Submitted as the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

Reg. No. 2113220006




First of all, he would like to express his deepest thanks and praise to the one
above us, Allah SWT, who blesses him by giving ability, knowledge, strength and
health to finish this research as partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain the S1
Degree of Sarjana Sastra at English Department, Faculty of language and Arts, State
Universtiy of Medan.
In finishing this thesis, the writer has been helped by many people, therefore
in this occasion he would extend him sincere and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. H. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., Dean of Languages and Arts Faculty.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., Head of English Department.

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department, an Examiner in
green table and Academic Consultant for all suggestions and administrative
help during his study and completing this study.

Syamsul Bahri, S.S, M.Hum., the Head of English Literature Program.

Dr. Rahmah, M.Hum, as his previous Thesis Consultant for all her
suggestion and support from zero until this thesis finished

Juli Rachmadani Hasibuan, S.S., M.Hum., as his Thesis Consultant for all
her support and pray.

Dr. I Wy. Dirgayasa T, M.Hum and Drs Johan Sinulingga, M.Pd., as the
Examiner in his green table for the suggestion and critics

All Lecturers throughtout his academic years at the State University of
Medan who have shared their knowledge.

His beloved parents, Indarto and Tiamsyah who has patiently given moral,
spiritual and financial support including endless love and pray for him.

His beloved brother and sister, Yose Rizal and Datia Indira Putri for their
support and pray for him.

His beloved sweetheart Tribuana Setiawati for the support, advice,
suggestion, and love until right now.

His beloved friend during completing this thesis Swarman, Rezeky Sofian,
Hasbi Ramadhan, Raja Boby Aditya, Fajri Januardi, and all of
classmates in applied Linguistic A and B 2011 that he cannot be mentioned
thanks for support and advices.

His beloved friend Sandi Parlindungan and all of member Medan Sky
Gundam community for the support and pray.

All people that supported and helped him in UNIMED, Mam Eis Sri
Wahyuningsih, M.Pd, Mam Enda, Mam Olla, Pak Pantes, Fotocopy
workers, All waiters in Canteen.

All other people who have helped the process until this thesis finished.
Medan, Agustus 2015
The Writer,

Dian Ananda Putra
Reg No. 2113220006

Ananda Putra, Dian. Reg No 2113220006. The Illocutinary Acts on Naruto as
The Main Character in Naruto Shippuden Movie – The Road to Ninja. A
Thesis, English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University
of Medan, 2015.
The objective of this study was aimed to find out the types of illocutionary acts in
Naruto Shippuden Movie – The Road to Ninja and described the reason why the

illocutionary acts occured on Naruto’s dialogue in Naruto Shippuden Movie – The
Road to Ninja. This study was conducted by using a descriptive qualitative
reseach design. The data of this study were collected by using documentary
technique. The source of data was the Naruto Shippuden Movie – The Road To
Ninja. After analyzing the illocutionary acts of Naruto’s Utterances that occur in
movie Naruto Shippuden – The Road to Ninja, the total uttterances that contain
illocutionary acts were 196 utterances. The total number of Declarative was 4
utterances; The total number of Representative was 102 utterances; The total
number of Expressive was 12 utterances; The total number Directive was 69
utterances; and The total number of Commisive was 9.
Keyword: Illocutionary Acts, Naruto Shippuden Movie

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................

LIST OF TABLES ..............................................................................................
LIST OF APPENDIXES .................................................................................... vii
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1
A. Background Of The Study .........................................................................1
B. Problem Of Study ......................................................................................7
C. The Objective Of The Study ......................................................................7
D. The Scope Of The Study ...........................................................................8
E. The Significance Of The Study ..................................................................8
CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE .................................................. 9
A. Theoretical Framework ..............................................................................9
1. Pragmatics .............................................................................................9
2. Speech Acts .........................................................................................10
a. Locutionary Act ...............................................................................11
b. Illocutionary Act .............................................................................11
c. Perlocutionary Act. ..........................................................................14
3. Conversation theory ............................................................................15
4. Movie .................................................................................................18
B. Related study............................................................................................23
CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHOD .......................................................... 25
A. Research Method .....................................................................................25

B. Data and Source of Data..........................................................................25
C. Technique of Collecting Data .................................................................26
D. Technique of Analyzing The Data ..........................................................26
CHAPTER IV. THE DATA AND THE DATA ANALYSIS .......................... 27
A. The Data ...................................................................................................27

B. The Data Analysis ....................................................................................27
C. Research Findings ....................................................................................36
D. Discussion ............................................................................................... 37
CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ................................ 39
A. Conclusions .............................................................................................39
B. Suggestions ..............................................................................................39
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 41
APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 43


Table 4.1 Total Number of The Types Illocutionary ......................................... 27
Table 4.2 Analysis of Declarative ...................................................................... 28

Table 4.3 Analysis of Representative ................................................................ 29
Table 4.4 Analysis of Expressive ...................................................................... 32
Table 4.5 Analysis of Directive ......................................................................... 33
Table 4.6 Analysis of Commisive ...................................................................... 35

Appendix A Analysis of Illocutionary Acts of Naruto’s Utterances ................... 43
Appendix B Movie Script Naruto Shippuden Movie – Road to Ninja........ ......... 51



Background of the Study
Nowadays television becomes one of the most important media to human.

From the children until adult have their own favorite television programs. One of
them is animation. Animation is one of technique in making a film or movie.
Animation becomes really popular especially among the children. The animation

becomes a friend for the children in their free time after study. It makes them
happy when they watch it.
Basically, Animation was made for the children, as their entertainment at
home, but right now, there are many animation are made for the adult. Sometimes
animation is made not for entertain but it can become a tool for people to show
their own mind to the public.
There are many types or genre for animation, such as adventure, romance,
sci-fi, school life, love, sport, fighting, horror, etc., but for the children and adults
adventure become their favorite. The adventure of the character in the movie
really become their favorite, because the adventure gives them something to learn,
like friendship, work together, family, survival, etc. All of them is told by the






There are some character in Animation, and every character has dialog
with the other. It make them become more like human, but in 2D or 3D. The



Japanese make their own animation is called Anime. Anime are Japanese
animated productions featuring hand-drawn or computer animation. The word is
the abbreviated pronunciation of "animation" in Japanese, where this term
references all animation. In other languages, the term is defined as animation from
Japan or as a Japanese-disseminated animation style often characterized by
colorful graphics, vibrant characters and fantastic themes. Anime is a diverse art
form with distinctive production methods and techniques that have been adapted







When the character communicate, they use utterances to express what they
have in their minds toward the other character. Utterances produced by a speaker
does not only function to explain the speaker’s mind toward the listener but also
means to show the relationship between them. Those expressions easily find in
daily conversation and show character’s relation among one and others.
Utterance could be said as main point in speech acts. Utterance means
what is said by any one person before or after another person begins to speak
People perform action through that utterance. Utterances also occur in a movie in
which the conversation happens among the characters (Yule, 1996: 47).
When we want to know people’s relationship through their utterance, we
can see it from speech act that people use. The meaning of words or utterances
depend on the meaning of the words or utterances themselves and situational
context. Speech act is a theory of performative language, in which to say


something is to do something. On any occasion, the action performed by
producing an utterance will consist three related acts (Searle, 1976: 1-23).
Speech act is a kind of verbal communication. The words speech acts are
derived from two words are speech and act. Speech is the utterance that occurs
and act means action. That is the reason why people have to interpret the meaning
of communication or language through speech acts. Many times, in conversation
people not only saying, but also forcing the hearer to do something. When the
hearer is doing an act it means he or she is doing illocutionary acts. The hearer
tends to do action. In that conversation people are also possible to influence the
hearer the speaker successfully affects the hearer, it means perlocutionary acts can
be performed well. In perlocutionary act the hearer is allowed to make an
interpretation on conversation. If it happens in conversation, it means speech acts
are applied (Austin, 1962: 170-173).
Locutionary act is ‘what is said’ the form of uttered; the act of saying
something. If someone says ‘Press the Button!’ the locutionary acts is the
realization of the speaker’s utterance. That’s the act, saying. Illocutionary act is
‘what is done in uttering the word’, the function of the word, the specific purpose
that the speakers have in mind. The utterance “I swear to give it back next time” is
used to perform the illocutionary act of promising. Perlocutionary act is ‘what is
done by uttering the word’; it is the effect on listener, the listener’s reaction. The
utterance “there is something in your shoulder!” may cause the listener to panic
and to look on his shoulder. The perlocution of this utterance is to cause those
emotion and action.


There are many different things that speakers can do with words and some
utterances that the speaker produces are not statements or questions about some
pieces of information, but action (Austin, 1962:178). Everybody would agree that
every utterance we give has meaning, it also has aim, then gets action-reaction.
Conversation, formal or informal, daily or not, has background for the addressee
and from addresser. Conversation has expression, whether it‘s complaining,
congratulating, promising, etc. it shows that words are not only something the
speakers use to say something but also to do something. Sometimes when the
speakers says something, the speaker does not just say it exactly, but there is some
implicit meaning behind it. Therefore, the words or the utterances that people
produce also can lead to misunderstanding. As it is know that communication is
called successful when hearers recognize the linguistics meaning of the utterances,
but when they infer the speaker’s “meaning” from it (Allan, 2001:15).
Fasril ( 2012, 168-198) analyzed illocutionary acts of Luffy’s utterances to
his addressees in comic One Piece. He focused on Luffy’s utterances to his
addresses and to find out the occurrence frequency of the type of illocutionary
acts. After the analyzing the data, he found that representative is the most
dominant types of illocutionary acts because the comic market target are the
children, so the comic use language that easy to understand.
Divani (2013,16-32) analyzed illocutionary acts of the main character of
Transformers Movie “Dark of the Moon” and he found there were two points to
be related to the problem of this research; first the most dominant is Directive
type, and the second are requesting, commanding, warning, permitting, urging


questioning, ordering, suggesting, advising, begging, challenging, insisting, and
pleading, those are the reason Directive become the most dominant type. The both
researcher analyzes in different field, Fasril in a comic meanwhile Divani in a
Western Movie. And they find different conclusion.
Istiningdias (2014, 291-299) analyzed Illocutionary Acts in Declarative
Mood: A Functional Grammar Approach. She analyzes the data based on
Functional Grammar. The data taken from Disney Words published in Twitter and
classify into two major: Direct Illocutionary Acts and Indirect Illocutionary Acts.
From the finding, the writer concludes two kinds of Illocutionary Act can be
found in Declarative Mood which have different roles. Direct Illocutionary Act
can be seen by making a statement or giving information in 35 clauses. Indirect
Illocutionary Act can be seen by giving a directive (getting someone to do
something, giving advice, and giving warning) and also expressing emotion in 10
Ilyas & Khushi (2012, 501-507) analyzed Facebook Status Updates: A
Speech Act Analysis. The current research will explore the use of language in a
context, which in this case is the social networking website Facebook. The
researchers aim at studying the communicative functions that emerge from
analysis of the status updates. Some of the status updates will be classified for
their individual communicative function and some of these would be considered
as one whole. To conclude, the different communicative aspects that emerged
through the categorization of the updates varied from expressing what one was
feeling to sharing quotes and poetry. Through status updates people not only


expressed their emotions but also shared details about their daily life activities as
to what they were doing or what was going on in their lives at that moment. This
shows how socialization patterns emerge through the sharing of feelings,
information and ideas.
From the research before, the writer is going to analyze the movie in
animation field. Because the writer feels so interests to try in different field from
those researchers. It knows that communication is successful when addresses
recognize the linguistics meaning of the utterance, but when they infer the
speaker’s meaning from it. The writer wants to know more about illocutionary act
especially in Animation. The usage of illocutionary act also used in the movie
because movie is actually a representation of the real conversation naturally
society. Making Anime also has the social dimension for several reason. Anime
makers are member of society, and, as such, are no less subject to social pressures
an norms than anyone else. Furthermore, all anime make occurs within social
context. Many researchers research the speech acts, especially illocutionary acts
field for their study that is the reason why the writer interests in illocutionary acts
The writer chooses illocutionary act as the analyzer, because there are five
kind of illocutionary acts such as declaratives, representatives, expressives,
directives, and commisives. In his view, they are really confusing. So, by doing
this research the write wants to find out what made him thought about that in the
past and than he will tell the answer to the next student who will study this topic
and to the next researcher who will analyze this topic. This research focuses on


the illocutionary acts which are conveyed by Naruto who are the main character in
Naruto Shippuden Movie – The Road to Ninja.
Why Naruto Shippuden Movie – The Road to Ninja as the media? Beside
the writer loves watching and reading the Naruto Shippuden Series and the
Movies, there are a lot illocutionary acts that he can find in this movie. There are
almost utterances in this movie contain the illocutionary act and then, this movie
will educate the viewers. In other words, not only it has so many illocutionary
acts, but also this movie is educating someone when they watch it.


Problem of Study
In accordance with the background of the study, there were two problems

formulated, they were:
1. What were the types of illocutionary act used in Naruto Shippuden Movie –
The Road to Ninja?
2. Why did the illocutionary act occur on Naruto’s dialogue in Naruto
Shippuden Movie – The Road to Ninja so they were?


The Objective of the Study
Related to the problem of the study, the objectives of the study were stated

as follows:
1. To find out the types of illocutionary acts in “Naruto Shippuden Movie –
The Road to Ninja.”


2. To describe the reason why the illocutionary act occurs on Naruto‘s
dialogue in “Naruto Shippuden Movie – The Road to Ninja”.


The Scope of the Study
The study focused on illocutionary acts of utterances using theory of

speech act and context by Finch (2000: 94-97). The data were limited to the
utterances that were produced by Naruto as main character to his addressees in
movie entitle “Naruto Shippuden Movie – The Road to Ninja.”.


The Significance of the Study
It was becoming useful that the significant of this study can contribute to a

better understanding of studying language development that presenting notion,
information, and idea through its function. It was expected that the result of this
study is useful for:
1. The Student who want to conduct further research in Illocutionary acts
especially in animation movie

For other researcher who want to have clearer vision of the types of
illocutionary acts application in society or for those who want to make
further research about the use of illocutionary acts in society


Everyone who want to study the types of illocutionary acts.


From the data analysis, the objective of this research is to find out the

types of illocutionary acts and to describe the reason why the illocutionary act
occurs on Naruto‘s dialogue. This research is conducted by descriptive qualitative
design. After analyzing the data, conclusion can be drawn as follows:

There are five types of illocutionary acts found in Naruto as main character
in Naruto Shippuden Movie – Road to Ninja. There are Declarative,
Representative, Expressive, Directive, and Commisive.


Illocutionary acts occurs on Naruto’s dialogue in Naruto shippuden Road
to Ninja because the character makes an utterances. In utterance, Naruto
performs an illocutionary act in using a particular locution to refer. When
Naruto uttered something, he need to be response, and how Addressor
speaks and addressee responses that is illocutionary acts.


By considering the conclusions above, there are some suggestions offered:

The student who want to conduct further research in Illocutionary acts
especially in animation movie is suggested to understand the story and
important role in interpreting utterances to get the intended meaning. It’s
not difficult to know the intended meaning of the utterances if a person
knows the story.




For other researcher who want to have clearer vision of the types of
illocutionary acts application in society or for those who want to make
further research about the use of illocutionary acts in society may have this
thesis as a references


Beside the students, everyone is also important to study the types of
illocutionary acts, because by understanding this material, it would be
easier for them to understand why and what for purpose produces an

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