Coverage observation types Schema for import Namespace Dependencies

-- ====================================================================== -- redefine -- ====================================================================== -- schema

2.5 Coverage observation types

Specialized observation types with coverage results may be implemented following the patterns given in sub-clause 2.4, setting the value of the result to a suitable coverage representation such as gml:Coverage or cv:CV_DiscreteCoverage see OGC 06-188r1.

2.6 Schema for import

Listing 5. Listing 5. is a stub schema document that collects Observation Schema Observations and Measurements components for use in external domain schemas. Use of this document in for external references to the OMObservation schema package ensures that all components are included, and reduces the risk of conflicting import statements. Listing 5. om.xsd ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? schema xmlns= http:www.w3.org2001XMLSchema xmlns:om= http:www.opengis.netom0.0 targetNamespace= http:www.opengis.netom0.0 elementFormDefault= qualified attributeFormDefault= unqualified version= 0.0 annotation documentation om.xsd The complete Observations and Measurements schema Copyright © 2007 Open Geospatial Consortium - see http:www.opengeospatial.orgabout?page=ipr documentation annotation -- ====================================================================== -- include schemaLocation= .observation.xsd -- ====================================================================== -- schema 3 Observation Schema Extensions schema

3.1 Namespace

The XML schema for Observation Schema Extensions v1.0 is in the namespace http:www.opengis.netomx1.0

3.2 Dependencies

The Observation Schema Extensions schema v1.0 has direct dependencies on the following externally governed schemas: Schema Version XML namespace Location of imported schema document GML 3.1.1 http:www.opengis.netgml http:schemas.opengis.netgml3.1.1basegml.xsd Swe 1.0.1 http:schemas.opengis.netsweCommon1.0.1swe.xsd Copyright © 2007 OGC – All rights reserved 15 Common SensorML 1.0.1 http:www.opengis.netsensorML1.0.1 http:schemas.opengis.netsensorML1.0.1 sensorML .xsd OM 1.0.0 om 1.0.0 om 1.0. 0 om .xsd Discrete coverages 0.2.1 http: www.opengis.netcv0.2.1 http:bp.schemas.opengis.net06-188r1cv0.2.1cv.xsd

3.3 Specialized observation