Discussion ceptors did not reflect the inhibition by an conditioned

6 M Fig. 4. Bar diagrams showing the effects of injections of Kainic acid Fig. 5. Bar diagrams showing the effects of injections of Piperidine upper panel and NBQX lower panel into the dPAG on conditioned upper panel and Picrotoxin lower panel into the dPAG on conditioned inhibition of fear-potentiated startle. The bars represent the mean ASR inhibition of fear-potentiated startle. The bars represent the mean ASR difference scores after light and noise-light trials, as well as their difference scores after light and noise-light trials, as well as their differences 6S.E.M.. differences 6S.E.M.. GABA receptor antagonist [10,15,41] were not observed in of fear-potentiated startle; likewise, blockade of the the present study. AMPA Kainate receptors enhanced fear-potentiated startle. It is important to note that this inhibition of fear-poten- tiated startle by stimulation of the AMPA Kainate re-

4. Discussion ceptors did not reflect the inhibition by an conditioned

inhibitor. Earlier results from our laboratory indicating a The present study tested the hypothesis that AMPA role of the GABA receptors within the dPAG in the A Kainate receptors and GABA receptors in the dPAG are expression of conditioned inhibition could not be con- A involved in the expression of fear-potentiated startle and firmed in the present study. Both, injections of a GABA A or the expression of conditioned inhibition of fear-poten- receptor agonist into the dPAG as well as of a GABA A tiated startle. This hypothesis was based on the observa- receptors antagonist neither affected expression nor con- tions that injections of Kainic acid into the dPAG totally ditioned inhibition of fear-potentiated startle. block the expression of fear-potentiated startle [48,49] and Since excitation of the PAG using stimulation electrodes that injections of the GABA receptor antagonist Picrotox- or injections of excitatory amino acids or GABA receptor A A in into the dPAG slightly attenuated the expression of antagonists can induce explosive jumps and defensive conditioned inhibition of fear-potentiated startle [22]. The reactions [3,7,10,14,15] and since these motor behaviours present study confirmed an important role of AMPA might interfere with the ASR and its modulations [40,51], Kainate receptor within the dPAG for the expression of the different concentrations of the drugs used in the present fear-potentiated startle, since stimulation of the AMPA study were chosen using the criteria that no such be- Kainate receptors within the dPAG blocked the expression havioural effects were elicited. M . Fendt Brain Research 880 2000 1 –10 7 4.1. The injection sites within the dPAG much more caudal and ventral parts of the PAG compared with the injection sites of the present study. All injection sites of the present study were located into the dPAG, i.e. into the dorsomedial and the dorsolateral 4.3. Effects of NBQX injections into the dPAG region of the PAG. Due to the small number of misplaced injections, it was not possible to statistically analyse their Injections of NBQX into the dPAG strongly increased effects, but none of the individual animals except those the expression of fear-potentiated startle. Conditioned with injections into the lateral PAG showed overt be- inhibition was not affected. Since NBQX had the contrary havioural changes after injections of the different drugs. As effects of Kainic acid, the important role of the AMPA we previously demonstrated in our laboratory [21,22], Kainate receptors within the dPAG in the expression of injections of Picrotoxin and also Kainic acid into the fear-potentiated startle was fully confirmed. lateral PAG 2 animals resulted in an increase in fear- To the best of our knowledge, this was the first time that potentiated startle, whereas injections of Picrotoxin into behavioural effects of NBQX injections into the dPAG the deep layers of the superior colliculus 4 animals has were tested. Furthermore, this is one of the few studies no effects on fear-potentiated startle or conditioned inhibi- showing an increase in fear-potentiated startle. For exam- tion. Furthermore, injections of Kainic acid into the deep ple, a previous study of our laboratory reported an increase layers of the superior colliculus did not affect fear-poten- of fear-potentiated startle after Picrotoxin injection into the tiated startle. Hence, we are confident that the effects lateral region of the PAG [22]. described in the present experiments are mediated by the dPAG. 4.4. The role of glutamate within the dPAG 4.2. Effects of Kainic acid injections into the dPAG All types of glutamatergic receptors are abundant in the dPAG [1,47] and a lot of glutamate-immunopositive termi- Injections of Kainic acid into the dPAG decreased nals are present in the dPAG [4]. The rostral hypothalamus expression of fear-potentiated startle. This was earlier seems to be the main source of glutamatergic input into the described by Walker and colleagues [48,49] and confirmed dPAG [38,46] and it has been suggested that this projection by the present experiments. Since there was a hint that the is important for the mediation of defensive behaviours. dPAG is involved in conditioned inhibition of fear-poten- Beitz [6] counted a high number of different brain areas tiated startle [22], the idea came up that the reduction of projecting with glutamate to the dorsal and lateral parts of fear-potentiated startle by stimulation of the dPAG might the PAG, but because of the sizes of the injections sites of reflect conditioned inhibition. However, the present study the retrograde tracer in this study, it was impossible to showed that after injections of Kainic acid into the dPAG, differentiate between projections to the dPAG and to the conditioned inhibition of fear-potentiated startle was not other regions of the PAG. The most neurones projecting affected. This was found after infusion of a concentration with glutamate to the PAG were found in the zona incerta, of Kainic acid which attenuated expression of fear-poten- hypothalamus, cingulate, perirhinal and frontal cortex, tiated startle, as well as after infusion of a concentration of cuneiform nucleus, spinal trigeminal nucleus, deep Kainic acid which did not affect expression of fear-poten- mesencephalic nucleus, amygdala, cerebellar nuclei and in tiated startle. the PAG itself see also [7]. Depaulis and colleagues [13,14] injected Kainic acid The exact role of the glutamatergic transmission within into the dPAG and observed different defensive reactions the dPAG in the mediation of fear and anxiety is not clear. e.g. freezing. Kainic acid injection into more caudal and There are some studies e.g. [33] showing that glutamate more ventral regions of the PAG elicited forward avoid- release within the ventral regions of the PAG is decreased ance behaviour e.g. forward locomotion, jumps as well as during pain, but it is not clear whether pain also modulates ultrasonic vocalisation and an increase in arterial pressure. the glutamatergic transmission within the dPAG. Further- In the present study, none of these active defensive more, the different glutamate receptors seem to be in- reactions and no changes in automatically recorded sponta- volved differently in the modulation of fear. Whereas the neous motor activity could be observed. Possible reasons present study and the work of Walker and colleagues for that might be that during the startle tests the animals [48,49] showed that injections of AMPA Kainate agonists were put into a little test cage so that the possibility to within the dPAG have an anxiolytic action and AMPA move is quite limited. Furthermore, the different test Kainate antagonists increase conditioned fear, the NMDA stimuli startle tone, light CS, noise CI elicited motor receptor seems to mediate the opposite effects. Injections behaviours startle response, freezing which might inter- of NMDA receptor antagonists [27,45] induced anxiolysis fere with such defensive reactions. It is important to note in the elevated plus-maze test, whereas agonists of the that the most prominent defensive reactions in the studies glycine-site of the NMDA receptor had anxiogenic-like quoted above are elicited by Kainic acid injections into effects [44]. These findings suggest that different gluta- 8 M mate receptor subtypes mediate different aspects of fear 4.6. Effects of Piperidine injections into the dPAG which are measured in the different animal models of fear and anxiety. Since NMDA receptors have a low affinity Piperidine injections into the dPAG neither affected for glutamate if the neurone is not depolarised, this would expression nor conditioned inhibition of fear-potentiated suggest that the first result of glutamate release in the startle. Since previous work of our laboratory [22] showed dPAG would be an inhibition of fear via Kainate AMPA a reduction of conditioned inhibition after blockade of receptors. Different glutamate concentrations within the GABA receptors within the dPAG, we expected that A dPAG could have different effects, e.g. low concentrations Piperidine injections into the dPAG elicits an enhancement mainly activate the AMPA Kainate receptor, whereas high in conditioned inhibition. To the best of our knowledge, concentrations mainly activate the NMDA receptor. The there are no previous reports on the behavioural effects of different glutamate receptors could be located on different Piperidine injections into the dPAG. neurones of the dPAG and theses neurones could modulate different fear-related behaviours. Consistent with this considerations, Walker and colleagues [48,49] hypothesised 4.7. The role of GABA within the dPAG that only high levels of fear activate the dPAG. The present study showed that NMDA receptors within The present results suggest that the GABAergic trans- the dPAG mediate a reduction of fear-potentiated startle mission within the dPAG does not affect the expression but are not involved in conditioned inhibition of fear- and modulation of fear measured by the fear-potentiated potentiated startle. It is important to note that after startle paradigm. Results of previous studies showing that injection of the highest dose of NBQX the absolute but not GABA within the dPAG is involved in conditioned inhibi- the percent conditioned inhibition is increased, i.e. that the tion [22] were not confirmed. Since GABA release within ‘increase’ in the absolute value of conditioned inhibition is the PAG is decreased during pain [33], it can not be due to the enhancement of fear-potentiated startle. These excluded that GABA within the dPAG plays a role in the results let suggest that there are different neuronal systems modulation of fear-related behaviours. So, further work mediating the dPAG inhibition of fera-potentiated startle using higher concentrations of GABA drugs into the and conditioned inhibition of fear-potentiated startle. different regions of the PAG and using other animal models of fear and anxiety is necessary. 4.5. Effects of Picrotoxin injections into the dPAG Picrotoxin injections into the dPAG neither affected

5. Conclusion