Round-table Discussion Halaqah: Towards Multicultural Islam Workshop for Religious PreachersLeaders

Kalimatun Sawa’ , Vol. 01, No. 01, 2003 39 - Criticizing and modifying the content of religious teach- ings and sermonsspeeches that tend to reinforce stereo- typing, prejudice, and hatred of difference along ethnic and religious cleavages. - Cultivating awareness and appreciation for local cultural identities as well as improving tolerance and respect for the plurality of other cultures in the Islamic elementary educational system. Activities 1. Research A six-month study on “Multiculturalism and Religious Sermons and Speeches Khutbah in Surakarta” will be con- ducted in order to gain comprehensive empirical data on the extent to which religious sermons and speeches promote or hinder the growth of multiculturalism and inter-group toler- ance. The objectives of the research include a identifying the contents of religious sermons and speeches in different mosques and other religious forums, b mapping the contents of the sermons and speeches, and c examining how issues of multiculturalism and pluralism are addressed in the sermons and speeches. Aside from providing empirical analysis of con- tent, the study will make religious leaders more aware of the polarizing and exacerbating effects of their messages. The major reason for choosing Surakarta in this study is that that city has nurtured many different social and political movements of his- torical importance, and has also been the site of much inter- faith and interethnic tension resulting from intolerance of plu- rality and multiculturalism.

2. Round-table Discussion Halaqah: Towards Multicultural Islam

This activity will emphasize the study and development of religious discourses among scholars, Islamic law-givers Majelis Tarjih, and persons involved in the Islamic mission- ary movement Majelis Tabligh within Muhammadiyah com- munities. The focus will be how these various groups deal with the issues of pluralism and multiculturalism, particu- larly interfaith and in- terethnic relations. The main objective is to find out how they respond to the problems of plu- ralism and multicultu- ralism and how they at- tempt to cope with the problems. In accom- plishing this activity, PSB-PS will collaborate with a number of official bodies within the Mu- hammadiyah organiza- tion: the Majelis Tarjih Department of Juris- prudential Validation, Majelis Tabligh Depart- ment of Missionary Ac- tivity, Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah Cen- tral Leadership of Muhammadiyah and Pimpinan Wilayah Provincial Leadership of Muhammadiyah.

3. Workshop for Religious PreachersLeaders

The outcome of the research and round-table discussion on “Dialectics between Religion and Local Cultures” will be disseminated to a wider group of stakeholders, particularly religious preachers. Through their sermons and religious speeches, preachers play a pivotal role in constructing people’s belief systems and worldview. Communities look up to them and follow their lead. Therefore, it is important to widen reli- gious leaderspreachers’ horizon and enhance their aware- ness and acceptance of the inevitable religious and socio-cul- tural diversities in Indonesian society, so that they will be able to promote inclusive views and tolerant attitudes among their followers in dealing with multicultural societies. The partici- pants of the workshop will be religious leaders, thinkers, and preachers affiliated with Majelis Tarjih and Majelis Tabligh of Muhammadiyah at various strategic levels national, provin- cial and local levels.

4. Arts Appreciation Education