The Realization of Experiencer Role in the Syntactic Function in Indonesian Sentences

43 The Experiencer Role in German and Indonesians Sentences Pratomo Widodo

3.5 The Realization of Experiencer Role in the Syntactic Function in Indonesian Sentences

10 Verb sich interessieren für an to be interessted in.... Warum er sich so für mich interessierte . why he ref so in me interessted S O P Exp Stim Why he is so interessted in me. 11 Verb überraschen to surprise Du willst mich überraschen . you aux me surprise S O P Stim Exp You will surprise me. 12 Verb schmecken to taste Die Arbeit schmeckt ihm nicht. the work taste him neg S P O Stim Exp They do not like the work or They do not want to make their hnds dirty. 13 Verb beobachten to observe daß man uns nicht beobachten konnte. sub man you us neg observe can S O P Exp Stim sub you can not observe me 1 Verb menyukai to like Jika Anda sekali lagi mengatakan hal yang tidak saya sukai, If you say once again the thing that neg I like S O P pasif Exp If you say once again, the thing that I do not like, 2 Verb terlintas to think of Minta maaf? Tidak akan Or “Minta maaf? Tidak terlintas dalam pikiranku.” 44 Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra, Vol. 21, No. 1, Juni 2009: 34-48 To beg pardon neg think of my mind S P O pasif Stim Exp. To beg pardon? I do not think of it 3 Verb kurang to miss Di tempat kami ia kurang mendapatkan makanan semacam itu. Or „Di tempat kami ia kekurangan makanan semacam itu“. In our place he miss this food. S P O Exp Stim In our place he miss this food. 4 Verb senang gembira to be glad about Saya gembira menyongsong esok hari. I glad about the future S P prep. O Exp Stim I am glad about the future. 5 Verb menggembirakan to make someone glad Kabar ini sangat menggembirakan saya This news very make glad me S P O Stim Exp This news makes me very glad. 6 Verb marahjengkel atas to be angry about Daripada dia harus marah kepada Anda. Atau „Dia jengkel marah atas tatapan kalian.“ He angry abaut your gaze S P prep. O Exp Stim He is angry about your gaze. 7 Verb membuat marah to make someone angry Hal itu membuatku aku marah . This make me angry S P O Stim Exp This makes me angry. 45 The Experiencer Role in German and Indonesians Sentences Pratomo Widodo 8 Verb melihat to see Saya sering melihat matanya berkaca-kaca 10 I often see his eyes wet S P O Exp Stim I often see his eyes wet. 9 Verb mendengar to hear Kemudian saya mendengar suara di ruang tamu. Then I hear voices in the living room S P O Exp Stim Then I hear voices in the living room. 10 Verb tertarik kepada to be interessted in.... Mengapa dia begitu tertarik kepada saya? Why he so interessted in me S P prep O Exp Stim Why is he so interessted in me? 11 Verb mengejutkan to surprise Kamu ingin menyerang saya. Or „Kamu akan mengejutkan saya.“ You aux surprise me S P O Exp Peng You will surprise me. 12 Verb merasai to taste Mereka tidak mau mengotori tangannya. Or „Pekerjaan itu tidak mengenakkan nya dia.“ the work neg taste him S P O Stim Exp They do not like the work or They do not want to make their hnds dirty. 13 Verb mengamati melihat to observe Sehingga orang lain tidak bisa melihat kami. So someone can not observe us S V O Ex Stim So someone could not observe us. 46 Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra, Vol. 21, No. 1, Juni 2009: 34-48

3.6 The Similarities and Differences of Syntactic and Semantic Behavior of