The Objectives of the Study The Scope of the Study The Significance of the Study

59 better result. They can also apply the relevant research in different level of age, different setting of speaking class, or different language proficiency. 2. Having read this research, all the students are expected to realize the relation between their personality and their speaking performances or their language outcome. Knowing the weakness and the strength aspect gained by students with different personalities should be a fundamental reflection to maintain the strength and improve each weaknesses related to their own personalities. Moreover, the educators are suggested to take students‟ personality as one of considerations to apply appropriate teaching method. Besides, it is sug gested not to use intuitive feeling to asses students‟ performances especially in speaking class. Five indicators including range, accuracy, fluency, interaction, and coherence must be assesesed to see students‟ speaking performances. 60 REFERENCES Bachman and Alderson. 2004. Assesing Speaking. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Bogdan and Biklen. 1992. Qualitative Research for Education. USA: Allyn and Bacon. Brody and Ehrlichman. 1998. Personality Psychology: The Science of Individuality Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Brown, H. 1994. Teaching by Principles: an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents. Bryman, A. 2001. Social Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Burns, A., and Joyce, H. 1997. Focus on Speaking. Sydney: National Center for English Language Teaching and Research. Clark and Clark. 1977. Psychology and Language. U.S.A: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Cook, V. 1996. Second Language Learning 2nd ed. New York: Edward Arnold. Cook ,V. 1991. Second Language Learning and Language Teaching. London: Edward Arnold. Davies, A,. and Elder, C. 2004. The Handbook of Applied Linguistics.London: Blackwell. Ellis, R. 2008. The Study of Second Language Acquisition. 2nd Ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Eysenck, H. and Eysenck,S. 1963. Eysenck Personality Inventory. San Diego: Educational and Industrial Testing Service. Fraenkel, J., Wallen, N., and Hyun, H. 2012. How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education: Eighth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. Gan, Z. 2011. An Investigation of Personality and L2 Oral Performance.Journal of Language Teaching and Research online, Vol. 2 No. 6 accessed on 15 Nov 2015, at 14.25 p.m Gosling, S and Swann, W. 2003. A very brief measure of the Big-Five personality domains. Elsevier: Journal of Research in Personality online, Vol.5 No. 1. accessed on 15 Nov 2015, at 13.05 60 61 Hogan, R. 2005. In Defense of Personality Measurement: New Wine for Old Whiners. Asian Social Science Journal online, Vol. 18 No. 4. http:www.mentis.internationalassets02040_indefense-of-pers measurement.pdf accessed on 03 Dec 2015, at 08.45 John, O. P., and Srivastava, S. 1999. The Big Five Trait taxonomy: History, Measurement, and Theoretical Perspectives. Pervin, Lawrence A Ed John, O . 1999. Handbook of personality: Theory and research 2nd ed.. pp. 102-138. New York: Guilford Press. Juan, M. and Tandoc, J. 2014. Students‟ Personality Traits and Language Learning Strategies in English. Journal of Arts, Science Commerce online, Vol.5 No. 3 https:www.questia.comlibraryjournal students-personality-traits-and- language-learning accesssed on 03 Dec 2015, at 09.25. Krashen, S. 1998. D. Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning. Prentice-Hall International. Latha,M. and Ramesh,P. 2012. Teaching English as a Second language: Factors Affecting Speaking Skills. International Journal of Engineering Research Technology IJERT online, Vol. 1 No. 79 http:www.multidisciplinaryjournals.comcontentuploads201503Fact ors-Affecting-Students-Speaking.pdf accessed on 10 Dec 2015, at 10.05. Lin, C. 2012. College Student Personality Traits Related to TOEIC and GEPT. Asian Journal of Educational Research online, Vol. 2 No.4. https:www.researchgate.netpublication274364375_College_Student_ Personality_Traits_Related_to_TOEIC_and_GEPT accessed on 12 Nov 2015, 09.10. Lincoln and Guba. 1985. Naturalistic Inquiry. California: Sage. McKay, S. L. 2006. Researching Second Language Classrooms. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Miles, M.B. and Huberman, M.A. 1984. Qualitative Data Analysis: A Source Book of New Methods. Beverly Hills, California: Sage. Miles, M.B., Huberman, M.A., and Saldana, J. 2014. Qualitative Data Analysis: A Methods Sourcebook. USA: Sage. Nagaraj, G. 2008. English in the World. Chirala: Orient Longman. Roberts, B.W. 2009. Back to the Future: Personality and Assessment and personality development. Journal of Research in Personality online,