Referential function Ya suka bercanda.

28 Based on the observation and interview above, the expressive function is often used in her classroom. Teacher B feels that changing the expressive sentence into Indonesian language is suitable. But, I do not think so. The expressive function can be changed into English without changing the purpose. The teacher can use English expression in the classroom to express her feelings. In addition, it can make the students more familiar with the English expression that the teacher used.

7. Poetic function

Last function of code switching which was found in the observations is poetic function. Poetic function is used when the speaker switches their language into the other language in informal way. It includes jokes, stories, even ice breaker. This function was found in each teacher once. Teacher A used poetic function once in 0,5 while teacher B used this function once in 0,45. Teacher A used this function in the third observation while explaining descriptive text about Tukul Arwana, Indonesian comedian artist. The finding of poetic function was presented in dialogue below, T: ……. Who is that? S: Tukul T: Okay Tukul Riyanto. Bukan Priyanto. „He‟s Tukul Riyanto not Priyanto‟ S: laugh 29 Teacher A inserted jokes in the middle of explaining the descriptive text by saying „bukan‟ instead of „he‟s not‟. Teacher B also inserted jokes in her teaching which was found in the first observation. She said, S: Makan bu „Eating ma‟am‟ T: Emangnya kamu „It‟s you. Not us This function was used by both teachers to make the students laugh in the middle of learning process. It made them relax and enjoy the lesson even not bored while learning. This function also explained by teacher A in the interview, “I use jokes in Bahasa Indonesia, because if I used jokes in English, I don‟t think they will understand. In addition, it can get their attention and refresh their mind for a while. So, they will not get stress and under pressure. So, I need some jokes to make them more relax and I used English since they are not familiar with English jokes.”Teacher A, Interview, July 5 th , 2015 Teacher B also had similar opinion with teacher A. “I insert some jokes in Indonesian language because sometimes they don‟t understand when we use English to joke. I want to use English, but if I say it in English they like, „What?‟ There is no reaction.”Teacher B, Interview, July 10 th , 2015 Both of the teachers explained the same reason why they used jokes in Indonesian language. It is because the students cannot understand English jokes. In addition, they are not familiar with English jokes. I also think that joke is quite important in learning process. But, I don‟t agree that this function is useful for learning. It will be much better if the teacher can reduce the Indonesian language slowly. It is useful to enrich the students‟ English vocabulary in enhancing English learning.