349 Hamzah, Reform of Civil Procedural Law at the Appellate-Level Courts in Indonesia

A. Pendahuluan

The authority of the high court as the appellate-level court is conirmed by Law No. 20 of 1947 concerning Appeal Court Regulation of Appeal Court in Java and Madura, and Part Three, Chapter IV of Rbg, consisting of Articles 199−205 for regions outside Java and Madura. 1 This authority is independent, rather than hierarchical 2 , in the exercise of its authority the appellate-level court cannot be intervened by the Supreme Court for it has different functions. The appellate-level court serves as the judex facti 3 since judges judex examine legal facts, namely actions, events or circumstances, 4 as the basis of the case and then match the legal facts against the laws constituting the juridical basis of iling a civil lawsuit. 5 The function of judex facti is carried out through the following stages: irst, formulating the facts; second, inding the causal link; and third, deducing the probability. 6 Such stages represent the mechanism of examination of a case within the scope of judex facti. The functions of judex facti in the appellate-level court are not regulated in the Het Herziene Indonesich Reglement HIR, 7 and Reglement voor de buitengewesten RBg, as well as Law No. 20 of 1947 concerning Appeal Court Regulation of Appeal Court in Java and Madura. Substantively, Law No. 20 of 1947 concerning Appeal Court Regulation of Appeal Court in Java and Madura and RBg only regulate judicial administration, but not the procedure for civil proceedings, as conirmed by M. Yahya Harahap 8 , further afirming that the provisions regarding procedure for examination of a case at the appellate- level court are not regulated in Law No. 20 of 1947 and Het Herziene Indonesich Reglement or Revised Indonesian Regulation HIR, and Reglement op de buitengewesten RBg”. The legal facts indicate a fairly long vacancy of civil procedure law at the appellate-level court. In practice, 9 examination of a case at the appellate-level court uses Article 357 of the Reglement op de Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering Rv 10 , which reads: “The case is subsequently decided by the appellate judge concerned without much process and only based on the documents, but prior to the delivery of the inal decision, he is authorized to deliver a preparatory decision or a preliminary order”. Among the evidence for examination of a case by documents was the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. 879 KSip1974, which stipulated that: 11 [...] The high court is to examine and decide an appeal based on the case ile submitted by the district court to the high court; it does not mean the decision handed down without the presence of the litigant parties is not valid, since such a system is a regular procedure at 1 Code of Procedure for Areas Outside Java and Madura Reglement van het tot Regeling rechtswezen gewesten buiten in de Java en Madura, abbreviated as Reglement op de buitengewesten RBg, S. 1927-227. 2 Ibid., p. 33. 3 Ibid., p. 106. See Henry Campbell, 1979, Black’s Law Dictionary deinitions of the Terms and Phrases of American and English Jurisprudence, Ancient and Modern, West Publishing Company, St. Paul Minn, p. 754, 532. Judex latin: a judge judge, to judge, assessor. Facti facto: in fact; by an act facts, events. 4 Philip M. Hadjon and Tatiek Sri Djatmiati, 2005, Legal Arguments in Explanation of the Inductive Reasoning, Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta, p. 40. 5 Ibid. 6 Ibid., p. 33. 7 Het Herziene Indonesich Reglement HIR or Revised Indonesian Regulation, Stb. 1848 No. 16 in conjunction with Stb. 1941 No. 44. 8 M. Yahya Harahap, 2008, The Authority of the High Court and the procedure of civil proceedings at the Appellate Court, Sinar Graika,Jakarta, p. 112 9 Ibid. 10 Reglement op de Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering Rv or the Code of Civil Procedure for the European group, Stb. 1847 No. 52, in conjunction with Stb. 1849 No. 63, is the procedural law applies exclusively to European groups and for those equivalent for iling a civil lawsuit to the Raad van Justitie and Hooggerechtshof . With the abolition of The Raad van Justitie and Hooggerechtshof, Rv is not applicable. In today’s judicial practice, the existence of provisions in Rv remain being used and maintained as set forth in the Guidelines for Implementation of Court Duties and Administration, Books I and II, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, 20032004, p. 60 and p. 126 hereinafter referred to as Rv . 11 The Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, 1982, Collection of Commercial Law Jurisprudence in Indonesia , Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta, p. 73. 350 MIMBAR HUKUM Volume 28, Nomor 2, Juni 2016, Halaman 348-364 the appellate level [...]. The Supreme Court was of the opinion that the procedure for examination of a case at the appellate level does not require the presence of the litigants, as with the procedure for examination of a case at irst-instance courts. Based on the above background, the legal basis of the procedure for civil proceedings at the appellate-level court constitutes the central issue of this paper.

B. Analysis