Second Hypothesis Third Hypothesis

International Conference Semarang Early Childhood Research and Educational Talks Semarang, Indonesia 13 – 14 May 2016 Semarang Early Childhood Research and Education Talks 154 Y atas X 1 30 0,0783 0,161 0,187 Normal Y atas X 2 30 0,0965 0,161 0,187 Normal Based on the calculation, it can be concluded that all the null hypothesis H which reads sample come from populations with normal distribution can not be rejected, in other words all the samples were chosen from the population in normally distribution. Research Hypothesis Hypothesis testing is performed in order to test the correlation between variables also to know how big the correlation between independent variables with the dependent variable.There are three hypotheses have been formulated and tested empirically in this study, namely: 1 There is a positive relationship between socioeconomic status with food pattern. 2 There is a positive relationship between family culture with food patterns. 3 There is a positive relationship between socioeconomic status and family culture with food pattern.

1. First Hypothesis

The research hypotheses were tested formulated as follows: there is positive relationship between socioeconomic status with food pattern. The statistical hypothesis is formulated as follows: H :  y1 H 1 :  y1 The result of the calculation as the hypothesis testing attachment, shows that the regression equation that occurs between Y on X 1 is Y = a + bX 1. Based on the results of these calculations also obtained regression coefficient b = 1.31 and constant a = 65.20. Thus the form of the relationship between socioeconomic status with food patterns indicated by linear regression equation is y = 65.20 + 1,31X 1.

2. Second Hypothesis

The research hypotheses were tested formulated as follows: there is Positive relationships between family cultures with food patterns . Hypotesis are statistically formulated as follows: H :  y2 H 1 :  y2 The result of the calculation as the hypothesis testing attachment, shows that the regression equation that occurs between Y on X 2 is Y = a + bX 2. Based on these calculations also obtained regression coefficient b = 0.66 and constant a = 61.82. Thus the relationship between the family International Conference Semarang Early Childhood Research and Educational Talks Semarang, Indonesia 13 – 14 May 2016 Semarang Early Childhood Research and Education Talks 155 cultures with food patterns indicated by linear regression equation is y = 61.82 + 0.66X 2.

3. Third Hypothesis

The research hypotheses were tested formulated as follows: there is positive relationship between socioeconomic status and family culture with food pattern. The statistical hypothesis is formulated as follows: H : R y.12 H 1 : R y.12 The result of the calculation as the hypothesis testing attachment, shows that the multiple regression equation that occurs between Y on X 1 and X 2 is Y = a + b 1 X 1 + b 2 X 2. Statistical analysis of the results also obtained multiple regression coefficient b 1 b 2 of 0.74 and 0.34 with a constant intercept of 45.04. Thus the relationship between the two independent variables with food pattern shown by multiple regression equation by an equation Y = 28.63 + 1,03X 1 + 0,47X 2 which implies that: If there is an increase of one unit on the socio-economic status and to control for the family culture, then the increase is followed by a rise of 1.03 units in the food pattern. If there is an increase of one unit on the family culture and to control for socioeconomic status, then the increase is followed by a rise of 0.47 units in the food pattern. 1. The Relationship between Socio-Economic Status with Food pattern Results of testing in the first hypothesis can be concluded that there is a positive relationship between socioeconomic status with food pattern, which resulted in a correlation coefficient of 0.620 obtained t count = 4.18 is greater than t table = 2.76 at α = 0.01. The conclusion shows that the higher of the socioeconomic status rises the food pattern. X 1 X 2 Y R y.12 = 0,723 r 1y = 0,620 r 2y = 0,561 International Conference Semarang Early Childhood Research and Educational Talks Semarang, Indonesia 13 – 14 May 2016 Semarang Early Childhood Research and Education Talks 156 The