Problem of the Study Scope of the Study Purpose of the Study Significance of the Study Method of the Study

4 Based on short explanation above, the writer is interested in raising gerund as the topic and takes Twains novel as the data source. This paper gives a brief description about definition, form, and function of gerund found in the novel.

1.2 Problem of the Study

The problems of the study are: 1 What are the forms of gerund found in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn novelby Mark Twain? 2 What are the functions of gerund found in the novel? 3 What is the most dominant gerund found in the novel?

1.3 Scope of the Study

This paper describes one of grammars elements called gerund. The writer limits the study by concerning on its form, and function.

1.4 Purpose of the Study

The purposes of the study are: 1 To find out the forms of gerund used in the novel 2 To find out the functions of gerund used in the novel 3 To find out the most dominant gerund used in the novel 5

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study is absolutely significant to enrich readers knowledge about gerund and to keep them from misusing gerund especially for those who are interested in analyzing gerund or students who are excited to write their own literature work.

1.6 Method of the Study

This study is a literary work which applies the library research where the writer gets information and material by collecting some books which are relevant to the tittle of the study such as education books, literary works, articles, and journals. The data are sentences and clauses containing gerund found in The Huckleberry Finn novel by Mark Twain. The writer uses observation method as data collecting method. Nazir 2003:125 states that the observation method is the method of acquisition by using eyes without any standard tools. In analyzing data, the writer uses descriptive qualitative method. Bunging 2001:290 says, “Penggunaan strategi deskriptif kualitatif dimulai dari analisis yang terhimpun dari suatu penelitian kemudian bergerak ke arah pembentukan kesimpulan kategori atau ciri-ciri umum tertentu. The use of qualitative descriptive strategy starts with an analysis of various aggregate data from a research then moves towards the establishment of conclusion category of certain common. The steps of analyzing data are preceeded as the followings: 1 Reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn novel. 6 2 Identifying sentences and clauses expressing gerund. 3 Classifying them to their own forms and functions. 4 Analyzing the data based on their forms and functions. 5 Calculating the data to get the most dominant gerund. To get the percentage, the writer applies a formula by Junaidi and Suwono 2004:40: X = the percentage of gerund y = total of each gerund n = total gerund X = 100 x n y 7 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Definition of Gerund