Description Syntax Examples updateDMSEventDestination

6-20 Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference Use with WLST: Online Description

Removes the specified event route. You must be connected to the Administration Server to add an event route. If you are not, an error is returned. Syntax

removeDMSEventRoute[filterid=filter_id] [, destinationid=destination_id] [, server=server_name] Example

The following example removes the event route with the filterid mds1 and the destination jfr: removeDMSEventRoutefilterid=mds1, destinationid=jfr Event-route for filter mds1, destination jfr removed The following example removes the event route with the destination destination1: removeDMSEventRoutedestinationid=destination1 Event-route for filter None, destination destination1 removed

6.2.12 updateDMSEventDestination

Command Category: DMS Event Tracing Use with WLST: Online Description

Updates an existing destination, allowing a specified argument to be updated. You must be connected to the Administration Server to update a destination. If you are not, an error is returned. Syntax

updateDMSEventDestinationid=id [, name=dest_name], class=class_name [,props= {name: value...}] [, server=server_name Argument Definition filterid Optional. The unique identifier for the filter. destinationi d Optional. The unique identifier for the specific destination. The destination must exist. server Optional. The server on which to perform this operation. The default is the server to which you are connected. Argument Definition id The unique identifier for the destination to be updated. name Optional. A name for the destination. class The full classname of the destination. See Table 6–4 for a list of available destinations. DMS Custom WLST Commands 6-21 Examples

The following example updates the name of the destination jfr: updateDMSEventDestinationid=jfr, name=Alternative Flight-Recorder Destination jfr updated. The following example attempts to update a destination that does not exist. The command returns an error: updateDMSEventDestinationid=destination1, props={loggerName: MyNewTrace2-logger} Destination destination1 does not yet exist. Unable to update this.

6.2.13 updateDMSEventFilter