47 his family without saying anything, The Hurt Locker give out and explain the other side of masculinity that placed men on the battlefield. So it can be said that The Hurt Locker presented XXXa new masculinity of William James. Commonly war movie present man as a hero who is strong, brave and deny any kind of feeling and sensitiveness. But James in this film looks very sensitive, when he has to see Beckham who become victim a bomb body, he tears up and becomes as emotional man, James appears to be attentive person also which eagerly helpful to each other, like when he has to disarm bomb body of an Iraq man which has child and try to find somebody responsible of Beckham death. James also appears as a good father, he cares to his son, and loving his family. The Hurt Locker is war movie that show the other representation of man. It is because The Hurt Locker involves so much emotion of the bomb squad in Iraq. Through the emotional and spiritual warfare that is displayed by James, it felt how miserable a soldier is mentally when on duty in the battlefield.

B. Suggestion

Movie is a story with moving object. The strength of the movie than the other literary works is visualization of the story. It become more attractive thing to watch, because it empowered by the sound and blocking with the real gesture of the character, so, the spectators can understand the story well. In analyzing some character of some movie, we ought to pay more attention to the intrinsic and extrinsic elements because both of them have a 48 synchronization relationship. And also should to know the characteristic and characterization of some character. The step mentioned above will ease the researcher to do comprehensive analysis. In analyzing the representation of masculinity, the writer suggest to other researches to develop their knowledge or concepts of masculinity that will help them to do better analysis of study. Through this study, the writer hopes that this paper can be useful to all students who want to study in depth about masculinity, finally the writer hopes that this study will be useful the future improvement of studying masculinity, especially for the students of English Letters Department who want to do the similar research. 49 BIBLIOGRAPHY

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