



Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

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Registration Number 2113220010







Except where appropriately acknowledged, this thesis is my own work, has been expressed in my own words and has not previously been submitted for assesment.

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Medan, Agustus 2015

Elsabat Lumbantoruan 2113220010







First of all, the writer would like to express my deepest thanks and praise

to Jesus Christ, who gives spirit and strength, ability to complete this research as a partial fullfillment of the requirements to obtain the S1 degree of Sarjana Sastra at the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, The State University of Medan.

In finishing this thesis writer has been helped by many people, therefore in this occasion she would extend her sincere and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. H. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of


Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and

Arts, State University of Medan, and Vice Dean I, Vice Dean II, Vice Dean III, and all the Administrative Staff.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department and her

Thesis Adviser, Dra. Meisuri, MA., the Secretary of English Department. Syamsul Bahri, S.S., M.Hum., the Head of English Literature

Department and as her Thesis Examiner.

Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., as her Academic Adviser.

All Lecturersthroughout her Academic Years at the state university of

Medan who have shared their knowledge

Thanks to her amaze parents,Hilon Lumbantoruan and Ramli Lubis who has patiently given moral, spiritual and financial support including the endless love and pray for her. Thanks for everything mom and dad.



 Her beloved friends and all her classmates in English Literature A and B 2011

Her beloved Sisters And Brothers, thanks for all their care as long as this thesis arrangement.

 Her sweetest friends Swi Idayati Simanjuntak and Marta Lumban Batu, thanks for all their support, love, for whole the time after finishing this thesis.

Thanks to Mam Eis who helped in administration and support.

Medan , Agustus 2015

Elsabat lumbantoruan 2113220010




Lumbantoruan, Elsabat. Simile In At First Sight Nicholas Sparks’s Novel. A Thesis. English and Literature Department. Faculty of Language And Arts. State University of Medan. 2015

This study is concerned with simile in At First Sight novel. This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative design as the research method. The objectives of this study were to find out the types of simile used based on Hassan

and Halliday’s theory and the reason for using simile in At First Sight novel. The

data of this research were 272 sentences signed with simile that occured in At

First Sight novel. The research findings were four types of simile, they were

“like” (119), “as if” (69), “as” (66), “” (18), and five reasons were: to enhance all words by adding portrayal and original, offer personal experience and emotional hook, make the sentences more creatively and shorter, add great depth and imagery, and create a powerful mental pictures










A.The Background of The Study ... 1

B.The Problem of The Study ... 5

C.The Scope of The Study ... 5

D.The Objective of The Study ... 5

E. The Significant of Study ... 6


A. Theoretical Framework ... 7

1. Simile as a Figure of Speech ... 7

2. Advantages and Functions of simile ... 13

3. Tips for Simile ... 14

4. Relevant studies ... 17

5. Novel ... 19

6. Synopsis of At First Sights novel’s ... 21

7. Summary At First Sight Novel’s ... 22



B. Conceptual Framework ... 26


A. Research Design ... 29

B. Data and Sources of Data ... 29

C. Technique of Collecting Data ... 29

D. Technique of Data Analysis ... 30


A. Data ... 31

B. Finding ... 38

C. Discussion ... 39


A. Conclution ... 41

B. Suggestion ... 41













A. The Background of The Study

All people have a story in their life, it could be a romantic, tragic, comedy story, and everything related to their experience could be a nice one. Eventhough, the writer should understand about some steps in making them to be an interesting story such as in novel. Story in novel interested the reader wants to read another story because novel allure us. A novel is about the world, novels are social: they are about people. Gill ( 2006 : 59 ) they are not about people in the way in which, say a television documentary or an article in a magazine is about people. People in novels are people, but they are not same the ones we meet everyday. They are fictional; they have been made up.

Writing a good novel is not as easy as read it. Creating a novel is not as easy making a notebook because the writer of the novel must be able to cover a beautiful story and wonderful language in their work. Wonderful language relates to create appropriate sentences, interesting and understandable. Language is able to influence the way of people think, to speak about anything in their daily life, that is why language can not separate from human’s life. In expressing something like information, an opinion, suggestion, and to express anything, whether feeling of angry, happy, nerveous, sorrow or many things could be expressed by using language. Language present in human’s life it just like pin and yarn, related each others.



Not only writing novel, all literature students also must read novel to increase their insight in how creating beautiful language. Because its involving words to build the content, and arrange them into sentences to express what writer ideas or opinions.

The reason why choosing At First Sight novel as the object of this research, caused this novel is one of Nicholas’s novel which had already translated into fifty languages. This novel is able to influence the readers feeling the story is vivid or looks like truly happened beside the readers. In fact, this case happened because Nicholas could cover beautiful story in At First Sight’s novel by playing all words used. There are opinions about this novel, first based on says “highly recommended. Nicholas sparks can take a simple plot and turn it into an excellent of art. The authors does an excellent job of making the characters looks so real, and will keep you interpret what’s going to happen.” Second is based on New Bern Sun-Journal (NC) says that “sheds light on the quirks couples discover in each other, and the frustation can ensue. At First Sight delves deeper still- into the more serious realities of life and love.” Other reasons of choosing At First Sight novel, it caused the writer is one of world’s bestselling author of love stories and one of the world’s most beloved storytellers. He is also the one of a lot of writer who has sales figure over eighty five million copies of his books.

Other reasons of choosing this novel is because the content telling about love story happened nowadays. The novel have a lesson for us specially for younger generations. About the culture, it should ponder and it looks



unappropriate for indonesian culture. Knowing their culture could have free sex without married, its not our culture. Directly, the contents gave us an understanding about wrong relationship in love. All deeds in the novel describe about life in New York. They need to struggle their love, because there a lot of affliction from their parents and also friends. The end of the story telling us that lexie was died and the baby was born without a nice mother, its so tragic. Adding by Jeremy utterance, he did want the baby born. But, for long time finally he accepted and keep the baby. It means the novel could be a lesson for us in loving story and took the positive things and apply in daily life. The story love of this novel reminds us about how to preserve our nature, culture. The important one is Western’s culture different with Indonesian’s culture, their culture should not imitate. Nowadays young generation accepted them and collide our culture. These events broke our life and it must be improved to keep the fellow generations.

Simile investigated in At First Sight novel because the novel has a beatiful story through sentences, and the writer able to cover all the words seems like vivid. Schulze (2010) says that similes enhance a novel by adding effecting portrayal and originality. Means simile has influence and role in At First Sight’s novel. Simile needs to learn because simile will help us to explain things, to express emotion, and to make your writing more vivid and entertaining. Discovering fresh similes uses in our own writing also means discovering new ways to look at our subjects. Similes can not only make our writing more interesting but also help us to think more carefully about our subjects. Put another way, similes are not just pretty ornaments; this is ways of thinking.



Investigating simile in At First Sight novel’s need previous study as the reference to encourage insight about simile wherever they were applied, there are three journals found related to this study.

First “Symbol, Metaphor, and Similes in Literature: A Case Study of Animal Farm.” The aims of this study is to find out the effect of using figures of speech on the writer style and addressee’s understanding. For this aim, these three figures of speech were founded in the novel and their types were determined according to Newmark’s ( 1988b).

Second, “Simile in English : From Description to Translation.” This study aims to provide account of similes in English, which serves as the starting point for an exploration of the problems they can pose when translated into Italian. This study expressed some similes are complex and posing various types of problem. To solve them needs translator to take into account factors, such as genre and readership, as well as micro factors, such as type, structure, and function of the simile, it is relevance to the message, and lastly the resources available in the target language. In other case may be signed “systemic” in nature: English compressed similes, not found in Italian, are rendered by adapting them to the target language system. A further problem is of a cultural nature: idiomatic similes, after all are reaching we can translate it literally.

Third, “Like In Simile- A Relevance –Theoritic View.” Simile would be metaphors were it not for the word like. Simile describing as an explicit comparison between two things or actions. This papers examines the meaning of like as used in similes in the light of relevance theory.



All the previous studies above have different goal, thus this study also has a proper purpose exactly investigating types of simile used and explain the reason why Nicholas used simile into his novel. This research is different, every simile applied in sentence try to express the character even from their emotion, their ideas and else. So, understanding simile will help us to know what the character means, did they feel angry or else.

B. The Problem of The Study

Research is done to know all imperfection of text or any else. All research have different problems definitely, and need investigation to find out the answer. Based on the background of study, the problems are:

1. what types of similes are used in At First Sight, Nicholas Sparks’s novel?

2. what does Nicholas’s reasons to use similes in At First Sight novel?

C. The Scope of The Study

This study was limited on the use of simile in At First Sight novel based on Hassan and Halliday in Sabiha (2013: 18) state that simile consist of: as,, like, as if, and as though.

D. The Objective of The Study

Related to the problem of the study above, the objectives of this study were:

1. to find out types of simile used in At First Sight Novel. 2. to describe the reasons of using simile in At First Sight novel.



E. The Significant of The Study

This research is expected to be useful for:

1. For readers to compare two entities unlike, and this reseach will give information and enrich their knowledge about simile and how is the simile itself will apply in daily communication.

2. For further researcher, this research can be used as a reference for further research about analysis of simile.





Based on the findings of this research, it was concluded that:

1. Four types of simile they were “like” (119), “as if ” (69), as (66),

“” (18), and as though was not found in At First Sight novel 2. Five reasons of using simile in the novel they were :

a) to enhance all words by adding portrayal and original, b) offer personal experience and emotional hook,

c) make the sentences more creatively and shorter,

d) add great depth and imagery, and to create a powerful mental pictures

B. Suggestion

After doing this research, and finding the result, some suggestions are forwarding as follow:

1. For readers, this research can be used to enrich knowledge about simile and how is the simile itself will apply in daily communication, learning simile is important like speaking in daily life, we don’t need to say too much, or other explanations in longer because we make it simple in simile. So, understanding simile needed by all people who wants to encourage theirself to be competent.

2. For further researcher, this research can be used as a reference for further research about analysis of simile




Arikunto, S. 2010. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

Bogdan,Robert C and Sari Knopp Biklen. 1982. Qualitative Research For

Education: An Introduction To Theory And Methods. Boston: Allyn and Bacon

Damon, Phillip. et al. 1966. Language Rhetoric And Style. New York: McGraw- Hill

Fadaee, Elaheh. 2011. Symbols, Metaphors And Similes In Literature: A Case

Study of “Animal Farm”,2(2), 19-27

Frederik, Juliana Tijaroh. 1988. English Poetry, An Introduction To Indonesian

Students. Jakarta: Ohio

Gill, Richard. 2006. Mastering English Literature. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Glencoe. 1991. Introducing Literature. California: McGraw-hill companies. Hussain. Rashid. Metaphors and Similes in Literature, 3(9), 1-2

Long, William J. 2003. English Literature. Delhi: A.I.T.B.S.

Pierini, Patrizia. 2007. Simile In English: From Description To Translation. 29,21-43.

Sabiha, Machene 2013. The Use of Simile in William Golding’s Novel Lord Of

The Flies. Ouargla: Dissertation Academic Master Kasdi Merbah University.

Stern, Josef. 2000. Metaphor in Context. London: Massachusetts institute of technology.

Thornley, G.C. and Gwyneth Roberts. 1984. An Outline Of English Literature.

London: Longman Group

Upham, Alfred. H. 2000. The Typical Forms of English Literature. Delhi: Sanjeev Offset Printer Krishan Nagar.

Walaszewska, Ewa. 2013. Like In Simile - A Relevance - Theoretic View. 11:3, 323-332.



http://en.wikipedia the free encyclopedia.htm (accessed on March, 13rd, 2015 at 12.10 am)

( (accessed on May, 14th 2015 at 15.00 am) (accessed on June, 20th 2015 at 11.30 am) (accessed on June, 20th 2015 at 11.35 am) (accessed on June, 20th 2015 at 11.39 am) (accessed on June, 20th 2015 at 11.50)



Investigating simile in At First Sight novel’s need previous study as the reference to encourage insight about simile wherever they were applied, there are three journals found related to this study.

First “Symbol, Metaphor, and Similes in Literature: A Case Study of Animal Farm.” The aims of this study is to find out the effect of using figures of speech on the writer style and addressee’s understanding. For this aim, these three figures of speech were founded in the novel and their types were determined according to Newmark’s ( 1988b).

Second, “Simile in English : From Description to Translation.” This study aims to provide account of similes in English, which serves as the starting point for an exploration of the problems they can pose when translated into Italian. This study expressed some similes are complex and posing various types of problem. To solve them needs translator to take into account factors, such as genre and readership, as well as micro factors, such as type, structure, and function of the simile, it is relevance to the message, and lastly the resources available in the target language. In other case may be signed “systemic” in nature: English compressed similes, not found in Italian, are rendered by adapting them to the target language system. A further problem is of a cultural nature: idiomatic similes, after all are reaching we can translate it literally.

Third, “Like In Simile- A Relevance –Theoritic View.” Simile would be metaphors were it not for the word like. Simile describing as an explicit comparison between two things or actions. This papers examines the meaning of like as used in similes in the light of relevance theory.


All the previous studies above have different goal, thus this study also has a proper purpose exactly investigating types of simile used and explain the reason why Nicholas used simile into his novel. This research is different, every simile applied in sentence try to express the character even from their emotion, their ideas and else. So, understanding simile will help us to know what the character means, did they feel angry or else.

B. The Problem of The Study

Research is done to know all imperfection of text or any else. All research have different problems definitely, and need investigation to find out the answer. Based on the background of study, the problems are:

1. what types of similes are used in At First Sight, Nicholas Sparks’s novel?

2. what does Nicholas’s reasons to use similes in At First Sight novel?

C. The Scope of The Study

This study was limited on the use of simile in At First Sight novel based on Hassan and Halliday in Sabiha (2013: 18) state that simile consist of: as,, like, as if, and as though.

D. The Objective of The Study

Related to the problem of the study above, the objectives of this study were:

1. to find out types of simile used in At First Sight Novel. 2. to describe the reasons of using simile in At First Sight novel.



E. The Significant of The Study

This research is expected to be useful for:

1. For readers to compare two entities unlike, and this reseach will give information and enrich their knowledge about simile and how is the simile itself will apply in daily communication.

2. For further researcher, this research can be used as a reference for further research about analysis of simile.



Based on the findings of this research, it was concluded that:

1. Four types of simile they were “like” (119), “as if ” (69), as (66),

“” (18), and as though was not found in At First Sight novel

2. Five reasons of using simile in the novel they were :

a) to enhance all words by adding portrayal and original, b) offer personal experience and emotional hook,

c) make the sentences more creatively and shorter,

d) add great depth and imagery, and to create a powerful mental pictures

B. Suggestion

After doing this research, and finding the result, some suggestions are forwarding as follow:

1. For readers, this research can be used to enrich knowledge about simile and how is the simile itself will apply in daily communication, learning simile is important like speaking in daily life, we don’t need to say too much, or other explanations in longer because we make it simple in simile. So, understanding simile needed by all people who wants to encourage theirself to be competent.

2. For further researcher, this research can be used as a reference for further research about analysis of simile




Arikunto, S. 2010. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

Bogdan,Robert C and Sari Knopp Biklen. 1982. Qualitative Research For Education: An Introduction To Theory And Methods. Boston: Allyn and Bacon

Damon, Phillip. et al. 1966. Language Rhetoric And Style. New York: McGraw- Hill

Fadaee, Elaheh. 2011. Symbols, Metaphors And Similes In Literature: A Case Study of “Animal Farm”,2(2), 19-27

Frederik, Juliana Tijaroh. 1988. English Poetry, An Introduction To Indonesian Students. Jakarta: Ohio

Gill, Richard. 2006. Mastering English Literature. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Glencoe. 1991. Introducing Literature. California: McGraw-hill companies. Hussain. Rashid. Metaphors and Similes in Literature, 3(9), 1-2

Long, William J. 2003. English Literature. Delhi: A.I.T.B.S.

Pierini, Patrizia. 2007. Simile In English: From Description To Translation. 29,21-43.

Sabiha, Machene 2013. The Use of Simile in William Golding’s Novel Lord Of The Flies. Ouargla: Dissertation Academic Master Kasdi Merbah University. Stern, Josef. 2000. Metaphor in Context. London: Massachusetts institute of technology.

Thornley, G.C. and Gwyneth Roberts. 1984. An Outline Of English Literature. London: Longman Group

Upham, Alfred. H. 2000. The Typical Forms of English Literature. Delhi: Sanjeev Offset Printer Krishan Nagar.

Walaszewska, Ewa. 2013. Like In Simile - A Relevance - Theoretic View. 11:3, 323-332.


http://en.wikipedia the free encyclopedia.htm (accessed on March, 13rd, 2015 at 12.10 am)

( (accessed on May, 14th 2015 at 15.00 am) (accessed on June, 20th 2015 at 11.30 am) (accessed on June, 20th 2015 at 11.35 am) (accessed on June, 20th 2015 at 11.39 am) (accessed on June, 20th 2015 at 11.50)