How the students’ responses toward your feedback? How do you give feedback to students’ with relevant and irrelevant And how do you give feedback to students’ with no response speaking A1: Rewarding - rewardsreinforcement B1: Approving-verbal and non-verb

5. According to you, is it important to specify the feedback that you given to

the students’ in teaching speaking? Of course it is important to specify which is the suitable feedback for the different act or attitude of the students. Specify means giving leveled-feedback such as ‘perfect – excellent – good – fair – not bad – poor’.

6. How your way in giving feedback to the students when you teaching

speaking? The different feedbacks are given to each student in the middle of their performace when performing the provided example of such conversation or expression. Besides, in giving the feedback is also given the end of learning. 7. How the students’ responses toward your feedback? The responses are various. Some of the students are so happy when they did something correctly and the teacher give the word ‘excellent’ or applause. Some others give different answer and expression such as give different answer and expression such as just quiet because they don’t understand

8. How do you give feedback to students’ with relevant and irrelevant

speaking aspects? As I said before, the feed backs are given differently. If the students’ performance are relevant, the teacher give the ‘very good’ words, applause or two thumbs. If they do irrelevant expression, the teacher will say ‘ no, you’re wrong. Try again correctly’

9. And how do you give feedback to students’ with no response speaking

aspects? Afirst I motivate them to follow the learning by switching the language, smile to them, ask their problem patiently, and ask them to have a smallsimple talks. If they still keep quiet and no responses, just ignore them for a moment and pay attention to the other students.

10. Do you agree that giving feedback is effective to improve students’

motivation in learning speaking? Yes, I do. Both spoken and written feedbacks are instruments to keep the students motivated and more coriously about the lesson. Appendix 3 STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : Andre Gilang R Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Bangga dan Senyum 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Memanggil dan menegur 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Membetulkannya kembali  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Diam 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Biasa saja tapi saya akan memperbaikinya di lain waktu 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Membuat saya bertambah semangat  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Mengoreksi Ulang 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Ada, Yaitu memuji saya. STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : Dias Regian Pinkan Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Menjawab dengan bahasa Inggris juga 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Menjelaskan atau mengulangnya kembali 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Membetulkannya  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? membenarkannya 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? malu 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Senang dan semangat untuk mengembangkannya kembali  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? No Answer 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Ada, ketika usaha saya untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris dihargai STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : M. Gailizhar Class : X. B Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Memberi point + 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Menegur saya sesekali 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Memperbaikinya  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Saya akan menghargai itu 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Itu adalah sebuah pengahargaan bagi saya 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Semangat  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Ya 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Ya STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : Aufa Dian Utami Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Merespon dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris juga dan menyesuaikan dengan kemampuan saya agar saya dapat mengerti. 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Diam Saja atau kadang menjelaskan kembali sampai saya menjawab 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Membenarkannya  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Mendegarkannya 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? malu 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Senang dan semangat untuk belajar.  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Ya 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Ketika saya dipuji jika benar STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : M. Rifath Akbar Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Senang dan malahh mengajak mengobrol bahasa Inggris 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Mengartikannya ke bahasa Indonesia 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Membenarkannya  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Menerima dan belajar lagi. Juga tidak langsung berhenti berbicaa bahasa Inggris 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Biasa saja dan mau memperbaiki kesalahan 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Senang  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Menjelaskan kembali dimana letak kesalahannya dan memperbaikinya, jika benar guru akan memberikan nilai + 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Memberi nilai yang bagus STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : Adam Ar Rafif Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Senyum 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Menegur 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Membetulkannya  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Diam dan Malu 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Malu 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Semangat  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Ya 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Ya STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : Cindy Tiara Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Memberi nilai yang bagus 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Memanggil dan mengulang pertanyaan sampai saya merespon 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Memgoreksinya  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Memperbaikinya dan mengingatnya 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Malu tapi akan mengingat yang benar 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? senang  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Ya dan akan mengingatnya 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Ya, akan bersemangat lagi STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : Aldi Firmansyah Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Merespon dengan positif 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Mengulangi pertanyaan atau menghukum sesekali 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Memberitahu yang benar  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Biasa saja tapi saya akan menanyakan yangbenar 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Tidak apa-apa. Sudah biasa 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Termotivasi untuk belajar dengan giat.  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Kadang-kadang saya mengerti tapi kadang tidak 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? ada STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : Zainul Arifin Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Merespon dengan bahasa Inggris juga 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Membiarkan saya 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? membenarkannya  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Tidak senang atau malu 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Tidak semangat karna malu 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Senang dan semangat untuk belajar  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Ya sering 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Ya STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : Septrian Lintang Yoga Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Memberi saya tambahan nilai 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Mentranslit ke bahasa Indonesia 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Membenarkannya  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Diam 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Malu 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Senang  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? ya 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Ada, ketika guru memuji saya STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : Deni Ganda Wijaya Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Merespon positif dan memberi nilai bagus 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Menerjemahkannya ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Memberi tahu mana yang benar  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Termotivasi untuk lebih baik 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Malu tapi tidak apa-apa 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Senang sekali  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Ya, saya mengerti 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Ada, ketika saya diberi nilai yang besar STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : Fauzan Hazmi Yahya Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Memuji saya 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Mengulangi pertannyanya kembali atau memakai bahasa indonesia untuk pertanyaannya itu sampai saya menjawab dengan benar 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Membenarkannya atau memakai bahasa Indonesia  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Malu tetapi saya akan menghargai itu demi kebaikan saya 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Termotivasi untuk mencari yang benar 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Membuat saya semakin termotivasi dan menyukai baha Inggris  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Ya saya akan dapat membedakannya 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Tentu saja saya akan lebih semangat STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : Wahyu Hidayat Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Memberi point + untuk saya 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Langsung berbicara bahasa Indonesia sampai saya mengerti 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Memberitahukan yang benar dan menyuruh saya mengulanginya  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? malu 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Sangat malu dan tidak suka tetapi itu adalah hal yang wajar dalam kelas bahasa Inggris 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Membuat saya semakin ingin berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? ya 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Ya. STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : Fakhrotun Nurul Az-zizah Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Senang dan berkata lanjutkan 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Mengulangi kembali siapa tahu yang tidak mendengar 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? membenarkan  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Berterima kasih karna telah mengoreksi say karna saya akan tahu letak kesalahan saya 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Malu tetapi tetap berbicara dengan kata yang benar 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Lebih menyukai pelajarannya  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Ya ketika dia mengoreksi kesalahan saya 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Ya, STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : Ridho Adlihanjaya Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Terus mengajak saya berbicara bahasa inggris 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Mengulangi pertannyaan dengan Bahasa Indonesia 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Membenarkannya  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Saya sangat menghargainya dan memperbaikinya 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Diam saja 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? termotivasi  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? ya 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Ya STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : Salaman Ramadhan Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1 Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Mempertimbangkan saya untuk diberi nilai yang tinggi 2 Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Mengurangi nilai saya 3 Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? memperbaikinya  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4 Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Membuat saya tidak termotivasi 5 Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Membuat saya berfikir bahwa bahasa Inggris itu semakin susah 6 Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Semangat  Feedback Effectiveness 7 Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Tidak 8 Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Kadang – kadang karna saya memang tidak suka bahasa Inggris STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : sigit Yudhistira Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Memuji saya 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Mengulanginya lagi 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Tidak apa, hanya memperbaikinya  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Tidak apa-apa 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Tidak masalah sudak biasa 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Senang  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Tidak 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Tentu STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : Aditya Falah Nugraha Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Menyuruh saya untuk terus belajar 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Mengoreksi saya dengan menunjukkan yang benar 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Selalu memanggil saya di sampai saya bisa  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Saya bisa maklum karna itu kewajibannya untuk mengoreksi kesalahan siswa agar siswa belajar lebih baik 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Tidak masalah buat saya 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Semangat  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Ya 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Semangat sekali karna Itu sudah kewajiban saya STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : M. Reynaldo Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Merespon saya dengan bertanya atau berbicara kembali 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Menegur saya 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? membenarkannya  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? malu 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? malu 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Senang  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Ya 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Ya STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : Ahmad Bir Hamid Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Bangga dan memuji saya 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Menunggu saya untuk merespon karna saya sedang berfikir atau menerjemahkannya kedalam bahasa Indonesia 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Memberitahukan saya yang benar dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Membuat saya semakin termotivasi karna tidak ada belajar tanpa kesalahan 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Bersemangat untuk bealajar agar lebih baik 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Semangat  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Ya, dan akan mengaplikasikannya di akan datang 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Ya. pasti STUDENTS’ INTERVIEW Students’ Responses Toward Teacher’s Feedback Name : Rezki Ramadhani Class : Imam Muslim  Teacher’s Feedback 1. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan benar? Memberi nilai yang baik 2. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu tidak merespon pertanyaan guru ketika berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Mengalihkan ke Bahasa 3. Apa yang gurumu lakukan ketika kamu salah berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Memperbaiki kesalahan saya  Students’ Responses toward Teacher’s Feedback 4. Apa responmu ketika gurumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Memperbaiki kesalahan saya 5. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumumu mengoreksi kesalahanmu didepan kelas ketika berbicara dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris? Lebih semangat lagi 6. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika gurumu memujimu ketika kamu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dengan tepat? Semangat  Feedback Effectiveness 7. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuat kamu mengerti apa yang salah dan apa yang benar dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris? Ya 8. Apakah umpan balik dari gurumu membuatmu menjadi semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris? Ya Appendix 4 OBSERVATION SHEET Teacher’s Feedback Toward Student’s Pronunciation Teacher’s Feedback Pronunciation R Ro Irr Evaluative Positive A1 13 - - B1 19 - - Descriptive Achievement C1 25 - - D1 - - - Evaluative Negative A2 - - 1 B2 - - 2 Descriptive Achievement C2 - - 25 D2 1 - - Total 58 28 86 Student’s Speaking Performance: R : Relevant Ro : No Response Irr : Irrelevant Appendix 5 OBSERVATION SHEET Teacher’s Feedback Toward Student’s Comprehension Teacher’s Feedback Comprehension R Ro Irr Evaluative Positive A1 13 - - B1 51 - - Descriptive Achievement C1 5 - - D1 - - - Evaluative Negative A2 - - 2 B2 - - - Descriptive Achievement C2 - - 5 D2 2 2 - Total 71 2 7 80 Student’s Speaking Performance: R : Relevant Ro : No Response Irr : Irrelevant Appendix 6 OBSERVATION SHEET Teacher’s Feedback Toward Student’s Vocabulary Teacher’s Feedback Vocabulary R Ro Irr Evaluative Positive A1 13 - - B1 3 1 - Descriptive Achievement C1 4 - 2 D1 - - - Evaluative Negative A2 - - 2 B2 - - - Descriptive Achievement C2 - - 4 D2 1 - - Total 21 1 8 30 Student’s Speaking Performance: R : Relevant Ro : No Response Irr : Irrelevant Appendix 7 OBSERVATION SHEET Students’ Responses toward the Teacher’s Feedback Types of Feedback Students’ Responses Positive Negative Rewarding A1 39 - Approving B1 73 1 Punishment A2 - 5 Disapproving B2 1 1 Specifying Attainment C1 34 2 Constructing Achievement D1 - - Specifying Improvement C2 34 - Constructing the way Foward D2 4 2 Total 185 11 196 Appendix 1 Videotaping Transcription Data School : SMA IT AR-RAIHAN English Teacher : Agustiawan, S.Pd Subject : Expressing Gratitude, Pleasure and Surprise. Class : X – Imam Bukhori Date : Tuesday, 19 November 2012 No Transcription Data Theme 1 T : Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahiwabarokatuh 2 Ss’: Waalaikumsalam Warahmatullahiwabarokatuh 3 T : Good Afternoon everybody. How are you today? 4 Ss‟: Good Afternoon. I‟m Fine and you? CR 5 T : Good. I‟m Fine too. Thank You Well, today we‟ll study about Expressing Gratitude, Surprise and Pleasure. Renaldo, Please close you laptop or it will be mine. while pointing Renaldo‟s laptop. Fauzan, What is the definition of gratitude? B1 B2 6 S1: hmm... Apa ya? I don‟t know Sir. VRo 7 T : Okay, Rifath, what is gratitude? B1 8 S2: Thank you VR 9 T :Good. Have you ever say thanks to your friend or your parent? B1 10 S1: Yes, of course. CR 11 T : May I know about what? Gail, please close the door. 12 S1 : when my parent gave me money CR 13 T : laugh it means that if your parent didn‟t give you some money you didn‟t say thanks? Rifath only smile. Well, it‟s Okay. Okay, Renaldo, What is the surprise? or have you ever get surprise from your friends? B1 14 S2: Ever, Sir. When I birthday my friend give me surprise. CR 15 T : Okay it can be, well all, what is the definition of pleasure? B1, C1 16 Ss‟: Happy, excited, joy. VR 17 T : Good. Pleasure is Happy or Joy or Excited. Well, in the projector, I have the example of Expressing Gratitude, Surprise and Pleasure in form of dialogue and I‟ll divide you become Imam or Bukhori. Well, now please work in pair with your chairmate. Get my point? B1, C1 D2 18 Ss‟: Yes 19 T : Good. Students still noisy. Okay, please shut up, pay attention to me.who will be the first? five students raising their hand Okay, Hanif and Ridho please. Hanif you become Imam, and Ridho you become Bukhori. Let‟s start. B1 Students still noisy. Okay, please shut up, pay attention to me. who will be the first? five students raising their hand Okay, Hanif and Ridho please. Hanif you become Imam, and Ridho you become Bukhori. Let‟s start. 20 S3: Oh, hi Bukhori. Come in. Its really nice to see you. 21 S4 : Lovely to see you too. Youre looking great. 22 S3 : Thanks. So are you. Let me take your coat. PIrr 23 T : k əʊt not coat Correcting student‟s pronunciation C2, C1 24 S3 : Oh ya ya, k əʊt. PR 25 S4 : OK. Here you go. 26 S3 : Do you like to try some food from other countries? 27 S4 : Yes, I do. 28 S3: What is your favorite one? PIrr 29 S4 : My favorite one is Kebab, actually. PIrr 30 T : ʹfeɪvərɪt Correcting student‟s pronunciation C2, C1 31 S3,S4: ʹfeɪvərɪt PR 32 S3 : Kebab? I‟ve never heard of it. 33 S4 : Well, the Kebab originated in Turkey. It is a staple food there. 34 S3 : What kind of food is it? 35 S4 : It is made of sliced roasted meat,served with fresh vegetables, and wrapped in Lebanese bread with a choice of sauces. PIrr 36 T : rӕped Correcting student‟s pronunciation C2, C1 37 S4 : rӕped. PR 38 S3 : Hmm … It sounds delicious. 39 S4 : Yes, it is. Anyway, let me invite you to try it. Would tomorrow be possible? 40 S3 : Sure, that will be fine. Thanks a lot for inviting me. 41 S4 : Any time. 42 T : Okay, That good. Give applause. Well, from the dialogue, let‟s we identify the which one the Expressing Gratitude, Pleasure and Surprise? Ok, Gayil please identify it. Dont be noisy. B1, A1 D2 A2 43 S5: Wait sir, hmm, what expressing sir? three of them or one by one? CR 44 T : It is alright if you find three of them. B1 45 S5: Expressing Gratitude, Thanks. So are you and Thanks a lot for inviting me. Expressing Surprise, Kebab? I‟ve never heard of it. It can be or not Sir? CR 46 T : It can be. And then? C1 47 S5 : hmm, Expressing Pleasure, silence maybe it is the same with Expressing Gratitude Sir. CR 48 T : Okay,Good. Thank you. Well all, is there any addition? Is Gail answer is right? B1 D2 49 Ss‟: Yes. 50 T : Well, here there are several short dialogue about Expressing Gratitude. who will be read for dialogue 2? Several students raising their hand. Okay, Dani please read dialogue one and two. you become Imam and Falah beco me bukhori. Let‟s start. 51 S5 : Mr. Joe likes the story and lets us use it in the next play. 52 S6 : I‟m delighted to hear about that. 53 T : Okay, continue dialogue two B1 54 S5 : Thanks a lot for telling me the story. 55 S6 : Any time. 56 T : Okay thank you, which one is expressing Gratitude? B1 57 Ss‟: I‟m delighted to hear about that and Thanks a lot for telling me the story. CR 58 T : Good. I‟m delighted to hear about that and Thanks a lot for telling me the story. Second dialogue, please Azizah and Cindy. Louder please. B1, C1 59 S7 : Thank you for your help. 60 S8 : Don‟t mention it 61 S7 : Thank you very much for lending me your story book. 62 S8 : That‟s all right. 63 S7 : You got A for your writing assignment PIrr 64 T : ˊraɪtɪɳ C2, C1 65 S7 : ˊraɪtɪɳ PR 66 S8 : It‟s marvelous. 67 T : Good. Azizah and Cindy, please identify which one is Expressing Gratitude? B1 68 S7,S8: Thank you for your help, Thank you very much for lending me your story book, It‟s marvelous, Sir CR 69 T : Good. Thank you for your help, Thank you very much for lending me your story book and It‟s marvelous. Well, that are the example of Expressing Gratitude, Surprise and Pleasure. Is there any question so far? B1, C1 70 Ss‟ : No 71 T : Okay, if there is no question, we continue to the next section, here I have three card for you. Card one is about Expressing Surprise, card two is about expressing pleasure and Card three is about Expressing gratitude. 72 S9 : Sir excuse me go to toilet 73 T : Okay, but don‟t too long. clap his hands Okay, please pay attention to me. You have to work in pair and then fill the blank with appropriate expression, and perform it in front of the class. I will give you score. The rule are, if you remember the dialogue without read the card, use good expression, mimic and gesture, you will get five stars. If you still read but your expression, mimic and gesture is good, you will get four stars. And the last, if you still read, your expression, mimic and gesture is bad, you will get three stars. Can you get my point? 74 Ss‟ : Yes sir. 75 T : Good. Now I give you five minutes. Start at now. Okay, time is up. Now, who will be the first? four students raising their hand. Adit and Andre come in front. pointing the student who always noisy B1 B2 76 S10: Sir, not yet Sir. 77 T : please both of you come in front. students come in front what is your card talking about? 78 S10 : Expressing surprise, Sir. 79 T : Okay, lets start at now. 80 S10 : Bukhori, have you ever made your own pizza? 81 S11 : No, I haven‟t. What about you? 82 S10 : I haven‟t either.Anyway, I‟d like to invite you to practice making pizza. 83 S11: Really? Where? Flat intonation and mimic PIrr 84 T : hey, where is the expression? Like this, Really? Where? Repeat with good intonation,mimic and gesture. C2, C1 85 S11 : Really? Where? smile PR 86 T : Don‟t smile, All, please try together. Really? Where? B2, C2 87 Ss‟ : Really? Where? PR 88 T : Good, okay like that. Use the expression. Understand? B1, C2 89 Ss‟ : Yes 90 T : Okay, please continue Adit. 91 S10: Well, it‟s going to be in my aunt‟s kitchen. PIrr 92 T : ‟kitʃin Correcting student‟s pronunciation C2, C1 93 S10: ‟kitʃin PR 94 S11: No, she‟s not actually. We‟ll only use my recipe book. 95 S10: Are you sure? That‟s going to be challenging. PIrr 96 T : where is the expression? Repeat Are you sure? C2, C1 97 S10: Are you sure? 98 T : Good. B1 99 S11: So, would tomorrow at 2 p.m. be possible? 100 T : Okay, Good Give applause. Now, both of you please identify which one is the expressing surprise in the dialogue. B1, A1 101 S10: Really? Where? 102 S11: and then, Are you sure? That‟s going to be challenging, Sir. 103 T : only that? 104 Ss‟ : Yes 105 T : okay, its true. Both of you still reading, and your expression is not really good. You get three stars. You can do better than this. Please sit down. Okay, who else? several students raising their hands. Rifath and Dani come in front. What your card talking about? B1,C2 106 S12: Expressing Gratitude, Sir 107 T : Okay lets starts B1 108 S12: Hi Bukhori, I‟ve got something for you. 109 S13: Really? What‟s that? PR 110 T : Good. B1 111 S12: Here you are. 112 S13: Oh, thank you very much for your kindness. 113 S12: It was the least I could do. 114 S13: Muslim, this is the only thing I want it right now. I‟ve been looking for this novel for months, but I couldn‟t find it anywhere. How could you find it? 115 S12: Two days ago I went to Bandung, and I found it in a small bookstore. By the way, why do you need it badly? 116 S11: I really need this novel because I have limited sources to support my writing on Japanese folktales. 117 S12: Oh, I see. Anyway, I‟m glad I can help you.I hope I will be the first to read your writing. 118 S11: Of course you will. 119 S12: Thank you. 120 S11: Don‟t mention it. 121 T : Well done. Give applause. Rifath and Dani, please identify which sentence is expressing gratitudethanking. B1, A1 122 S11: Oh, thank you very much for your kindness. CR 123 S12: Oh, I see. Anyway, I‟m glad I can help you.I hope I will be the first to read CR your writing. That‟s it, Sir. 124 T : Good. Both of you still reading, but your expression and mimic is good. You get four stars. Give appluse. Okay, who else? several students raising. Diaz and Aufa come in front. What your card talking about? B1 A1 D2 125 S13: Expressing gratitude, Sir 126 T : Let‟s start. Do your best. 127 S14: Hi Bukhori, I‟ve got something for you. 128 S15 : Really? What‟s that? PR 129 T : Good. B1 130 S14: Here you are. 131 S15: Oh, thank you very much for your kindness. 132 S14: It was the least I could do. 133 S15 : Muslim, this is the only thing I want it right now. I‟ve been looking for this novel for months, but I couldn‟t find it anywhere. How could you find it? 134 S14: Two days ago I went to Bandung, and I found it in a small bookstore. By the way, why do you need it badly? 135 S15: I really need this novel because I have limited sources to support my writing on Japanese folktales. 136 S14: Oh, I see. Anyway, I‟m glad I can help you.I hope I will be the first to read your writing. 137 S15: Of course you will. 138 S14: Thank you. 139 S15 : Don‟t mention it. 140 T : Very good. Give applause. Both of you very good in expression, mimic and gesture and didn‟t read the card. You get five stars. Give applause once more. Well, four groups already perform and sixs groups left. Who the next performer? Sigit and Wahyu come in front. What you card talking about? B1,A1 141 S16: Expressing surprise, Sir. 142 T : Okay, lets start B1 143 S16 : Bukhori, have you ever made your own pizza? 144 S17 : No, I haven‟t. What about you? 145 S16 : I haven‟t either.Anyway, I‟d like to invite you to practice making pizza. 146 S17: Really? Where? PR 147 T : Good B1 148 S17: Well, it‟s going to be in my aunt‟s kitchen. 149 S16 : No, she‟s not actually. We‟ll only use my recipe book. 150 S17 : Are you sure? That‟s going to be challenging. PR 151 T : Good. B1 152 S16: Are you sure? PR 153 T : Good. B1 154 S17: So, would tomorrow at 2 p.m. be possible? 155 T : Good. Both of you still reading, but your expression and mimic is good. You get four stars. Give appluse. Okay, who else? several students raising. Adam and Hanif come in front. What your card talking about? B1 A1 156 S18 : Pleasure, Sir. 157 T : Okay, let‟s start B1 158 S18: Bukhori, yesterday Mrs. Irene told me that the role of Ratna Manggali goes to you. 159 S19 : Really? I‟m delighted to hear about that. PIrr 160 T : Really? C2 161 S18: Really? PR 162 S19: Well, congratulations 163 S18 : Thank you. By the way, who‟s going to take the role of Narnia? 164 S19 : Don‟t be surprised, Mrs. Irene has chosen me 165 S18: Great Nobody can do it better than you. 166 S19 : I‟m not that sure. I still need more references about Narnia to improve my acting. 167 S18 : Don‟t worry about that, I will help you find more sources. 168 S19: Will you? PR 169 T : Good. B1 170 S18 : Yes, of course. That‟s what friends are for. PIrr 171 T : That‟s what friends are for. C2, C1 172 S18 : That‟s what friends are for. PR 173 S19: Thank you very much for your kindness. 174 S18 : Don‟t mention it. 175 T : Good. Both of you still reading, and your expression is not really good. You get three stars. But, wait, I want to ask you to identify which one is expressing pleasure. Adam? B1 176 S18 : Really? I‟m delighted to hear about that. CR 177 T : Good. Hanif and then? 178 S19: Thank you very much for your kindness. CR 179 T : Good. Sit down. Who next? Aldi and Deni come in front. And lets start. B1 180 S20 : Bukhori, have you ever made your own pizza? 181 S21 : No, I haven‟t. What about you? 182 S20 : I haven‟t either.Anyway, I‟d like to invite you to practice making pizza. 183 S21: Really? Where? PR 184 T : Good B1 185 S20 : Well, it‟s going to be in my aunt‟s kitchen. 186 S21 : No, she‟s not actually. We‟ll only use my recipe book. 187 S20 : Are you sure? That‟s going to be challenging. PR 188 T : Good. B1 189 S21: Are you sure? PR 190 T : Good. B1 191 S20: So, would tomorrow at 2 p.m. be possible? 192 T : Good. Both of you still reading, but your expression and mimic is good. You get four stars. Give appluse. Okay, who else? several students raising. Fauzan and Gail come in front. B1 A1 193 S22 : Hi Bukhori, I‟ve got something for you. 194 S23: Really? What‟s that? PR 195 T : Good. B1 196 S22: Here you are. 197 S23: Oh, thank you very much for your kindness. 198 S22: It was the least I could do. 199 S23 : Muslim, this is the only thing I want it right now. I‟ve been looking for this novel for months, but I couldn‟t find it anywhere. How could you find it? 200 S22: Two days ago I went to Bandung, and I found it in a small bookstore. By the way, why do you need it badly? 201 S23: I really need this novel because I have limited sources to support my writing on Japanese folktales. 202 S22 : Oh, I see. Anyway, I‟m glad I can help you.I hope I will be the first to read your writing. 203 S23: Of course you will. 204 S22: Thank you. 205 S23 : Don‟t mention it. 206 T : Okay, you get four stars because you are still read. Next? Three groups left.Hazmi and Rezki come in front and let‟s start. B1 207 S24: Bukhori, yesterday Mrs. Irene told me that the role of Ratna Manggali goes to you. 208 S25 : Really? I‟m delighted to hear about that. PIrr 209 T : Really? C2, C1 210 S24: Really? PR 211 S25: Well, congratulations 212 S24 : Thank you. By the way, who‟s going to take the role of Narnia? 213 S25 : Don‟t be surprised, Mrs. Irene has chosen me 214 S24: Great Nobody can do it better than you. 215 S25 : I‟m not that sure. I still need more references about Narnia to improve my acting. 216 S24 : Don‟t worry about that, I will help you find more sources. 217 S25: Will you? PR 218 T : Good. B1 219 S24: Yes, of course. That‟s what friends are for. PIrr 220 T : That‟s what friends are for. C2, C1 221 S24 : That‟s what friends are for. PR 222 S25: Thank you very much for your kindness. 223 S24 : Don‟t mention it. 224 T : Good. You get four stars. Give applause. Who else? Two group left but five stars still one group. Ridho and Ramadhan please. B1,A1 225 S26 : Hi Bukhori, I‟ve got something for you. 226 S27 : Really? What‟s that? PR 227 T : Good. B1 228 S26: Here you are. 229 S27: Oh, thank you very much for your kindness. 230 S26: It was the least I could do. 231 S27 : Muslim, this is the only thing I want it right now. I‟ve been looking for this novel for months, but I couldn‟t find it anywhere. How could you find it? 232 S26: Two days ago I went to Bandung, and I found it in a small bookstore. By the way, why do you need it badly? 233 S27: I really need this novel because I have limited sources to support my writing on Japanese folktales. 234 S26 : Oh, I see. Anyway, I‟m glad I can help you.I hope I will be the first to read your writing. 235 S27: Of course you will. 236 S26: Thank you. 237 S27 : Don‟t mention it. 238 T : Good. Give applause. Four stars. You may sit down. And the last group please. Zainul and Wahyu please. Do your best. B1 239 T : Okay, let‟s start B1 240 S28: Bukhori, yesterday Mrs. Irene told me that the role of Ratna Manggali goes to you. 241 S29 : Really? I‟m delighted to hear about that. PIrr 242 T : Really? C2, C1 243 S28: Really? PR 244 S29: Well, congratulations 245 S28 : Thank you. By the way, who‟s going to take the role of Narnia? 246 S29 : Don‟t be surprised, Mrs. Irene has chosen me 247 S28: Great Nobody can do it better than you. 248 S29 : I‟m not that sure. I still need more references about Narnia to improve my acting. 249 S28 : Don‟t worry about that, I will help you find more sources. 250 S29: Will you? PR 251 T : Good. B1 252 S28 : Yes, of course. That‟s what friends are for. PIrr 253 T : That‟s what friends are for. C2, C1 254 S29 : That‟s what friends are for. PR 255 S28: Thank you very much for your kindness. 256 S29 : Don‟t mention it. 257 T : Good. Give applause. You get four stars. Well, this is the last group. And now we have to conclude what we learn today. Gayil, what we learn today? B1, A1 258 S30: Expressing Gratitude, Pleasure and Surprise. CR 259 T : Good. What is Gratitude Andre? B1 260 S31: about thank you. CR 261 T : Good. How can we say gratitude Rifath? 262 S32: Thank you for your kindness. CR 263 T : Good. What is Surprise Zainul? B1 264 S33: Surprise is in indonesia terkejut, Sir. CR 265 T : Okay. Falah, what is pleasure? B1 266 S34: Happy CR 267 T : Good. Happy or excited or joy. Well,I think this is the end of our meeting. Thank you for your attenttion and you may take a rest and take a pray dzuhur. Good Afternoon. Wassalamualaikum warohmatullahiwabarokatuh B1, C1 268 Ss‟ : Good Afternoon, Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahiwabarokatuh Videotaping Transcription Data School : SMA IT AR-RAIHAN English Teacher : Agustiawan, S.Pd Subject : Welcoming Visitor Class : X – Imam Bukhori Date : Thursday, 21 November 2012 No Transcription Data Theme 269 T : Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahiwabarokatuh 270 Ss‟: Waalaikumsalam Warahmatullahiwabarokatuh 271 T : Good Afternoon everybody. How are you today? 272 Ss‟: Good Afternoon. I‟m Fine and you? CR 273 T : I fine too. Who is absent today? 274 Ss‟ : Nothing, Sir 275 T : Good. B1 276 T : Well today, we are going to practice about the formal and the informal ways of welcoming visitors. The first conversation is all about how to welcome someone to your house in a friendly way and the second conversation takes place in the formal setting of welcoming a business associate to your company. Firstly, I want to brainstrom you to understand what I means. Aldi, have you ever get the visitor in your house? 277 S1 : what is visitor in Indonesia Sir? VIrr 278 T : Visitor is Tamu. So, have you ever welcoming the visitor in your home? C1 279 S1 : Of course I ever, Sir. CR 280 T : If you ever, who is ussually come to your house? 281 S1 : Hmm, maybe my father or my mother‟s friends,Sir. or my sister‟s friends. CR 282 T : Ok, Good. Dani, if any visitor come to your house, what will you do to welcoming them? B1 283 S2 : I will “menyuruh” them in and I will “menyuruh” them sit, give them tea or coffee and snack and then call my father or mother, Sir. VIrr CR 284 T : Very good. You will let them in, and then let them sit, right? C1 285 S2 : Yes, Sir CR 286 T : well, that‟s good example from Dani to welcoming visitor nicely. So, if any visitor come to our home, for example our family from home town, our parent or sister‟s friend or even our friends, we have to welcoming them nicely, warmly and show to them we good owner. Get my point? 287 Ss‟ : Yes. CR 288 T : Good. In the projector, I have conversation in form of informal and friendly about how to welcoming your friend at home. Please pay attention, I will call two students to read this nicely. Please come in front Gayil and Aufa. And read this by using good expression. Gayil become Alison and Ridho become Jason. Let‟s start B1 289 S3 : Oh, hi Allison. Come in. Its really nice to see you 290 S4 : Lovely to see you too. Youre looking great. PIrr 291 T : You‟re C2, C1 292 S4 : You‟re PR 293 S3 : Thanks. So are you. Let me take your coat. 294 S4 : OK. Here you go. 295 S3 : Come through to the living room, and make yourself at home. Ill tell Tyler you are here. What can I get you to drink ? PIrr 296 T : θru: C2 297 S3 : θru: PR 298 S4 : I dont mind really, as long as its hot. What have you got ? 299 S3 : Ive made some fresh tea, but you can also have coffee or hot chocolate. PIrr 300 T : ʹtʃɒklət C2, C1 301 S3 : ʹtʃɒklət 302 S4 : Tea will be lovely, thanks. 303 S3 : How do you take your tea ? 304 S4 : Tiny bit of milk, no sugar, please. 305 S3 : Here we go, your tea and some home-made cookies. PIrr 306 T : Here we go C2 307 S3 : Here we go PR 308 S3 : Oh my favourites, thanks. PIrr 309 T : ʹfeɪvərɪt C2, C1 310 S3 : ʹfeɪvərɪt PR 311 S4 : Youre welcome. How was your trip ? 312 S3 : I hit some traffic on the motorway, but quite smooth overall. PIrr 313 T : kwaɪt C2, C1 314 S3 : kwaɪt PR 315 S4 : Excellent. Hows your mum ? 316 S3 : Shes very well. She sends her love. 317 S4 : Its a shame she couldnt be here today. 318 S3 : It is. Shes have loved to see you both, but she had an appointment she couldnt get out of. 319 S4 : Well, next time I hope. Lunch will be ready soon. We thought we could go for a walk around town afterwards. You havent really seen much of town, have you ? PIrr 320 T : θᴐ:t C2, C1 321 S4 : θᴐ:t PR 322 S3 : No, I havent. Thatd be great. 323 S4 : I can hear Tyler coming down now. Hell keep you company while I serve lunch. 324 S3 : Great. It smells wonderful 325 T : Good. Give applause. Thank you. You may sit down. Well, that the example of welcoming friends in form of informal. Now please help me to identify which one of the expression welcoming friend. Deni please. B1, A1 D2 326 S5 : hmm... silence CRo 327 T : Who can help him. Oh, Sigit please. D2 328 S6 : hmm.. Let me take your coat, and then come through to the living room, and make yourself at home and then, What can I get you to drink? CR 329 T : Good. What else Wahyu? B1 330 S7 : Ive made some fresh tea, but you can also have coffee or hot chocolate. CR 331 T : Good. Well, here I have another conversation, it is about welcoming someone in the office. It means that it is formal conversation. Well, I‟ll invite Adit and Adam. Both of you pretend that you are have a job and at the office now. Adam become Leo and Adit become Mark. Let‟s start. B1 332 S8 : Good morning, Ms Sawyer. Do come in. Welcome. Its nice to see you again. 333 S9 : And you, Ive been very much looking forward to this visit. 334 S8 : So have we. May I take your coat ? PIrr 335 T : k əʊt C2, C1 336 S8 : k əʊt 337 T : Good 338 S9 : Certainly. Here you are. 339 S8 : Please have a seat, and make yourself comfortable. Ill tell Mr Kligman you are here. Would you like something to drink ? 340 S9 : Yes, I wouldnt mind a hot drink, if at all possible. 341 S8 : Of course. We have tea, coffee and hot chocolate. What would you prefer ? 342 S9 : Coffee would be great, thank you. 343 S8 : How would you like your coffee ? 344 S9 : A drop of milk and one sugar, please. 345 S8 : Here you are. Please help yourself to the cookies. 346 S9 : They look delicious, thank you. 347 S8 : Youre welcome. did you have any trouble finding the way ? 348 S9 : No, the directions you sent me were very clear, and there was hardly any traffic on the road. 349 S8 : Excellent. Hows Mr Smith ? 350 S9 : Hes very well. He sends his regards. 351 S8 : Its a pity he couldnt join us today. 352 S9 : Indeed. He would have really liked to come, but unfortunately he wasnt able to rearrange his schedule. PIrr 353 T : ri əʹreindȝ C2, C1 354 S9 : ri əʹreindȝ PR 355 S8 : Well, I certainly hope he can join us on your next visit. As for todays schedule, we thought we could have lunch first and then show you around the company. How does that sound to you ? 356 S9 : Very good. Id really like to see you design centre. 357 S8 : Certainly. Well, I think thats Mr Kligman coming now. Ill leave you in his good hands while I make the lunch arrangements. 358 S9 : Splendid. Thank you very much. 359 T : Good. Give applause. Thank you. Well Adit, can you show me which one is expressing welcoming to the visitor. B1, A1 360 S9 : First, Do come in, and then, May I take your coat ?, then, Please have a seat, and then, Would you like something to drink ? and then, How would you like your coffee ?. I think that‟s all, Sir. CR 361 T : Good. Well all, understand so far? B1 362 Ss‟ : Yes, Sir. 363 T : well, here I have situasion card for you. And then please you have to make your own conversation with your chairmate. And I will take the score from your written. I give you ten minutes and then collect it in my table. Any question so far? 364 Ss‟ : No 365 T : Do you understand what I mean? 366 Ss‟ : Yes 367 T : Okay, let‟s starts ten minutes from now. After ten minutes Okay, times is up, collect your work in my table. Okay, that‟s all our lesson today, please prepare for dzuhur pray. Thank you for your attention and Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullahiwabarokatuh. 368 Ss‟ :Waalaikumsalam Warohmatullahiwabarokatuh. Videotaping Transcription Data School : SMA IT AR-RAIHAN English Teacher : Agustiawan, S.Pd Subject : Question Taq Class : X – Imam Bukhori Date : Monday, 26 November 2012 No Transcription Data Theme 369 T : Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahiwabarokatuh 370 Ss‟: Waalaikumsalam Warahmatullahiwabarokatuh 371 T : Good Afternoon everybody. How are you today? 372 Ss‟: Good Afternoon. I‟m Fine and you? 373 T : I fine too. Who is absent today? 374 Ss‟ : Nothing, Sir 375 T : Good. 376 T : Well today, we are going to study about question taq. Okay, I will explain the material and please pay attention to the white board. Teacher explaining the material about question taq Okay, any question so far? 377 Ss‟ : No 378 T : Okay, If there is no question, I will give you question. Look at the projector. First question, They have finished their homework,......? Aldi what is the answer? 379 S1 : silence CRo 380 T : who can help Aldi? Rifath help him. D2 381 S2 : haven‟t them? CIrr 382 T : No, the right one is Haven‟t they? Understand? C2, C1 383 S2 : Yes, Sir 384 T : Second question, She didnt come to the shop, did she?didn‟t she?. Aldi once more. 385 S1 : did she. CR 386 T : Good. You understand? B1 387 S1 : Yes, Sir 388 T : next question, New York is in England, is it?isn‟t it?. Fauzan please answer the question. 389 S3 : Isn‟t it? CR 390 T : Okay, next question Andy and Marc are reading comics, are they?aren‟t they? Azizah please. B1 391 S4 : aren‟t they CR 392 T : Good. And then, He likes lasagna, does he?doesn‟t he? B1 393 S5 : doesn‟t he? CR 394 T : good. Well, that‟s all. Any question? B1 395 Ss‟ : no, Sir 396 T : Well, I will give you a test and you have to finish it in fifteen minutes. Ready? Let‟s start. Finish? Okay, please collect it now. Okay, I think that‟s all our lesson today, thank you for your attention and Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullahiwabarokatuh. 397 Ss‟ : Waalaikumsalam Warohmatullahiwabarokatuh Videotaping Transcription Data School : SMA IT AR-RAIHAN English Teacher : Agustiawan, S.Pd Subject : Expression of Invitations Class : X – Imam Bukhori Date : Tuesday, 27 November 2012 No. Transcription Data Theme 398 T : Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahiwabarokatuh 399 Ss‟: Waalaikumsalam Warahmatullahiwabarokatuh 400 T : Good Afternoon everybody. How are you today? 401 Ss‟: Good Afternoon. I‟m Fine and you? 402 T : I fine too. Who is absent today? 403 Ss‟ : Nothing, Sir 404 T : Good. 405 T : Well today, we are going to study Expressing invitations. Esspecially for offering, accepting and refusing an invitation. Okay, firsly I wanna brainstorm you about the material. Wahyu, have you ever invited by your friends? 406 S1 : Yes, I ever, Sir. 407 T : what is the reason that your friend invited you? 408 S1 : hmm, go to bioskop. Playing futsal, and etc, Sir CR, VIrr 409 T : Ok, Good. So you go to the movie and playing futsal. How about you Aufa? B1, C1 410 S2 : Go to the Mall, and then, go to school together, go to the birthday party together. That‟s all. CR 411 T : Good. Well, that‟s one of the example from your friends. And now, I have three dialogue about expression of invitation for you. Please come in front Fauzan and Rezki. Read the dialogue one. Fauzan become Paul and Rezki become Rudy. B1 412 S3 : Oh, hi Rudi,It‟s Paul here. 413 S4 : Hi Paul,how are you? 414 S3 : Fine, thanks. Listen, I‟ve got a couple of ticket of the new James Bond film. Would you like to come? 415 S4 : Oh, thanks. But I‟m working on an Essay. I have to finish it tonight because it‟s due to tommorow. PIrr 416 T : dju: C2, C1 417 S4 : dju: PR 418 S3 : Oh, what a pity. Well never mind. Some other time perhaps. 419 S4 : Sure 420 S3 : Bye 421 S4 : Bye 422 T : Ok, thank you. Give applause. Rezki please identify expressing of offering an invitation in the dialogue. B1, A1 423 S3 : Would you like to come? 424 T : Good. And then what is the response? Accepting or Refusing? 425 S3 : Refusing, Sir. Oh, thanks. But I‟m working on an Essay. 426 T : Good. Well, Next dialogue please come in front Adam and Adit. 427 S5 : Paul, I‟m going to visit my uncle in Kalianda on Sunday. Would you liketo come? 428 S6 : Oh, yes. I‟d love to. I‟ve never been to Kalianda. 429 S5 : You will like Kalianda. I‟m going to catch the seven o‟clock bus. Is that Okay? 430 S6 : That‟s fine. Where will I meet you? 431 S5 : Meet me at the bus station at six thirty. 432 T : Good. Adam, from the dialogue, he refusing or accepting? B1 433 S5 : Accepting, Sir. CR 434 T : How do you know it? 435 S5 : he said that Oh yes, I‟d love to. I‟ve never been to Kalianda. CR 436 T : Good. Well, last dialogue will be Diaz and Cindy please. 437 S7 : Hello Ari 438 S8 : Hi Ira 439 S7 : By the way, would you like to go to out tonight? 440 S8 : Sorry, I can‟t. I have many matters to settle down 441 S7 : Well, how about tommorow night? Are you still busy? 442 S8 : I guess not 443 S7 : Well, would you like to go to a concert? 444 S8 : that‟s settled then. 445 T : Good. Cindy, please identify the expression of invitation in your dialogue. B1 446 S8 : would you like to go to out tonight? CR 447 T :Good. And what is the response Diaz? Accepting or Refusing? And How do you know it? B1 448 S7 : Refusing, Sorry, I can‟t. But and then she accepting again. that‟s settled then. 449 T : Very good. Well, that the example of expressing of invitation. And know I have ten situation given for you. You have to work in pair to make the conversation and after that perform it in front of the class. The dialogue minimum six line. Well, any question? If, no I will give you ten minutes to make your own dialogue. Start at now. After ten minutes Okay, time is up. Well I will call the first group. Rifath and Reynaldo. What your dialogue talking about? 450 S9 : Invites someone to hang out 451 T : Okay, let‟s start 452 S9 : Hi Aldo, how are you? 453 S10 : I‟m fine and you? 454 S9 : I‟m fine too. Are you busy on the next holiday aldo? 455 S10 : No. Why? 456 S9 : I want to invite yo go hang out with me next holiday. Well, would you like to come? CR 457 T : Good B1 458 S10 : Wow, that‟s would be nice. 459 S9 : Okay, I will pick you up at 11.30. 460 S10 : nice. 461 T : Very Good. Give applause. You may sit down. Well, next group, Azizah and Aufa. What your dialogue talking about? B1, A1 462 S11 : invites somebody to sing a song 463 T : Okay, lets start B1 464 S11 : Hi Azizah, what up? 465 S12 : Hi Aufa, what are you doing now? 466 S11 : Im still finishing my homework. 467 S12 :Homewotk about what? 468 S11 : Math. Oh, I hate math. It make me study harder than the other 469 S12 : Oh, well. After you finishing your homework, would you like to join me to sing a song in Inul Vista? 470 S11 : Oh, I‟d like to but I can. I have to prepare my English presentation for tommorow. So sory, maybe next time Azizah CR 471 T : Very Good B1 472 S12 : Oh, it doesn‟t matter. Maybe next time. Well, good luck for your work. 473 T : very good. Well, because of time is up, we continue Thursday. Okay, please prepare for Dzuhur pray. Thank you for your attention and Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullahiwabarokatuh B1 474 Ss‟ : Waalaikumsalam Warohmatullahiwabarokatuh


1.1 Background of the Research

According to KTSP 2006, one of the standards competence of teaching English of speaking skill to first grader students of senior high school is to make students able to express the simple instruction and information in their daily life context. In this case, students should be able to know how to use the language. Therefore, to be successful in learning English, the students need to get opportunity to practice and use the language actively. The facts stated above demands a responsibility of teacher. Harmer 2002 states that a teacher has to be a good controller to maintain the quality of language use in the classroom. The teacher should pay attention to hisher way when talking to the students and hisher manner when interacting with them. Relating to the role of teacher as a controller in the classroom, the teacher may use several strategies to control the students’ language use. Hunt and Touzel 2009 suggest that one of the ways to control the students’ language use in the classroom is by giving feedback. In this case, the teacher monitors and controls the students’ performance on tasks and providing feedback on how well tasks have been completed. In teaching speaking, the teacher’s feedback is required by the students to make them know their speaking ability and to motivate them to learn better. There are several researchers who have conducted the studies related to feedback in teaching speaking. Kayi 2006 states that teacher is not recommended to correct students’ pronunciation while they are speaking. While they are speaking, it is better for the teacher to observe and note some important information about students’ performance. After students finish their speaking, teacher can give feedback immediately. In addition, Saito and Lyster 2010 conducted a study on the effect of corrective feedback on L2 pronunciation. Based on his study, it is important that teacher can immediately give feedback about students’ performance so the students can know and practice the correct form in response to their teachers ’ model. They also emphasize that after students finish speaking, teacher should immediately give feedback. They found that there was a significant result and a beneficial effect on students’ pronunciation development after the students receive corrective feedback. In relation to the feedback in teaching speaking to young learners, the teacher is not necessary to respond to all errors in correcting students’ speaking. Instead of correcting, it’s better for the teacher to handle the error by modeling and providing the students with correct grammar and pronunciation Cameron, 2001. Moreover, Cameron 2001:212 adds that it is better for teacher to deliver feedback in foreign language. It helps young learners learn the phrases that they can use with their friends. In short, the teachers need to give young learners constant and supportive feedback on their learning. The feedback helps young learners to understand how to control their own learning and progress. However, the teacher’s lack of understanding the nature of feedback makes the feedback ineffective to improve students’ learning progress. Most teachers often think that feedback is given to students who make mistake to correct their mistakes. In fact, feedback can also be given to motivate students to do better and to praise students for doing something good. Based on study conducted by Hunt and Touzel, 2009:25, they state that teachers, who regularly give feedback to the students regarding the accuracy and the appropriateness of their work, have higher-achievement students. The feedback not only result in increasing students’ achievement but also in increasing students’ motivation. The are several researchers who conduct the research of teacher’s feedback using the Tunstall and Gipps’ typology 1996:395-401. One of them is Knight 2003 who conducted a study toward teacher’s feedback in vocational high schools. He found that the teachers’ feedback were mostly general and tended to reflect students’ effort and attitude rather than the actual learning that had occurred. Even though, feedback is important in enhancing students’ achievement, the study in the feedback field has not well conducted. Thus, this study is important to explore how the feedback are given by teacher to the students in teaching speaking and the students’ responses toward the teacher’s feedback. In short, this study is expected to give a brief description about the use of feedback by the teacher.

1.2 Research Problems

This research has formulated the problems in the form of the following research questions: 1. How are the feedbacks given by the teacher in teaching speaking? 2. What are the students’ responses toward the teacher’s feedback used in teaching speaking? 3. What are teacher’s and students’ perception toward feedback used in teaching speaking?

1.3 Research Objectives

Based on the research problems, the objectives of the research were formulated as follows: 1. To find out how the feedback are given by the teacher in teaching speaking. 2. To find out the students’ responses toward the teacher’s feedback used in teaching speaking. 3. To find out teacher’s and students’ perception toward feedback used in teaching speaking.

1.4 Limitation of the Research

This research focuses on finding out how the verbal feedback are given by the teacher to the students in teaching speaking in senior high school based on Tunstall and Gipps typology. The feedback are focused on three speaking aspects: pronunciation, comprehension, and vocabulary. It also explores the students’ responses toward the teacher’s feedback to see the effectiveness of teacher feedback is percieved by the students.

1.5 Uses of the Research

The writer expected that the research result can be used as: 1. Theoritical Use a. This result of the research is expected to used as one of the references for other researchers who will conduct the same object with different perspectives b. The result of this research is expected to enlarge the scope of knowledge about the teacher’s feedback used. 2. Practical use The result of this research can give contribution for the teacher of how to used feedback in speaking skill. Moreover, hopefully this finding will be useful to the readers who are interested in this study.

1.6 Clarification of Key Terms

To avoid misinterpretation in understanding this study, it is important to clarify the following definitions of key tems. Teacher’s Feedback Teacher feedback refers to the teacher’s verbal and nonverbal responses or action in which heshe provides information to his or her students regarding their ideas or actions Tunstall Gipps, 1996. Teaching Speaking Teaching speaking refers to the teaching students to be able to express and how to use the language Nunan, 2003. In this research, the teaching speaking focuses on pronunciation, comprehension, and vocabulary aspects.


2.1 The Notion of Speaking

In language teaching, we often talk about the four language skills speaking, listening, reading and writing in terms of their direction. Brown 2001 states that language which is generated by the learners in either speaking or writing is considered productive, and language directed at the learners in reading or listening is known as receptive language. Thus, speaking is the productive skill and is very important part of second language learning. The ability to communicate in a second language clearly and efficiently contributes to the success of the students in school and success later in every phase of their life. It is believed that speaking skill is a measurement of knowing a language. The more understand the better fluently they will be. Several definitions of speaking have been formulated by many experts. Clark 1977 states that speaking is basically a means of taking an action. Speakers may influence their listeners by declaring things to alter their state of knowledge. By speaking, they can request their listeners to give them information. They also can ask them to do something for them. According to Bailey 2005 speaking is a process of interaction where speakers intend to build meaning through producing, receiving and processing information. Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts Chaney, 1998. In line with the statement above, Kartimi 1986 state that speaking is the ability in using oral language to explore idea, intention, thought and feeling to other people as a way to make the hearer can understand the message clearly. In sum, speaking is a way to convey information, idea, thought or feeling to others. However, people may implement speaking in different ways. Hence, it is necessary to know the types of speaking.

2.1.1 Types of Speaking

People speak to extend their ideas either in discussion or only in the transmission of ideas without any responses. According to Brown 2001 there are two types of speaking. They are will be described by the diagram below: Types of Speaking Brown: 2001 Dialogue Monologue Planned Unplanned Unfamiliar Familiar Types of speaking are used to establish the way of someone in transferring their ideas. The circumstance or situation can influence the outcome of communication, whether the ideas can be presented well or not. Therefore, everyone should have the ability of speaking appropriately by knowing the characteristics of speaking.

2.1.2 Characteristics of Speaking

Harmer 2001 presents some elements in spoken language. First, is connected speech. It means that good speaker can sound not only the individual word correctly but also the sounds of word to each other. Second is an expressive device. It means that speakers can use pitch, stress of particular parts of utterances in appropriate way to show their feeling. Third is lexis and grammar. It means that speaker should use the appropriate phrases depending on the language function such as a job interview. Last is negotiation language. It means that speaker can create the effective speaking from negotiator language to get clarification and to display the structure of our talking. The characteristics of speaking are significant in order to make a good communication. It is necessary to convey the message or idea clearly. In other words, it is important to consider speaking aspects in conducting good communication.

2.1.3 Speaking Aspects

People tend to grade a person who has good speaking ability from their pronunciation. Meanwhile, according to Brown 2001:406 there are 6 aspects of speaking proficiency. The aspects are pronunciation, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, grammar, and task. Pronunciation

In speaking aspect, pronunciation is viewed as the crucial part Brown,2001. Teaching pronunciation in the class helps students to be able to understand the language they hear and to make they understand. In speaking skill, students are expected to be able to alter native-like pronunciation, yet the students may have difficulty in producing or understanding it. Therefore, they need to be given feedback on their pronunciation to make them know whether have pronounce the word well or still need correction. Vocabulary

In indonesia, English is foreign language for students. This demands the teacher to introduce the vocabularies that are relevant to students‟ need. It is because vocabulary serves as the major resource of language use Cameron,2001. Students who have low mastery of vocabulary may have difficulty in speaking the word for example, they use wrong words. The teacher can help them by giving feedback to make students speak in foreign language correctly. By knowing the words of a foreign language, the students will be easier to communicate with other people using that language. Fluency

The third aspect of oral proficiency is fluency. Nunan 2003 as cited in Kayi, 2006 defines fluency as a state in which person can use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses. It means that the students also have to be to speak English quickly and confidently. Comprehension

In speaking skill, comprehension is viewed as the students‟ ability to understand the questions, statements, and conversation Brown, 2001. Someone is said to have good comprehension, if shehe is able to understand any topic of conversation at normal rate of speech. Grammar

Grammar relates to the structural form of English. In speaking skill, Brown 2001 states that someone who has good grammar is viewed as the person who is able to use the language with sufficient structural accuracy in both formal and informal conversation. Task

In this aspect, someone is said to master the task aspect if shehe is able to participate actively in conversation both in formal and informal situation on practical, social, and professional topic Brown, 2001. Moreover, the person is also able to respond to the conversation in unfamiliar situation. In short, the speaking proficiency of herhim is equivalent to native speaker. Futhermore, Cameron 2001:230 emphasizes that there are three aspects in assessing oral language skills of young learners. The three aspects are vocabulary, discourse, and grammar. Vocabulary includes the ability in understanding meaning, recalling, choosing, and pronouncing the words and chunks accurately and appropriately. Discourse aspect relates to the ability in talking fluency, understanding discourse in sentence level, and producing extended discourse. The last aspect is grammar; it includes the ability in recognizing the complex clause and phrase, using grammar accurately, and producing morphology and syntax accurately. From those three aspects, this research only focuses on feedback toward three speaking aspects, pronunciation, comprehension, and vocabulary. In learni ng speaking, the students‟ speaking performance can be correct and incorrect. According to Suherdi 2010, in responding to the instruction, students‟ responses can be categorize as accept or relevant response, no response, and irrelevant response. The three categorizations were coded as follows: 1. relevant responses Rr, 2. no responses Ro and 3. irrelevant responses Irr. This research adopted the three categorizations in analyzing the data.

2.1.4 Speaking Difficulties

A good deal of EFL learners still believe that speaking is the hardest one to be master. Pinter 2006 states that speaking fluently and accurately is the hardest thing to do by the students because they should think and speak at the same time. Moreover, Brown 2001, 270-271 presents several aspects which mentioned the seven items, they are, first, clustering, fluent speech is phrasal, word by word. Learners can arrange their output both cognitively and physically through such clustering. Second, redundancy, the speaker has an opportunity to make meaning clearer through the redundancy of language. Learner can capitalize on this feature of spoken language, third, reduced forms, there are some special problems in teaching spoken language such as construction, elisions, reduced vowels, etc. somehow, teachers need to find out the solve of the problems including teach students about colloquial construction. Fourth, performance variables, one of the advantages if spoken language is the process of thinking as the speaker speaks allow himher to manifest a certain number of performance hesitations, pauses, backtracking and correlations. Fifth is colloquial language. It is better for teachers to use a colloquial language in teaching and learning process. It allows students to follow and use it in their daily conversation. Sixth, rate of delivery, one of the important characteristics of fluency is rate of delivery. One important task in teaching English is to help students achieve an acceptable speed along with other attributes of fluency. Seventh, stress, rhythm and intonation, this is the most important characteristic of English pronunciation to give the message clearly. Last, interaction, it will create the richest component in conversation. On the other hand, those difficulties influence the quality of communication, whether the students can cover or minimize the difficulties or not. Thus, teachers should find the best method in teaching speaking to overcome such difficulties by understanding the principles of teaching and learning speaking beforehand.

2.2 Teaching Speaking

Nowadays, the goal of teaching speaking should improve students‟communicative skills because students can express themselves and learn how to use a language Kayi, 2006. According to Nunan 2003, teaching speaking means that teaching students to be able to speak the language. This means that teacher should teach the learners to be able to speak fluently and has good pronunciation. The teacher also has to be able to use the appropriate words and use it confidently. By having good speaking ability, the teacher can teach speaking to the students well. Teaching speaking to young learners is different teaching speaking to adult learners since they have different needs and characteristics. It demands the teacher to apply the appropriate method in teaching speaking to young learners. One of young learners‟ characteristics is they repeat exactly what they hear. The phenomenon demands the teacher to be aware in giving clear and correc t pronunciation. The result is the students‟ pronunciation will be better and their awareness of language will improve. Kayi 2006 states that while teaching oral language, English language teachers should do some guidance such as involving every student in every activity, reducing the teacher talk and giving students more time to speak in the class, diagnosing the problem faced by the students, and providing feedback to the students. By noticing the guidelines, the teacher can recognize the students‟ ability and know which students who have difficulty in speaking. Those problems can be reduced by providing the students more opportunities to practice the spoken language and providing feedback toward students‟ speaking. In relation to the teacher‟s feedback, the teachers should consider the appropriate feedback in each circumstance. The teacher should also consider the appropriate feedback to be given for each student in order to avoid the negative effect of feedback toward students.

2.3 The Nature of Feedback

In teaching English, the teachers have to consider many aspects affecting the result of teaching-learning process. The teachers should also be able to choose the right and appropriate method in presenting the material, supporting, and assisting students in the learning process. It is important because those activities can influence the students‟ understanding and comprehension of the lesson. Harmer 2002 states that the teachers can use various strategies in assisting students, and one of them is by giving feedback. By giving feedback, they can support the students to learn better and improve their skills. In education field, the source of feedback can be derived from teacher, students or even from themself. The present study only focuses the research on feedback from teacher. In brief, this research deals with the teacher‟s feedback toward the students‟ performance. There are many definitions and opinions about feedback. Feedback is viewed as the teacher‟s response both verbal and non-verbal that contains information between the actual level and the goal level to his or her students regarding their performance or ideas. Taylor and Nolen 2008 states that the effective feedback should also close the gap between actual performance and goal performance. The gap can be closed by enabling the learner to acquire a concept of the standard or goal, compare the actual level of performance with the standard, and engage in appropriate action. The statements show that feedback should contain information about why the teacher gives the feedback. By knowing the information, the students will perceive it positively and it will motivate them to learn better. If the information or the reason is not delivered appropriately, the students will view it negatively and even reject it. For the purpose of the study, feedback are viewed as teacher‟s information toward the students‟ ideas or performance in which the students can confirm, restructure, or even reject it. The statements also show that feedback are important in teaching and learning process. Feedback not only result in increasing students‟ achievement but also result in incr easing students‟ motivation, Hunt Touzel 2009 state that feedback is useful to increase students‟ achievement and students‟ motivation. Moreover, feedback are also important in promoting learning Hunt Touzel, 2009. In relation to promoting learning, the feedback given may demand the students to explore a new knowledge and it let them think and accelerate learning. Feedback cause the students to be creative and think critically to let them learn what teacher hopes for hisher students.

2.3.1 The Type of Feedback

There are several types of feedback. Different types of feedback can give different results and its effectiveness depends on it. The types can be classified based on its typology Tunstall Gipps, 1996:395-401, its focus Hattie Temperley, 2007:89-97, and its timing Hunt Touzel, 2009:123. According to its typology, Tunstall and Gipps 1996:395-401 distinguishes the feedback into two types. Firstly is evaluative feedback which consists of rewarding A1, approving B1, punishment A2, and disapproving B2. Secondly is descriptive feedback which consists of specifying attainment C1, constructing achievement D1, specifying improvement C2, and constructing the way forward-mutual appraisal D2. Table 2.1 Tunstall and Gipps’ 1996:4, as cited in Knight, 2003:6 Feedback Typology The typology is described as below:

1. A1: Rewarding - rewardsreinforcement

This type is the most positive of evaluative feedback. This type of feedback expresses teacher‟s desire to give reward toward students‟ effort in work or behavior.  Symbols: smiley faces, stickers, stars, commendations, badges; Youll get a little frog; beautiful work.  Treats: being allowed to sit in the big chair; going out to lunch first.  Recognition of childs performance by a wider audience: being given a clap; work seen by the headteacher.

2. B1: Approving-verbal and non-verbal

B1 was feedback which was of an overall evaluative kind and was positive. B1 linked with the normative in relation to educational and social values; when Positive Feedback Achievement Feedback Evaluative Feedback Descriptive Feedback A1 Rewarding B1 Approving C1 Specifying Attainment D1 Constructing Achievement A2 Punishing B2 Disapproving C2 Specifying Improvement D2 Constructing the way Foward Evaluative Feedback Descriptive Feedback Negative Feedback Improvement Feedback teachers judged that children were achieving in work or behaviour beyond that which they might have expected, B1 seemed to be the expression of that judgement. This feedback is the warm expression of teacher approval of the childs work or engagement. B1 quite often led on to rewards Al but was often a reward in itself.

a. Non-verbal

 Touch: when Curtis was congratulated on his maths work, Miss X held his arm and touched his face.  Facial expression: If you want to give them positive feedback and praise them you smile a lot ... its sort of non-verbal, positive strokes, whatever you like to call it.  Use of ticks.

b. Verbal

 Personal feelings: Im very pleased with you.  Use of endearment: Doesnt matter, sweetheart, thats fine.  Use of labels: Brilliant ideas, the ideas person.  Use of comparisons: I think in fact this is probably the best one Ive seen so far, thats wonderful.  Importance of effort: Youre growing up, arent you and youre trying very hard.  General praise: Very good. Well done, well tried. Good girl.

3. C1: Specifying attainment-specific praise, use of criteria

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