TRANSPLANT PRACTICES Reports | Clinical Research Centre

9 Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 n n n n n New transplant patients 130 141 128 122 94 Glomerulonephritis 41 32 53 38 50 39 33 27 33 35 Diabetes Mellitus 19 15 26 18 20 16 18 15 13 14 Hypertension 28 22 38 27 42 33 45 37 24 26 Obstructive uropathy 6 5 5 4 7 5 8 7 12 13 ADPKD 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 Drugs toxic nephropathy 1 1 Hereditary nephritis 1 1 Unknown 64 49 47 33 40 31 50 41 29 31 Others 6 5 1 1 5 4 6 5 2 2


5.3.1 Type of transplant The proportion of commercial transplantation had gradually reduced from 79 at its peak in 2004 to 21 in 2012. This was predominantly due to the marked decline in commercial cadaveric transplantation 76 in 2004 to 3 in 2011, which was in keeping with the implementation of restriction of cadaveric organ transplantation by the Chinese Ministry of Health. There was an increasing number of commercial living transplantation in 2010 which contributed to 25 of all transplants performed. However, this number has dropped to 23 in 2011 and 15 in 2012. Local live donor transplantation made up 55 of transplants 49 recipients in 2012, which was an increase from 42 cases 38 in 2011. However, the number of live donors has remained low. Local cadaveric transplantation had shown a promising rise over the last 10 years with 15 transplants performed in 2003 rising to 34 recipients 31 in 2010 and 40 recipients 36 in 2011. Unfortunately, this rise was not sustained and the number of local cadaveric transplants dropped to 22 recipients 25 in 2012. The year 2007 marked the first time in 20 years where there were more local transplants 56 compared to overseas commercial transplants 44. The proportion of local transplants continues to rise over the last five years with 80 of transplantations performed locally in 2012. Table 5.3.1: Type of renal transplantation, 1993-2012 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Year n n n n n Live donor genetically related 37 27 36 18 41 41 36 24 27 22 Live donor emotionally related 1 1 Local deceased donor 2 2 2 1 4 4 2 1 8 6 Commercial cadaver 15 11 22 11 36 36 105 71 81 65 Commercial live donor 83 61 142 70 18 18 5 3 8 6 Total 137 100 202 100 99 100 148 100 125 100 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Year n n n n n Live donor genetically related 28 27 41 33 20 14 30 19 32 19 Live donor emotionally related 2 2 5 4 7 5 5 3 4 2 Local deceased donor 16 16 10 8 27 19 37 23 22 13 10 Commercial cadaver 53 52 64 51 80 56 83 51 103 60 Commercial live donor 4 4 5 4 10 7 7 4 11 6 Total 103 100 125 100 144 100 162 100 172 100 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Year n n n n n Live donor genetically related 25 16 21 11 37 22 25 17 21 19 Live donor emotionally related 6 4 2 1 4 2 4 3 13 12 Local deceased donor 15 9 17 9 10 6 26 17 27 25 Commercial cadaver 111 69 145 76 107 64 85 57 45 41 Commercial live donor 4 3 6 3 9 5 10 7 4 4 Total 161 100 191 100 167 100 150 100 110 100 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Year n n n n n Live donor genetically related 35 28 27 20 25 23 27 24 35 39 Live donor emotionally related 6 5 15 11 12 11 15 14 14 16 Local deceased donor 24 19 35 26 34 31 40 36 22 25 Commercial cadaver 60 47 35 26 12 11 3 3 5 6 Commercial live donor 2 2 24 18 27 25 26 23 13 15 Total 127 100 136 100 110 100 111 100 89 100 Commercial cadaver China, India, other oversea Commercial live donor living unrelated 5.3.2 Place of transplant Transplantation within local centers fluctuated in the last two decades with 39 cases in 1993, remaining static for five years, increasing to a peak of 70 cases in 2001 but declining again with only 40 cases in 2004. This slowly increased again with a peak of 84 cases in 2011. Unfortunately, this was not sustained and the number of renal transplants performed in local centers decreased in 2012. This is disturbing data as it underscores our failure to improve the rate of transplantation within the country, which is mainly due to the lack of both living as well as cadaveric donors. The number of transplants performed in Hospital Kuala Lumpur, which is the main transplant centre in Malaysia continue to fluctuate. A similar trend is seen in Hospital Selayang. Prince Court Hospital initiated their transplant program in 2009 and had contributed a significant number of transplants performed in 2012 with 16 new cases 17. Even though, transplantation in China continues to drop from 139 cases 72 in 2004 down to 19 cases in 2012 Table 5.3.2, China transplantation still contributes 20 of all transplants in Malaysia in 2012. Table 5.3.2: Place of transplantation, 1993-2012 Year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 n n n n n HKL 36 25.7 33 16.2 36 34.3 32 21.2 29 22.5 PPUKM Prince Court Medical Centre UMMC 3 2.1 5 2.5 11 10.5 7 4.6 8 6.2 Selayang Hospital Other local 11 China 13 9.3 22 10.8 35 33.3 105 69.5 80 62 India 86 61.4 143 70.1 21 20 6 4 8 6.2 Other overseas 2 1.4 1 0.5 2 1.9 1 0.7 4 3.1 Unknown Total 140 100 204 100 105 100 151 100 129 100 Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 n n n n n HKL 33 31.1 37 28.9 28 19.4 32 19.8 30 17.4 PPUKM Prince Court Medical Centre UMMC 11 10.4 17 13.3 19 13.2 23 14.2 15 8.7 Selayang Hospital 4 2.8 11 6.8 11 6.4 Other local 1 0.8 3 2.1 4 2.5 1 0.6 China 52 49.1 64 50 80 55.6 83 51.2 103 59.9 India 7 6.6 5 3.9 9 6.3 8 4.9 12 7 Other overseas 3 2.8 2 1.6 1 0.7 1 0.6 Unknown 2 1.6 Total 106 100 128 100 144 100 162 100 172 100 Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 n n n n n HKL 26 16 20 10.4 31 18.1 35 23.2 36 32.4 PPUKM 1 0.5 2 1.2 1 0.7 2 1.8 Prince Court Medical Centre UMMC 6 3.7 7 3.6 8 4.7 5 3.3 4 3.6 Selayang Hospital 11 6.8 11 5.7 5 2.9 9 6 14 12.6 Other local 1 0.6 1 0.5 2 1.2 1 0.7 2 1.8 China 111 68.5 139 72.4 111 64.9 87 57.6 45 40.5 India 4 2.5 11 5.7 7 4.1 7 4.6 3 2.7 Other overseas 2 1.2 2 1 4 2.3 6 4 5 4.5 Unknown 1 0.6 1 0.6 Total 162 100 192 100 171 100 151 100 111 100 Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 TOTAL n n n n n n HKL 32 24.6 36 25.5 26 20.3 37 30.3 26 27.7 631 22.2 PPUKM 5 3.8 3 2.1 3 2.3 3 3.2 20 0.7 Prince Court Medical Centre 4 2.8 7 5.5 13 10.7 16 17 40 1.4 UMMC 10 7.7 10 7.1 10 7.8 7 5.7 10 10.6 196 6.9 Selayang Hospital 10 7.7 18 12.8 19 14.8 26 21.3 16 17 165 5.8 Other local 3 2.3 3 2.1 1 0.8 1 1.1 24 0.8 China 64 49.2 62 44 50 39.1 38 31.1 19 20.2 1363 47.9 India 3 2.3 2 1.4 2 1.6 344 12.1 Other overseas 3 2.3 3 2.1 7 5.5 2 2.1 51 1.8 Unknown 4 3.1 1 1.1 9 0.3 TOTAL 130 100 141 100 128 100 122 100 94 100 2843 100 12