The Conducting of Direct Instruction Model The advantages of Direct Instruction Model The Disadvantages of Direct Instruction Model

commit to user 32 Functions in Instructional Programs, Elementary School Journal 83, 1983, 335-350 in

3. The Conducting of Direct Instruction Model

According to Arends 2000: 283 there are four types of conducting Direct Instruction Model: a. Preinstructional planning tasks associated with the model put emphasis on careful preparation of objectives and performing task analysis. b. Direct instruction model are; providing objectives and establishing, demonstration or explaining the materials to be learned, providing guided practice, checking for students understanding and providing feedback and providing for extended practice and transfer. c. Direct instruction refers to teacher to explain things clearly to demonstrate and model precise behaviors, and to provide for practice, monitoring of performance and feedback. d. The used of practice should be guided by several principles: assigning short, meaningful amounts of practice, assigning practice to increase over learning and making appropriate use of massed and distributed practice.

4. The advantages of Direct Instruction Model

a. The teacher has control of the timing of the lesson. commit to user 33 b. Students are physically easy to monitor. c. The teacher has control over what will be learned, and who will learn. If you want to reward the middle class students, this is the kind of teaching method to use. d. The curriculum can be covered, so the teacher can say that she taught the material. e. Some material should be taught this way, any information for which there is one right answer, and for which that answer is relatively simple, can be taught efficiently and honestly by using direct instruction. http:www.usask.caeducationcourseworkmcvittiej324.3html

5. The Disadvantages of Direct Instruction Model

a. It is based on old learning theories: that we must learn simple tasks before complex ones, and that only measurable learning is worthwhile. b. Students do not have a sense of the overall purpose of the simple steps. However, if you tell them the purpose, by using advance organizers, this disadvantage is overcome. c. Teachers cannot assess what the students’ prior knowledge is, so will be unaware of why particular students cannot learn. d. Retention of how to solve the problems is low, because the students have not struggled with the problem themselves. This disadvantage can be overcome by having the students do many complex problems on their own. However, this means that one of the advantages time efficiency is lost. commit to user 34 e. Direct instruction as an instructional method works for only a small per cent age of students, not for a great variety. The students who have other than verbal or who come from different cultural world views will fail. http:www.usask.caeducationcourseworkmcvittiej327html

D. Interest