Functional overview Luciad Aviation Client .1 Introduction

52 Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium. 6.2.13 Luciad Aviation Client Introduction To support the integration testing of the various service components developed within OWS-9 Aviation, Luciad contributed an Aviation Client component. This component was based on Luciad’s COTS product LuciadLightspeed, which offers numerous capabilities and benefits that are of direct use in the client: full support for AIXM including its temporality and metadata models, connectors to OGC services such as WMS, WCS and WFS-T, flight simulation, 2D 3D visualization. On top of this product, a thin layer was developed to support custom functionality needed in OWS-9 and to provide the user with a dedicated user interface focusing on the OWS-9 tasks. Figure 3 shows a screenshot of the Luciad client’s user interface. Figure 3 – The Luciad Aviation Client in action. Functional overview

The Luciad Aviation client provided the following functionality to support OWS-9 Aviation: ฀ Map-centric display with intuitive user interface giving access to various actions, including: o Map controllers to manipulate the map zoom, pan, …. o Map layer control with access to predefined background data layers. Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium. 53 o Gazetteer and bookmarks to quickly search for navigate to places airports. o OGC web service connectors. o Flight preview simulation. o Visualization in 2D 3D. o Visual representation browsing of feature properties inside a balloon. ฀ Client interface to interact with the Geometry Processing profile of the WPS service components. Users could select two AIXM features e.g. an airspace and a route segment and determine their topological relationship or calculate the intersection points. ฀ Client interface to interact with the Cross Community Interoperability CCI WPS mediation service developed in the OWS-9 CCI thread. Users could enter a pilot term and search for AIXM features that comply with that term. The CCI WPS mediation service sent back a list of AIXM features and WFS services that provided them, which were then resolved and visualized on the map. ฀ Client interface to a WFS 1.0, 1.1 2.0 service. Users could query and retrieve feature data from a WFS. The application also allowed defining and using filters based on OGC Filter Encoding 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 such as a DWithin spatial filter around a flight trajectory illustrated in Figure 3. ฀ Client interface to a Web Coverage Service WCS 1.0, 1.1 2.0. Users could query and retrieve coverage data in the GeoTIFF and JPEG 2000 including GMLJP2 format. ฀ Client interface to a WMS 1.1.1 1.3.0 service. Users could query and retrieve layers from a WMS. ฀ Client interface to the Event Service. Users could subscribe unsubscribe to events also using OGC Filters and consume incoming events e.g. visualization of an incoming Digital NOTAM event. ฀ Rendering engine with support for SLD SE 1.01.1 to render vector feature and raster data. This engine integrated extensions to support ICAO Annex 4 rendering guidelines for aeronautical data. ฀ Support to represent browse ISO 19115-compatible metadata and to encode decode to from an ISO 19139-compatible data source. The use of metadata extensions profiles was supported. ฀ Wide range of data format support, including: o AIXM 5.0 5.1 for aeronautical data including extensions. o WXXM 1.1 for weather data including extensions. 54 Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium. o Additional aeronautical and weather data formats like AIXM, ARINC 424, DAFIF, ASTERIX, ASDI and GRIB. o Raster format support GeoTIFF, TIFF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, GMLJP2, JPIP, PNG, GIF, ECW, MrSID, CADRGADRGUSRP, DTED, USGS DEM, Oracle GeoRaster … for satellite imagery and elevation background data. o Vector format support ESRI Shape, MapInfo MIFMAP, GML, SVG, DGN, DWG, OracleInformixMSSQL databases … for vector-based background data. o Other formats: OBJ, OpenFlight, OGC KML 2.2 and GeoPDF.

6.2.14 Deployment characteristics