The system that will be built Feeding Automated Processes

Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer dan Informatika KOMPUTA Edisi Volume 2016 ISSN : 2089-9033 Figure 1 Checking Current Temperatures Process The explanation of the process of checking these temperatures are: 1. The business checks go directly to the location of the fish pond. 2. check the temperature of the fish farming pond during the day and night the water. 3. The business receiving the temperature obtained. 4. The business turn on the water pump when the temperature is above 30 o C or below 25 o C. Figure 2 Current Time Feed Processes The explanation for the feeding of fish that are running are 1. The business came to the fish pond on the clock feeding ie, 7 am, 12 noon and 6 pm. 2. If it is time feeding, the farmer will give you feed the fish still with estimated time.

3.2. The system that will be built

Web service Web service Kolam Ikan Relay Mengirim mengembalikan m e n g ir im Web Server Pengelola kolam ikan Aplikasi berbasis android Mengontrol pompa air Atur waktu pakan Laporan pemantauan Detail suhu Arduino Sensor suhu Pompa Air Pakan Ikan membaca Figure 3 System to be built 1. The business conduct checks the temperature of the fish farming pond through android based applications. 2. The sensor reads the temperature in the fish pond transform and processed in arduino. 3. The Arduino will process the temperature read by the sensor. 4. The system will check the condition of the monitored temperature is ideally 25-30oC if the temperature is more or less than this limit, the system will run the water pump. 5. The system will transmit temperature data from arduino to android or otherwise using the web service as a communication arduino with android. 6. The business receiving the information, the observed temperature and managers can also set the time on and off the water pump. 7. The business of feeding fish set time adjusted time by the managers themselves. 8. The system will save time feeding in the database which will then control the fish feed the time determined by the manager. 9. The system will save the data information of temperature, time, date, hour feeding that occurs in fish farming pond is then displayed in the form of information on the history as a manager. Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer dan Informatika KOMPUTA Edisi Volume 2016 ISSN : 2089-9033

3.3. Feeding Automated Processes

Android User Arduino Pemberi makan otomatis Input waktu Mengirim perintah mengeksekusi Web service Menerima perintah Figure 4 Feeding Automated Processes 1. The business input mealtime by using android devices. 2. android device storing time user input input 3. Once the input is stored, then the android device sends user input to be stored in a database that resides on a web server. 4. Arduino received an order in the database that were previously submitted by the android. 5. Arduino executes the instruction that has been received by the time determined by the manager. 6. Arduino run a feeder according to the time that has been specified user.

3.4. Analysis Web Service Data Communications