
This research was conducted based on the problem faced by the second grade
students of SMA N 5 Bandar Lampung, that the students have the low speaking
ability of the students especially to share their ideas in English. The effect, the
students have a bad score and can not achieve the standard competence (KKM).
For that reason, the reseracher did a research which convers the students speaking
achievement by using a song in pair work activity. The objectives of the research
are (1) to find out whether there is effect of students speaking achievement after
being taught by using English song in pair work activity. (2) to find out wheter
there is problem encounter by students in implementing this media. (3) to find out
which aspects of speaking are increase students speaking achievement.
This research was quantitative research which IX Science 5 as experimental class.
The method used in this research was time siries design. In collecting the data, the

researcher administered three treatments and three posttest. There were two raters
to judge the students speaking performance. Repeated MeasureT- Test was used to
analyze the data and the hypothesis testing was computed using SPSS version
17.0 at the level significant 0.05.
The result of the research proves that by using a song in pair work activity can
increase students’ speaking achievement. It can be seen from the mean score of
the students in each posttests. In post test 1students mean score is 53.65 while in
posttest 2 it increse to 66.17; it gain 12.52 and in the posttest 3 it increase to 81.40
; its gain is 15.23.
Based on the result of the every post test, it can be said that by using a song in a
pair work activity has a good effect to increase the students’ speaking





Research Schedule .........................................................................................
Lesson Plan I ..................................................................................................
Lesson Plan II ................................................................................................
Lesson Plan III ...............................................................................................
Possible Questions in Post – Test 1 ...............................................................
Possible Question in Post – Test 2 .................................................................
Possible Question in Post- Test 3...................................................................
Result of Students’ Post – Test 1 ...................................................................
Result of Students’ Post – Test 2 ...................................................................
Result of Students’ Post- Test 3 .....................................................................
Frequencies Statistic of Post – Test 1 ............................................................
Frequencies Statistic of Post – Test 2 ............................................................
Frequencies Statistic of Post – Test 3 ............................................................

Descriptive ....................................................................................................
Inter – Rater Reliability of Post- Test1 ..........................................................
Inter – Rater Reliability of Post- Test 2 .........................................................
Inter – Rater Reliability of Post- Test 3 .........................................................
t-test Pronunciation ........................................................................................
t-test Grammar ...............................................................................................
t- test Vocabulary ...........................................................................................
t-test Fluency ..................................................................................................
t-test Comprehension .....................................................................................
t-test o Pair 1-2-3 ...........................................................................................
t- table to Prove whether the Data will be significant or Not ........................
Students’ Voice Transcription in Post- Test 1 ..............................................
Students’ Voice Transcription in Post- Test 2 ...............................................
Students’ Voice Transcription in Post- Test 3 ...............................................
Table of Students’ Mispronounce in Post-Test 1 ...........................................
Table of Students’ Mispronounce in Post-Test 2 ...........................................
Table of Students’ Mispronounce in Post-Test 3 ...........................................







This chapter discusses about background of the problem, formulation of research
problems, objectives of research, uses of the research, scope of the research and
definition of terms.

1.1 Background of the problem

We use language every day to communicate each others. Language has important
role in our life because it is a tool of communication. It is supported by Richard
and Rodgers in Setiadi (2006: 166) who say that language is as vehicle for
communicating meanings and messages.

English is used in many countries because it is as an International language.
Therefore, as Indonesia, English as any compulsory subject taught students in
elementary school until university. By learning English, students can help
themselves to face their futures because English is one of a language in the world
that should be mastered. It is also a top requirement of those seeking job because
the applicants who master either active or passive English are more support than
those who do not have it. In learning English language, there are four skills need
to be taught. They are listening, reading, speaking, and writing.


One of the skills should be mastered well by students is speaking because it is
seen as the most essential skill to be mastered by students. Speaking skill is used

to express their ideas and to communicate to other people. Most students still get
hard to be a good speaker. Their success in learning language can be seen from
how far the students can speak and communicate in language learning. But, in fact
speaking is just shown as neglected in the classroom.

The general aim of speaking is communicative efficiency. By having a good
ability in speaking, the students can communicate fluently to the other people. So
they are able to express the idea, work out in some aspect and maintain social
relationship by communicating with others in the society. That is why the students
should be successful in learning the second language especially in speaking skill.

Based on the researcher experience when she has Field Practice Program ( PPL ),
at SMP N 1 Batanghari Nuban, East Lampung from July to September 2012
almost of the students difficult to speak English fluently, comprehensibly, and
grammatically. The students think that speaking is one of difficult skill required
by the students when learning a language. The effect, the students have a bad
score and cannot achieve the standard competence (KKM). According the
researcher experience, it is one of the reasons why the researcher would like to
research the students’ speaking achievement.

According to KTSP curriculum for speaking achievement the students should be
achieve 75 score so it is as a main goal of learning speaking achievement. The
students are expected to speak the target language well. Although that is not easy


thing for teaching English subject to the students, especially to make the students
able to communicate or share their ideas in English orally (delivering speech).
Therefore, it is important to make the students enjoy studying English by making
an interesting condition in the class that is the duty of the English teacher. Hence,
the researcher has chosen using English song to be used in learning speaking as
the media.

Pair works activity is a type of classroom interaction when students are working
with another student. This may be to discuss something, to check answers, to do a
communicative activity. It is an appropriate technique to teaching speaking
English because in work together their can easily to share their ideas, information,
or opinion. Brumfit says that pair work and group work are the most effective
techniques of classroom organization which combine aspects of communication
learning and natural interaction in a stress free environment. (Brumfit, 1984:78)

Regarding to the explanation above, the researcher interested in investigating
teaching speaking by using pair work activities in English song. Due to what the
most English teachers of senior high school deliver the materials which is
dominated by grammar focused, students cannot speak fluently because lack of
practice and use of spoken English itself. In line with it, this study is expected to
increase whether pair work technique in English song is an effectively technique
to increase students speaking ability.

Song is one of media that can help the teacher to make the students in the class
enjoy and interest to study from the lyrics, the rhythm, the gesture etc. Song is


easy to remember, especially when the lyric is appropriate with our feeling at the
time. Some people also use song and its music as a therapy, and also express their
emotion to reduce their bad feeling. So, the researcher hope by using a song to
teach speaking skill, the students can easy to share their ideas in English orally.

It can be said that by using pair work technique in English song, teaching

speaking will be much enjoyable and it will give the students understanding about
what is said. Therefore based on these reasons stated above, the researcher will be
conducted her research speaking teaching by using English song in pair work
activity to increase their speaking ability. Hopefully, it would has a good effect
that help the students to increase their speaking ability.

1.2 Formulation of the Research

Referring to the background above, the writer formulates the problems of the
research as follow:
1. Is there any effect of students speaking achievement after being taught by
using English English song in pair work activity?
2. Is there any problems encountered by students in implementing this

Which aspects of speaking are increase the students speaking ability after
being taught by using pair work activities?


1.3 Objectives of the Research

It is expected that the objective of this research is:
1. To find out whether there is effect of students speaking achievement after
being taught by using English song in pair work activity.
2. To find out whether there is problem encountered by students in
implementing this media.
3. To find out which aspects of speaking are increase the students speaking

1.4 Uses of Research

This research will be useful both practically and theoretically.

The result of this research will support the theory about how using a song
will make effectively in teaching learning process, especially in
conducting the speaking class.

2. Practically
Hopefully, this research will be useful for the English teacher, students,
and also school.
a. The Teacher
Through this research, the English teacher can use a song as the media
and pair work as a technique in teaching speaking because by using it,
the teacher can help the students to stimulate and construct the
students’ minds in order to make some spoken from the target


language. The teacher also can improve his or her teaching

The Student
A song will make students to get accustomed to use English as a target
language. So that, speech practices, the students can be helped the
students to improve their speaking ability.


The School
The result of this research can be used as consideration for the school
in order to use a song as the media and also pair work as the technique
in teaching speaking.

1.5 Scope of the Research

This research was a quantitative research and was conducted at second year of
SMAN 5 Bandar Lampung. The researchers intended to find out whether there is
improvement of students’ speaking ability by using pair work activities in English
song. The researcher was used pair work as a technique and English song as a
media. It was conducted in six meeting in three weeks.

The researcher was focused on the speaking skill in making some spoken
language that based on the song. Besides the students’ speaking ability, the
researcher also focused the research on the students’ learning activities on preactivities, while activities and also post-activities. The speaking test was post test
and it evaluated in terms pronunciation, fluency, and comprehensibility.


1.6 Definition of Terms


Language is a system for the expression of meaning primary function
interaction and communication (Setiadi, 2006a: 10).

2. Effect It means “influence”. According to the Oxford dictionary, it is change
caused by something; result. The effect in this research is whether using song
on students’ speaking ability is success if the score of the experiment that
given treatment is higher than control class and it is failed if the score of
control class is same or higher than experiment class
3. Speaking is known as communication or conversation, two people are
exchanging information or they have a communication or conversation need.
It means that the reason for the people to communicate with other is in order
to tell people things, which they do not know, or to find things out from other
people (Doff, 1987: 2).
4. Pair works activity is a type of classroom interaction when students are
working with another student.
5. Song is part of music that you sing through words.” (Grifee, 2001:10).




This chapter presents theoretical foundation of this research. It involves the
theories on concept of speaking, concept of teaching speaking, Types of Speaking,
Pair work activity, kinds of pair work, types of songs, advantages in using English
song, teaching English by using pair work technique in English song, the
procedure of teaching speaking by using pair work technique in English song,
theoretical assumption, hypothesis.

2.1 Concept of Speaking

Speaking is one of important ability in learning English process especially for
communicate in our daily activities. It is an essential tool for communicating,
thinking, and learning. When students want to share their ideas, they clarify their
thinking. It means that the students can make their ideas easier to be understands
for the listener.

Its support by Harris (1974: 9) says that speaking is encoding process whereby,
we are communication our ideas, thought, and feeling through, one or other forms
of language. So, we can produce spoken massage which is our ideas, thought, and


feeling to other people. So speaking situation involves a speaker spoken a
message with words or sentence to a listener.

According to Byrne (1984) speaking is oral communication. It is a two ways
process between speaker and listener and involve productive and reactive skill of
understanding, while Welty (1976) states that speaking is the main skill in
communication. Based on the ideas it is understood that speaking is
communication that the process between speaker and listener in order to
understand one another.

Burns and Joyce (1997), speaking is an interactive process of constructing
meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information.
Rivers (1978: 162) says through speaking someone can express her or his ideas,
emotions and to other person or situation and influence other person. It means that
by spoke the speaker can express their feeling and the listener can understand it.

Speaking it just not only the speaker can speak, but the speaker can share their
information to the listener and give respond it. Speaking should have
communication each other. According to Doff (1987: 2) in all communication or
conversation, two people are exchanging information or they have a
communication or conversation need.

Tarigan (1982: 18) refers to speaking as the ability to produce articulation,
sounds, or words to express, to say, to show and to think about ideas, thought and


feeling. Celcea Murica (1978: 91) is the primary element of language and it can be
developed from the beginning when someone was born, from the first contact with
the language.

2.2 Concept of Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking is the process of giving knowledge or skill which goal is
emphasized to improve communication skill in order to make they are able to
communication each other especially in sharing their ideas or delivering their
speech. So, it is very difficult to teach because the students difficult to share their
ideas. They are afraid make a mistake when their speak use English Language.
However, speaking is not correct and wrong because speaking is the listener
understands what the speaker meaning. It will be support by Johnson (1989) states
in Setiadi (2006: 57), “one can learn to speak and understand a language only
being exposed to the spoken language and by using the spoken language”.

Nowadays, the goal of teaching Speaking is emphasized to improve students’
communication skills because only that way, students can express themselves
effectively. However, Swain (1985) in Lawtie (2004) states that, “We learn to
speak by speaking”. It means that, students should be more practice and they more
will improve their speech.
According to Harris (1974) speaking must fulfill these following aspects, they are:
1. Fluency
Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately. Signs
of fluency include a reasonable fast speed of speaking and only a small


numbers of pauses. Fluency refers to the ease and speed for the flow of the
speech (Harris, 1974: 81). Fluency is the smoothness or the flow with which
sounds, syllables words and phrases are joined to other when speaking. It
means that when a person makes a dialogue with another person, the other
persons can give respond well without difficulty.
2. Grammar
Heaton (1978: 5) defines grammar as the students’ ability to manipulate
structure and to distinguish appropriate grammatical form in appropriate ones.
3. Vocabulary
One cannot communicate effectively or express ideas in oral form if he or she
does not have sufficient vocabulary. Therefore, vocabulary means the
appropriate diction which is used in communication.
4. Pronunciation
Pronunciation refers to the ability to produce easily comprehensible








pronunciation as the intonation patterns.
5. Comprehension
Comprehensibility denotes the ability of understanding the speaker’ intention
and general meaning (Heaton, 1991: 35).This idea means that if a person can
answer or express well and correctly, it shows that he/she comprehends or
understand by what we say and deliver. By knowing meaning of
comprehensibility, the students are expected to make the other understand it.
In this case, the students will be trained to choose the suitable words to make
their spoken language clearly enough to be understood.


In teaching speaking, there are some difficulties that might be found,
especially when the teacher conduct the tests. Testing the ability to speak is
the most important aspect of language testing. In junior high school students,
it is very difficult skill to be tested, as it is far too complex a skill to permit
any reliable analysis to be made for the purpose of objective testing. There
are three reasons why speaking is very difficult to be tested:

There are complex aspects to be tested
In testing speaking, there are some complex aspects which may be tested.
Speaking is a complex skill requiring the simultaneous use of number
different abilities which often develop at different rates. According to
Haris ( 1974 :81) there are five components that generally recognized in
analysis of speech process namely pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,
fluency, comprehensibility.


Tape recorder or media is limited
It is impossible without a tape to apply such procedures as in marking of
compositions, where the examiners are able to check back and make an
assessment at leisure.

Even though sample of speech and students’

activities can be recorded by using tape recorder and the handy–cam
itself can becomes a problem which causes speaking skills difficult to be
tested. It happened because not all school have tape recorder to assist
their English teacher in teaching learning process, especially in teaching



There are limited time to test
Besides the two reasons above, there is still one more reason that caused
the speaking is very difficult to be tested, that is about the time. It is
frequently immoral possible to test that the test will be impossible to be
conducted if the examiner can’t manage the time properly. Although the
use of language laboratories for such tests has made it possible in some
cases to administer more reliable oral productions to large number of
students, the actual scoring of tests has not been so easily solved.

Briefly, the researcher assumes that teaching speaking is one way of
teaching which emphasize the teaching learning process to improve
students’ speaking ability in terms of pronunciation, fluency, and also
comprehensibility, by stimulating students’ minds to make their some
spoken language. Though speaking is very difficult to be tested the
researcher assumes that by using an appropriate technique with an
appropriate media, speaking skill can be improved easier.

2.3 Types of Speaking

According Brown (2001: 250) said that much of our language teaching is devoted
to instruction in mastering English conversation. He classifies the types of oral
languages as the figure below:









In monologues when one speaker uses spoken language for any length of
time, as in speeches, lectures, readings, news broadcaster, and the hearer must
process long stretches of speech without interruptions-the stream of speech
will go on whether or not the hearer comprehends. Monologues divided into
two kinds: planned usually manifest little redundancy and are therefore
relatively difficult to comprehend.










comprehension, but the presence of more performance variables and other
hesitations, can help or hinder comprehension.

Dialogue involves two or more speakers and can be exchanges that promote
social relationship (interpersonal) and those for which the purpose is to
convey propositional or factual information (transactional).


Brown also provides type of classroom speaking performance, they are:
a. Imitative
A very limited portion of classroom speaking time may legitimately be
spent generating “Human tape-recorder” speech, for the instance, learner
practice an intonation contour or try to pinpoint a certain vowel sound.
Imitation of this kind is carried out not for the purpose of meaning full
interaction, but for focusing on some particular element of language form.
b. Intensive
Intensive speaking goes one-step beyond imitative to include any speaking
performance that is design to practice some phonological or grammatical
aspect of the language. Intensive can be self-imitated or it can even from
part of some pair work activity, where learners are “going over” certain
forms of language.
c. Responsive
A good dealt of student speech in the classroom is responsive short replies
to teacher-or students-initiated questions or comment. These replies are
usually sufficient and do not extend into dialogues. Such speech can be
meaningful and authentic:
A : How are you today?
B : Fine, thanks, and you?
A : What is the main idea of the first paragraph of this text?
B : The United Nations should have more authority.
A : So, what did you write or question number one?
B : Well, I was not sure, so I left it blank.


d. Transactional (dialogue)
Transactional dialogue, which is carried out for the purpose of conveying
or exchanging specific information is extend form of responsive language.
Conversation, for example, may have more of a negotiate nature to them
than does responsive speech e.g.
A : What is the main idea of the first paragraph of this text?
B : The United Nations should have more authority.
A : More authority than what?
B : Than it does right now
A : What do you mean?
B : Well, for example, the United Nation should have the power to force a
country like Iraq to destroy its nuclear weapons.
A : You don’t think the United Nations has that power now?
B : Obviously not. Iraq is still manufacturing nuclear bombs.
e. Interpersonal ( dialogue )
Interpersonal dialogue carried out more for maintaining social relationship
than for the transmission of the facts and information. The conversations
are little trickier for learners because they can involve some or all of the
following factors:
- A causal register
- Colloquial language
- Emotionally changed language
- Slang
- Ellipsis


- Sarcasm
- A covert “agenda”
For example:

: Hello, John, How’s it going?


: Oh, so-so.


: Not a great weekend, huh?


: Well, far be it form me to critize, but I’m pretty miffed about last


: Oh, wow, this great, wonderful. Back to square one. For crying
out, loud, John, I though we’d settled this before. Well, what
more can I say?

f. Extensive (monologue)
Finally, students at intermediate to advanced level are called on to give
extended monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries, or perhaps
short speeches. In this, the register is more formal and deliberative. This
monologue can be planned or impromptu.

2.4 Pair Work

Harmer (2001:2005) states that,” there are four kinds of students’ grouping look
steps, pair work, group work, and individual study”. By the statement, the
researcher to describe pair work in teaching speaking. The requirement for pair
work is that it is must have more than one people or at least contains two members
who interact with friends because students can practice language together.


McDonough and Shaw (1993:227) say that “pair work requires rater little
organization on part of the teacher and at the least in participle, a can be activated
in most classroom by simply having learner work with the person sitting next to
them.” In addition, Harmer (2001:206) states “Pair work allows students to use
language (depending of course on the task set by the teacher) and also encourages
student co-cooperation which is t- self- important for the atmosphere of the class
and for the motivation it gives to learning with other.”

In the same book Harmer (2001:2007) also defines pair work as “Pair work is a
way of increasing student participation and language use. It can be used for
enormous number of activities whether speaking, writing, and reading.”In this
research, the researcher will choose pair work as a technique because it is can
communicate reach other with teacher controls.

2.5 Kinds of Pair work

According to Harmer (2001 :116) “ In the pair work students can practice
language together, study a text, research language, or take part in information
activities. They can write dialogues, predict the content of reading text or compare
notes on what they have listened or seen.”Here as many kinds of pair, there are:


1. Conversation
Conversation is the first kind of pair work because students communicate or
share about opinion, ideas, and feeling with their friend. Besides that,
conversation activity can increase the students’ vocabulary and pronunciation.
2. Dialogue
This activity also same with conversation activity that need two members to
practice it. Generally, the dialogue should be four or six lines ling. That must
include grammatical items and vocabulary, which the features of spoken
English, such as short answer, and question tag.
Before the students act their dialogues, the teacher gives some instruction for
the ways of dialogue or gives the theme for dialogue activity. This activity
draws on cognitive skills to produce appropriate language in context.

2.6 Types of Songs

A song is certainly one of the most prominent elements in music. You will come
across several different categories of songs which have a unique mood and touch.
As a result, they cannot be differentiated on the basis of specific factors. The main
reason why songs cannot be marked in only one class is because the differences in
their type of music, lyrics, and purpose. However, songs may be roughly
classified as per types of lyrics, music, tone, culture, and similar other factors. In
the following, the researcher has just given a random list of different song as



Classical Songs
As the name suggests, classical songs are those in which traditional music has
a main role. These songs were first composed by artists like Johann Sebastian
Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, just to name a
few. However, these songs have had a substantial impact on the music we
hear today. Every country has a culture, which is clearly apparent in its
classical and folk songs. Good examples are:



Canon in D major - Johann Pachelbel


Symphony No. 9: Ode To Joy - Ludwig van Beethoven

Pop Songs
Pop songs are those which have contemporary lyrics and an upbeat rhythm,
basically for the youth culture. Some of the most popular artists are Michael
Jackson, Madonna, Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, Justin Timberlake, and
Cher. The composition of pop songs concentrates more on music technology
and recording instead of live performances. Rhythm and effects are two
important elements in pop songs. Good examples are:



Bye Bye Bye - N Sync


Beat It - Michael Jackson

Rock Songs
Rock songs are most popular among teenagers and youngsters. They consist
of clear pieces of lead guitar, bass guitar, drums, and keyboards as some of
the main instruments. When the instruments are played in sync, they sound
energetic along with the vocals. Most popular rock artists are Europe, Creed,


Def Leppard, Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Bryan Adams and
many other good ones. Good example are:
a. The Final Countdown - Europe
b. Jump - Van Halen

Metal Songs
Metal songs are a bit more hard-sounding than rock songs. These songs have
high pitches and screaming vocals, heavy guitar leads, and solid drum work.
In a majority of metal songs, power chords and riffs are used. They may
consist of random lyrics, as the primary focus is on the music. Few of the
metal music legends are Whitesnake, Metallica, Dokken, Winger, Dio,
Yngwie Malmsteen, Scorpions, etc. Good examples are:
b. Fear of the Dark - Iron Maiden
c. Rainbow in the Dark - Dio


Country Songs
Country songs are suitable for easy listening. They mainly consist of clean
lyrics with music pieces using classical guitars and other traditional
instruments. Occasionally, solos of instruments like banjo, mandolin, fiddle,
and harmonica can also be heard in these songs. You can listen to songs by
Keith Urban, Taylor Swift, Chris Young, Garth Brooks, and Shania Twain to
get to know country songs. Good examples are:
a. Mean - Taylor Swift
b. If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away - Justin Moore



Hip-Hop Songs
In hip-hop or rap songs, the singers recites lyrics in an off-beat manner but
with the continuity of the rhythm. These songs primarily include solid
rhythmic beats and synth, with a focus on the way lyrics are sung. Hip-hop
songs have become popular not only in the USA, but all over the world. The
most popular stars in hip-hop music are Eminem, Nelly, Akon, Flo Rida, JayZ, 50 Cent, and Kanye West. Good examples are:

In Da Club - 50 Cent


Lose Yourself – Eminem

2.7 Advantages in Using English Song

There are many key studies that have proved that including songs in learning
English process is a very useful tool. Morales (2008) consider that when students
sing they may improve English speaking skills and practice pronunciation. In
addition, they can discuss the different topics in the lyrics like love, hate, revenge,
and in this manner they can practice speaking by expressing opinions and
reflections about the contents of the songs.

According to Orlova (2003) these are some of the advantages for working in class
with songs:

Practicing the rhythm, stress and the intonation patterns of the English

Teaching vocabulary, especially in the vocabulary reinforcement stage.


Teaching grammar. In this respect, songs are especially favored by teachers
while investigating the use of the tenses.

Teaching speaking. For this purpose, songs and mainly their lyrics are
employed as a stimulus for class discussions.

Teaching listening. Music can be helpful for comprehension.

Developing writing skills. For this purpose a song can be used in a variety of
ways; for example, speculation as to what could happen to the characters in
the future, writing a letter to the main character, etc.

2.8 Teaching English Pair work technique by using English Song

In a teaching process, teacher needs such thing to support their spoke English of
teaching learning process itself. Teaching is not only how to transfer knowledge
but also how to make the student understand. So, the use appropriate technique
and media is very helpful to support the teaching learning process in a class.

In foreign language class, teaching speaking by using pair work technique is a
good technique for teach speaking English. The student can share their opinion,
information and agreement each other so it can make speak naturally. The
researcher agrees with Harmer’s view (1995:206) that pair work seems to be a
good idea because it immediately increases the amount of student practice.

Almost people in the world love singing or listening song because it is interest
things to do it. Song is a familiar and famous thing in our society which is


interesting by richness of content, poetical metaphor and symbols that emotionally
reflect the the world we live in. Most of the people like song because it can make
the feeling happy and could tell their aspiration. Song can be used to motivate the
students positive emotion; it can also inspire the students’ can express their
feelings and their ideas. Hornby’s idea showed that applying song in teaching
learning process procedure an active process of students because they are intends
to sing. Grifee stated that “Song is part of music that you sing through words”
(2001: 10). It closely related to speaking, because speaking is an action of having
a communication with the others in using oral language. Oral language can be
defines simply just an activity which was combined the words together into
something understandable.

Song can play a really important part in the classroom when teaching speaking. It
can change the atmosphere in the room within seconds. Futhermore, song can lead
into to the topics and ways to pre teach teaching speaking ability. Song is an art to
express people’s feeling through a sentence which has tone. A simple song
usually consists of four sentences. By singing a song students have chance to
express and share their feeling to each other. This state supported by Cebula
(2008) that “Students who participate in learning English trough songs usually
express themselves easily and pick up a lot of new words also building up
fluency. A song gives them the opportunity to repeat the same words many times
without risk boredom. “


The researcher used pop song in this research because the lyric of pop song is not
too difficult to be understood. The research has found that pop song has
characteristics that help learning a foreign language: it often contains common,
short words; the language is conversational, time and place are usually imprecise;
the lyrics are often sung at sung at a slower rate than spoken words and there is
repetition of words and grammar (Murphy, 1992). For the reason above, it can be
conclude that researcher choose pop songs as a media in teaching speaking to
increase their speaking ability in the classroom. It is example of pop song:


2.9 The Procedure of Teaching Speaking by using Pair work Technique in
English song
“Use pair work to increase student talking time – even if it seems chaos”

Basically, lesson materials used in this class is taken from Senior high school
handbook and added from the network entitled about song. In this research, the
researcher used a song as a media by using pair work technique so before teaching
English song the researcher choose a song to be used to teach in classroom. Lems
(1996) and Poppleton (2001) give suggest in choosing a song. There are (1) lyrics
of songs should be clear and doesn’t disturb with sound of music instrument. (2)
The vocabulary has published should be appropriate to the students. (3) The
content of song doesn’t about sex, hardness, and religion.
The procedure can be cited like the followings:
Pre activities
1. The teacher greets the students.
2. The teacher checks the students’ attendance list.
3. The teacher gives some questions about a song.
4. The teacher asks the student to make in pair.

While activities
1. The teacher cutting two lines in each lyric and save in envelope.
2. The teacher gives the envelope to each pair.
3. The students listened a song by the teacher’s play.


4. The students arrange the sentence in the envelope until completed after their
listened a song.
5. The students sing together with a song above.
6. The students discussed in pair work (dialogues) about a song. The leading
question can be:

The main idea of the song

The content of the song

The background of the singer

The story of the song

7. The teacher gives oral summary about the content of the song.
Post activities
1. The students are asked to discuss whether they have some difficulties on lesson
or not.
2. The teacher closes the meeting.


Theoretical Assumption

In teaching learning process, especially in teaching speaking, there are some
technique and media that can help the teacher to reach the aim of teaching
learning process. In this research the researcher used pair work technique and
songs as a media in this teaching speaking. The researcher assumes that by using
pair work technique and a English song in teaching speaking, especially to
motivate the students’ mind to express about their ideas, information and feeling.


By doing so, the researcher knew that the technique and media can be used to
increase the students’ speaking ability. This assumption is supported by one of the
supporting theories which states that song is part of music that you sing through
words”. It closely related to speaking, because speaking is an action of having a
communication with the others in using oral language. It means that the song can
help the students to communicate effectively because the message which
delivered in each clearly enough to be understood, of course by helped with the
teacher creativity.



Based on the theoretical assumption above, the writer formulates the hypothesis:

There is effect of students speaking achievement after being taught by
using English English song in pair work activity.




This Research was intended to find out whether Three-Step Interview can be used
to increase students’ speaking achievement or not. This chapter included the
research design, the population and sample, data collecting technique, research
procedure, criteria for evaluating students’ speaking, reliability, and validity of the
instrument, speaking test, data analysis, and hypothesis testing
3.1 Research Design

This research was quantitative research. It was carried out to see and find out the
result the use of song to improve students speaking ability. In conducting the
research, the researcher used time series design by giving different topic of songs
in every treatment and every test. The researcher used one class where the
students were been given, three times treatment and three times post-test. The
research design can be represented as follows:
In which:

: Post test 1


: Post test 2


: Post test 3



: Treatment 1


: Treatment 2


: Treatment 3

( Hatch and Farhady, 1982:24)
3.2 Population and Sample

The population of the research was the students of the second year students at
SMA N 5 Bandar Lampung that consisted of six classes, and class XI science 5
was taken as the sample. The sample of the research has been choose randomly
from five classes by using lottery because the participant have similar chance to
be chosen and in order to avoid the subjectivity in this research.

3.2 Data Collecting Technique

In collecting the data, the researcher used:
a. Treatments
The treatments conducted in three times. One treatment was 2 x 45 minutes of
each meeting. The researcher presented the topics of expression felling. There
were three title about song. First, My First love. Second, A Thousand Years .
Third, How do I Live Without You. The topic was based on second semester of
the second year students.


b. Posttest
The researcher administered the post test was taken 90 minutes. The purpose of
this test was to know the students’ increase in speaking ability after the research
gave the treatment by using pair work activities in English song.

3.4 Research Procedure

The procedure of the research as followed:

1. Selecting Speaking material
In selecting the speaking material the researcher used the syllabus of the second
years of Senior High School of SMAN 5 Bandar Lampung curriculum or KTSP
(an English Operational Curriculum which arranged and applied by each
education unit).
2. Determining the Instruments of the Research
The instrument in this research is speaking test. The writer conducted the speaking
test for post-test, this test aimed at gaining the data is the students’ speaking
achievement score after the treatment by using pair work activities in English
song. In achieving the reliability test, inter-rater reliability has been used in this
research. The first rater was the researcher and the second rater was the English
teacher. Both of them discussed and shared ideas of the speaking criteria in order
to obtain the reliable result of the test. Construct validity, in this research the
writer focused on speaking achievement by using pair work activities in English


song. Those topics were the representative of speaking materials of School Based
Curriculum or KTSP.
3. Determining the Population and Sample
The population of this research was the second grade of SMA N 5 Bandar
Lampung. There were five classes and XI science 5 was taken as sample. The
sample was selected using sample probably sampling through lottery. The class
chosen was science class consisting of 35 students.
4. Conducting Treatment
The researcher gave treatments using pair work activities in English song. The
treatments were done in three meetings in which 90 minutes that conducted three
different topics in every meeting. In selecting the material the researcher used the
syllabus of the second year student of Senior High School students Based on
Curriculum or KTSP. And the next, the researcher asked the students for doing
cooperatively with their partner. The procedure of teaching speaking by using pair
work activities as follows:
a. Pre – Activities
b. While – Activities
c. Post – Activities
5. Conducting the Posttest
The researcher administered the post – test after treatment. It aimed to know the
progress of students’ speaking achievement after being given the treatment using
pair work activities in English song. Based on the design of this research that is
time series design, post – test conducted in three times, after each meeting or after
each treatment. The researcher used a subjunctive test in oral test. Furthermore,


the researcher gave different topics in every test. The test was done orally and
directly. The researcher asked the students to make some questions related to the
topic, after that the students share their arguments by using interview practices.
The teacher called each pair one by one in front of the class to perform about their
discussion. The researcher asked the students to speak clearly since their voice
was recorded during the test.
6. Analyzing the Data
After collecting the data referring the rating scales namely, pronunciation,
fluency, and comprehensibility, then, analyzing, interpreting, and concluding the
data gained were done.
First, the data, in form of score, gained from post test were tabulated and calculate
inter-rater reliability. Then, calculate minimal score, maximal score, and mean of
the post test and its standard deviation. Repeated Measures T-test (statistical
package for social science) or paired sample T-test was used to draw the
conclusion. The comparison of two means counted using Repeated Measures Ttest would tell us whether students speaking ability can improve significantly.
Finnaly, The data were compute through SPSS version 17.0 that shown two tail
significance for equal variances as the value of significance.

3.5 Criteria for Evaluating Students’ Speaking
The form of the test was subjuctive test since there was no exact answer. In this
test the researcher used inter-rater to assess students’ performance. The
performance were given score and recorded together by the researcher and the
English teacher. The rater gave the score by record the students’ performance. The


researcher recorded the student utterances because it helped the raters to evaluate
more objectively. The test of speaking was measured based on two principles,
reliability and validity.
3.6 Reliability
Reliabilty refers to extend to which test was consistent in its score and gave us an
indication of how accurate the score test are. The concept of reliability stems from
the ideas that no measurement is perfect even if we go to the same scale there was
always be differences.
To be ensure the reliability of score and to avoid the subjectively of the
researcher, inter-rater reliability applied in this research. Inter-rater reliability used
when score independently of estimated by two or judge. To achieve such
reliability, in judging the students’ speaking performance. The researcher, used a
speaking criteria based on Harris (1974). The focus of speaking skills that have
been asses are: pronunciation, fluency, comprehensibility, vocabulary and
grammar. And second rater in using the profile to give judgment for each
students’ speaking performance. The second rater was English teacher who has
experience in rating students’ speaking. This was means to provide consistent and
fair judgment.
The statistical formula for counting the reliability is as follow :

= 1 – 6. ( d2 )
N. ( n2 – 1 )


= Reliability



= Number of Students


= the different of rank correlation


= Constant number

(Shohamy, 1985)
After finding the coeficient between raters, researcher then analyzed the
coefficient of reliability with the standard of reliability below :
a. A very low reliability

( range from 0.00 to 0.19 )

b. A low reliability

( range from 0.20 to 0.39 )

c. An average reliability

( range from 0.40 to 0.59 )

d. A high reliability

( range from 0.60 to 0.79 )

e. A very high reliability

( range from 0.80 to 0.100 )

Slameto ( 1998:147 )
After calculating the data, the result of the reliability can be sen following tables :
Raters Reliability



Very high

From the criteria of the reliability and the calculating above, it can be concluded
that the reliability of the rater is very high. It means that the first rater’s way of
scoring was similar to the researcher’s. They had almost the same scoring system.


3.7 Validity

Validity refers to extent to which the test measures what was intended to measure.
This means that it relates directly to the purpose of the test. Content validity, the
test was a good reflection of what has been taught and the knowledge which the
teacher wants his students to know. Content validity can best be examined by the
table of specification (Shoamy, 1957 : 74). Construct validity concerns with
whether the test was actually in line with the theory of what it means to the
language ( Shoamy : 74 ) that is being measured, it would be examined whether
the test actually reflect what it means to know a language. It means that the test
was measure certain aspect based on the indicator.
The researcher has to compare the test with table of specification to know whether
the test was good reflection of what has been taught and the knowledge by the
teacher wants the students to know. A table of specification is an instrument that
helps the test constructor plans the test. The table of specification:



It refers to the ability to produce easily
Vocabulary means the a