In a computer system, the mechanical devices operate more slowly than The system analyst study and solve a particular problem. 6. You know anything about computer? A scientific programmer usually have a great deal of knowledge about Many people not know w

4. In a computer system, the mechanical devices operate more slowly than

the electromagnetic devices. 5. The system analyst study and solve a particular problem. 6. You know anything about computer?

7. A scientific programmer usually have a great deal of knowledge about

his or her area. 8. Many people not know what a computer virus is. 9. You need a strategy to start an internet? 10. The internet offer job boards an online help. 11. People not understand what a computer is or how it work.

12. A computer programmer not need an advanced degree, only have some


III. Give the right form of the words in brackets

Computer technology not only influence business but also language. It involve words associated with computers although they retain their original meanings. One such word be “users”. While user signify “one who uses something”, today it refer to a person using a computer.

IV. Writing

Look at the table about mainframe and change the words in brackets into correct form. MAINFRAME SIZE Large POWER +++ USE Universities, government Mainframe computers be the largest and most powerful. They handle amount of information very quickly. They usually fill a whole room and be found in large institutions like universities and government.

V. Enrichment Activities

1. look at the table about Microcomputer and write about it. MICROCOMPUTER

SIZE small POWER + USE At home, education and business

2. Observe a PDA and tell the class about it. VOCABULARY

1. to affect = mempengaruhi 2. application = aplikasi 3. to employ = mamakai, mempekerjakan 4. to assist = membantu 5. to enable = memungkinkan 6. user = pengguna, pemakai 7. to influence = mempengaruhi 8. to involve = melibatkan 9. to consider = mempertimbangkan 10. device = alat 11. to calculate = menghitung 12. to associate = berhubungan dengan 13. to perform = melakukan, menyelenggarakan 14. to provide = menyediakan 15. to retain = menahan, menyimpang

3. PBM. 3 UNIT 2