 and her beloved friends in
Generasi 16 SMA Plus Al-Azhar, who have given spirit and consolation
for her.

Her friends in HMJ-BSI FBS UNIMED, HGC Medan, Perpustakaan
Terapung, Forum Duta Mahasiswa Genre Sumut, and Ikatan Duta
Bahasa Sumut, who always support her in finishing this thesis.

Her beloved friends, Kak Ai, Rika, Irma, Geby, Dayu, Imam and
Andika, who have given spirit since the first time they met and build a

Medan, September 2016
The writer,

Nayara Hafiza Surbakti
Reg. No. 2123321052



ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................

LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................ vii
LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................ viii
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION..................................................................
A. Background of Study ...........................................................
B. Problems of Study................................................................
C. Objectives of Study..............................................................
D. Scope of Study .....................................................................
E. Significances of Study .........................................................


CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE .............................................

A. Theoretical Framework ........................................................
1. Reading Comprehension ...............................................
2. Agriculture ....................................................................
3. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) ............................
4. Curriculum ....................................................................
5. Course Design ...............................................................
a. Syllabus .................................................................
b. Material Design .....................................................
c. Material Development ...........................................
B. Relevant Studies ..................................................................
C. Conceptual Framework ........................................................



CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................
A. Research Design ..................................................................
B. Subject of Research .............................................................
C. Instruments of Data Collection ............................................
D. Techniques of Analyzing the Data ......................................
E. Develop the Materials ..........................................................


CHAPTER IV. MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT ...................................... 36
A. Need Analysis ....................................................................... 36
1. Target Needs ................................................................... 36
2. Learning Needs .............................................................. 38
B. Analysis of Existing Teaching Materials ............................. 39
C. Develop the Reading Materials ............................................ 42
D. Validation by Experts............................................................. 45


1. English Teacher ..............................................................
2. English Lecturer ..............................................................
E. Revision .................................................................................
F. Final Draft .............................................................................
G. Discussion..............................................................................


CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ............................ 52
A. Conclusions ............................................................................ 52
B. Suggestions ............................................................................ 53
REFERENCES ...............................................................................................




Figure 2.1. The Chart of Materials Design Model ..........................................


Figure 3.1 The Chart of Developing Materials ................................................



Table 4.1 Evaluation of Existing Materials ...............................................


Table 4.2 English Teacher’s Validation Score .........................................


Table 4.3 English Lecturer’s Validation Score ........................................




Appendix A. Interview .....................................................................


Appendix B. Questionnaire ..............................................................


Appendix C. Existing Materials ........................................................


Appendix D. Developing Materials ..................................................


Appendix E. Validating sheet ...........................................................


Appendix F. Syllabus of Agricultural ...............................................


Appendix G. Syllabus of English Subject .........................................



A. Background of Study
Teaching materials are the resources which a teacher uses to deliver
instructions. O’Neill (2003) emphasizes that teaching materials help a teaching
and learning process. They can influence the interest of learners to study the
subject. In many cases, teacher and students rely heavily on textbook which
determines the components and methods of learning. Students learn what is
presented in the textbook, and the way the textbook presents the materials is the
way students learn it. Thus, materials become the center of instructions, and one
of the most important influences on what goes on in the classroom.
Materials are absolutely related to skills of language, including in teaching
English as a foreign language. As one of the four major skills, reading is an
essential skill for students. It is the most important skill to master in order to
succeed in learning English because reading skill can support the development of
the knowledge and provide the proficiency to get information. In the syllabus of
grade XI for vocational school, students in the first semester need to learn
narrative, discussion, and procedure text. Procedure text plays important role in
reading. It is one of the genres which is suitable for vocational school goal since
procedure is a type of written text which functions to direct the steps of how to
accomplish a task or job.


The researcher will conduct this research at SMKN Pertanian
Pembangunan 1 Kualuh Selatan

in grade XI at Labuhan Batu Utara. The

researcher choose the students in grade XI as the subject research because based
on the syllabus the students of agricultural vocational school only learn about
procedure in grade XI and also thare is no research which is conducted yet about
development of English reading materials in grade XI in this school.
Based on the researcher analysis on their teaching materials, it is found
that the materials are not specified for agricultural vocational students. In fact,
students of agricultural vocation are taught by using reading materials which are
not related to agricultural particularly found in procedure text. In their textbook,
they are taught a procedure text of how to make a cake, and how to make
chocolate. Then they are asked to answer questions about those text. Actually it is
not relevant for the students of agricultural in vocational school. Further, based on
researcher observation, students of SMKN Pertanian Pembangunan 1 in grade XI
have to learn a vocation subjects, it is agribusiness for gardening and students
have to master how to do fertilization, irrigation, and shading. Thus, actually
students need the suitable English reading materials related to their vocation to
motivate them in learning English and master the skills.
Vocational school is concerned with preparing students’ ability in their
major for working in the future, which means that the students of vocational
school have to learn English for Specific Purpose (ESP) that is related to their


targeted job in the future. It is stated in the content standard of the national
education standard board or Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (2006), the
purposes of English subject in Vocational School are: (1) to master the basic
knowledge and skill of English to support the students in achieving the
competency of their expertise program; (2) to apply their knowladge and skill of
English to communicate in both spoken and written communication. Further, it is
also stated on Permendiknas number 23 in 2006 about standard of competences
of alumnus in Vocational school that they have to master their vocation in order to
fulfill their targeted job or continue their study in University.
In English, there is a term of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). ESP
needs to be taught because it is about how to teach the learners suitable materials
based on their needs. The specification of English will help the learners to master
English as they need in term of specific purpose they have (Hutchinson & Water,
1986). Through ESP, students will find some teaching materials which are related
to their vocation. Further, Mirza (2010) states that developing reading materials
has long been one of the main targets of the language teachers across the world.
Thus, it will be interesting for the students to read the text, and finally they will be
motivated to learn English and enrich their knowladge about their vocation.
Based on the background above, the developing of English reading materials
is needed for students in vocational school, and this research focus on developing
English reading text materials for grade eleven of agricultural vocational high


school (SMKN Pertanian Pembangunan 1 Kualuh Selatan), particularly procedure

B. Problems of Study
Based on the background above the problems of study are formulated as
1. What procedure reading text materials are suitable to the needs of students in
grade XI of agricultural vocational high school?
2. How are the English reading materials appropriately developed for the students in
grade XI of agricultural vocational high school?

C. Objectives of Study
Based on the formation of research problems, the objectives of this study
1. To analyze the reading materials which are suitable to the needs of students in
grade XI of agricultural vocational high school.
2. To develop the reading text materials for the students in grade XI of agricultural
vocational high school.


D. Scope of Study
The materials that will be developed are based on students’ need and
students’ spesific purpose. The materials will be taught to the students in grade XI
of Agricultural Vocational High School, and the skill that will be concerned on is
reading comprehension, particularly procedure text that identifies something
works or how to do the instruction manually.

E. Significances of Study
These findings of the research have theoritical and practical significances.
Theoritically, the findings add up more horizon in theory of English for Specific
Purposes (ESP) related to the areas on how to develop reading materials to
English for Specific Purposes learners. In addition, the findings can be references
for further studies. Practically, the findings are useful and relevant for the students
to support their needs and motivate them in learning reading comprehension.
Moreover, these findings are useful for the teachers to provide authentic materials
for their teaching and for other researchers to get relevant references for further

A. Conclusions
After analyzing the data, conclusions are drawn as the following.
(1) Based on the need analysis from the interview and quistionnaires, it
was concluded that the students of SMKN Pertanian Pembangunan
1 in grade XI of agricultural vocational high school need the
suitable reading materials particularly procedure text about
fertilizer, irigation and planting, and shading in order to increase
their knowladge about agriculture to prepare themselves for
looking for a job later.
(2) The reading materials perticularly procedure text were appropiately
developed based on students needs and standardized by Badan
Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP). The materials were
developed through seven phases; (1) analyzed the existing syllabus,
existing reading materials, and students’ needs to identify
problems, (2) reviewed the theory of principle of effective reading
materials, (3) developed the reading materials, (4) made the first
draft, (5) revised the new reading materials as suggested by experts,
(6) provided the final draft, and (7) validated new reading materials
to the experts based on the standarized of appropriateness by



B. Suggestions
In relation to the conclusions, suggestions are staged as the following.
(1) Teacher and Institution
a. Teacher
Teachers should consider the students’ needs to choose the
learning materials. The learning process can be successful if the
reading materials were useful for their daily life and learning
environment. The teacher should use authentic teaching materials
based on the specific vocation which is had by the students. The
teachers should develop the reading materials if they found the
materials were too general for the students of SMK Negeri PP 1
Kualuh Selatan.
b. Institution
The institution should supervise the teachers and ensure them
that the reading materials supported the school’s mission. The
institution also should find the books which match to the students’
need. The number of references of English reading materials had to
be increased to ease the students learning English.

(2) Other Researcher
Other researcher should find many references to support in
developing reading materials. Interview should be considered to give
the students’ chance to deliver their wants and needs of reading

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