The Effect of Using Word Square Method to the Students’ Achievement in Mastering Vocabulary in Eighth Year Students of SMPN 11 Medan










FIRLY DARA SYAFITRI Reg. No. 100705042


Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed. TESP Drs. Chairul Husni, M.Ed. TESOL NIP. 19570412 198403 1 001 NIP. 19570803 198404 1 004

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English



Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for the Sarjana Sastra Examination

Head, Secretary,

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA. Ph.D


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination in held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on July 17th 2014.

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, M.A. NIP. 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners:

1. Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS ……….

2. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA. Ph. D ………. 3. Dr. Ridwan Hanafiah, S.H, M.A ………. 4. Dr. Roswita Silalahi, M.Hum ………. 5. Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed. TESP ……….















First of all, I would like to deliver thank to Almighty God, ALLAH SWT who has given healthy and chance to me in finishing my study from the beginning up to the end. Because of God’s Blessing, finally I can finish my thesis entitled The Effect of Using Word Square Method to The Students’ Achievement in Mastering Vocabulary in Eighth Year Students of SMPN 11 Medan. And also thanks to Prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought human being from the darkness into the light era as we behold today.

I would like to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to my Supervisor, Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed. TESP and Drs. Chairul Husni, M. Ed. TESOL as my Co-supervisor who have given their precious time to guide, given a lot of valuable suggestion, and encourage me in completing and finishing this thesis.

In this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to the Head of English Department Dr. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S and Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A Ph.D as the Secretary of English Department, who have given me a great opportunity and fully supported to accomplish this thesis. And also thanks to Bang Mistam, as the staff of English Department for his contribution in accomplishing the administration matters.

I would not forget to thank to the Headmistress of SMPN 11 Medan Dra. Khairani, M.M. Thanks to the teachers and students in SMPN 11 Medan, who

have given license, motivation, suggestion and support to me to finish my research in the school.


The deepest gratitude is dedicated to my lovely family, to my parents, Drs. Herman Farantha (the best man in my life) and Darmawati (the most wonderful mother), thanks for the love, support, prays for me and thanks for everything. I would like to thank to my brother, Alm. Angga Hermawan and my little sister Adzira Gadis Salsabillah for your love and your time to give me support to finish my study as fast as I can. And for my big family, my grandparents, my uncles, my aunts, my cousins thank for your pray and your support.

I also thank to my best friends, Aisyah, Cita, Inggid, Gunanti, Iam, Nina, Mori, Kartika, Ryan, Mugi thanks for understand me and always make me happy. Thanks to my lovely students in Clifford English Course. Thanks to my friends in 2010 B Class. And thanks to my friends and my ex-boy friends that I could not mention one by one. Thanks for everything.

May Almighty God bless us, Amin.

Medan, 24th June 2014 The Writer

Firly Dara Syafitri Reg. No. 100705042



This thesis entitled The Effect of Using Word Square Method to the Students’ Achievement in Mastering Vocabulary in Eighth Year Students of SMPN 11 Medan. The objective of this thesis was to give a new way that more effective in teaching English in mastering vocabulary, and also to find out whether the use of Word Square Method has a significant effect to increase students’ vocabulary. The researcher used two variables, namely independent variable (Word Square Method) and dependent variable (students’ achievement). The population of this research was eighth year students of SMPN 11 Medan, who consists of 420 students in twelve classes, each class consists of 35 students. The researcher taken sample randomly, namely class 85 as the experimental group and class 89 as the control group. The researcher used theory of W. Lawrence Neuman that using comparative method in experimental research. Comparative method compared between Experimental Group and Control Group. Experimental group is the group that receives the treatment and Control group is the group that does not receive the treatment or only learn by using conventional method. The instrument of the research was essay test of 20 items. The result, the score of Experimental group (1470) is higher than the score of Control group (325). And by using T-Test, the result of analysis showed that t-observed (12.80) is higher than t-table (2.00) with the level of significant 0.05 and the degree of freedom (df) =70. The finding showed that the hypothesis of alternative (Ha) is

accepted. It means that by using Word Square Method in teaching vocabulary give significant effect to the eighth year students’ achievement.



Skripsi ini berjudul The Effect of Using Word Square Method to the Students’ Achievement in Mastering Vocabulary in Eighth Year Students of SMPN 11 Medan. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan cara baru yang lebih efektif di dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris di dalam meningkatkan kosa kata bahasa Inggris, dan juga untuk menunjukkan apakah dengan menggunakan Word Square Method menghasilkan sebuah pengaruh yang signifikan di dalam meningkatkan kosakata terhadap siswa kelas 8 dari SMPN 11 Medan. Peneliti menggunakan dua variable di dalam menganalisa data, yaitu variabel bebas (Word Square Method) dan variabel terikat (Students’ achievement). Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 8 dari SMPN 11 Medan yang terdiri dari 420 siswa di dalam 12 kelas, setiap kelas terdiri dari 35 siswa. Peneliti mengambil contoh/sample secara acak, yaitu kelas 85 sebagai kelas percobaan dan 89 sebagai kelas kontrol. Peneliti menggunakan teori W. Lawrence Neuman dengan menggunakan metode komparatif di dalam penelitian eksperimen. Metode komparatif yaitu membandingkan kelas percobaan dengan kelas kontrol. Kelas percobaan adalah kelas yang belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan metode Word Square Method yang diterapkan oleh peneliti dan kelas kontrol adalah kelas yang belajar dengan menggunakan metode yang umum/biasa. Alat yang digunakan adalah soal essay yang terdiri dari 20 pertanyaan. Hasilnya, nilai kelas percobaan (1470) lebih tinggi daripada nilai kelas control (325). Dan melalui uji T-Test menunjukkan bahwa, tnol (12.80) lebih tinggi daripada t-table (2.00) dengan

tingkat signifikan 0.05 dan derajat kebebasan (df) adalah 70. Penemuan menunjukkan bahwa hipotesa alternatif diterima. Itu berarti bahwa dengan menggunakan Word Square Method memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan siswa kelas 8 di dalam meningkatkan kosa kata bahasa Inggris.






ABSTRACT………..… ix

ABSTRAK……….... x


LIST OF TABLES ………..………. xiv


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the Study……….. 1

1.2. Problem of the Study……… 4

1.3. Objective of the Study……….. 5

1.4. Scope of the Study……… 5

1.5. Significance of the Study………. 6

1.6. Method of the Study………. 6

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Theoretical Framework………. 8

2.1.1 Effect……… 8

2.1.2 Description of Vocabulary………. 8


2.1.4 Word Square Method………. 11

2.1.5 Teaching Vocabulary by Using Word Square……… 15

2.1.6 Conventional Method……….………. 15

2.2 Conceptual Framework………. 16

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1 Method of Research………. 17

3.1.1 The Location of the Research……...………. 17

3.2 The Population and Sample…..……….. 18

3.3 Instrument of Collecting Data……… 18

3.4 Technique of Analyzing Data………. 19

3.5 Statistically Hypothesis……….. 20

3.5.1 Statistically Hypothesis by using SPSS ……….……… 21

3.6 The Validity and Reliability ……… 22

3.6.1 The Validity of the Test ………..………. 22

3.6.2 Reliability of the Test ………..……… 22


4.2 Data Analysis ……….. 31

4.3 Testing Hypothesis ……….. 35

4.3.1 Testing Hypothesis by Using SPSS ………..……….. 36

4.4 Findings ……….. 39


4.5.2 Reliability of the Test ………..……… 40


5.1 Conclusions ……… 41 5.2 Suggestions ………. 42




1. Table 3.1 Experimental Research ……….………... 17

2. Table 4.1 The Pre Test Score of Experimental Group……….. 24

3. Table 4.2 The Post Test Score of Experimental Group ……… 25

4. Table 4.3 The Pre-Test Score of Control Group ……….. 26

5. Table 4.4 The Post-Test Score of Control Group ………. 27

6. Table 4.5 The Differences Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test of Experimental Group ………. 28

7. Table 4.6 The Differences Score Between Pre-Test and Post-Test of Control Group ………. 29

8. Table 4.7 The Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation of the Experimental Group ……….. 31

9. Table 4.8 The Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation of the Control Group ……… 32



1. Lesson Plan ………….……… 46

2. The Test Items…....………. 59

3. The Keys……….. 60

4. Attendant List of Experimental Group……….……….. 62

5. Attendant List of Control Group………. 66

6. The Sample of Pre Test Control Group……….. 70

7. The Sample of Post Test Control Group………. 73

8. The Sample of Pre Test Experimental Group………. 76

9. The Sample of Post Test Experimental Group……… 79

10. The Research Permission Letter ………. 85

11. The Information Letter………. 86



This thesis entitled The Effect of Using Word Square Method to the Students’ Achievement in Mastering Vocabulary in Eighth Year Students of SMPN 11 Medan. The objective of this thesis was to give a new way that more effective in teaching English in mastering vocabulary, and also to find out whether the use of Word Square Method has a significant effect to increase students’ vocabulary. The researcher used two variables, namely independent variable (Word Square Method) and dependent variable (students’ achievement). The population of this research was eighth year students of SMPN 11 Medan, who consists of 420 students in twelve classes, each class consists of 35 students. The researcher taken sample randomly, namely class 85 as the experimental group and class 89 as the control group. The researcher used theory of W. Lawrence Neuman that using comparative method in experimental research. Comparative method compared between Experimental Group and Control Group. Experimental group is the group that receives the treatment and Control group is the group that does not receive the treatment or only learn by using conventional method. The instrument of the research was essay test of 20 items. The result, the score of Experimental group (1470) is higher than the score of Control group (325). And by using T-Test, the result of analysis showed that t-observed (12.80) is higher than t-table (2.00) with the level of significant 0.05 and the degree of freedom (df) =70. The finding showed that the hypothesis of alternative (Ha) is

accepted. It means that by using Word Square Method in teaching vocabulary give significant effect to the eighth year students’ achievement.



Skripsi ini berjudul The Effect of Using Word Square Method to the Students’ Achievement in Mastering Vocabulary in Eighth Year Students of SMPN 11 Medan. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan cara baru yang lebih efektif di dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris di dalam meningkatkan kosa kata bahasa Inggris, dan juga untuk menunjukkan apakah dengan menggunakan Word Square Method menghasilkan sebuah pengaruh yang signifikan di dalam meningkatkan kosakata terhadap siswa kelas 8 dari SMPN 11 Medan. Peneliti menggunakan dua variable di dalam menganalisa data, yaitu variabel bebas (Word Square Method) dan variabel terikat (Students’ achievement). Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 8 dari SMPN 11 Medan yang terdiri dari 420 siswa di dalam 12 kelas, setiap kelas terdiri dari 35 siswa. Peneliti mengambil contoh/sample secara acak, yaitu kelas 85 sebagai kelas percobaan dan 89 sebagai kelas kontrol. Peneliti menggunakan teori W. Lawrence Neuman dengan menggunakan metode komparatif di dalam penelitian eksperimen. Metode komparatif yaitu membandingkan kelas percobaan dengan kelas kontrol. Kelas percobaan adalah kelas yang belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan metode Word Square Method yang diterapkan oleh peneliti dan kelas kontrol adalah kelas yang belajar dengan menggunakan metode yang umum/biasa. Alat yang digunakan adalah soal essay yang terdiri dari 20 pertanyaan. Hasilnya, nilai kelas percobaan (1470) lebih tinggi daripada nilai kelas control (325). Dan melalui uji T-Test menunjukkan bahwa, tnol (12.80) lebih tinggi daripada t-table (2.00) dengan

tingkat signifikan 0.05 dan derajat kebebasan (df) adalah 70. Penemuan menunjukkan bahwa hipotesa alternatif diterima. Itu berarti bahwa dengan menggunakan Word Square Method memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan siswa kelas 8 di dalam meningkatkan kosa kata bahasa Inggris.


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study

Language is the main instrument of communication in human life. People need language to communicate and interact with one another. There are many languages in the world and one of them is English which has become an International language. There are many countries use this language as their introductory language based on formal or non-formal activities. In Indonesia, English stand as a foreign language. Indonesia has also decided English as the formal subject, that has been taught as a formal subject from elementary school to university. Stack (1971: viii) said that the best time for a child to start learning a second language is in elementary school: deferring this study to high school or even college is undesirable. English is taught as a supplementary subject in Elementary school and as a compulsory subject in Junior high school and Senior high school.

A study of language includes four skills, namely listening, speaking, writing and reading. It is impossible that one masters one of them without mastering vocabulary. Vocabulary is the most useful component. Without it, the leaners cannot speak, read and write. Of course vocabulary is not the whole problem. The system of language (its’ grammar or structure’) is also important; how the plural is formed, how past tense is significant, and so on. It is possible to have a good knowledge of how the system of a language works which includes the mastery of vocabulary. So far, the failure in mastering the vocabulary by the students is still a crucial problem.


Many strategies in teaching vocabulary are based on research findings in the second language acquisition. One of the findings shows a great emphasis on the teaching vocabulary based on the students’ participant in building practice on their own vocabulary. In teaching vocabulary, an English teacher can use several strategies. The aims of using the variety of strategies in teaching are to make the lesson easy for the studentsto learn and understand. The teacher must know how to stimulate students’ curiosity and must be able to present the lesson so that it is more interesting and relevant to the need of learning.

Teacher across the United States have learned, it is beneficial to use games when teaching ESL (English as a second language). They find when the students are relaxedthey more likely to entain information and understand their material more quickly. Games in the classroom force interaction and communication among the students. The teacher makes sure that everyone has a turn to participate in the game and assists with communication wherever necessary. Students are playing games to learn English strive to win the game. Through their language usage, the students learn to master the language, thus instilling a sense of accomplishment when their hard work help them to win. Games make the students having fun and enjoy it (Allan and Vallete 1991:13).

One of advantages of games to learn English is that a game motivates students to progress in the use of the language and to develop a real understanding of English. This is particularly through a game that challenges students in a manner that pushes their skills without making them feel defeated. A game helps teacher create particular context where language is most meaningful and useful.


Anonymous (1991:83) said that one of the strategies that can be used is Word Square Method. Word Square Method is one of the tools/instructional media in the form of the word boxes that contain a collection of letters. In the letter contains a collection of concepts that must be discovered by students in accordance with the question of goal-oriented learning Word Square Method is suitable for Junior High School, because the method is like a game, it is unable to make the students bored because it’s like playing words games, they can feel easy in remembering the vocabulary. Word Square method also has some advantages and disadvantages.


can be explained as follows:

The advantages of Word Square Method are:

a) Word Square method is good to test the result of learning.

b) Word Square method activities encourage students’ understanding of subject matter.

c) Make the students to be discipline in answering the question of worksheet with rules.

d) Stimulate students to think effectively before answering the questions.

The disadvantages of Word Square Method are:

a) Students just receive the raw materials from the teacher.

b) Turning off the creativity of students, because they just answer, not explain or make some examples.


School as one of institutions where the students study English, can be chosen as the location of research. And in this study, the research will be held in SMP Negeri 11 Medan. It is chosen as the location of research because it is found some problems in English. The problems are told by the English teacher. The first problem is the students are very difficult to remember new words of English. Most of students are still unable to master vocabularies. The second is related to the students’ unable to use the vocabulary in conversation. For example, while the teacher is speaking English in the class, the students don’t understand, so the teacher combines it with Indonesia language so that they can understand. The third is students’ limited vocabulary can be a problem for the teachers in that school. Whenever the teacher uses vocabulary either in spoken or written form, students will not appreciate because they don’t understand. Automatically the teacher will be difficult to teach them. And if the students are given a text, they would open dictionary to find out the meaning one by one. It will waste the time and make teacher cannot achieve the target of curriculum.

Based on reasons above, the writer interests to apply this method to that school, because the writer wants the students can enjoy English subject and no pain to study it. Through this method the writer’s hope is the students can be more interesting, faster and easier to remember every new word in English and also can improve the ability of the students in mastering vocabulary.

1.2 Problem of the Study

Based on the background that has been elaborated above, writer implicates some problems that would be analyzed toward “The Effect of Using Word Square Method to the Students’ Achievement in Mastering Vocabulary” namely:


1. Is there a significant effect to the students’ achievement in increasing their vocabulary by using Word Square Method?

2. Is there anydifficulty of studentsby using Word Square Method in learning vocabulary?

3. Is it comfortable for the students to use Word Square Method in remembering vocabulary?

1.3The Objective of the Study

Based on the problem of the study, writer would like to explain the goals in this thesis, namely:

1. To find out a significant effect to the students’ achievement in learning vocabulary by using Word Square Game.

2. To find out some difficulty that the students face in learning English vocabulary by using Word Square Method.

3. To find out the comfortable for the students in remembering vocabulary. 1.4The Scope of the Study

The research focuses on the effect of using Word Square Method to increase the students’ achievement in mastering vocabulary especially for the eighth year students of SMP Negeri 11 Medan. The writer uses this theory because it would solve the problems about the boredom of student in learning English in conventional method and the weakness of students in remembering vocabulary in English.


1.5The Significance of the Study

In learning foreign language, vocabulary is basic need. When students want to learn English, they should have enough vocabularies. In learning vocabulary many methods should be applied by the teachers. The teachers should be able to choose the interesting method which is able to increase students’ motivation in learning vocabulary. Variation in teaching influences to the teaching learning process, one of the variations is game.

Word Square Method is a method which is used to stimuli the students in order to master the number of vocabulary playing a game. In case, students are hoped to be active to analyzing the right word. They will choose the word based on the question given. So, students are expected to show ability in mastering vocabulary and hopefully this method can be useful for them.

1.6Method of Research

The writer uses an experimental research. According to Nueman (2004:204), we can divide the experiment into seven parts. The following seven, to be discussed here, make up a true experiment:

1. Treatment or independent variable 2. Dependent variable

3. Pre Test 4. Post Test

5. Experimental Group 6. Control Group 7. Random Assignment


In most experiments, a researcher creates a situation or enters into ongoing situation, then modifies it. The treatment is what the researcher modifies. Dependent variable in experiment research is the physical condition, social behavior, achievement or beliefs of subject that change in response to a treatment.

Pre Test : is the measurement of the dependent variable prior to introduction of the treatment.

Post Test : is the measurement of dependent variable after the treatment has been introduced into the experimental group.

Experimental researchers often divide subjects into two groups for purpose of comparison. Comparison is the key to all research. The experimental group is the group that receives the treatment or in which the treatment is present. The control group is the group that does not receive the treatment or only learn by using conventional method.

Random assignment is a method for assigning cases to groups for the purpose of making comparison. Random assignment is unbiased because a researcher’s desires to confirm a hypothesis or a research subject’s personal interests do not enter into the selection process.



REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Theoretical Framework

2.1.1 Effect

The word ‘effect’ is synonym of effectual, efficacious, efficient meaning the capability of producing desired result. When something is deemed effective, it means it has an intended or expected outcome or produced a deep, vivid impression. According to Allen and Vallette (1991:133), Effect is defined to changes of ability that the students have being treated by using certain technique of teaching. It is usually in experimental method and it is an approach to education research in which the relationship between subjects or variable can be determined.

The effectiveness of teaching treatment in language is related to the changes of getting something into our improvement of ability. The ability is the result of learning process which involves teachers with students which is reflected from the knowledge the students have.

2.1.2 Description of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the wealth of word which is processed by a certain language.

Based on

word vocabulary means:

a. All the words of a language.

b. The sum of words used by, understood by, or at the command of a particular person or group.


c. A list of words and often phrases, usually arranged alphabetically and defined or translated; a lexicon or glossary.

d. A supply of expressive means; a repertoire of communication: vocabulary of movement.

Flower and Michael (1989:5) state that learning vocabulary is very important part of learning English, if you make a grammar mistake, it may be wrong, but very often people will understand you any way. But if you do not know exact word that you need, it is very frustrating for you and the person you are talking to, good English means having a big vocabulary.

It is dearly stated about that mastering a certain number of vocabulary partly determines how qualified a language learner is the terms of educational objective and the ability of each students in accepted the vocabulary.

According to Kustaryo (1988:24) vocabulary development is a skill word the effort to improve. Vocabulary proficiently affects not only the students’ reading skills, but their speaking, listening and writing skills as well. In speaking, the words they choose affect how well they are understood, the impression they make, and how people react to them. In writing, their vocabulary determines how clearly and accurately they can express their ideas to others. In listening, their vocabulary influences how much they understand in class lectures, speeches, and class discussion.

From explanation above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is the total number of words toward specific concept possessed by someone.


2.1.3 Teaching Vocabulary

Vocabulary is number of words of language which is based on native speaker’s experiences because each experience, thing or idea has name which is called ‘word’. Every language has many words. A language has more than 450.000 words. Therefore, it is impossible that someone will be able to master all words of a certain language. Teaching vocabulary is seen as incidental to the main language teaching namely the acquisition of grammatical knowledge about the language.

The goals of vocabulary teaching must be more than simply to covering a certain number of word lists. The teacher must look to how teaching technique numbers can help realize their concept of what it means to know a word. As in all areas of the syllabus, the understanding of the nature what they are teaching should be reflected in the way about teaching it. Brumpit (1984:15) says that vocabulary has been one area of the syllabus while the link between method and technique has been developed.

Kustari (1988:15) says that teaching vocabulary is guiding students to define the meaning of words and arrange words in correct sentence. In other words, teaching can defined as guidance to the students to identify the meaning of the target language and in this case is English. Then, the teaching vocabulary does mean teaching word in isolation. Words should be taught in context because it is often a word has different meaning depending on the context.

Based on the explanation above, it can be said that teaching vocabulary is a set of work done by a teacher to enable the students to master the total amount of words(vocabulary) presented in the vocabulary test.


2.1.4 Word Square Method

Method is the way to get something. A teaching method comprises the principles and methods used for instruction. The choice of depends largely on the information or skill that is being taught, and it may also be influenced by the aptitude and enthusiasm of the students.

English teachers should be forced to be forced to be more creative, because the writing, vocabulary, and sentences are very different each other. If it’s just learning by using old method, the results obtained will not be maximal; especially in the mastery of vocabulary. One method corresponding to the English vocabulary is the Word Square Method.

Word Square comes from English words and consists of 2 words, that is ‘word’ and ‘square’. Word means words and square means a square field of words. So, word square is the field of words that have a square-shaped. Based on

models of learning through words like a game, or “learning while playing” and the emphasis is on learning.

Urdang (1998:120) says that Word Square is a set of words that have relation from one word another that arranged in the form of a square, can read horizontally and vertically. The method is applied like a game that is introducing or using variations in the form of learning vocabulary through word games, so students are expect to show ability in mastering vocabulary strategies. In this method, students are viewed as objects and subjects of education which have the potential to develop


according to their talents and capabilities, so in this case the teacher is as a facilitator of learning.

Word Square Method is the development of learning methods. It can be identified through a grouping of the enriched learning methods which are oriented to students in the learning activity as defined by Mujiman (2007:45). Word Square Methods of learning that can be used by the teacher in achieving in learning objectives. The way of learning that teacher use in this method is by distributing sheet activities or worksheets as a tool of study to measure students’ understanding of subject matter that has been taught.

In the book ofKonsepStrategiPembelajaranwritten by Hanafiah (2010:53) explains that the measures of Word Square Method can be used in a model of learning are as follows:

a. Create a box as necessary




b. Create questions based on the Subject indicators.

Answer the question below by giving a line in the right word. What are the names of the capital cities of these countries? 1. Afghanistan 6. Egypt

2. Australia 7. France 3. Peru 8. Indonesia 4. Canada 9. India 5. China 10. Italia c. Present the material

Before answering the test in the answer sheet, the teacher should give some material about the question. Make sure that the students understand about the topic, and it can make them easy to answer. The material is given in some minutes based on the teacher lesson plan, then the teacher ask them to answer the test given on the answer sheet with the rules of word square method.

d. Distribute the activity sheets as the example

The teacher giving the Word Square answer sheet to the students then ask them to answer the question based on the example that the teacher explain before. To answering in the Word Square answer sheet, the students can give shading or make a line in the right answer and don’t forget to give the number of answer based on the question given.


e. Learners ask to answer the question, with make a line in a right word. The result of answering of Word Square Method can be shown as follows:

V T 2)C H D R I M 4)O T O 1)K A B U L U T T E E H N I M U Z T T P A E B R D Y V H A A L H E J U R G K W R X B R A S I L I A U A G R J P E R T U I N I A R K I L O U K T B O S G E L I A 8)J I K G J 7)P G U E A A F I T 6)C A I R O D K A K A C R E H S I A T A 5)B E I J I N G R R L I N S T A N Q T D 9)N L I G Q G U L A J P E G K I B O G Y K A Q W A 3)L I M A P V P I M D D E L O S N A G I T E C A C O O J R P M T L V K G L K U O J P R H O L K L 10)R I L M Y T I I

1. Kabul 2. Canberra 3. Lima 4. Ottawa 5. Beijing 6. Cairo 7. Paris 8. Jakarta 9. New Delhi 10. Rome


f. Give each answer in a grid point. The point of the right word is given by the teacher.

2.1.5 Teaching Vocabulary by Using Word Square

Teaching English vocabulary through Word Square Method is very exciting to the students. Word Square is a method that combines the ability to answer the question with foresight in matching answers in the answer boxes. According to Hornby (1994:47) Word Square is the number of words arranged so that the words can be read from front to rear. Word Square method is suitable for all subjects, it depends on the teacher how the teacher can program a number of selected questions that can stimulate students to think effectively.

The main instrument of this method is the work sheet activity or form of questions or sentences that need to be resolved in a random arrangement of letters on the column provided.

2.1.6 Conventional Method

Conventional method is the method is usually done by the teachers. Whereas, conventional method (traditional) generally have certain characteristics, such as more emphasize memories than understanding, emphasis the skills of numeracy, giving priority to the result rather than process, and teacher as center as said by Shalomo (1999:336). The most traditional way of teaching and has long run in the history of education is a way of teaching by lecture. Since long time ago teachers in an effort to transmit knowledge to students, is verbally or lecture.


listen what the teacher said. Teacher usually teaches by referring to textbooks or worksheets. Test or summative evaluations in order to know the development is rarely done. Student must follow the way of learning chosen by teacher, dutifully studying sequence set of teachers, and less once had the opportunity to express an opinion.

2.2 Conceptual Framework

In learning foreign language, vocabulary is a basic need. When students want to learn English, they should have enough vocabularies. A lot of applications of language in daily life force the language users to enrich their vocabulary.

In learning vocabulary many methods should be applied by the teachers. The teacher should be able to choose the interesting method which is able to increase students’ motivation in learning vocabulary. Variation in teaching influences to the teaching learning process, one of the variations is game.

Word Square Method is a method which is used to stimuli the students in order to master the number vocabulary playing a game. In this case, the students are hoped to be active analyzing the right word. They will choose the word based on the question given.


CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1 Method of Research

Tuckman (1978:1) says that Research is a systematic attempt to provide answers to questions. Such answer maybe abstract and general as is often the case in basic research or they may be highly concrete and specific as is often the case in applied research.

This is an experimental research, which is designed as the following:

Table 3.1

Experimental Research

Group Pre Test Treatment Post Test

Experimental  Word Square Method 

Control  Conventional Method 

In this research, the samples were divided into two groups, namely the experimental and the control group. The experimental group is the group that receives the treatment or in which the treatment is present, the treatment is using Word Square Method and the control group is the group that does not receive the treatment or only learn by using conventional method.

3.1.1 The Location of the Research

The research had been done to the eighth year students of SMP Negeri 11 Medan that is located on Jl. Budi Kemenangan No. 4 Medan. This school is selected


3.2 The Population and Sample

Gay (1987:102) says, “Population is the group of interest to the researcher, the group to which she or he would like the result of the study to be generalized.” It means that population is the total of objects or numbers that should be studied in the research. The data are collected from the sample of eighth year students who acted as the respondents of the research. In this case, the population is the eighth year students of SMP Negeri 11 Medan that consist of 420 students in twelve classes. Each class consists of 35 students.

Furthermore, Sax (1987:180) states, “A sample is a limited number of elements selected from a population to be representative of that population.” It’s not all the population to be studied. In obtaining the sample, the writer used random sampling technique considering what Gay (1987:104) said that random is the best way to obtain a representative sample. Arikunto said (1993:120) who says that the sample can be taken from 10%-15% or 20% - 25% more, it depends on the ability of researcher by considering her time, energy and funds. For the efficiency and practically of the research, only eighth year students are chosen randomly to the represent the whole population. Yet in this case, the writer chooses two classes or 70 students.

3.3 Instrument of Collecting Data

The instrument of collecting data is such devices used by the researcher in collecting Data. In this research, the instrument of collecting data is a test composed by researcher. The test is in the form of essay to gain the data or information which is used to analyze the students’ achievement in vocabulary.


Pre Test : is the measurement of the dependent variable prior to introduction of the treatment (the students are given essay test before the teacher gives them the treatment in the control group and the experimental group).

Post Test : is the measurement of dependent variable after the treatment has been introduced into the experimental group (the students are given essay test after they are given the treatment. Control group is given post test by using conventional method and experimental group is given post test by using treatment of word square method).

The test consists of 20 questions which are related to vocabulary. The test is divided into 3 sections (I,II,III). Section I consists of 10 questions, it is about animals and plants. Section II consists of 5 questions, it is about the things that can find in First Aid Kit Box. Section III consists of 5 questions to complete the paragraph. The test is arranged like that to make variation for the students in answering the test. The test is adapted from the text book of Curriculum for 8th year students.

3.4 Technique of Analyzing Data

To test the hypothesis, the following steps are implemented by Sudijono (2009:217):


3. Measuring the standard deviation of variable X and Y by using the following formula:

SDx or SD1 =

∑X2 for variable X and


SDy or SD2 =

∑Y2 for variable Y


4. Calculating the correlation between both variable by using the following formula

SEM1 = SD1


SEM2 = SD2


5. Finding out the error standard deviation between M1 and M2 by using the

following formula

SEM1-M2 =


6. Testing the hypothesis by applying T-test

To = M1- M2


3.5 Statistically Hypothesis

In this research, statistical hypothesis is used to decide whether the hypothesis is accepted or rejected.


Ho : There is no significant effect of using word square method to the students’

achievement in mastering vocabulary.

Ha : There is a significant effect of using word square method to the students’

achievement in mastering vocabulary.

3.5.1 Statistically Hypothesis by using SPSS

SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) is software package used for statistical analysis. It is also used by education researchers, data miners, health researcher and others. Statistically Hypothesis by using SPSS is also used to weather thehypothesis is accepted or rejected.

H0 : There is no different from the average of the group before and after the

treatment (Word Square Method).

Ha : There is a different from the average of the group before and after the

treatment (Word Square Method).

To determine whether the hypothesis can be accepted or rejected, the researcher uses Paired Sample T-Test to test whether there is an effect of treatment on a group before and after the treatment.

The Determine of Decision

H0 is accepted, if significant value > alpha value.


3.6 The Validity and Reliability

Validity and reliability are central issues in all measurement. Both concern how concrete measure connected to constructs. Reliability and validity are salient because construct in theory are often ambiguous, diffuse and not directly observable. Perfect reliability and validity are virtually impossible to achieve. Rather, they are ideals for which researcher strive. All researchers want their measure to be reliable and valid. Both ideas are important in establishing the truthfulness, credibility, or believability of findings.

3.6.1The Validity of the Test

According to Gay (1987:198), “the validity of the questionnaire is probably not done more often because it is not easy and requires much additional time and effort. However, the appropriate validation procedure for a given questionnaire will depend upon the nature of the instrument. Validity refers to how well a test measures what it is purported to measure.”The validity refers to the degree in which our test or other measuring device is truly measuring what we intended it to measure. The validity is also extent to which inferences, conclusion and decisions made on the basis of the test scores are appropriate and meaningful.

3.6.2 Reliability of the Test

Reliability is the agreement of accuracy of a test. The consistency or ability of measure obtained from an instrument like a test that can be valid if the test can be reliable and consistence. Nurkancana and Sumartana (1986: 131) state, “The reliability of a test is the extent to which it gives consistent result when applied by different people or on different occasion.” It means that if the scores of the students


are stable after applying it by different people or different occasion then the test is reliable.




In this chapter the writer analyzed the data to make some conclusions and suggestions.

4.1 Data Collection

After doing pre-test and post-test in the experimental group and control group, the students’ score become the data input in this research. From the result, the researcher found that the highest score of pre-test in experimental group is 60 and the lowest score is 20 but the highest score of post-test 95 and the lowest score is 60. In contrast, the highest score of pre-test in control group is 60 and the lowest is 30, but the highest score of post test is still 60 and the lowest is 30 (constant). It will be shown in the table below:

Table 4.1

The Pre Test Score of Experimental Group (X1)

No. Students’ Initial Pre- Test Score

1. ARA 55

2. AYS 30

3. ASW 40

4. A 55

5. AA 55

6. ASA 40

7. AM 50

8. DZS 30

9. DS 60

10. FAP 60

11. FNR 55

12. FMP 50

13. IDMG 40

14. JMP 25


16. JKT 60

17. KSN 55

18. LD 30

19. MDT 30

20. MLA 20

21. MM 45

22. MRS 25

23. MA 35

24. NA 35

25. NAP 30

26. RMP 60

27. RAN 45

28. RSR 45

29. TT 20

30. TBS 20

31. SO 40

32. SR 50

33. WS1 45

34. WS2 30

35. ZZR 50

Table 4.2

The Post Test Score of Experimental Group (X2)

No. Students’ Initial Post- Test Score

1. ARA 90

2. AYS 85

3. ASW 80

4. A 80

5. AA 85

6. ASA 85

7. AM 85

8. DZS 90

9. DS 80

10. FAP 75

11. FNR 85

12. FMP 90

13. IDMG 85

14. JMP 90

15. JPP 85

16. JKT 85


20. MLA 90

21. MM 80

22. MRS 75

23. MA 90

24. NA 90

25. NAP 95

26. RMP 80

27. RAN 90

28. RSR 75

29. TT 85

30. TBS 60

31. SO 80

32. SR 90

33. WS1 90

34. WS2 85

35. ZZR 85

Table 4.3

The Pre-Test Score of Control Group (Y1)

No. Students’ Initial Pre-Test Score

1. AS 40

2. AP 45

3. AZZ 50

4. AFH 45

5. AH 30

6. BS 50

7. EN 45

8. EPD 50

9. FR 45

10. FM 40

11. IM 45

12. IA 55

13. IR 55

14. INC 50

15. JDSS 60

16. LRM 35

17. MV 45

18. MAFT 30

19. MIS 50

20. MPY 45

21. MR 45

22. MRAP 45


24. MS 45

25. NP 50

26. PAL 60

27. PG 60

28. RDN 50

29. SZ 45

30. SDA 50

31. SS 40

32. SHRSP 45

33. S 30

34. SDM 50

35. WJ 45

Table 4.4

The Post-Test Score of Control Group (Y2) No. Students’ Initial Post Test Score

1. AS 60

2. AP 55

3. AZZ 60

4. AFH 55

5. AH 35

6. BS 60

7. EN 55

8. EPD 65

9. FR 50

10. FM 55

11. IM 60

12. IA 55

13. IR 60

14. INC 60

15. JDSS 60

16. LRM 50

17. MV 50

18. MAFT 35

19. MIS 60

20. MPY 55

21. MR 60

22. MRAP 60

23. MRA 55


28. RDN 55

29. SZ 50

30. SDA 50

31. SS 50

32. SHRSP 55

33. S 35

34. SDM 70

35. WJ 50

Table 4.5

The Differences Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test of Experimental Group No. Students’ Initial Pre- Test


Post-Test Score

(t2-t1) X1

1. DS 60 80 20

2. FAP 60 75 15

3. JKT 60 85 25

4. RMP 60 80 20

5. ARA 55 90 35

6. A 55 80 25

7. AA 55 85 30

8. FNR 55 85 30

9. JPP 55 85 30

10. KSN 55 85 30

11. AM 50 85 35

12. FMP 50 90 40

13. SR 50 90 40

14. ZZR 50 85 35

15. MM 45 80 35

16. RAN 45 90 45

17. RSR 45 75 30

18. WS1 45 90 45

19. ASW 40 80 40

20. ASA 40 85 45

21. IDMG 40 85 45

22. SO 40 80 40

23. MA 35 90 55

24. NA 35 90 55

25. AYS 30 85 55

26. DZS 30 90 60

27. LD 30 75 45

28. NAP 30 95 65

29. WS2 30 85 55


31. MRS 25 75 50

32. JMP 25 90 65

33. MLA 20 90 70

34. TT 20 85 65

35. TBS 20 60 40

Total ∑X1 =


Based on the table, the following calculation is the mean scores of experimental group:

X1 = X1 n1 = 1470 35 = 42 Table 4.6

The Differences Score Between Pre-Test and Post-Test of Control Group No. Students’ Initial Pre- Test

Score (t1)

Post-Test Score (t2)

(t2-t1) Y1

1. JDSS 60 60 0

2. PAL 60 70 10

3. PG 60 65 5

4. IA 55 55 0

5. IR 55 60 5

6. AZZ 50 60 10

7. BS 50 60 10

8. EPD 50 65 15

9. INC 50 60 10

10. MIS 50 60 10

11. NP 50 60 10

12. RDN 50 55 5

13. SDA 50 50 0


18. AFH 45 55 10

19. AP 45 55 10

20. MV 45 50 5

21. MPY 45 55 10

22. MR 45 60 15

23. MRA 45 55 10

24. MRAP 45 60 15

25. MS 45 60 15

26. SZ 45 50 5

27. SHRSP 45 55 10

28. WJ 45 50 5

29. AS 40 60 20

30. FM 40 55 15

31. SS 40 50 10

32. LRM 35 50 15

33. AH 30 35 5

34. MAFT 30 35 5

35. S 30 35 5

Total ∑X2 =


Based on the table, the following calculation is the mean scores of control group.

X2 = X2 n2 = 325 35 = 9.28 Note:

X = the scores of Pre Test Y = the scores of Post Test X2 = the number scores of Y-X


4.2 Data Analysis

Table 4.7

The Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation of the Experimental Group No. Students’ Initial X1 (X1-X1) (X1-X1)2

1. ARA 35 -7 49

2. AYS 55 13 169

3. ASW 40 -2 4

4. A 25 -17 289

5. AA 30 -12 144

6. ASA 45 3 9

7. AM 35 -7 49

8. DZS 60 18 324

9. DS 20 -22 484

10. FAP 15 -27 729

11. FNR 30 -12 144

12. FMP 40 -2 4

13. IDMG 45 3 9

14. JMP 65 23 529

15. JPP 30 -12 144

16. JKT 25 -17 289

17. KSN 30 -12 144

18. LD 45 3 9

19. MDT 55 13 169

20. MLA 70 28 784

21. MM 35 -7 49

22. MRS 50 8 64

23. MA 55 13 169

24. NA 55 13 169

25. NAP 65 23 529

26. RMP 20 -22 484

27. RAN 45 3 9

28. RSR 30 -12 144

29. TT 65 23 529

30. TBS 40 -2 4

31. SO 40 -2 4

32. SR 40 -2 4

33. WS1 45 3 9

34. WS2 55 13 169

35. ZZR 35 -7 49

Total ∑X2 =


Table 4.8

The Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation of the Control Group

No. Students’ Initial X2 (X2-X2) (X2-X2)2

1. AS 20 10.72 114.9184

2. AP 10 0.72 0.5184

3. AZZ 10 0.72 0.5184

4. AFH 10 0.72 0.5184

5. AH 5 -4.28 18.3184

6. BS 10 0.72 0.5184

7. EN 10 0.72 0.5184

8. EPD 15 5.72 32.7184

9. FR 5 -4.28 18.3184

10. FM 15 5.72 32.7184

11. IM 15 5.72 32.7184

12. IA 0 -9.28 86.1184

13. IR 5 -4.28 18.3184

14. INC 10 0.72 0.5184

15. JDSS 0 -9.28 86.1184

16. LRM 15 5.72 32.7184

17. MV 5 -4.28 18.3184

18. MAFT 5 -4.28 18.3184

19. MIS 10 0.72 0.5184

20. MPY 10 0.72 0.5184

21. MR 15 5.72 32.7184

22. MRAP 15 5.72 32.7184

23. MRA 10 0.72 0.5184

24. MS 15 5.72 32.7184

25. NP 10 0.72 0.5184

26. PAL 10 0.72 0.5184

27. PG 5 -4.28 18.3184

28. RDN 5 -4.28 18.3184

29. SZ 5 -4.28 18.3184

30. SDA 0 -9.28 86.1184

31. SS 10 0.72 0.5184

32. SHRSP 10 0.72 0.5184

33. S 5 -4.28 18.3184

34. SDM 20 10.72 114.9184

35. WJ 5 -4.28 18.3184

Total ∑Y2 =


Based on the calculation of the table, the following formula of t-test was implemented to find out t-observe value both groups as the basis t-test the hypothesis of this research:

1. SD Variabel X (Standard Deviation of Experimental Group) SDx or SD1 =







196 = 14

2. SD Variable Y (Standard Deviation of Control Group) SDy or SD2=




35 907.144


25.9184 = 5.0910

The calculation above shows the following facts: SDx = 14

SDy = 5.0910 N1 = 35

N2 = 35


X2 = 9.28

(X2-X1)2 = 6860

(X2-X2)2 = 907.144

Therefore the following formula is implemented:

SEM1 = SD1


= 14


= 14

34 = 14 5.830 = 2.4013

SEM2 = SD2


= 5.0910


= 5.0910

34 = 5.0910 5.830 = 0.8732

SEm1 = Standard Error of Mean Experimental Group


Next the following formula is implemented to find out the error standard of deviation between M1 and M2:

SEM1-M2 =

SEM12 + SEM22


2.40132 + 0.87322 =

5.766241+ 0.762478 =


= 2.5551

The result above then be applied to test hypothesis: T0(Tobserved) = M1- M2


= 42-9.28 2.5551 = 32.72 2.5551 = 12.80 4.3 Testing Hypothesis

After analyzing the data, they are applied to see whether the word square method give significant effect to students’ achievement in vocabulary compared to students’ who were given the conventional method.

Furthermore, one of the characteristic of good hypothesis is test ability. It means that the hypothesis should be done in order to know it is accepted or rejected. In testing hypothesis, the basic for testing hypothesis as follows: hypothesis is accepted if t-observed value > t-table value and hypothesis is rejected if t-observed <


Degree of freedom (df) = (N1+N2)-2

=(35+35)-2 = 70-2 = 68 So, t-table value is =

t5%= 2.00

t1%= 2.65

If to>t5% = Significant

to>t1% =Very Significant

to≤ t5% =No Significant

The result of computing the test shows observed (12.80) is higher than table at the level significant 0.05 (2.00) and also observed (12.80) is higher than t-table at the level significant 0.01 (2.65). From the result of t-test above it can be concluded that in the hypothesis, there is a very significant effect of using word square method in learning vocabulary for Junior High School. It means that H0 is

rejected and Ha is accepted; there is a significant effect of using word square method

to the students’ achievement in mastering vocabulary. 4.3.1 Testing Hypothesis by using SPSS

In this section, the researcher is using SPSS to analyze data statistically. To analyze data, the researcher uses Paired Sample T-Test to test whether there is an effect of treatment on a group before and after the treatment. Paired Sample T-Test can be done as follow:

Click: Analyze → Compare Means → T-Test → Paired Sample T-Test


T-TEST PAIRS=pretest WITH posttest (PAIRED) /CRITERIA=CI(.9500) /MISSING=ANALYSIS. Table 4.9 T-Test Notes

Output Created 13-JUN-2014 16:46:51



Active Dataset DataSet0

Filter <none>

Weight <none>

Split File <none>

N of Rows in Working Data

File 35

Missing Value Handling

Definition of Missing User defined missing values are treated as missing.

Cases Used

Statistics for each analysis are based on the cases with no missing or out-of-range data for any variable in the analysis.


T-TEST PAIRS=pretest WITH posttest (PAIRED)




Processor Time 00:00:00,00



Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Pair 1

Pretest 42,0000 35 12,84523 2,17124

Posttest 84,0000 35 6,61993 1,11897

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

Pair 1 pretest & posttest 35 ,042 ,813

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the



Pair 1 pretest – posttest -42,00000 14,20439 2,40098 -46,87938

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-tailed) 95% Confidence Interval

of the Difference


Pair 1 pretest - posttest -37,12062 -17,493 34 ,000

Paired Sample T-Test showed that the significance value is 0.000.

The Determine of Decision:

H0 is accepted, if significant value > alpha value.

H0 is rejected, if significant value < alpha value.

So, the result is Ho is rejected because the significant value < alpha value (0.00<0.05 and 0.00 < 0.01). It means that Ha is accepted.

4.4 Findings

This section contains the finding in analyze data of the research. The findings supposed to answer problems of this study.

The researcher found that the students who were given word square method got the higher scores than the students who were given conventional method. It is proved from the comparison from scores of experimental group and control group and also based on the result of t-test, in which score of t-observed is 12.80 is higher than t-table (2.00<12.80>2.65). It means that using word square method in teaching vocabulary gives much effect to the students’ achievement. And also based on the testing hypothesis by using SPSS that showed the significant value < alpha value (0.00<0.05 and 0.00 < 0.01). It means that there is a different from the average of the group before and after the treatment (Word Square Method). The test by using SPSS is done to make sure the readers that Word Square Method that is employed by the researcher show that there is a positive effect to the students’ ability to improve their


The researcher found the happiness from the students’ face. The students are given 45 minutes to answer the test. But, they are only need 30 minutes to finish the test. They did happily and very enthusiasm. And for the result, they got higher scores than control class.

4.5 The Validity and Reliability 4.5.1The Validity of the Test

In arranging and analyzing the material of the test, the researcher set the test that relates the curriculum. The test is given for the eighth year students of SMPN 11 Medan has the content of validity because the question of the tests are from their handbook.The questions of the test are also discussed with their English teacher. In additional, the researcher uses the face validity in which the students understand and work the test seriously. The test is relevant to their materials. It means that the instrument is valid.

4.5.2 Reliability of the Test

Reliability is the agreement of accuracy of a test. The consistency or ability of measure obtained from an instrument like a test that can be valid if the test can be reliable and consistence. A list or test is called reliable when the test is given to the students for several times in different time and the results are still same. The test by using word square method is reliable for used by students.




5.1 Conclusions

The research was carried out from April 30th 2014 to June 03rd 2014 in VIII-5 and VIII-9 Class of SMPN 11 Medan, Jl. Budi Kemenangan No.4. Those classes are chosen randomly. The research has been done more than one month or eight meetings. The researcher applied the word square method to the students in Experimental Class/Group and the students have been taught how to use the Word Square Method. And for Control class/group, the researcher uses the method that always done by the teachers.

From the data analysis, the findings and the experience of researcher during collecting data in the school, it can be concluded that:

1. The score of Experimental class is higher than the score of Control class. It can be seen from table 4.3 and table 4.4. The hypothesis can be accepted if observed value > table value. Based on testing hypothesis, test shows t-observed (12.80) is higher than t-table at the level significant 0.05 (2.00) and also t-observed (12.80) is higher than t-table at the level significant 0.01 (2.65). It means that Ha is accepted. It also means that by using word square

method in teaching vocabulary in the eighth grade can give significant effect to the students’ achievement.

2. When the researcher did research in the Experimental Class, she found that there is no difficulty in using Word Square Method. It can be seen from the


3. The scores of Experimental class are higher than the scores of Control class. The Word Square Method is significant to be used in improving the students’ achievement in vocabulary, because this method makes the students comfortable to know how to use the method, easy to answer the questions, and quick to finish the task. It also makes the students enthusiasm and motivates the students to enjoy the lesson.

5.2 Suggestions

Based on the conclusions above and experience during the research in eighth year students of SMPN 11 Medan, the writer can suggest that:

1. Word Square Method is suitable to be used in the subject school, especially for English. This method is made to produce something new for students, so that the students can feel comfortable and easy to answer the question. 2. It is hoped that the students kept reminding the vocabulary and increase the

number of their vocabulary more and more. It is also suggested that teachers want to use the Word Square Method in teaching vocabulary.



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APPENDIX LESSON PLAN School : SMP Negeri 11 Medan

Subject : English

Class/Semester : VIII/II

Meeting : I

Time : 1x 45 Minutes

In the first meeting, the researcher just introduced herself and gave the reason what the researcher did in their class. The researcher sat on the back class and pay attention to the English teacher who is teaching in front of class.

Medan, May 02nd 2014

The Researcher


LESSON PLAN School : SMP Negeri 11 Medan

Subject : English

Class/Semester : VIII/II

Meeting : II

Time : 1x 45 Minutes

In the second meeting, the researcher gave pre-test for them. The students answer the test with fill in the blanks in each question.

Medan, May 03rd 2014

The Researcher


LESSON PLAN School : SMP Negeri 11 Medan

Subject : English

Class/Semester : VIII/II

Meeting : III

Time : 1x 45 Minutes

A. Standard Competence :

To learn vocabulary by using word square method. B. Base Competence :

To make the students easy in remembering vocabulary C. Indicators :

1. The students are able to learn vocabulary by using word square method and know how to use it.

2. The students are able to increase their vocabulary. D. Objectives :

1. The teacher introduce about word square method to the students and how to answer the questions.

2. The students are able to answer the question in word square answer sheet.

3. The students are able to remembering the new vocabulary through word square method.


E. Materials :

Introduce of word square method and word square answer sheet. Capital city of country.

F. Source/Media : Word Square Answer Sheet G. Evaluation :

In the third meeting, the teacher introduced about word square method and explained to the students how to answer the question in word square answer sheet.

Medan, May 06th 2014

The Researcher


LESSON PLAN School : SMP Negeri 11 Medan

Subject : English

Class/Semester : VIII/II

Meeting : IV

Time : 1x 45 Minutes

Standard Competence :

To learn vocabulary by using word square method. Base Competence :

To make the students easy in remembering vocabulary Indicators :

The students are able to learn vocabulary by using word square method and know how to use it.

The students are able to increase their vocabulary. Objectives :

The students are able to learn vocabulary by using word square method The students are able to remember new vocabulary through word square method.

The students are able to remember vocabulary about “animals” in word square method.


Materials : The name of animals. Source/Media : Word Square Answer Sheet

Handbook: English for grade VIII Junior High School Evaluation :

In the fourth meeting, the students try to answer in word square sheet and found the name of animals, the teacher still explained how to answer in word square sheet.

Medan, May 09th 2014

The Researcher


LESSON PLAN School : SMP Negeri 11 Medan

Subject : English

Class/Semester : VIII/II

Meeting : V

Time : 1x 45 Minutes

Standard Competence :

To learn vocabulary by using word square method. Base Competence :

To make the students easy in remembering vocabulary Indicators :

The students are able to learn vocabulary by using word square method and know how to use it.

The students are able to increase their vocabulary. Objectives :

The students are able to learn vocabulary by using word square method The students are able to remember new vocabulary through word square method.

The students are able to remember vocabulary about “plants” in word square method.


Materials :

The names of plants (include of flowers, fruits, etc) Source/Media :

Word Square Answer Sheet

Handbook: English for grade VIII Junior High School Evaluation :

In the fifth meeting, the students try to answer in word square sheet and found the names of plants (include of flower, fruits, etc), the teacher still explained how to answer in word square sheet.

Medan, May 13th 2014

The Researcher


LESSON PLAN School : SMP Negeri 11 Medan

Subject : English

Class/Semester : VIII/II

Meeting : VI

Time : 1x 45 Minutes

Standard Competence :

To learn vocabulary by using word square method. Base Competence :

To make the students easy in remembering vocabulary Indicators :

The students are able to learn vocabulary by using word square method and know how to use it.

The students are able to increase their vocabulary. Objectives :

The students are able to learn vocabulary by using word square method The students are able to remember new vocabulary through word square method.

The students are able to remember vocabulary about “the things in the first aid kit box” by using word square method.


Materials : The things in the first aid kit box Source/Media : Word Square Answer Sheet

Handbook: English for grade VIII Junior High School English Dictionary

Evaluation :

In the sixth meeting, the students try to answer in word square sheet and found the things in the first aid kit box, the teacher still explained how to answer in word square sheet.

Medan, May 20th 2014

The Researcher


LESSON PLAN School : SMP Negeri 11 Medan

Subject : English

Class/Semester : VIII/II

Meeting : VII

Time : 1x 45 Minutes

Standard Competence :

To learn vocabulary by using word square method. Base Competence :

To make the students easy in remembering vocabulary Indicators :

The students are able to learn vocabulary by using word square method and know how to use it.

The students are able to increase their vocabulary. Objectives :

The students are able to learn vocabulary by using word square method The students are able to remember new vocabulary through word square method.

The students are able to remember vocabulary about “the things in the first aid kit box” by using word square method.


Materials : Seasons

Source/Media : Word Square Answer Sheet

Handbook: English for grade VIII Junior High School English Dictionary

Evaluation :

In the seventh meeting, the students try to answer in word square sheet and found the name of seasons and the thing that related with seasons, the teacher still explained how to answer in word square sheet.

Medan, May 23rd 2014

The Researcher


LESSON PLAN School : SMP Negeri 11 Medan

Subject : English

Class/Semester : VIII/II

Meeting : VIII

Time : 1x 45 Minutes

In the last meeting, the researcher gift the post-test to the experimental class. The students are given 35 minutes to do the test. After finished, the researcher say thank you to the students for the time and their attention.

Medan, June 03rd 2014

The Researcher


APPENDIX THE ITEM TEST Answer the question below!

I. Complete these sentences with the name of animals and plants! 1. The . . . is a predator bird. It hunts for fish and chicken. 2. A . . . flower is not smell good.

3. An . . . is a snake-like animal that lives in the mud. 4. The . . . usually grows in dead tree.

5. A . . . grows into a beautiful butterfly.

6. . . . has red and yellow color and its flesh is soft, juicy and sweet. 7. The . . . is a sea animal with eight powerful feet which is uses as hands. 8. . . hasn’t legs and has poison.

9. . . is a beautiful flower and has thorn. 10. The . . . is the king of the jungle.

II. Fill in the following box about the things that can find in a First Aid Kit Box!

No. Name of Tool Usage

1. ………. To cover wounds

2. ………. To clean the wounds

3. ………. To apply antiseptic with

4. ………. To cure infection

5. ………. To cut things

III. Fill in the blank with the most suitable word! Seasons

It is in the middle of . . . . ., the air is very hot and dry. The temperature is about 34 . . . Celsius. I’m sitting by the window of my living room, looking at the street and . . . iced lemon tea. Sometimes I wonder why the weather in my hometown is always bad in each season. The . . . summer was worse, lots of people . . . because of the heat.



T 6)W A T E R M E L O N T G A T D U S K I A 2)R G 7)O B U 1)E A G L 3)E O C A K C O O S D G H E I R F Y T U K F A I T L B L F K O N 9)R O 8)S E R U J K L L P H J N N S A 10)T I G E R U S N P A P Y I I A S L S W S S K H T E C H I G J 5)C A T E R P I L L A R N W R A S S T Y Q U I I W Y U I I 4)M U S H R O O M


2)A A L C O H T L D B I 5)S L I S K A Y R K Y E H C 3)C O T T O N R T U R I I

O O K U O R S N I Y R S H N F 1)B A N D A G E E S O J H U I E A Y E H D O L I T T O A P W Q I I R H 4)A N T I S E P T I C S



3)D5) E H Y 2)D R A T E D R G T S E T E E N K I B O R G D A R S A N L C M R E Y R I L K U K W E M K T I M

I E R B E Z O E T A N F I T 1)S U M M E R G M 4)P R E V I O U S



























