Gronophyllum and Gulubia (Palmae) in Sulawesi




Revision on Gronophyllum and Gulubia in Sulawesi has been done. This
research is based on morphological characters of herbarium specimens from
Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor, and living plants from some areas forest in Sulawesi.
The result shows that there are five species of GronophyNum and one species of
Gulubia in Sulawesi. Four species of Gronophyllum are known previously namely:
G. kjer'lbergii, G. microspndix, G. sarasinorum, and G. selebicum; one species is
proposed as a new species, namely: G. macrospadix. The only one species of Gulubia
is G. l~~ngrstamina.
Southeast Sulawesi has three species of Gronophyllum and one
Gulubia namely: G. kjellbergii, G. macrospadix, G. selebicum, and Gulubia
longist~mina.South Sulawesi has two species of Gronophyllum and one Gulubia
namely: G. kjellbergii, G. microspadix, and Gulubia longistamina. Center Sulawesi

has only one species of Gronophyllum, namely: G. sarasinorum, and none of these
species growing in North Sulawesi.


Revisi Gronophyllztm dan Gulubia di Sulawesi telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini
didasarkan pada karakter morfologi dari koleksi spesimen herbarium di Herbarium
Bogo~iense, dan koleksi hidup yang diambil dari beberapa kawasan hutan di
Sulawesi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada lima jenis Gronophyllum dan satu jenis
Gulutlia yang ada di Sulawesi. Empat jenis dari Gronophyllum yang telah diketahui
sebeli~mnya,yaitu: G. kjellbergii, G. nzicrospadix, G. sarasinorum, dan G. selebicum;
satu jenis diusulkan sebagai jenis baru, yaitu: G. macrospadix. Hanya ada satu jenis
dari Gulubia, yaitu; G. longstamina sebagai jenis baru. Di Sulawesi Tenggara
terdapat tiga jenis Gronophyllum dan satu jenis Gulubia yaitu: G. kjellbergii, G.
nzacrt)spadix,G. selebicum, dan Gulubia longistamina. Di Sulawesi Selatan terdapat
dua jenis Gronophyllunz dan satu jenis Gulubia yaitu: G. kjellbergii, G. microspadix,
dan (iulubia longistamina. Sulawesi Tengah hanya ada satu jenis Gronophyllum
yaitu: G. sarasinorum, dan di Sulawesi Utara belum pernah ditemukan, baik
Gronophyllum maupun Gulubia.


Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa Tesis yang berjudul :

"Gronoplzyllumand Gulubia (Palmae) in Sulawesi"

Adaldh benar hasil karya saya sendiri dan belum pernah dipublikasikan. Semua

sumbe:r data dan informasi yang digunakan telah dinyatakan secara jelas dan dapat
diperilcsa kebenarannya.

Bogor, 18 Januari 2002





A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Master
Post Graduate Program Bogor Institute of Agriculture


Thesis tit e
Reg. Number
Study Program

: Gronophyllunz and Gulubia (Palmae) in Sulawesi

: 98279

Biology (Plant Taxonomy)

Approved By:
Supervisor Committee

(Prof Dr. Ir H. Edi Guhardja,

(Dr. Johanis Palar Mogea)

Chair Person Study Program

post graduate program


(Dr. Ir. Dcdy Duryadi Solihin)

Day of graduation :

1 8 JAN

afrida Manuwoto,M.Sc.)



Syamsiah was born in Enrekang, South Sulawesi on 12 Desember 1962, the
ninth daughter of nine children from father Rangan and mother Dongi. She was
graduated from Elementary School in 1975, Junior High School in 1979, and Senior
High School in 1982, all in South Sulawesi. She was graduated from the Department
of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences IKIP Ujung Pandang in 1988.
Since March 1" 1989 she has been appointed as a lecturer at the Department
of Bic~logyHaluoleo University, in 1998 she has registered as a student at the post
Graduate Program of the Bogor Institute of Agriculture. Since May 1999 she has
appoirded at the Department of Biology of the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences

Makassar University. She was married and has two sons and one daughter.


LIST OF TABLE..............................................................................................
LIST OF FIGURES ..........................................................................................
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................
RESE.4RCH AND METHODOLOGY .......................................................................
RESULT AND DISCUSSION.........................................................................
General Part: Morphological character ...............................................
Habit .........................................................................................
Leaves .......................................................................................
Geographical Distribution ...................................................................
Special Part: Taxonomy .......................................................................
Generic Description of Gronophyllum .................................................
Key to species of Gronophyllum ..........................................................

Species Description of Gronophyllum .................................................
G. kjellbergz~.............................................................................
G. macrospadix .........................................................................
G. microspadix .........................................................................
G. sarasinorum .........................................................................
G. selebicum ............................................................................
Generic description of Gulubia ............................................................
. .
Species description of Gulubia.............................................................
G. longistamina .......................................................

INDEX OF EXAMINED SPECIMENS ..........................................................



I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisors Prof Dr Ir. Edi
Guhardja, M.Sc. and Dr. Johanis Palar Mogea for their advice, guidance and

encouragement throughout my study.
My thanks also to Prof. Dr. Ir. Sjafiida Manuwoto, M.Sc., Director of the
Graduate School Bogor Institute of Agriculture; Dr. Irawati, Head of Herbarium
Bogoriense for granting to conduct research and providing some facilities.
My gratitude to Dr. John Dransfield of the Royal Botanical Garden Kew for
sharing his knowledge and introducing to the miracle world of Palms; Dr. Ary P.
Keim, M.Sc., who provided some literatures which are not available in Indonesia.
I would like to thanks to all graduate students of Plant Taxonomy IPB 1998,
especially Dra. Tuti Djanvaningsih, M.Si. for valuable discussion. I appreciate to Ir.
Himmxh Rustiami, M.Sc. and Dr. Harry Wiriadinata for suggestion, advice and
Special thanks to my husband Azis Andawi, SE., both my parents, my sons
and my daughter, my sisters and my brother for giving their moral support, financial
and great patient when I studied in Bogor.


Distribution of Gronophyllunz and Gulubia from Southeast Sulawesi to South
Sulawt:si and Central Sulawesi... . .... .. .... . . . . . ... .... . .. . .. .. ... ... . ... . ..... . .. . .. . . ... . .. 12






Distribution map of Gronophyllum and Gulubia in Sulawesi................................13

G. kjellbergzz ......................................................................................20
G. macrospadix ...................................................................................22
G. mic.pospadix .....................................................................................
G. sele bicum..........................................................................................

Gulubra longistamina.............................................................................................


GronophyNum consists of 33 species which are wide spread in Sulawesi,
Moluc:cas, New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago, and Australia. While Gulubia
consists of 9 species which are wide spread in Moluccas, New Guinea, Bismarck
Archipelago, Solomon Island, Australia, New Hebrides, Fiji, and Palau. They can be
found in various habitats from the lowland at sea level to montane mossy forest and
montane tropical rain forest, as undergrowth palm to emergents, on variety of rocks
including serpentine and limestone (Uhl and Dransfield, 1987). So far for Indonesia,
this gt:nus has not been widely observed both at the aspect of taxonomy and its use.
Groncphyllum, especially its red-trunk of 1.5 cm in diameter, has been utilized as
weapon. Commonly, Ambonese community utilize its trunk for roof, and in New
Guinea its used for house construction (Heyne, 1987). The author observed that
vi1lagc:r community of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, used its trunk for floor and wall
of houses. Its innermost frond is edible as vegetable and its liquid can be sucked
before the plant is bearing fruit. Its fruit can be used as a substitution of Areca-nut for

betel-chewer, because their husk and core have mostly the same substance. This plant
can allso be used as an ornamental plant. According to Essig (1982), trunk of Gulubia
can be used for floorboards and side panels of houses in New Guinea.
Gronophyllum was firstly described by Scheffer (1876) with Gronophyllum
microt:arpum from Ceram as its type, while Gulubia was firstly described in 1885 by
Becca~riwith Gulubia moluccana as its type. These two genera are classified into

family of Arecaceae (Palmae), subfamily of Arecoideae, tribe Areceae and subtribe
Arecinae (Uhl and Dransfield, 1987). In 1877 Beccari classified Gronophyllum
into subgenera of Nenga consisting three species, namely: N. pinangoides, N. affinis
and A! selebica. The latter species originally come from Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi.
In 1885, Beccari reclassified the sub genera Gronophyllurn as a genera again and
added four genera, namely: Nenga, Adelonenga, Leptophoenix and Gronophyllum.

GronophyNum was represented by G. microcarpum Scheff. from Ceram and G.
selebicum Becc. from Sulawesi. Burret in 1934 described one species, namely: G.
mk:rospadix from Sulawesi. In 1936, Burret described another two species from
Sulawesi, namely: G. ljellbergii and 6. sarasinorum. In 1939, Burret found another
on,9,peduncle>,2.5 cm l ~ n g ........................................................
2 a Prophyll30 - 36 by 3.5 - 4.5 cm, inflorescence 25 - 35 cm long, number of
rachilla 9 -16, peduncle 2.5 - 3.5 cm long.. ......................1.G. kjellbergii
1). Prophyll 39 - 47.8 by 5.3 - 7.8 cm, Inflorescence 2 36 cm long, number of

rachilla 318, peduncle > 4 cm long.. ..............................................



Number of rachilla 31 or 32, peduncle 4.3 - 4.5 cm long, fruit narrowly
globose to globose, 5.75 - 6.15 by 3.75 - 6 mm .................. 5.G.selebicum

t ~ Number
of rachilla 18 - 25, peduncle 4.7 - 5.5 cm long, fruit narrowly oval

tooval,7-10 by 3-6mm.:


a.. Fruit narrowly oval, 7 - 8 by,3 - 3.8 mm... ................... 2. G.macrospadix

tl. Fruit oval, 10 by 6 mm ...........................................4. G. sarasinorum


1. Gronophyllunr kjellbergii Burret

Fig. 4

G. kjellbergii Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 13 (1936) 203 - 205;
Essig and Young, Principes 29 (1985) 133 - 134. Type : Sulawesi, Southeast,
Wawotobi, Palahari,fl +fr, 17 March 1929, Kjellberg 912 (B holo; BO Iso !).

Cluster, moderate, to tall palm; stem 5 - 10 m tall, 6.5
internode up to 9

- 10 cm in diam,

- 22 cm long; leaf sheath 51 - 67 cm long, entirely covered by

glaucc~usof indumentum, many small brown or black dots. Leaves 1.75 -2.5 m long
including petiole , petiole with many small black dots of indumentum; leaflets 3 - 42
on either side , in 9 - 15 groups,each group consist of 1 - 8 ( 9 - I0 ) leaflets
scattered; two leaflets at apical is rather broadly , fan like- shaped , 41 -50- by 5 - 10
cm, but sometimes narrows,l4.5 - 29 by 1.2 - 3.5 cm. Inflorescence moderate, 25 35 cni long; prophyll moderate , 30 - 36 by 3.5 - 4.5 cm, entirely enclosing
inflorc:scence in bud; peduncle 2.5 - 3.5 cm long, winged at the base , 9 - 16 rachilla
,sometimes straight or pendulous . Staminate flower at anthesis asymmetric , 8 - 10.5
mm lc~ng;calyx short, cup-shaped, 1.2 - 1.6 by 1.5 - 2 mm; sepals 0.8 - 1.6 by 0.3 0.7 mm, dorsal carinate , imbricate ; petals 6 - 10 by 1 - 2.7 mm, free, stamen 6;
filament 1 mm long; anthers 2.7 - 3.2 by 0.3 - 0.5 mm. Pistillate flower in bud 3 4.3 by 1.8 - 2 mm. Fruit 8 - 10 mm long, 2.3 - 4.15 mm in diarn., ripe fruit bright red

to pllrplish black, glabrous ,ellipsoid to oblongate with apical three stigmatic remain
0.9 inm long; remain sepal 1.3 by 2 - 2.2 mm, dorsal carinate ; remain petal 4 - 4.2
by 2 - 2.5 mm, glabrous, imbricate at the base; staminode 3, 0.2 mm long. Seed one,
ellipsoid, 5.5 by 3.5 - 3.8 mm, endosperm ruminate.

ECCILOGY : Disturbed primary marsh forest, secondary forest, alluvial flat along the
lake, clayey soil,locally shallow pools, hill side, mixed Metroxylon sagu forest,edge
of river, altitude 20 - 1000 m.
LOC'AL NAME : South Sulawesi : porofu (Soroako); Southeast Sulawesi: opisi
DIS'TRIBUTION : Sulawesi : South and Southeast.
Wavrotobi, Palahari, alt.lOO m,fl


fr, 17 March 1929, &ellberg 912 (BO iso!, B

holo); Mount Kukuluri, alt, 300 m, st, 12 Nov. 2000, Syam & Yuruf 2 (BO !); ditto,fr,

Syanz & Yusuf 3(BO !); Kendari, Anduonohu, alt 100 m, fl, 15 Nov 2000, Syam 5
(BO !); ditto, st, Syam 6 (BO !); Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park, alt.20 m,fr,
16 Nov. 2000, Syam & Yusuf 7 (BO !), SOUTH SULAWESI; Malili, alt. 1000 m,


9 July 1974, Whitmore 3083 (BO !, K); Soroako, Nuha Bonemaitu, Seluro, alt.400 m,

fl, if; August 1979, de Vogel6267 (BO !, L); Soroako, Matano lake, st, 14 July 1976,
Meijer 11 100 (BO !); Potingkua hill, alt. 400 m, fr, 12 Jan. 2001, Syam I I (BO !);
ditto, fr, Syam 12 (BO !); Matano Lake, alt. 300 m,fl
(BO !).

+ fr. 10 June 2001, Syam I9

NOTEIS: In the original description, G. kjellbergii has the stem 3 - 4 m tall and
number of rachilla ca 20, but in the field, it was found that the stem 5 - 10 m tall and

the rachilla number are 9 - 16. Therefore, the original description here has been
chang:d to latter characters.

2. Gronophyllunr nicroospndk Syamsiah sp. nov.

Palmae cluster, caudes 5


Fig. 5,6 & 7

m altus, frondibus cum vagina usque 1.8 m

longu:;, spathae 39 - 47.8 cm longus, 5.3

- 7 cm latus, inflorescentia 36 - 45


longu!;, rami fructiferi 18 - 21, florum glomeruli vel fructus decussati, omnibus
triflori, femineo intermedio, masculine binis superpositis. Fructus matures cum
perianthium 7 - 8 mrn longus, 3 - 3.8 mm diametro, fere ovate, semen fere globose.
Typus : Sulawesi, Southeast, Lepo-lepo, Kendari,fl +ff,13 Nov. 2000, Syam 4 P O
holo !).

Cluster, moderate palm; stem 5 - 6 m tall, 6.5 - 9 cm in dim, internode 8 15 crn long; leaf sheath 48 - 58 cm long, entirely covered with glaucous of

indumentum. Leaves 1.8 m long including petiole; leaflets ca 30 - 34 on either side,
in 12 - 17 groups, each groups consists of 1-3 (4-7) leaflets; leaflets of basal longest,
acute, 30 - 68 by 1 - 1.5 cm; middle leaflets 63 - 67 by 2 - 3.5 cm, with top margin
conspicuously praemorse; leaflets near the apical is shorter, two leaflets of apical

Fig. 5 G Macrospadix: A. basal leaflets with petiole; B. middle leaflets; C. apical
leaflets; D. pistillate flower; E. pistillate calyx gynoecium and corolla are
removed; F. gynoecium; G. a pistillate petal (A - G, after Syam 9).

Fig. 15. G macrospadix: A. Prophyll with inflorescence; B. a portion of rachilla
bearing staminate flower; C. a portion of rachilla bearing staminate flower and
pistillate flower; D. staminate flower; E. staminate flower in vertical section;
F. a staminate petal with pistillode, interior view, stamens have been removed
(A - F, after Syam 9); G. second peduncular bract; H. the infructescence; I.
mature fruit; J. seed; K. seed in vertical section (G - K, after Syam 4).

short, rather broadly 26 - 31 by 2.8


3 cm. Inflorescence in first order branching

patem 36 - 45 cm long; prophyll 39 - 47.8 by 5.3 - 7 cm, entirely enclosing
inflorescence in bud; peduncular bract two, first peduncular bract 37 - 46.5; second
pedunc:ular bract 10.5 by 2.8 cm, rachilla 18 - 21, pendulous; peduncle 4.7 - 5.5 cm
long. Staminate flower at anthesis asymmetric, 9 - 10 mm long; calyx short, 1.3 - 1.5
by 2 r m ; sepal 1.2 - 1.5 by 0.8 - 1 mm; petal 7 - 9 by 1.5 - 2 rnm; stamen 6;
filament 1 mm long; anther 3 - 3.7 mm long, yellow; pistillode three, 0.3 - 0.6 mm
long. I'istillate flower in bud 4.5 - 5.1 by 2 mm; calyx 1.8 by 2 mm; sepal 1.5 by 1.5
mm, imbricate; petal 4 - 4.2 by 1 - 1.5 mm, imbricate at the base and valvate at
apical; staminode absent. Fruit narrowly oval, 7 - 8 by 3 - 3.8 mm, with apical three
stigmatic remain 0.7 mm long; remain sepal 2 by 2 - 2.5 mm; remain petal 5 by 3
mm, glabrous. Seed one, narrowly globose, 4.8 - 5 by 4 mm, endosperm ruminate.

ECOLOGY : Secondary forest, edge of river, altitude 100 - 150 m
LOCAL NAME : Southeast Sulawesi: Opisi (Kendari)
DISTIUBUTION : Sulawesi; Southeast.
Kendari, Lepo-lepo, alt. 100 m,J ++fr; 13 Nov. 2000, Syam 4 (BO holo
Nov. 2000, Syam 9 (BO !).


!),fl+fr, 17

Fig. 7. G. mczerap%x: A. tree with in£lomcmw and young hhctaemce
(Kendari, Saoutheast Sulawesi, photo by Syamsiah); B. m a d peduncular
bract, ~ c t ~ candeinature
fnrt ( AB, after $yam 4).

NOTES': 1. The epithet


macrospadx" is refer to the inflorescence which is the

largest among Gronophyllum in Sulawesi, namely: 36 - 45 cm long
compare to 15 - 24 cm long in G. microspudix, and 25 - 35 cm long in

G. kjeIIbergj~.
2. All species of Gronophyllum in Sulawesi do not have pistillode of
staminate flower, but G. macrospadix has pistillode, trifid, 0.3 - 0.6
mm long ( Fig. 6 F).

Usually, Gronophyllum has one peduncular bract, but G. macrospadix
has two peduncular bract (Fig. 6 G).

3. Gronophylluni microspadix Burret

Fig. 8

G. microspadix Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 12 (1934) 44 - 45;
Essig and Young, Principes 29 (1985) 131 -134. Type: Sulawesi, South, Linkobale,

JI, 3 1 August 1929, Kjellberg 2232 (B holo; BO iso !).
Solitary, small palm; stem 3 - 4 m tall, 2.5 - 5 cm in diam; leaf sheath 46
cm long entirely covered by glaucous of indumentum. Leaves 1.4 m including
petiole; leaflets 21 - 23 on either side; leaflets of basal acute margin, 26 by 1.1 cm;
middle leaflets 39.5 - 47.5 by 2 - 2.4 cm, with margin conspicuously praemorse;
two leaflets of apical short, 21 - 26 by 5.5 cm, with 5 - 6 ribs. Inflorescence small,

151- 24 cm long; prophyll small, 17 - 26.5 cm long; peduncle short, up to 2 cm
long, winged at the base, rachillae is very few, 3 - 6 (10) rachilla. Staminate flower
at anthesis asymmetric, 7 - 9 mm long; calyx short, 1 - 1.4 by 2 mm; sepal 0.5 - 1.3
by 0.5 - 1 mm; dorsal carinate, imbricate; petal lanceolate, acuminate on the apical,
5 - 8 by 1.5 - 3.5; stamen 6; filament 1 mm long; anther 2.5 - 3.2 mm long,
yellow, pollen globose. Pistillate flower in bud 3.6 - 4.5 by 2 mm; calyx short, 1.5
by 2 mm; sepal 0,5- 1.5 by 1.3 - 2 mm; petal 3.3 - 3.8 by 1.2 - 1.7 mm; staminode
3, 0.2 mm long; ovary ovate to oblongate. Fruit drupe narrowly oval, 7.4 - 8 mm
loiig, 3.3

- 3.8 in diam.,

with apical three stigmatic remain very short, 0.5 mm

long; remain sepal 1.2 - 1.5 by 1.8 mm,imbricate, dorsal carinatus; remain petal 4.2

- 4.8 by 2.5 - 3 mm, glabrous. Seed one, narrowly globose, 3.3 - 3.4 by 2.8 - 3.4,

ECOLOGY: Secondary forest in Meoko Islet, undisturbed shore vegetation, terrain
level to step, limestone, altitude 300 m.
LCCAL NAME: South Sulawesi: Porofu (Soroako)
DISTRIBUTION: Sulawesi; South.
SPECIMEN EXAMINED: Indonesia, Sulawesi. SOUTH SULAWESI: Soroako,
Nuha, alt. 300 m,fl, 31 August 1929, KjeNberg 2232 (BO iso!, B holo); Nuha


15 June 1979, Balgooy 3733 (BO !); Luha Island in lake Towuti, alt.

300 m,fl +fi, 18 July 1979, de Vogel6358, (BO !, L); Soroako, Meoko Islet, alt.
300 m,fi, 10 June 2001, Syam 18 (BO !).

Fig. 8. G. microspadir: A leafsheath; B. infructcscence ; C. stem (A - C,
after Bdgooy 3733); D. infructescence @, after Syam 18).


Based on the type specimen collected by Kjellberg 2232 (deposited at

BO), the number of rachilla is 10, stem up to 10 m tall, with 5 cm in diameter. In
fact, based on the field observation number of rachilla is only 6, stem 3 - 4 m tall,

with a stem 5 cm in diameter. Even, the specimen of Bulgooy 3733 (deposited at
BO) has only 3 rachillas, stem 3 m tall, and ca 2.5 cm in diameter. Those evidences
are in accordance with Essig and Young (1985) who described that G. microspadix
frolrl Sulawesi, reaching 3 m in height, with a stem 5 cm in diameter, and its
inflorescence consists of 3 simple rachilla. Therefore, the original description
here has been changed to those above facts.

4. Gronophyllum sarasinorum Burret

G. sarasinorum Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin - Dahlem 13 (1936) 202
- 203; Essig and Young, Principes 29 (1985) 133, 136. Type: Sulawesi, Central,
Poso Lake, 11 Feb. 1895, Surusin 896 (B holo, n. v.).

Cluster, tall palm; stem up to 10 m tall, 6 cm in diam. Leaves up to 2 m
long, two leaflets connected on apical, with hard ribs of leaflets 5 - 7 ribs,
prae~norseon margin. Inflorescence 41 cm long, peduncle 4 cm long; rachis very
short; rachilla numerous, triads dense, opposite-decussate arranged. Staminate
flower asymmetris, 10 - 13 mm long; calyx 1.5 mm wide, dorsal carinate,
imbricate; petal lanceolate, acuminate; stamen 6; filament very short; anther linear,

basal .arrowhead-shaped; pistillode 3, small. Fruit druped oval 10 by 6mm, three
stigmatic remain on the apical; calyx short, cup-shaped, 1.5 mm wide; sepal
rotundate, imbricate, dorsal carinate; petal longer than sepal, tmangular on apical,
rather thick, valvate. Seed one, oval, ca 6 mm long; endosperm very ruminate.

ECOLOGY : Unknown
LOCAL NAME : Unknown
DISTIUBUTION : Sulawesi, Center
SPECMEN EXAMINED : No specimen available
NOTES : The plant was firstly described by Burret in 1936 based on the collection of
Sarasin 896 dated February I l", 1895 from arround Poso Lake, Central Sulawesi.

5. Grc~nophyllumselebicum (Beccari) Beccari

Fig. 9

Nenga selebica Beccari, Palmae Della Nuova Guinea Malesia 1 (1877)

Gronophyllum selebicum Beccari, Ann. du Jard. Bot. de Buitenz. 2 (1885)
79 - 82; Essig and Young, Principes 29 (1985) 133, 136, type: Sulawesi, Southeast,
Kendilri, Beccari s.n. ( FI holo, n.v.).

Cluster, moderate palm; stem up to 5 m tall, 9 - 10 cm in diam, internode up
to 13 cm long, leaf sheath 55 cm long, entirely covered with glaucous of

indumc:ntum. Leaves 1.75 - 2.5 m long including petiole, petiole and rachis with
many black dots; leaflets ca 27 on either side, leaflets in group of pairs; leaflet basal
elongate, 59.5 by 3.8 cm; acute to acuminate on margin, middle leaflets 61 by 3.6 cm
with margin conspicuously praemorse; two leaflets of apical small fan like-shaped,
22.5 by 3.2 cm. Inflorecence large, 35 - 39 cm long; prophyll large 41 - 42 by 7.5 7.8 cm, entirely enclosing inflorecence in bud; rachilla numerous, 31 - 32, straight or
pendulous; peduncle 4.3 - 4.5 cm long; triads opposite-decussate arranged. Staminate
flower asymmetric, 10 - 11 mm long; calyx very short 1.5 by 2 - 2.3 mm; sepal 1.5
by 0.5 - 0.8 mm imbricate; petal 9 - 10 by 2.5 - 3 mm; stamen 6 or 7; 2.5 - 2.8 by
0.5 mm; filament 0.5 - 0.8 mm long; no pistillode. Pistillate flower in bud 4.2 - 4.5
by 2.2, pyramid-shaped, acuminate; calyx 1.8 by 2.2 mm, cup-shaped; sepal 1.5 - 2
by 1.5 - 2 mm, imbricate; petal 4 by 1.7 - 2 mm, no staminode, imbricate at the
basal, valvate on apical. Fruit narrowly globose to globose, 5.75 - 6.15 by 3.75 - 6
mm, three stigmatic remain on apical, very short; remain sepal 1.2 by 2 mm,
imbricate, dorsal carinate; remain petal 4.2 - 4.8 by 2.5 - 3 mm, glabrous; epicarp
thin, mesocarp with fiber, endocarp very thin. Seed one globose, 3.5 - 4 by 4 mm,
endosperm very ruminate.
ECOL,OGY : Secondary forest, edge of river, altitude 100 m.
LOCAL NAME : Southeast Sulawesi: Oposi (Kendari)
DISTIUBUTION : Sulawesi: Southeast.
Kendsrri, Lepo - lepo, alt. 100 m,fl + fr, 17 Nov. 2000, Syam 8 @O !).

Fig. 9. G. selebicum: A. tree with prophyll, inflorescence, and hhctemmce
(Kendari, Southeast Sulawi, photo by Syamsiah); B. in6uctesccnoe and
mature fiuit (AB,after @am 8).

NOTES: Typical for G. selebicum is it has numerous rachilla 32, and the fruit shape
is narrowly globose to globose.



Gulubia Beccari, Palmae Della Nuova Guinea. Malesia 1 (1877) 34 - 38;
Becc:ui, Ann. du Jard. Bot. de Buitenz. 2 (1885) 127 - 137; Essig, Principes 26
(198:!) 159 - 173. Lectotype: G. rnoluccana (Beccari) Beccari (Kentia moluccana
Gulubiopsis Beccari,Bot. Jahrb.Fur Sit. 59 (1924) 11. Type: G. palauensis
Becciiri = Gulubiapalauensis (beccari) H.E. Moore and fosberg.
Paragulubia Burret, Notizbl. des Bot. Gart. und Mus. zu Berlin-Dahlem 13
(1936) 84. Type: P. macrospadix Burret = Gulubia macrospadix (Burret) H.E.Moore.

Tall, solitary, unarnied, pleonanthic, monoecious palms. Stem erect, rather
robust, bare, conspicuously ringed with leaf scars. Leaves pinnate, a relatively large
number in the crown, neatly abscising; sheaths forming well defined crownshaft,
elong.ate, variously scaly or glabrous; petiole short, adaxially chaneled, abaxially
rounded, variously galbrous or scaly; rachis straight or conspicuously curved,

adaxially channeled near the base, distally angled, abaxially rounded, variously
scaly like the petiole; leaflets very numerous, pendulous or horizontal or acsending,
straight or curved, regularly arranged, linear-lanceolate, single fold, acute or very
briefly bifid at the tip, adaxial surface glabrous, abaxially with or without minute
dotlike scales and large ramenta along the main vein near the base, transverse
veinlets obscure. Inflorescence infrafoliar, solitary at each node, but often several in
different stages of flowering and fruiting at one time, branching to 1 - 3 orders
proximally, to 1 orders distally, protogynous; peduncle short, winged basally, often
becc~mingswollen in fruit; propyll compressed, entirely enclosing inflorescence in
bud, 2-keeled,


rounded at the tip, thin, membranous, splitting longitudinally and

abscising; peduncular bract 1 or vestigial, inserted some distance from the prophyll,
slightly to much smaller than the prophyll, complete or incomplete, triangular to
lancc:olate, deciduous; rachis longer or shorter than the peduncle; rachis bract very
small; first-order branches with a short to long basal bare portion, glabrous;
rachillae few to numerous, straight or flexuous, eventually pendulous in fruit,
bearing very close to rather distant, opposite and decussate triads of white to rosepink flowers throughout the rachilla except at the very tip, where sometimes solitary
or paired staminate flowers; rachilla bract, low, rounded; floral bracteoles minute.
Staminate flowers asymmetrical, sepals 3, short,

+ triangular, briefly joined at the

base; petals 3, valvate in bud, or the margin not meeting in G. palauensis; 4 - 15
times as long as the sepals, narrow, triangular, the outward facing petal larger than

the: others,

+ fleshy, briefly united at the base; stamen 6 - 24, shorter or longer than

the petals, filaments very short, anthers elongate, basifixed, erect, latrose; pollen
elliptic, monosulcate, with finaly to coarsely reticulate and granulate, tectate exine;
pistillode absent, or very small, trifid. Pistillate flowers globose, much smaller than
the staminate; sepals 3, distinct, rounded, broadly imbricate, sometimes with
toothed margins; petals 3, distinct, not more than twice as long as the sepals,
rounded, broadly imbricate except at the very small valvate tips, the margins
sonietimes toothed or ciliate; staminodes usually 3 (1 - 6) tooth-like; gynoecium
globose to conical, unilocular, uniowlate, stigmas 3, short, sessile, ovule lateral,
fonn unknown. Fruit ellipsoidal to globose, and kidney - shaped in G. longistamina,
smz.ll, bright or dull red or blue-gray with pale stripes,


symmetrical with apical

stigmatic remains; epicarp smooth or drying ridged, mesocarp thin with a







fibn~vascularbundles, in G. costata forming prominent ribs, endocarp thin. Seed
globose to ellipsoidal, laterally attached with narrow alongate hilurn, and
sparse, anastornosing raphe branches, endospem homogenous or ruminate (G.

macrospadix only).

NOES: Gulubia and Gronophyllum are mainly distinguished in the character
of flower and habit as mentioned elsewhere (Essig & Young, 1985; Uhl &
Dratisfield, 1987).

I. Gulubia is protogvnous' and Gronophyllurn is protandrous. In the
protogynous of Gulubia, petals of the pistillate flowers are short and the
stigma is exposed at the time the inflorescence opens. Pistillate flower
anthesis first and the staminate flower anthesis after 24 hours later. In the
protandrous of Gronophyllurn, petals of the pistillate flowers have long,
acuminate tips that are closed over the stigma at the time the
inflorescence opens. Staminate flower anthesis first, and the pistillate
flower anthesis

sometimes later (details of timing have not been


2. Pistillate

flower of Gulubia, shorter than pistillate flower of

Gronophyllum. In Gulubia, pistillate flower narrowly globose to
globose, 2.2 by 1.8 mm, whereas in Gronophyllurn elongate, conical in
bud, 3 - 5.1 by 1.8 - 2.2 mm.

3. Habit in Gulubia, always solitary, but in Gronophyllum, mostly cluster
and rarely solitary.
4. The leaflets in Gronophyllum are mostly in group and very rapid, but in

Gulubia the leaflets mostly arranged regularly. In Gulubia, the basal
leaflets acute to acuminate margin, and the margin of the middle and
apical leaflets are shallowly notched. While in Gronophyllum, the basal
leaflets acute margin, the margin of the middle leaflets conspicuously
praemorse and the margin of the apical leaflets are praemorse.


GuLubia longktamina Mogea & Syamsiah sp.nov.

Fig. 10, 11, 12 &13

Palmae solitaria, caudes 7 - 10 m altus, frondibus cum vagina usque 2.75 3 m longus, spathae 53 - 59.5 cm longus, 6.6

- 7 cm latus, inflorescentia 45.5 -

58 cln longus, rami hctiferi 5 - 13, flores staminate 20 - 23 mm longus, 3 - 4 mm
altus, staminibus 6. Flores foemineus in alabastrum perbrevis, 2.2 mm longus,
1.8 rnm altus, h c t u s matures cum perianthium 8 - 13 mm longus, 2.5
diametro, reniformis, semen fere reniformis. Typus:

- 4.5 mm

Sulawesi, Southeast,

Wawotobi, Mount Auhu, 9,
13 August 1994, Mogea 6524 (BO holo !).

Solitary, large palm, stem robust, 7 - 10 m tall, 16 - 17.5 cm in diam. Nodus
4 - 5 cm long, internode 12.5 - 24 cm long; leaf sheath 78 - 82 cm long, brown yellowish entirely covered with glaucous and thick brown scales of indumentum.
Leavt:s 2.75 - 3 m long including petiole, petiole and rachis of leaves yellowish,
covered with black or brown dots; large brown ramenta along the main vein near the
base, 7 - 10 mm long; leaflets up to 39 - 42 on either side, regularly arranged;
three leaflets at the basal small, short to long, linear- acuminate, 26 - 47.5 by 1 1.7 cm; middle of leaflets very long, 76 - 99 by 4 - 5 cm, with ribs is hard, margin
bifid; two leaflets on the apical shorter, 29 - 3 cm and very briefly bifid at the tip.
Inflorescence 45.5 - 58 cm; prophyll large, 53 - 59.5 by 6.6 - 7 cm, entirely

enclosing inflorescence in bud; peduncular bract shorter than prophyll; peduncle 4.2 6 cm long, winged at the base; rachilla 5 - 13, pendolous. Staminate flower at

anthesis asymmetric, 20 - 23 by 3 - 4 mm; calyx 1.5 by 2

- 2.5 mm; sepal 1.2 - 1.5

by 1 nun, briefly imbricate at the base; petal 18 - 22 by 3 - 4 mm, free; anther 5 - 6.2
by 0.5 - 1 mm; filament 1 . 1 mm long, pistillode absent; stamen 6. Pistillate flower in
bud 2.2 by 1.8 mm; sepal 1.5 - 1.6 by 1.6 mm, rotundate at the tip; petal 1.6 - 1.8 by
1 - 1.4 mm, acute at the tip, staminode 3 very small, 0.2 mm long. Fruit kidney -

shaped drupes, 10 - 13 mm long, 3.5 - 4.5 mm in dim; three stigmatic remain very
short; remain sepal 1.5 - 2 by 2.3 - 2.8 mm; remain petal 2 - 2.5 by 3 mm. Seed one,
kidney-shaped, 9 mm long, 2.8 mm in diameter, endosperm homogenous.

ECOI.OGY : Secondary forest, altitude 300 m.
LOCAL NAME : South Sulawesi: Porofu (Soroako)
DISTIRIBUTION : Sulawesi, Southeast and South. Formerly the genus known only
disturl~ed in Moluccas to New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago, Solomon Island,
Australia, Fiji and Palau.
Wawotobi, Mount Auhu, alt. 300 m , p , 13 August 1994, Mogea 6524 (BO holo !).
SOVrH SULAWESI: Soroako, Meoko Islet in Matano Lake, alt. 300 m,fl

Jan. 2001, Syam 14 (BO !);fl + fr, 10 June 2001, Syam I6 (BO !).


Fig. 10. G. longistamina: A. basal leaflets; B. apical leaflets (AB, after Mogea .
6524); C. pistillate flower in bud; D. a pistillate sepal, E. a pistillate
petal; F. gynoecium with staminode (C - F, after Syam 16).

Fig. 11. G. longistamina: A, prophyll with inflorescence; B. a portion of rachilla
bearing staminate flower; C. a portion of rachilla bearing pistillate flower;
D. staminate flower; E. staminate flower in vertical section (A - E, after
Syam 16); F. the ihctescence (F, after Syam 14); G. mature fruit; H.
seed; I. seed in vertical section