Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında Proceedings

A9.CICEK H., ARMUTCU B., DIZER B., YAVA A., TOSUN N., CELİK T. Sleep Quality of Patients Hospitalized in the Coronary Intensive Care and Affecting Factors. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 2014;71:324-332. A10. CINAR F.I., UNVER V., SEVEN M., EREN FIDANCI B., SUTCU CİCEK H., YAVA A. Deternination of the Frequency of Clinical skills Implementation by Senior Nursing Students in an Emergency Department. International Journal of Caring Sciences. 2014;72:437-448. A11.SUTCU CICEK H., NAHARCI M.I., CINAR F.I., BAGCIVAN G., BOZOĞLU E., TASCI I., ÇINAR M., ARDIC N., YAVA A., ACIKEL C.H., DORUK H. Vaccination Status and Related Factors in an Elderly Turkish Population Sample: A Cross- Sectional Study International Journal of Caring Sciences, 2015;81:77-85. A12. KILIC B.,SUTCU CICEK H. Percutaneous Endoskopic Gastrostomy Feeding of a Patient with Gun Shot Wounds: Nursing Interventions and Prevention of Complications. Balkan Millitary Medical Review, 2016;191:42-45. A13. ACAR E.,SUTCU CICEK H., KILIC S., TOSUN N. The Evaluation of Information Reguirements of the Intensive Nurses in End Stage Renal Failure Patients’ Care. Balkan Millitary Medical Review, 2016;191:10-18.

B. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında Proceedings

basılan sözelposter bildiriler : B1. VURAL H, OFLAZ F, ASLAN Ö, ÖZCAN CT, TASTAN S, CİCEK H.Determining The Levels of Knowledge and Strategies to Intervent Posttravmatik Stress Disorder of Nurses in Charge of Turkish Armed Forces.Poster Presentation, 6-10 Ekim 2002, 7thCongress of Balkan Military Medical Committee, Yunanistan. p.262 B2.AKBAYRAK N, OFLAZ F, ASLAN Ö, ÖZCAN CT, TAŞTAN S, CİCEK H. Determining The Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder on The Army Health 5 Professionals.Oral Presentation, 6-10 Ekim 2002, 7th Balkan Military Medical Committee, Yunanistan. p.30 B3. SÜTÇÜ ÇİÇEK H, AKBAYRAK N. The Effect of Pursed Lip and Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercises on Pulmonary Function Tests and Arteriel Blood Gas for The Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Poster Presentation, 8th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee,Poster Presentation, 21-24 Eylül 2003, Romanya. p.578 B4. SÜTÇÜ ÇİÇEK H, YAVA A. Preparing For Bioterrorism in Military Nursing. Poster Presentation, 8th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee, 21-24 Eylül 2003, Romanya. p.491 B5. YAVA A, SÜTÇÜ ÇİÇEKH. Firearm Injuries and Nursing Assesment in Emergency Room, 8th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee.Poster Presentation, 21-24 Eylül 2003, Romanya. p.334 B6. SÜTÇÜ ÇİÇEK H, AKBAYRAK N. Determining Differences Between Nurses and Other Female Medical Staff in Terms of Problem Solving Abilities, 9th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Commitee.Poster Presentation, 21-24 June 2004 Antalya Turkey. p.239 B7. ÇİÇEK H, ÖZCAN C, TOSUN N, YAVA A. Experiences of ICU Patients’ Relatives in ICU: Don’t Forget Us. Oral Presentation, 3rd EfCCNa Congress, Florence-Italy, 9-11 October 2008. p.79 B8. TOSUN N, YAVA A, ÇİÇEK H, ÖZCAN C. ICU Nurses’ Communication Experiences With Close Relatives. Poster Presentation, 3rd EfCCNa Congress, Florence-Italy, 9-11 October 2008. p.117 B9. YAVA A, ÇİÇEK H, TOSUN N, YANMIŞ N, AKBAYRAK N. Factors Influencing of Research Use of Results by Cardilogy and Cardiovasculer Surgery Nurses. Oral Presentation, 4th. Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovasculer Surgery, 28 Novenber -2 December 2008,Antalya , Clinical Cardiology 2008 Vol:31, 44 6 B10. ÇIÇEK H, YAVA A, TOSUN N. Keeping ICU Nurses from Exhaustion, Poster Presentation. 10th Congress of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, 6th Annual Congress of the World Federation of Critical Care Nurses.PosterPresentation,28 August-1 September 2009, Florence-Italy. p.170 B11. ÇIÇEK H, DEMIRTAŞ A, YAVA A, TOSUN N, AKBAYRAK N. Why patients don’t want to be transferred from ICU: Nurses perspectives.Poster Presentation, 10th Congress of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, 6th Annual Congress of the World Federation of Critical Care Nurses, 28 August-1 September 2009, Florence-Italy. p.170 B12. ÇIÇEK H, DEMIRTAŞ A, TOSUN N. Being the Nurse for a Decerebrate Patient: A Phenomenological Study. Oral Presentation, 10th Congress of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, 6th Annual Congress of the World Federation of Critical Care Nurses, 28 August-1 September 2009, Florence-Italy. p.149 B13. YAVA A, KOYUNCU A, TOSUN N, ÇIÇEK H, DIZER B. Knowledge and Attitudes of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Nurses About Pain Management. Oral Presentation, 10th Congress of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, 6th Annual Congress of the World Federation of Critical Care Nurses, 28 August -1 September 2009, Florence-Italy. p.148 B14. YAVA A, KOYUNCU A, KOYUNCU F, ÇIÇEK H, TOSUN N. Planned Nursing Care Decreases Morbid an Increases the Patient Satisfaction.Poster Presentation, 10th Congress of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, 6th Annual Congress of the World Federation of Critical Care Nurses, 28 August-1 September 2009, Florence-Italy. p.170 B15. YAVA A, TOSUN N, ÇIÇEK H, ÇINAR FI, ÇINAR M, KILIÇ S. The Cardiovascular Risk and Risk Perception of Women Applying To A Primary Care Medical Clinic in Military Quarters. Poster Presentation, 8th Congress of The European Federation of Internal Medicine, Istanbul, Türkiye, 27-30 May 2009.European Journal of Internal Medicine pp.269. 7 B16. ÇIÇEK H, DEMIRTAŞ A, TOSUN N, AKBAYRAK N. Nurses’ Communication Experiences With Renal Failure Patients: A Phenomological Study. Poster Presentation, 8th Congress of The European Federation of Internal Medicine, İstanbul, Türkiye, 27-30 May 2009. European Journal of Internal Medicine pp.141. B17.DEMIRTAS A, ÇIÇEK H, YAVA A, TOSUN N, AKBAYRAK N, ÖZCAN CT. Do patients Demand Immediate Dismissal from the Cardiology ICU? Poster Presentation, 5th. Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovasculer Surgery, 24-28 Eylül 2009, Antalya, Abstract, The Heart Surgery Forum-Supplement 2009, I,12; 83 B18. KOYUNCU A, YAVA A, KÜRKLÜOĞLU M, ÇİÇEK H, DEMIRKILIÇ U.The usage of herbal remedies before surgery in patients with cardiovascular diseases, PosterPresentation, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 23 rd Annual Congress 9-13 October 2010, Barcelona, Spain. Intensive Care Medicine 362:194, 2010. B19. ARMUTÇU B, ÇIÇEK H, YAVA A, TOSUN N, ÇELIK T. Sleep quality of patients hospitalized in the coronary care unit and the affecting factors, Poster Presentation, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 23 rd Annual Congress 9-13 October 2010, Barcelona, Spain. Intensive Care Medicine 362: 308, 2010. B20. ÇIÇEK H, YAVAA, DEMIRTAŞ A, ÇINAR I, FIDANCI BE, ÖZCAN CT, AKBAYRAK N. Which patients intensive care nurses find difficult and how they cope,Poster Presentation, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 23 rd Annual Congress 9-13 October 2010, Barcelona, Spain.Intensive Care Medicine 362: 341, 2010. B21. ÇIÇEK H, ÖZCAN CT, YAVA A, ASLAN F. Difficult patient perceptions and coping strategies of nurses. CornerPoster Presentation, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 23 rd Annual Congress 9-13 October 2010, Barcelona, Spain.Intensive Care Medicine 362: 341, 2010. B22. ŞAHIN E, ÇIÇEK H. Living with cirrhosis: limitations, challenges and and perceptions.Poster Presentation, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 23 rd Annual Congress 9-13 October 2010, Barcelona,Spain.Intensive Care Medicine 362: 379, 2010. 8 B23. AG DOĞRU, YAVA A, BILGIN F, ÇIÇEK H, TOSUN N.The use of the early warning score system in assessment of patient in post anesthesia care unit.PosterPresentation, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 23 rd Annual Congress 9-13 October 2010, Barcelona, Spain.Intensive Care Medicine 362: 424, 2010. B24. DEMİRTAŞ A, ÇIÇEK H, FİDANCI BE, YAVA A, ÇINAR A, AKBAYRAK N.Intensive Care Nurses Experiences of Using Physical Restraints. Poster Presentation, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 24 rd Annual Congress 1-5 October 2011, Berlin Germany. Intensive Care Medicine 371:269, 2011. B25. ÇIÇEK H, AKBAYRAK N,DEMİRTAŞ A, FİDANCI BE, ÇINAR A. How Do ICU Nurses Perceive The sleep of Patients? Poster Presentation, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 24 rd Annual Congress 1-5 October 2011, Berlin Germany. Intensive Care Medicine 371: 73, 2011. B26. CICEK H., NAHARCI M.I., ÇINAR F.I., BAGCIVAN G., BOZOGLU E., TASCI I., CINAR M., ARDIC N., YAVA A., ACIKEL C.H., DORUK H. Vaccination Status and related factors in an Elderly Turkish Population Sample: A Cross Sectional Study. Poster Presentation, Sigma Theta Tau International 42. Biennual Convention 16-20 November 2013 Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.p.404. B27. ÇİÇEK H., N CAMBAZTEPE. The Effect of Visiting on Vital Signs and Anxiety of the Stroke Patients. Oral Presentation. 5th Asian Preventive Cardiology and Cardiac Rehabilitation Conference Cum 9th Certificate Course in Cardiac Rehabilitation.J HK Coll Cardiol, Vol 22 Suppl 1 6-9 November 2014 pA29. B28. KILIC B., SUTCU CICEK H. Assessment of Educational Needs of Heart Failure Patients in Intensive Care Units: Qualitative Study. Corner Presentation.28th Annual Congress 3-7 October 2015 Berlin-Germany. B29.Akar S.Z., CICEK H., BEBIS. H. The İmportance of Spiritual Approach in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Systematic Review. Poster Presentation. 26 th İnternational Nursing Research Congress23-27 July 2015 San Juan, Puertorico.p 103. 9 B30.CICEK H., ACAR E.,KILIC S.,TOSUN N.,The Evaluation of Information Requirements in End-Stage Renal Failure Patients Care of Intensive Care Nurses. Poster Presentation. 26 th İnternational Nursing Research Congress 23-27 July 2015 San Juan, Puertorico.p 90. B31. SUTCU CICEK H., CAMBAZTEPE N.,KILIÇ B. Assessment of the wives of intensive care nurses about the effect of patient visiting hours on patients and nursing care. Poster Presentation 28th Annual Congress 3-7 October 2015 Berlin-GermanyIntensive Care Medicine Experimental 2015, 3Su-ğ. Pply 1:a922. B32. TOSUN N.,ÇELİK B.,ÇİÇEK H. Determination of the Opinions and Expectations of Cancer Patient and Families about Home Care. Oral Presentation.26ht İnternational Nursing Research Congress.23-27 July 2015.San Juan, Puerto Rico p82. C. Uluslararası Ulusal Kitaplarda Yazılan Bölümler veya Bölüm Çevirmenliği C.1. Editörlük