6 in Dunn, 2002. When holistic learning is employed, Roth 2009 believed that true knowledge will be achieved. Even though the theory was inaugurated centuries ago, Roth 2009 believed that it is still applicable today. Moreover, it takes into account more aspects compared to interactionist view Brown, 2001 which only considers interaction in language learning. It also seems to be simpler than the practical implementation of constructivism Pritchard, 2007. Even so, the pedagogy proposed by Roth is still relevant with the ideas of constructivism which is deemed to be the appropriate pedagogy of technology integration in language learning. Therefore, Ro th’s pedagogy will be the backbone of this study. THE STUDY A. CONTEXT OF THE STUDY This study was conducted in pronunciation classes semester 1 academic year 20152016 in English Language Education ELE Program, Satya Wacana Christian University. The course was done within 14 weeks. The classes were basically regular traditional face-to-face classes with Schoology as a complementary learning platform. Teachers used Schoology to upload materials, share useful links, upload pronunciation-related videos, conduct online quizzes, share ideas, etc. The activities occurred in Schoology were observed to see whether the online learning process fitted the theory explained previously.


The participants were the first year students of ELE Program in SWCU who were taking Pronunciation Practice classes. There were 4 classes used for the study. All of them were 7 confirmed to use Schoology in addition to the traditional face-to-face meetings. Bahasa Indonesia was known as the native language of all students. Opting for the participants, this study employed criterion-based sampling. According to Blackledge 2001, as cited in Zacharias, 2012, criterion sampling technique could be done by setting up some criteria and finding the participants who meet those expected criteria. Participants in the context of the study were selected because all teachers of pronunciation classes have actively used Schoology to equip the learning process. This condition met the requirements of the topic of the study which is the utilization of technology in language learning.


The data collection method of this study was an adaptation from Sumakul’s 2013 study in which observation was used to answer the proposed research question. In order to record the activities done by both teachers and students in Schoology, an event-sampling protocol was used see Appendix. This kind of protocol allowed a researcher to obtain data of total frequency of the events observed which matched with the topic Dornyei, 2007. Unlike Sumakul’s study which employed direct observation, this study used delayed-observation method in which the researcher only observed the learning process documentation.


In this study, the researcher was not a part of the learning environment, and thus was only invited to the Schoology groups by the teachers without interfering the activities or interactions done in the platform. The data collection was done after the semester ended. Hence, the researcher only observed the activities and interaction documentation in Schoology group 8 without witnessing directly the activities herself. After that, the researcher wrote down every occurrence in the observation protocol mentioned above.