Respect traditional use, heritage and management of coastal Exclude permanent structures on undeveloped barrier beaches. The Establish a “no-build” buffer adjacent to lagoon, rivers Manage the Ehunli lagoon for low intensity use. Identify areas for both I

ls and B est M anageme nt Prac ti ces Pdqdjh#Odujh0Vfdoh#Ohlvxuh#Ghyhorsphqw#wr#Ehqh﾿w# the Community, the Private Investor and the Ecosystem: Princes Town Case Study Objective 1 - Development is harmonized with conservation, increasing quality of life by designing with nature

1. Respect traditional use, heritage and management of coastal

resources. Traditional knowledge for managing occasional opening of the Ehunli lagoon to the ocean helps pdlqwdlq#vdolqlw|#iru#﾿vkhulhv#dqg# uhgxfh#￀rrglqj#ri#hohydwhg#odjrrq# water levels. Protecting mangroves are critical for bird and monkey habitat and respects local culture, where hurting monkeys is taboo. Maintaining existing public access to lagoon, forest, and coast is important for economic and cultural uses.

2. Exclude permanent structures on undeveloped barrier beaches. The

dynamic processes of erosion and wave overwash keep the beach healthy. Temporary, low impact structures are allowable, but should be elevated to allow for beach movement. Sea defenses should be prohibited.

3. Establish a “no-build” buffer adjacent to lagoon, rivers

and wetlands. D#yhjhwdwhg#dqg# undisturbed strip of land will reduce srooxwlrq/#hurvlrq/#￀rrglqj/#dqg#kdelwdw# destruction. Wetlands should not be ﾿oohg/#krzhyhu/#li#wkhuh#lv#ryhu0ulglqj# sxeolf#ehqh﾿w#iru#﾿oolqj#zhwodqgv#ru# zdwhuzd|#+l1h1#d#urdg#dffhvv,/#frqvlghu# other alternatives including relocation, bridge, or adequate culvert to reduce lpsdfwv#dqg#￀rrglqj1#Pdlqwdlq# vegetated buffers for rivers, streams dqg#odjrrqv#+43#ᄆ#93p,1#

4. Manage the Ehunli lagoon for low intensity use. Identify areas for both

traditional use and non-damaging new uses. Limit boating to vessels without motors. Minimize the number of piers and promote shared use of the water area to reduce disturbance of habitat.

5. Identify key resources and design development to protect them.

Map areas of high value habitat and uhvrxufh#ydoxh#dv#d#﾿uvw#vwhs#lq#orfdwlqj# new development. Undeveloped green vsdfhv#+iruhvw/#pdqjuryh/#zhwodqgv,# can be used for passive recreation and tourism. Connecting these areas provides a habitat corridor for wildlife. Groupingclustering buildings away from key resources will minimize destruction of valuable habitat. Objective 2 - Services and infrastructure are in place that improve the standard of living for existing and future residents and visitors

6. Design infrastructure with adequate drainage systems. Roads should include drains