Shared parenting

  A group of deputies, activated by the expert Vittorio Vezzetti, has deposited in Italian parliament this important question. To the ministry of Justice granted that

  A- Of all the international double blind peer reviews published between 1976 and 2014 only 76 articles compared sole residence and shared parenting. These academic papers express the thoughts of the scientific community and have been subject of two different meta-analysis using different access criteria.

  B- The first procedure of meta-analysis is one adopted by Prof. Hildegund Suenderhauf (Germany): out of 50 studies 37 gave positive outcomes for shared custody, 11 were neutral and only 2 were negative.

  C- The second procedure of meta-analysis is one adopted by Prof. Linda Nielsen. It included comparison of 40 research papers and she concluded that: “While acknowledging that some studies were more methodologically sophisticated and used more valid and reliable measures than the others, the fact remains that the 40 studies reached similar conclusions. First, shared parenting was linked to better outcomes for children of all ages across a wide range of emotional, behavioral, and physical health measures.

  Second, there was not any convincing evidence that overnighting or shared parenting was linked to negative outcomes for infants or toddlers. Third, the outcomes are not positive when there is a history of violence or when the children do not like or get along with their father. Fourth, even though shared parenting couples tend to have somewhat higher incomes and somewhat less verbal conflict than other parents, these two factors alone do not explain the better outcomes for the children. By acknowledging and by disseminating the findings from these 40 studies, we can help dispel many of the myths about shared parenting and promote a fuller understanding of this parenting plan option”.

  D- A corollary to these meta-analysis is a smaller meta-analysis, by Prof Warshak, which focused just on shared custody for babies aged under 4 years of age.

  With the endorsement of 110 internationally recognised scientists Warshak argues that: “Research on children’s overnights with fathers favors allowing children under four to be cared for at night by each parent rather than spending every night in the same home.”.

  E-The Council of Europe, grounding on the scientific side indeed on these researches, has

deliberated on 2 october (with 46 votes on favour and just two abstensions) a resolution that invites

the member states to promove the shared residence (specified in the introductive document as an

arrangement whereby the child lives alternately with each parent for more or less equal amounts of

time, which may be fixed in days or weeks, or even months”) and to incentivate the detailed

  F Italy, as clearly demonstrated by a detailed research of italian paediatrician Vittorio Vezzetti,

presented in European parliament, ONU and fifth social workers congress, is in the end of Europe

about the co parenting protection (see Vezzetti V -Scholar's Press, 2015-07-06) G While on the websites of different courts we can see parental plans for divorcing couples with

agreement suggestions that foresee a inequal time distribution ((85% versus 15%) and just Perugia

Courts take account of the COE recommendations, suggesting detailed parental plans where the children spend equal times between fathers and mothers. Given all that, we ask the Honourable Minister 1- If he’s going to take account of international scientific literature about this argument as the

  COE has done in order to remedy a so bad situation for many and many italian children. Se intenda promuovere il recepimento della risoluzione del Consiglio d’Europa o ignorarla 2- If he wants take in the suggestions of COE

3- If he wants begin some action to promote the Perugia Protocol by other Italian courts 8as

more as possible)

4- If he is going to activate to begin the parliamentary discussion of several projects of law

that lie in the parliament.