Uses of the Research

7 The data analysis on students’ pretest and posttest scores revels that the students performed better in the posttest than they did in the pretest . Their behavior in both tests are also found to be consistent Pearson correlation coefficient r = 0.892, significance value p = 0.000, p 0.05. paired- samples t- test indicates significant increase of students’ reading comprehension achievement after the application of TPS technique t29 = 9.672; p = 0.000, p 0.05. In conclusion, TPS technique is worth applying in the teaching-learning of English reading comprehension ability, particularly at the second grade of MTsN 1 Tanjung Karang. 2. Another piece of research is investigated by Hariyanti. The research that was conducted in 2010 was also about the implementation of cooperative learning by using Think-Pair-Share TPS technique in reading comprehension achievement. She was conducted the research in SMAN 1 Bandar Sribawono. In this research, she investigated whether there was significant difference after the application of Think- Pair-Share TPS technique in reading comprehension achievement or not. This research used two classes as the experimental class that applied Think-Pair-Share TPS as technique and the control class that did not apply Think-Pair-Share TPS technique. The result of the research showed that there was no significant difference of students’ reading comprehension achievement between 8 those taught through Think-Pair-Share TPS technique and those through discussion. The hypothesis test shows that the value of the two tail significant is p = 0.926. So, the H was accepted. 3. Besides that, this research is also considering Sari’s research 2010 as the previous research. She is investigated whether there is a significant difference of students’ reading achievement who are taught through Think-Pair-Share TPS technique and those who are taught through conventional technique. She did the research in SMAN 1 Natar. She used two classes as experimental class and control class. She used control class for a comparison purpose in order to ensure that the improvement was due to the application of Think-Pair-Share TPS technique. The improvement showed that the achievement of the experimental group was higher than in control group, viewed by the mean given 76.55 62.68 and the level of significance p = 0.000 p 0.05. It implied that Think-Pair-Share TPS technique had positive effect on students’ reading comprehension achievement. Based on the previous research, it was found that those two research have significant difference after the application of Think-Pair-Share TPS technique but there is still one research has no significant difference. However, there is still one issue that has not been solved, that is the problems that the students face while in the process of the application of Think-Pair-Share TPS technique. Besides that, this research was also identified the significant difference of the application