Sugarcane Saccharum officinarum L.


A. Sugarcane Saccharum officinarum L.

Sugarcane is an important crop due to the economic value of its products. Sugarcane is a tall thick perennial that belongs to the grass family Poaceae. It has stout, jointed, fibrous stalk that are rich in sugar. The genus Saccharum comprises some different species, such as S. officinarum , S. barberi, S. sinense, S. edule, S. robustum and S. spontaneumi Table 1. Saccharum officinarum and S. spontaneum are thought to be the ancestors of cultivated sugarcane. Saccharum officinarum was domesticated in Southeast Asia and originally derived from S. robustum. All of those species interbreed, and the major commercial cultivars are complex hybrids Sreenivasan et al. 1987. Table 1 Scientific classification of sugarcane Kingdom Plantae Division Magnoliophyta Class Liliopsida Order Poales Family Poaceae Genus Saccharum L. Species S. officinarum, S. arundinaceum, S. bengalense, S. edule, S. procerum, S. ravennae, S. Robustum Sugarcane is a highly productive crop that has high photosynthetic ability as C 4 plant. It requires strong sunlight and abundant water for satisfactory growth. Crop growth duration can vary from 9 months to 36 5 months. Sugarcane stalk can grow to heights range 3.05–7.9 m and measuring 2.54–5.08 cm in diameter. Colors range from white, yellow, and green to purple. Sugarcane is mainly cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions. Indonesia harvested about 436 847 ha and produced 77 MTha of cane for centrifugal sugar Hadisaputro et al. 2008, of which almost three-quarters is on Java. Most of the remainder comes from Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. The remainder is cultivated on sugar factory plantations, both in Java as well as on other islands where the dominant form of sugarcane cultivation is plantation-style. About 70 percents of the sugarcane areas are cultivated by farmers, mostly on small to medium sized holdings. FAO data 2005 mentioned Indonesia in rank 11 th of sugarcane producer with 25 500 000 MT or equal to 529 635 000 Table 2. Table 2 Sugarcane producer countries in 2005 Rank Country Production 1000 Production MT 1 Brazil 8 725 914 420 121 000 2 India 4 825 286 232 320 000 3 China 1 819 452 88 730 000 4 Thailand 1 029 610 49 572 000 5 Pakistan 981 260 47 244 100 6 Mexico 937 277 45 126 500 7 Colombia 827 669 39 849 240 8 Australia 794 369 38 246 000 9 Philippines 643 870 31 000 000 10 USA 535 948 25 803 960 11 Indonesia 529 635 25 500 000 6 The sugarcane production areas in Japan are limited to the Southwestern islands, which are located between Taiwan and Kyushu Island, Japan. The cultivation areas of sugarcane are 20 970 ha in Okinawa Prefecture and 12 172 ha in Kagoshima Prefecture. Sugarcane occupies about 50 of agriculture area in Okinawa Prefecture and 60 in Tanegashima and Amami Oshima regions of Kagoshima Prefecture, and the crop is considered a key commodity in the region Takagi et al. 2005. Sugar is made by some plants to store energy that they do not need straight away, rather like animals make fat. Scientifically, sugar refers to any monosaccharide, also called simple sugar, i.e. glucose, fructose and galactose; or disaccharide, i.e. sucrose saccharose, maltose and lactose Belitz Grosch 1999. In non-scientific use, the term sugar is used as a synonym for sucrose, also called table sugar, a white crystalline solid disaccharide. Many plants produce table sugar although only two are used commercially and these are commonly known as sugar-cane Saccharum officinarum and sugar-beet Beta vulgaris. Manufacturing and preparing food may involve other sugars, including palm sugar and fructose, generally obtained from fruit. Typical sugar content for mature cane would be 10 by weight but the figure depends on the variety and varies from season to season and location to location. Equally, the yield of cane from the field varies considerably but a rough and ready overall value to use in estimating sugar production is 100 MT of cane per hectare or 10 MT of sugar per hectare Irei et al. 2005. 7

B. Brown Sugar

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