The Hydrostatic Equation LITERATURE REVIEW

Figure 11Research flowchart. an idealization of atmospheric motion. In the form of isobaric coordinate, the horizontal pressure gradient force can be transformed with the function of geopotential so that the equation becomes 27 .. .......... ˆ       p h v k f Dt h v D    It can be seen that the gradient of geopotential implicit the same horizontal wind speed at all heights in the atmosphere whereas in height coordinates the velocity of horizontal wind depends on the rate of pressure gradient which varies directly with changes in air density. III METHODOLOGY 3.1 Location and Time The study was conducted in the Laboratory of Meteorology and Atmospheric Pollution, Department of Geophysics and Meteorology, Bogor Agricultural University and in the Division of Climate Modelling, National Institute of Aeronautics and Space LAPAN Bandung from February until May 2011.

3.2 Tools and Materials

The sofwares used in this study are listed as follows:  ENVI 4.5, ER Mapper 7.1, Global Mapper v12, Ferret v6.7, ArcGIS 9.3, Matlab R2010b, Notepad++ 5.9, Microsoft Office 2007 The materials consist of three main sources of data: a. MODIS Terra level 1B L1B data; covering Bogor and its surroundings. Data acquisition date: October 1, 2006. Band used: Thermal Infrared Bands TIR 31 10.780 m - 11.280 m and 32 11.770 m - 12.270 m. Spatial resolution: 1 km. http:ladsweb.nascom.nasa.govdata search.html b. DEM data Digital Elevation Model with 90 x 90 m spatial resolution

3.3 Data Processing

The approaching method in this study is derived from the momentum equations based on Newton’s second law of motion which applied to TerraMODIS L1B data set. Generally, the steps taken can be seen in Figure 11.

3.3.1 Bowtie Correction

The MODIS L1B data set contains calibrated and geolocated at-aperture radiances for 36 discrete bands covering the part from 0.4 m to 14.4 m of electromagnetic spectrum. These data were generated from MODIS level 1A scans of raw radiance MOD01. Although the level 1B data have been calibrated and geolocated, it needs to be corrected due to distortion caused by the characteristics of MODIS sensor and the Earth’s curvature; known as the Bowtie effect. The elimination of bowtie effect was done with Modistool in ENVI.