Core Working Group CWG

3 • areas of overlaps and need for information exchange with other groups

3.1 Working Groups presentations of activities

3.1.1 Core Working Group CWG

Status: The CWG continued to undertake its activities through a series of meetings and workshops to verify and confirm on identified issues that culminated in the development of a Draft Issue Profile. The Issue Profile was approved by the Directors Policy Meeting of October, 1998. Through a consultative and participatory approach, the working group moved ahead and developed Initial Elements of a coastal policy. The consultations were made in coastal districts. The Second Directors Meeting of May 1999 reviewed the initial elements, made comments and set pace for the preparation of the ICM Policy Options - the Green Paper. After including the Directors comments in the Initial Elements, the working group embarked on the preparation of the draft of the Green Paper. This again involved consultations which, with further assistance from the Director General of NEMC, Dr. Magnus Ngoile and the TCMP Support Unit Leader, Mr. Jeremiah Daffa, inputs were obtained from Regional and District Commissioners and some Members of Parliament. Further contributions in the CWG activities came from the Coastal Resources Center CRC, the Legal and Social Economic teams and the Makaramba Institutional Arrangement Team. The draft Green Paper is now in its final polishing before it is presented at the Third Directors Meeting expected to be hosted by the Vice Presidents Office in early November 1999. Future Activities: 1. Improve the Green Paper document based on the 20 th -22 nd Retreat and Local ICM Programs Meeting; 2. Prepare for the November meeting of Directors and Local Government Representatives from coastal districts; 3. Incorporation of comments from the November Directors meeting and finalize Green Paper; 4 4. Commence working on the White Paper between November 1999 and January 2000; 5. Present the Draft White Paper to Directors as well as the Permanent Secretary to solicit comments individually; 6. Fine tuning of the White Paper; 7. Convene Directors meeting chaired by the Permanent Secretary; 8. Expect approval from Directors Meeting, and aim to finalize the White Paper in February. Success - Activities carried out in good pace within the time schedule; - Multidisciplinary consultation maintained; and - Positive input from regional and district consultations. Problems: - Building ICM constituency e.g. Non-continuity of participants at the Directors meetings; and - Inadequacy of data and statistics on the state of the coast. Areas of overlaps and need for information exchange - Mariculture Working Group input required; - No information from Science and Technical Working Group.

3.1.2 Mariculture Working Group MWG