Formet Rebellion Movement In Power:A Challenge Of Perfornance Prllfng

SIJRWAND0No DAN GMCE LESTARIaNAW0NoADI// Former Rebellion lllovementin Power I
A Challenge of Pedormance Prcofino

Formet Rebellion Movement In Power:
A Challenge Of Perfornance Prllfng
Suwandono &




Some nalion-stales are slill lacing rebellion movements that

he rise of political armed-

saying lhey walked in ihe ditlerent path ol hislory ol the

based rebellion movements to

slate and/or disappoinled lo lhe regime's perlormance. For

the national political stage in
some countries has brought more attraction to many parties. One ol many is
discourse of political management,

this reason, am conflict, separalism, and other ellort to lorm

a new regime happened.
Giving a specilic autonomy to the rebellion movemenl to
govern rn a specilic region is a common alternalive to
reduce lhe wolse impacl. lt is a kind oi recognition that they

which elaborated by armed-based rebel-

know well their needs. Sending lhe fomer rebellion move-

lion movements in their effort handling
their executive roles.

MNLII a rebellion movements in
Mindanao lead by Nur Misuari, gained
its power after a Final Agreement in
1996, and therefore facilitated the formation ofARMM (Aunnomow Regionfor

menl to power is an attempl to aggregate therr inleresls that

nol accommodaled lor a long trme lt is hope that it will
reduce the lension between lhe cenlral govemment and lhe

movemenl as well as the spread of violence to be a regional or inlemational

$sue ln some cases, however, il


not work, even counler-productive. The new regime's
performance changed from a solid, tast movinq and Iesponsive opponent to be a corrupl and full ol intrigues administration

This paper aims to study management panern of governance led by lhe former rebellion movement aclivisls



an anempl to do theory building in conllicl managemenl.
Comparing [4NLF in lhe Philrpprnes, HAI4AS in Palesline,
and GAM in lndonesia will be uselul lo ful{ill lhe need.

Ke!.!vord5: Feoe'lionmovemenl, rTnguesmaragemenl.



Staf PengajarJurusanllmu Hubungan lnternasi0nal
Univers itas M u hammadiyah Y0gyakarta

Mindanao Muslim).In early 2006, bom
was a rebellion regime in Palestine,

HAMAS, which gained its power after
winning a general election. This regimc
also showed a very-unique government

management pattem. After series ofpro-

in Helsinki Agreement, rebellion
regime of GAM (Gerakan Aceh
Merdeka; in Indoncsia has come in lo a
ce sses

new phase where more elites of GAM



won district-head officer election in either provincial ler,'el or regency level at
the end of 2006.


FAfAH and HAMAS faction

frequendy happens. Abbas' proposal for

conducting an earlier election to melt

A regime built by Misuari in frozen political situation in Palestine
ARMM, supporting by its I\4NLF contradictorily has arisen a never ended
armed-based rebellion movement,
along in their way has encountered serious problems, on either internal
Mindanao interests or its interaction with
Luzon regime. Finally, this situation
made Misuari desperate and led him
back to his original tradition that runs

conflict. So far, HAMAS regime is still
capable of withstand in the middle of
political and economic intrigue conducted by international and regional

regimes and its competitor in national

rebellion movement against the central

regime in Indonesia? After the Helsinki

government in Manila.r MNLF political rival in Mindanao, MIfd follows this

What do happen with ex-GAM

Agreement, GAM as security political
organization has relatively been frozen.
behavior then. Murrad Ibrahim of GAM's political ceremony and attribute
MII,E who replace Misuari's position as formally being prohibited to present
ARMM govemor after the conviction of amidst the public. Ibrtunately, IndoneMisuari as a result of his activities in sian government's breakthrough in givtriggering armed rebellion, do the same ing new politic space for the local party
thing that is fight Luzon regime back has provided a chance for GAM to transwith his armed-forces. In addition, so form itself to be a political party.3 This
does HAMAS regime under Ismail effort is quite effective for GAM to play
Haniyya. They got a very serious pres- a political role at the local level. No more
sure from outer part; massive boycott than t/2 year after dre Helsinki Agreeaction from US regime and its alliance ment, some independent candidates

applying support embargo and currency who are relatively come from GAM
circulation flowing to Ismail Hanilya could win in district election in Aceh.
regime's wallet.2
So far, SBY-JK regime is still givMeanwhile, Israel as the true rival ing positive respond toward the victoriof HAMAS elaborate some agreed his- ous GAM-affiliated candidatcs although
torical reasons, which gained from the the military and political elites has reprevious Palestine regime, FHIAH, to leasedrvamingin order that drey do not
resurrect GAM considering their aim to
resist F{AMAS. Various numbers of boycott actions and armed-forces clashes buiJt a country ofAceh. Indonesian gov-



LESTAnhMwoNoAot// t0{rner

emment has prepared arr Aceh Govern-

ment Act to construct Aceh after the
Helsinki Agreement.

Rebellion MownEnt in Power


Challenle ol Pertormance Roofng

armed forces rvas so dominant in order
that H,{$AS become a very considerable factor by either Israel or its competitor, IAIAH, who also design itself

We propose that several basic char-

armed forces. Counting on this military powet HAMAS is capable of ar-

acters support the three rebellion move-

ticulating their autonomous political

ments that are successfully gaining their


power to conduct new regimesa. The first

GAM is also an organization that
design itself as armed forces. GAM
fights for Aceh freedom by doing bar-


Typology ol Rebellion Movemenl

is rebellion movements tend to


themselves as armed forces. This choice

protoward absolute claim. In reaching

tends to be a tool in the bargaining

gaining activides trough military instru-


ments. Political option of GAM is
achieve their option for independence

those claims, mili tary-based olganization

option has become a very fundamental need. MNLF design itself as an
armed forces r,"ho claim to have wellas an

organized combatants in amount of
15.000. This effort is effective since almost for 20 years MNLF is still exist in
maintaining its organization dy,ramics
coping with the political and military
pressure by Luzon regime.5 Alike
MNLI Salamat Hashim, during his
separation from MNLF faction, also

designed MILF as military civiliaa movement. In fact, the armed forces belong
to MILF are larger in number. Observer
predicts that MILF rvill be able to mobilize a civiiian military movement almost 40 thousand ofpersonnel, both of
military and of combatant.6
HAMAS also design itself as an
armed forces post Intifadhah in 1988.
Escalation of HAMAS as political

and always rejects autonomy option that
some Aceh political elites gradually ac-

cept in the context of nation-states of
Se condlsl rebelJton organization also
designs itselfas a political organization.

This relates to their effort to develop
themselves as an embryo of a new gov-

emment. It manifests by the appearance

ofShadow Cabinet concept in rebellion
organization. Even more in some areas,
thcy have also designed their national
song proclamation draft, national attributes such as flag and basic concept
about a nation and its constitutions.
GAM, MNLF or IIAMAS have this attributes complete with all its interpreta-

tion as an element of a mobilization
process to gain internal, regional or even

intemational support.



IRML HuBtAlGAtl NrEflt{ASlOllAt- // votume ll ilo. 2 Mird 2007

Thidly rrlxllton organizations have
multi-faceted design of dremiilies. This
lact is very clear in HAIvIAS but not in
MNLF or GAM.'0 HAtrIAS is an organization binding with spiritual bond.
Later on, this bond transformed into
social, economy, political, and military
bond. As organization having exclusive
bond with Ikhwanul N4usli-minin,
HAMAS relatively, use manhaj
Ikhwanul Muslimin in Egypt. HAIVTAS
have a vcry complex charity board in
education, medical, social and culture.
That is why HAMAS camrot be identified as an ordinary military movement.
HAMAS grorvs in civilian environment
not in military
To some extent, this multi-faceted
design of HAMAS will give positive
contribution when this regime gets some
opporfunity to run a govemment management. Experience in civilian management will be a political learningfor
government management,

MNLF and GAM relatively look
like non-civilian movements. Various
economic a"nd social actir.'ities, v'hich
permanendy and professionally built in
the organization, are rare. From the beginning, GAM and I\{NLF are organizatiorx built by similarities of political
perspective in viewing some problems

in coping with repression from dre government, the invader regime.
In a Iimited area, multi-faceted rebellion organization tends to have immediary in constitudng an eflective rcgime compare to rebellion regimen,
rvhich only based on military and politics. Transparency and accountability of
rnuldfaceted rebellion regirne tend to be
more developed and it is not a trials and
errors action. Therefore, appreciation
of the civilians demanding an elfective
regime performance fulfi lled.
lnllastrocture ol Rebellion Movenent

In the effort to describe the structure of rebellion organization, we use
five big variables. These variable is irn-

portant as tools measuring immediary
of one rebellion movement in entering
a new phase where itis totally in-charge
in goveming and managing all aspects
of a society. Handling a government in
a limited area is much more complex
than to managing rebellion regime. Polit;c of scapegoat, rvhiclr is larniliar in re-

bellion movement, is very hard to apply in a govemment regime and so does



T;pologies of Rebellion

Field of Orqonizolion

they have . Option of military-based or-


ganization is not a part of a metamor-

Sociol ond economy

phosis process but



is the only option



sURurAl'I0oNo DAN GMCE tlsTARuf'lAw0N0A0l//


Rrbcllion MovrfiBnl in Power:

ClEleflge ol P€rtoflnanc! Proonng

some accomplishment of various gov-

who has an authoriLy asa mqjbhid.Hasn

emmentproblems are not enough to be
relied merely on commitment and solidarity So faq withstanding ability of rebellion regime in coping with "colonial"

Di Tiro is more apparendy to be a q..rn-

bolic politic leader than a spiritual



apparendy to be the same.

on solidarity power compare to other

Religious authority developed by
MNLF is also relatively weak. In draw-


ing their fight, I\{isuari tend to rely more

Firstly is ideology complexion in
rebellion movement. Ideology will play
an important role to determine poliry
options in problem solving. Ideology is
more than a scope of belief system, but
also a set of norms that will sublimate a
measured government management.
MNLF and GAI\{ in limited scope developed Islam-based ideology. Neve rtheless, these developed Islam ideologies are too weak. 2 HAMAS developed
a more specific and unique structure of
Islamic ideology. HA\{AS adopt Islam
belieCsystem in the structure dimension
and rvay of thinking of mahzab
Hambali, a unique thinJ