Design Implementations Data and RD Design

eligibility criterion is met if this ratio is smaller than a threshold, which depends upon the age of the child, state of residence, and year. The implementation of SCHIP plans lead to dramatic increases in the eligibility thresholds across states.

A. Design Implementations

Does public insurance alter the incidence of insurance and the incidence and treatment of disease? Suppose I attempt to measure the effect of public medical insurance on healthcare demand using the equation below: 1 c i = L i γ c + X i β c + ε c,i where c i is adult i’s insurance or healthcare outcome under study; L i is equal to one if the child in adult i’s household is eligible for public insurance; X i is a set of other relevant information, such as race, ethnicity, age, and state of residence; 3 and ε c,i is the usual residual. What does γ c measure? First, since this is a measurement of eligibility and not of takeup, there is no takeup endogeneity bias. In part, γ c measures the causal effect of public insurance eligibility on the healthcare outcome. However, because eligibility is determined by family income and the child’s age, it also picks up the outstanding correlation between income and demand for healthcare. For example, if health is a normal good, without controls for income, γ c would be biased down. 3. The AHRQ made available a coded variable that allows observations to be grouped by state but does not disclose the identity of the states. .2 .4 .6 .8 1 P erc ent 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Year Any Insurance Private Insurance Public Insurance Figure 3 Insurance rates for non- elderly adults. In order to overcome this, I employ a regression discontinuity design, similar to Card and Shore- Sheppard 2004 in their study of Medicaid expansion. Now, the fol- lowing equation is estimated: 2 c i = L i γ c + X i β c + Gdistance i , Family Income i + ε c,i , where Gdistance i , Family Income i is a nonlinear function of family income and “distance” from the eligibility threshold that is, family income as a fraction of the poverty guideline less the governing threshold. This distance measure is the forcing, or running variable, as it determines eligibility. The effects picked up by G need not be causal—it just needs to pick up all of the covariation between the outcome variable and the variables that determine eligibility, beyond the causal effects of eligibility itself. Adding these controls leaves γ c to measure the effect of public insurance itself. Concerns about the many eligibility thresholds exploited here are addressed when γ c is estimated by eligibility thresholds. For the preferred specifi cations, Gdistance i , Family Income i is linear in distance from the eligibility guideline and the family income as a fraction of the poverty guide- line. This last term is added because the relevant guidelines vary dramatically over the period of study. 4 Family income includes all nonself- employed wage income within the CPS- type family, and poverty guidelines are calculated accordingly. The public insurance variable, L i , is equal to one if eligible for Medicaid or SCHIP, zero other- wise. Because the MEPS is collected using a complex survey design, all estimates and standard errors are calculated using appropriate weights, strata, and PSU. Because the measures that determine eligibility are close to continuous income is measured in dol- lars and cents, there is no need to cluster according to a discrete forcing variable, as in Lee and Card 2008. Similarly, the variation being exploited here is in the income distribution in the cross- section and not across time and state as would be the case for simulated eligibility; thus, there is not the usual reason to cluster by the determinants of eligibility threshold: state and year. The estimates provided below are pooled across the short twice- observed panel. Given the panel nature of the data, clustering by individual may be appropriate. In the online appendix, I demonstrate that using only the fi rst of two observations per individual has the expected and modest impact on statistical inference. Because family income- to- poverty guideline ratios vary greatly within the popula- tion, Equation 2 is estimated using a restricted subsample, where the household has to be within one and a half Federal poverty guidelines from the child’s eligibility threshold. The main specifi cation of Equation 2 requires only a control function G. However, I can also add other control variables, such as a polynomial in adult age in months, and dummy variables for race, Hispanic ethnicity, and whether the parent is a single mother. Year- and state- fi xed effects are also included. The sample and subsample means are reported in Table 1. The subsample represents a group of adults well distributed over age groups. The age groups presented were constructed to be of similar size. The subsample is 78 percent white and 16 percent black. Most of the specifi cations below employ a linear- probability model, save for the few spending and utilization outcomes considered. Because some of the specifi cations 4. In the online appendix, I check how robust the estimates of γ c are for various expansions of the polyno- mial G. K oc h 967 Table 1 Means of the sample Mean Mean Variable Full Sample Subsample Variable Full Sample Subsample Subsample N Demographics Spending and Self- Reported Health Age: 18 years- 0.1844 0.2187 Total 1,967.13 1,898.30 37,121 27 years, 1 month- 0.1949 0.231 Offi ce- based 442.77 408.54 37,121 33 years, 11 months- 0.2068 0.205 Out- of- pocket 360.76 320.74 37,121 39 years, 6 months- 0.2206 0.1846 46 years, 1 month- 0.1934 0.1607 Excellent or very good 0.624 0.597 37,121 1 = Male 0.465 0.450 1 = White 0.800 0.774 Preventive Care—All 1 = Black 0.136 0.164 Flu shot 0.172 0.155 25,784 1 = Hispanic 0.165 0.221 BP check 0.762 0.736 25,478 Cholesterol check 0.432 0.386 24,664 Insurance by Source Annual exam 0.527 0.492 25,528 Private 0.684 0.642 Any 0.786 0.763 Preventive Care—Women Public 0.125 0.148 Pap smear 0.640 0.618 14,256 Breast exam 0.643 0.617 14,264 N = 79,253 37,121 Mammogram 0.361 0.315 9,293 Notes: Restricted sample is observations with measured income within 1.5 Federal poverty guidelines of the eligibility threshold. Age groups thresholds are set- up to match quintiles. The sample sizes for the preventive care variables vary due to changes in MEPS survey design over time. involve a robust set of state- and year- fi xed effects, OLS is preferred; those fi xed ef- fects are useful in distinguishing whether or not the mean shifts at the discontinuity. For censored outcomes, the use of traditional estimators with a global polynomial has been advised by Imbens and Wooldridge 2009. The tables report a fi rst- order approximation of the marginal effects of the Tobit equation—␤⌽X i ␤, the latent equa- tion estimate times the average fi tted probability that the observation is not censored. Due to the nonlinear nature of these estimates, the t- statistics for the underlying pa- rameter estimates are reported for consistency, as they are for the linear probability models. I also provide graphical evidence of the discontinuities. In general, graphical anal- ysis can be carried out with the average value in “bins” according to the forcing vari- able, as advised by Imbens and Lemieux 2008. Here, the forcing variable is the difference or distance in the graphs between the ratio of family income to Federal poverty guideline and the relevant cutoff. The bins used here are as wide as 1 percent of the Federal poverty guideline. This corresponds to a 156- wide 1 percent bin for a family of four in 1996. A fl exible fi tting of the bin averages is also provided in the form of a local linear smoother. The weighting function of the local linear smoother uses a rectangular kernel, as advised by Lee and Lemieux 2010. The bandwidth of kernel is based upon the rule of thumb provided by Fan and Gijbels 1996, Sec- tion 4.2. 5

B. Validity of the Design