General Knowledge Management of diabetes Management

234 Appendix 11: Draft Interview Guide Introduction My name is Iman Permana, I am undertaking a large research project as part of my PhD study and am interviewing you today to explore how you manage your diabetes and whether religion or the level of religiosity you have influences your disease management. As a researcher I am not asking you any questions to make a judgment on how you manage your diabetes or how you embed religious practice within your life, but just to understand your experience.

A: General

 Who do you live with, family, other?  How many children do you have, ages?  Is there any relative other than core family, grandparents, grandchildren, brother, sister?  What do you do for a livingwork? Are you a breadwinner?  How often do you socialize? Who with do you have a network of friends, community?

B: Knowledge

 Do you feel you have a good knowledge about your diabetes?  What information have you received? From whom?  Do they have a training programme for diabetic patients at the hospital? If yes what?  Have health professionals explained the complications of diabetes to you, if so what have you been told, what do you understand?  Do you feel you understand your condition enough to be able to manage it effectively? If yes how or No why?

B: Management of diabetes Management

Family, social daily life Religion prompt How do you manage your diabetes day to day? What does self-care mean to you? Would you say that your diabetes is well controlled, uncontrolled, stable etc? How does the management of your family life influence how you care for your diabetes? work, children, friends Do you believe that religion directs how you live your life and manage your diabetes? If so how? Being charitable? 235 Do you feel that the health professional is more in charge of your diabetes than yourself? Do you follow the advice of the health professional? – if so what? Who makes the decisions on when to and how to change your diabetes regime? Frequently attending the mosque? What are your perceptions of Allah towards your illness? What activities do you undertake that help you stay healthy? What strategies do you use to stay healthy – for the following activities see questionnaire results – highlow self-care religiosity Diet Do you eat healthy? If so what? Do you follow the advice of the health professional, with respect to your diet? Do you eat what you want and adjust your insulin accordingly? What strategies do you use to eat healthy? such as small regular meals, reduced carbohydrate Who cooks the food at home? Do you have to manage a different meal to the rest of the family? How do you manage when you socialize and eat meals with friends? What strategies do you use to control your diabetes with the family? Do you think that Allah wants you to actively stay healthy? What impact does Ramadan or other religious festivals such as Aqiqah, Idul Fitri or Qurban have on how you organize your diet? Do you feel confident to keep fasting? What self-caring strategies do you do to keep during fasting to stay healthy? How does you day-to- day religion practice impact on your diet and eating healthy? Medication- Do you feel that the health professionals are more in charge of your diabetes than yourself? Do you believe that Allah will help you if you adhere to the health a e p ofessio al s regime? 236 Do you follow the advice of the health professional or adapt it to fit your lifestyle? Who makes the decisions on when to and how to change your diabetes regime? What strategies do you use to with respect to your medication to stay healthy? How do you manage your medication when you socialize and go out? Do you adjust you insulin or take it with you to administer as necessary? Do you use other modes of treatment? If yes, what and why spiritual healing, complementary therapy? If no, why? Do you believe that Allah has sent you different treatment through other modes of therapy? Physical activity What do you know about physical activity in managing diabetes? Do you have difficulties to adhere to the physical activity regimes? What strategies do you use to stay physically healthy? How does your work influence how you stay healthy? If a house wife, how does this influence your diabetes self- care, physical activity? Do your family or friends assist you to undertake physical activity? What strategy to keep active during Ramadan? Frequently attending the mosque? Foot care What do you know about why foot care is important for diabetic patients? What do you look for when you inspect your feet? Do you have difficulties to do foot care in daily life? What strategies do you use to keep healthy feet? Do your family or friends help or remind you about foot care? How does foot care affect your daily prayer activities, such as sholat? 237 blood glucose monitoring What advice have you been given regarding how often you should measure your blood glucose? Do you follow the advice of the health professional? Are you confident in doing it yourself? Do you have a blood glucose monitor? What strategies do you use to understand when and how to measure your blood glucose, or how do you know if your blood glucose is stable? Is there a time of the day you particularly measure your blood glucose? Do your family or friends assist you in monitoring your blood glucose? Do you do your blood glucose monitoring differently during Ramadan? not allowed to draw blood Do you confident in changing the way your measure blood glucose during this time? Do you measure your glucose around your religious practice?

C: General Religion