How to make seafood fried rice 2. How to make omelet

5. Memperagakan percakapan meminta, memberi, dan menanggapi saran dan nasihat dengan baik dan benar.

E. Materi Pembelajaran:

 Asking for Suggestion Advice -Do you think I should... -What do you think I should... -If you were me, what would you do? -Do you have any advice for me? -Are you suggesting that I... -How do you suggest that I... -Do you have any recommendation? -etc.  Giving Suggestion Advice -I think youd better... -If I were you, I would... -It would probably good idea to... -Why dont you try... -I advise you to... -I suggest that... -I recommend that you... -My advice recommendation is... -My suggestion is... -etc.  Responding to Suggestion Making suggestion Accepting Suggestion Declining Suggestion Let’s go to school. Yes, let’s go. No, thank you. I do not feel like going. Why don’t you choose the red hat? Ok, I will. No, I don’t like red. I will choose the brown one, it is more matching with my dress. How about going to Pizza Hut? Yes, let’s go. It is already lunch time. Sorry, I’d love to, but I think we better choose another restaurant. Too much eating pizza is not good. I think you should go and meet him. Ok, if you say so. Sorry, I can’t. I have a meeting in ten minutes. We could go to Karimun Jawa for next holiday. Yes, let’s go. No, let’s go to the place which is nearer. Karimun Jawa is far.

F. Model dan Strategi Pembelajaran

1. Model Pembelajaran: CTL Contextual Teaching and Learning 2. Strategi: demonstrating the model of text, practice, penugasan.

G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

No. Kegiatan Pembelajaran Alokasi Waktu

1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

a. Salam pembuka. b. Siswa berdoa berdasarkan keyakinan masing- masing. c. Siswa diajak bertegur sapa dan ditanyakan kabar hari ini d. Presensi siswa

e. Mereview materi sebelumnya

10 menit

2. Kegiatan Inti

a. Eksplorasi Menunjukan gambar seorang wanita dalam keadaaan sakit, lalu menanyakan kepada siswa apa yang mereka pikirkan tentang gambar tersebut?, apakah mereka pernah berada dalam kondisi tersebut?, dan apa yang dapat mereka sarankan terhadap wanita yang ada di gambar tersebut? b. Elaborasi -Menjelaskan expressions yang digunakan untuk meminta saran dan nasihat -Menjelaskan expressions yang digunakan untuk memberi saran dan nasihat -Menjelaskan expressions yang digunakan 70 menit