Problem of Study Scope of Study Purpose of Study Defenition of Poetry

2 yang dirasakan, diamati dari lingkungan sekitarnya dan apa yang dihayalkannya”. Poetry is a media that is used to connect what we feel, see in our surroundings and what we imagine. Richard 1985:4 says that poetry is both a specially made object and important form of communication between people. However, Poetry is the place where we can share our feeling, unspoken feeling, no matter good or bad feeling we have. It’s a place where we can tell the moment we have, which is going to be memorized in the future.

1.2 Problem of Study

Based on the background of this paper, the problem of this study is how is the lyric and meaning interpretation of the John Donne poems.

1.3 Scope of Study

In John Donne love poems book, there are so many poems that we can study or interpretate what’s actually going to be told by the author through his poems. However, the writer focuses on interpretation of the three John Donne in these poems. They are: the dream, air and angel, and good-morrow.

1.4 Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study is to know the John Donne love poems interpretation through his three poems. The writer wants to interpretate lyric and meaning of the three poems.

1.5 Method of Study

The writer used the descriptive qualitative method. The first step done by the writer was reading and understanding the three love poems by John Donne. Then the writer searched some literary books from some sources. The writer went to library and borrowed some books especially books that are relevant to the topic that can support in analysis the poems and as reference in finishing this paper. Universitas Sumatera Utara 3 However, the books from library are not enough as the sources of data in writing this paper. The writer also searched and collected data from internet to enrich the data. The last, the writer described and interpretated the data and made some conclusions. In order to another reader easy understanding in this method, the writer describes a chart bellow: The sources data 1. The John Love poems

2. Literary books 3. internet

writer Reading and selecting poems as object conclusion Interpreting and Universitas Sumatera Utara 4 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Literature Literature refers to compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, express emotions, and analyze and advocates ideas. Before the invention of writing, literary works were necessarily spoken and sung, and were retained only as long as living people performed them. In some societies, the oral tradition of literature still exists, with many poems and stories designed exclusively for spoken delivery. Literature is a body of written and valued as works of art. Literature may be classified according to a variety of systems, including language, national origin, historical period, genre and subject matter. Rees 1997:9 states that Literature is writing which express and communicates throught feelings and attitude towards life. Edgar and Henry 1995:2 say that literature is the compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, express emotions and analyze and advocates ideas. They also say that literature may be classified into four categories or genres: 1 Prose Fiction, 2 Poetry, 3 Drama, and 4 Nonfiction prose Usually the first three are classed as imaginative literature. The genres of imaginative literature have so much in common, but they also have distinguishing characteristics. Prose fiction, or narrative fiction, includes myths, parables, romances, novels, and short stories. Originally, fiction meant anything made up, crafted, or shaped, but today the word refers to prose stories based in the author’s imagination. The essence of fiction is narration, the relating or recounting of a sequence of events or actions. Universitas Sumatera Utara 5 Poetry expresses a conversation or interchange that is grounded in the most deeply felt experiences of human beings. Poetry exists in many formal and informal shapes, from the brief haiku to the extensive epic. More economical than prose fiction in its use of words, poetry relies heavily on imaginery, figurative language, and sound. Drama is literature designed to be performed by actors. Like fiction, drama may focus on a single character of a small number of characters, and it enacts fictional events as if they were happening in the present, to be witnessed by an audience. Although most modern plays use prose dialogue, in the belief that dramatic speech should be as lifelike as possible, many plays from the past, like those of ancient greece and renaissance England, are in poetic form. Non-fiction prose is the literary genre that consists of news reports, feature articles, essays, editorials, textbooks, hictorical and biographical works, and the like, all of which describe or interpret facts and present judgements and opinions. Major goals of nonfiction prose are truth in reporting and logic in reasoning. Whereas in imaginative literature the aim is truth to life and human nature, in non-fiction prose the goals is truth to the factual world of news, science, and history. Universitas Sumatera Utara 6

2.2 Defenition of Poetry

Poetry is an art form in which human language is used for its aesthetic qualities in addition to, or instead of, its notional and semantic content. It consists largely of oral or literary works in which language is used in a manner that is felt by its user and audience to differ from ordinary prose. Poetry and poem describe a wide variety of spoken and written forms, styles, and patterns and also a wide variety of subjects. Because of variety, it is not possible to make a single, comprehensive definition. Siswantoro 2002:1 says ”Gejala universal disepanjang sejarah peradaban manusia. Hampir tak ada satu bangsan pun didunia ini yang tidak tersentuh oleh puisi, mulai dari bangsa primitif sampai bangsa yang paling beradab, puisi merupakan media untuk mengkomunikasikan apa yang dirasakan, diamati dari lingkungan sekitarnya dan apa yang ia khayalkan”. Stanford 1992:63 says that the works of early poets were recited or sung: the audience gathered in groups and listened. These ancients settings suggest the important connection between the sound of a poem and the meaning it creates. More than any other qualities, rhythm and stuctural patterns distinguish poetry from prose. Perrine1974:553 says that poetry might be defined as a kind of language that says more and says it more intensenly than does ordinary language Mariana 2010:5 says that poetry differs from prose in several significant respects. Both may employ the same subjects matter and attempt to evoke the same emotions, but poetry usually is more intense, less direct, more suggestive, and ambiguous. The language of poetry is essentially imagery, and most good poems are, on one level, structures of images. Universitas Sumatera Utara 7

2.3 Theme