Running PowerLoom Interactively Practical Artificial Intelligence Programming With Java

|P|PERSON MARK PL-USER |= assert parent-of Ken Mark |P|PARENT-OF KEN MARK Now that we have entered two concepts, a test relation, and asserted a few facts, we can look at an example of PowerLoom’s query language: PL-USER |= retrieve all ?p person ?p There are 2 solutions: 1: ?P=MARK 2: ?P=KEN PL-USER |= retrieve all ?p parent ?p There is 1 solution: 1: ?P=KEN PL-USER |= The obvious point to note from this example is that we never specified that Ken was a parent; rather, PowerLoom deduced this from the parent-of relation. PowerLoom’s command line system prompts you with the string “PL-USER —=“ and you can type any definition or query. Like Lisp, PowerLoom uses a prefix notation and expressions are contained in parenthesis. PowerLoom supports a mod- ule system for partitioning concepts, relations, functions, and rules into different sets and as previously mentioned “PL-USER” is the default module. PowerLoom modules can form a hierarchy, inheriting concepts, relations, and rules from parent modules. The subdirectory test data contains the demo file business.plm written by Robert MacGregor that is supplied with the full PowerLoom distribution. You can load his complete example using: PL-USER |= load ..test_databusiness.plm This is a good example because it demonstrates most of the available functionality of PowerLoom in a short 200 lines. When you are done reading this chapter, please take a few minutes to read through this example file since I do not list it here. There are a few things to notice in this example. Here we see a rule used to make the relation “contains” transitive: defrelation contains ?l1 geographic-location ?l2 geographic-location 50 defrule transitive-contains = and contains ?l1 ?l2 contains ?l2 ?l3 contains ?l1 ?l3 The operator = means that if the first clause is true then so is the second. In English, this rule could be stated “if an instance i1 contains i2 and if instance i2 contains i3 then we can infer that i1 also contains i3.” To see how this rule works in practice, we can switch to the example module “BUSINESS” and find all locations contained inside another location: PL-USER |= in-module BUSINESS BUSINESS |= retrieve all ?location1 ?location2 contains ?location1 ?location2 There are 15 solutions: 1: ?LOCATION1=SOUTHERN-US, ?LOCATION2=TEXAS 2: ?LOCATION1=TEXAS, ?LOCATION2=AUSTIN 3: ?LOCATION1=TEXAS, ?LOCATION2=DALLAS 4: ?LOCATION1=UNITED-STATES, ?LOCATION2=SOUTHERN-US 5: ?LOCATION1=GEORGIA, ?LOCATION2=ATLANTA 6: ?LOCATION1=EASTERN-US, ?LOCATION2=GEORGIA 7: ?LOCATION1=UNITED-STATES, ?LOCATION2=EASTERN-US 8: ?LOCATION1=SOUTHERN-US, ?LOCATION2=DALLAS 9: ?LOCATION1=SOUTHERN-US, ?LOCATION2=AUSTIN 10: ?LOCATION1=UNITED-STATES, ?LOCATION2=DALLAS 11: ?LOCATION1=UNITED-STATES, ?LOCATION2=TEXAS 12: ?LOCATION1=UNITED-STATES, ?LOCATION2=AUSTIN 13: ?LOCATION1=EASTERN-US, ?LOCATION2=ATLANTA 14: ?LOCATION1=UNITED-STATES, ?LOCATION2=GEORGIA 15: ?LOCATION1=UNITED-STATES, ?LOCATION2=ATLANTA BUSINESS |= Here we have fifteen solutions even though there are only seven “contains” relations asserted in the business.plm file – the other eight solutions were inferred. In addition to the “retrieve” function that finds solutions matching a query you can also use the “ask” function to determine if a specified relation is true; for example: BUSINESS |= ask contains UNITED-STATES DALLAS TRUE BUSINESS |= 51 For complex queries you can use the “why” function to see how PowerLoom solved the last query: BUSINESS |= ask contains southern-us dallas TRUE BUSINESS |= why 1 CONTAINS ?location1 ?location2 follows by Modus Ponens with substitution {?l1SOUTHERN-US, ?l3DALLAS, ?l2TEXAS} since 1.1 FORALL ?l1 ?l3 = CONTAINS ?l1 ?l3 EXISTS ?l2 AND CONTAINS ?l1 ?l2 CONTAINS ?l2 ?l3 and 1.2 CONTAINS SOUTHERN-US TEXAS and 1.3 CONTAINS TEXAS DALLAS BUSINESS |= By default the explanation facility is turned off because it causes PowerLoom to run more slowly; it was turned on in the file business.plm using the statement: set-feature justifications

3.4 Using the PowerLoom APIs in Java Programs

Once you interactively develop concepts, rules and relations then it is likely that you may want to use them with PowerLoom in an embedded mode, making PowerLoom a part of your application. I will get you started with a few Java example programs. The source code for this chapter is in the subdirectory src-powerloom-reasoning. If you download the PowerLoom manual a PDF file from the PowerLoom web site, you will have the complete Java API documentation for the Java version of Power- Loom there are also C++ and Common Lisp versions with separate documentation. I have found that I usually use just a small subset of the Java PowerLoom APIs and I have “wrapped” this subset in a wrapper class in the file We will use my wrapper class for the examples in the rest of this chapter. My wrapper class has the follow public methods: 52 • PowerLoomUtils – constructor initializes the Java PowerLoom runtime sys- tem. • loadString fpath – load a source .plm file. • changeModuleString workingModule – set the current PowerLoom working module “PL-USER” is the default module. • assertPropositionString proposition – asserts a new proposition; for exam- ple: ”and company c3 company-name c3 \”Moms Grocery\””. Note that quotation marks are escaped with a backslash character. You can also use single quote characters like: ”and company c3 company-name c3 ’Moms Grocery’” because I convert single quotes in my wrapper code. • createRelationString relation, int arity – create a new relation with a speci- fied arity number of “arguments”. For example you could create a relation “owns” with arity 2 and then assert “owns Elaine ’Moms Grocery’” – I usu- ally do not use this API since I prefer to place relations with rules in a source code file ending in the extention .plm. • doQueryString query – returns a list of results from a query. Each result in the list is itself a list. You will always want to work in an interactive PowerLoom console for writing and debugging PowerLoom models. I built the model in test.plm in the subdirectory test data interactively and we will use it here in an embedded Java example: PowerLoomUtils plu = new PowerLoomUtils; plu.loadtest_datatest.plm; plu.changeModuleBUSINESS; plu.assertProposition and company c1 + company-name c1 \Moms Grocery\; plu.assertProposition and company c2 + company-name c2 \IBM\; plu.assertProposition and company c3 + company-name c3 \Apple\; List answers = plu.doQueryall ?x company ?x; System.out.printlnanswers; answers: [[C3], [C2], [C1]] answers = plu.doQuery all ?x ?name + and + company ?x + 53