Using WLST Online to Deploy Applications Using WLST Offline to Deploy Applications

6-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool +LDAPProviderName cmo.setControlFlagSUFFICIENT cdSecurityConfiguration+domainName+Realmsmyrealm AuthenticationProviders+LDAPProviderName cmo.setHostLDAPHost cmo.setPortLDAPPort cmo.setPrincipalLDAPAdmin setCredential,LDAPAdminPassword cmo.setGroupBaseDNLDAPGroupBase cmo.setUserBaseDNLDAPUserBase cmo.setUserNameAttributeusernameattribute cmo.setUserObjectClassinetOrgPerson cdSecurityConfiguration+domainName+RealmsmyrealmAuthenticationProviders DefaultAuthenticator cmo.setControlFlagSUFFICIENT cdSecurityConfiguration+domainName+Realmsmyrealm setAuthenticationProviders,jarray.array[ObjectNameSecurity:Name=myrealm +LDAPProviderName, ObjectNameSecurity:Name=myrealmDefaultAuthenticator, ObjectNameSecurity:Name=myrealmDefaultIdentityAsserter], ObjectName activate

6.4 Deploying Applications

The process for deploying applications varies depending on whether you use WLST offline or WLST online.

6.4.1 Using WLST Online to Deploy Applications

When WLST is connected to a domains Administration Server, use the deploy command to deploy applications. See deploy in WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference. The command in Example 6–15 deploys a sample application from the WebLogic Server ExamplesServer domain. Example 6–15 Deploying Applications Deploying Applications deployexamplesWebApp,C:OracleMiddlewarewlserver_ 10.3samplesserverexamplesbuildexamplesWebApp Table 6–3 Class Types for External LDAP Authentication Providers Provider Class Type Oracle Internet Directory Oracle Virtual Directory Microsoft AD OpenLDAP eDirectory SunOne LDAP Configuring Existing WebLogic Domains 6-13 For more information using WLST for deploying applications, see Deployment Tools in Deploying Applications to Oracle WebLogic Server.

6.4.2 Using WLST Offline to Deploy Applications

Table 6–4 describes the steps for using WLST offline to deploy applications in an existing domain. For an example of using the addTemplate command, see the following sample WLST script: WL_HOME \common\templates\scripts\wlst\, where WL_HOME refers to the top-level installation directory for WebLogic Server. Note: Please note the following when using WLST online to deploy applications: ■ Deployment operations must be performed through the Administration Server. Your WLST client must connect to the Administration Server to invoke deployment commands. ■ You do not need to be in an edit session to deploy applications. Table 6–4 Steps for Deploying Applications Offline To... Use this command... For more information, see ... Use the Template Builder to create an application template. not applicable Creating Domain Templates Using the Domain Template Builder Open an existing WebLogic domain or template readDomaindomainDirName readDomain and readTemplate in WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference Add the application template to the WebLogic domain. addTemplatetemplateFileName addTemplate in WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference Save the WebLogic domain updateDomain updateDomain in WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference Close the WebLogic domain closeDomain closeDomain in WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference 6-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool 7 Updating the Deployment Plan 7-1 7 Updating the Deployment Plan You can use WLST to retrieve and update an applications deployment plan. When using WLST to update an applications deployment plan, you define variable definitions and variable assignments. A variable definition identifies a new value; a variable assignment associates the new value with the descriptor entity to be changed. The following procedure describes how to use WLST in interactive mode. For information about using WLST in script or embedded mode, see Chapter 2, Using the WebLogic Scripting Tool To update a deployment plan using WLST in interactive mode, perform the following steps: 1. Create a deployment plan for the application. For more information, see Create a deployment plan in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help. 2. Start WLST in interactive mode. 3. Enter the following command to load the application and deployment plan. For example: plan=loadApplicationloadApplicationc:OracleMiddlewareuser_projects applicationsmydomainmodulesmedrecassemblytargetmedrec.ear,

c:OracleMiddlewareuser_projectsapplicationsmydomainmodulesmedrec assemblytargetPlan.xml