5.1 Introduction

5.2 Objectives

5.3 Educational Implication of Action Research 5.3.1 School effectiveness Illustration I 5.3.2 Classroom transaction Illustration II 5.3.3 Learning difficulties Illustration III 5.3.4 Community mobilization Illustration IV 5.4 Summary

5.5 Assignments

5.6 Points for DiscussionClarification

5.1 Introduction

Teachers working at elementary level face many problemsdifficulties related to improving the quality of elementary education. They need to empower themselves in identifying the causes of such difficulties and finding out solutions as well. Understanding the concept, framework and methodology of action research is essential for the teachers to contribute substantially for development of elementary education. Performance of teachers is an indicator which directly or indirectly determine the fruitfulness of an educational programme. Strength of a teacher depends on the aspect that how successfully heshe is able to solve the problems of school, classroom and children in a meaningful way. Concept of action research helps the teachers to build their capacity to solve the problems and make the situation better and satisfactory. “Action research is systematic approach to solve the existing problems for improving the current practices”.

5.2 Objectives

After reading this module you are expected to be able to : • Describe the role of teacher in improving the existing school system. • Identify the problems, evaluate the causes and develop remedial strategy for improvement. • Appreciate the implications of action research for improving school practices. • Apply the principles of action research to solve problems related to scholastic and coscholastic aspects. • Explain the needs of action research for professional development. 36 Action Research is a systematic problem-solving approach. The steps of Action Research are to be accepted with a sequence to reach at the desired end. The researcher needs to follow the following steps sequentially to arrive at a conclusion. We have already discussed about the important steps for implication of Action Research in the previous Unit II and Unit IV.

5.3 Education Implication of Action Research